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Review: Akiba’s Trip: The Animation E.02 & 03

By Dustin Cabeal

I’ll say one thing about this anime season; there’s a lot of shows I want to check out and by the time I review an episode I seem to already be behind on reviewing the next one. We’re doubling up again today, but this show is getting two scores at the bottom because I have complex feelings about things.

The second episode I enjoyed. We learn that if our main dude Tamotsu loses his clothes, he’s dead. He won’t turn back into a human like the other people he’s disrobing. The episode is hilarious for several reasons, the first being that they call their vigilante group “Electric Mayonnaise” and Tamotsu moves in with Matome and a random child scientist.

The third episode might be more in line with what the show is going to be like going forward, and that was… scary. Tamotsu hears a terrible idol sing and falls in love with idol music. He begins buying audio equipment that gets more and more expensive. To the point that he has to go back to the part-time job place and take anything, he can get. This is the bulk of the episode, and while I appreciated the audiophile jokes, it wasn’t that funny. The ladies in the episode become an idol group because of some bug-eyed bad guys duping them, and the two storylines converge.

I enjoyed the second episode because it was funny still, paid tribute to the nerdom of Akihabara and advanced the storyline. I disliked the third episode for all the exact opposite reasons. It was only funny in a couple of spots, the storyline didn’t advance, and the nerdom of Akihabara was the only thing on display.

There’s probably not much else that you can do with this story. It’s a fight of the week formula and fan service… I don’t know what I expected. I will compliment the music at the end. Not only do they tell and show the cover of the album they’re using, but it changes each week. That fit the nerdom of Akihabara a lot better than the hyper focus on audio. I’ll likely keep watching, but what the next episode does will determine if I continue reviewing the series.

Episode 2: Score: 3/5

Episode 3: Score: 1/5

Akiba’s Trip: The Animation E.02 & 03