Comic Bastards

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Review: ClassicaLoid E.02

By Robert Ramos

So I’m here again, reviewing another episode of ClassicaLoid, and I still don’t have any idea what I’m watching. Is this simply a comedy anime with a shit ton of gags? Is there eventually going to be a story/plot? If there is, will it be worth a shit? Two episodes in and I should not be feeling this way at all.

Kanae’s birthday is just around the corner and this whole episode is about that and trying to get Muzik to occur. When Beethoven had his transformation in the first episode, it donned the term Muzik. Because of that, Sousuke is bound to make it happen and even hopes that he can do it, too. Well, thanks to Mozart this time, Muzik happens and, of course, that’s the end of the episode.

Something does happen before Muzik is initiated which really peaked my interests. We’re exposed to some sort of character relation to the composer. Are they a reincarnation of so and so? Are they actually said composer? Time travelers even? GIVE ME SOME FUCKING INFORMATION ALREADY AND STOP MAKING ME ASK SO MANY QUESTIONS.

For the record, though, the animation is still great and the characters are still shitty, minus Beethoven. I love that guy.

I hate not knowing what this show is about and if I should even continue watching it. There are jokes and they are funny. I mean, I genuinely laughed and chuckled throughout the whole thing, but is that all this is good for? The PV hooked me in and showed promise but we haven’t gotten anything yet. Yes, I know we’re barely on episode two. Yes, it’s a 25 episode series, but give me something to bring me back and don't make it the last few minutes of each episode.

I’m going to sound like a broken record here, but one more episode. I’m giving this one more episode and if I’m not interested in the first five minutes, I’m done. Animation and comedy can only do so much for me on something I know relatively nothing about. Who knows, maybe by the next episode, this will be my new favorite anime. Yeah right. 

Score 2/5

ClassicaLoid E.02