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Review: The Occultist #2

With the first issue it came across as if I didn’t like the issue, but in fact I really did I just expected more from it. The second issue is much different from the first though. The pacing is different, the characters are better spaced and frankly were over the first issue hump; the hump being character introduction, introducing the conflict and setting up the story arc. The first issue struggled, but it was worth it to have such a strong follow-up. The story begins with the Occultist making short work of the baddies introduced at the end of the first issue. So quick that you’ll never have to worry about them again and I was glad! After beating them he still has three more to go, but we flash to his girlfriend who’s heart is hurting because he’s not near (due to a spell). She goes looking for him while he continues fighting off bounty hunters looking to claim his head and the book locked inside him.

18844Pandora is up next with her box of horrors, but the Occultist again stops her with ease. The Occultist begins working on getting the Detective that he inadvertently hexed, out of the area before she’s hurt. Too bad she’s stubborn as hell and messes up any chance of getting out of there. This forces Rob aka the Occultist to fight the guy with the eye patch that releases an octopus looking thing at him. The only thing I’ll say is that at this point these “professional” bounty hunters are coming off as rookies as the Occultist takes them down one by one.

There are some great character moments in this book. Rob’s character is developed a lot and it makes him relatable and likable. He has a Spider-Man feel to his character as he’s just trying to finish school, but he’s been given all this power that he must now deal with. I like how he doesn’t pull punches and kills at least one of the bounty hunters in the process.

Tim Seeley (Hack/Slash, Witchblade) has definitely found his rhythm with the book now. There are still too many characters, but the development for Rob’s character almost makes it worthwhile. I can’t tell for sure if Seeley is building towards a larger story, but hopefully that will become clear after this first story mini ends and sets the stage for future volumes. The art is still top-notch and there is no one better for this book than Victor Drujiniu. His style is very photo-realistic and with the magic element of the story it makes it very cool to see. His visual storytelling remains very strong and helps give the book a fluid feeling while reading.

If you were confused by my last review then let me clear it up now, this is a good book. I have high hopes that it will have a great conclusion and continue with more mini-series. The best part is that if you missed the first issue you can pick both one and two up digitally, as Dark Horse goes day and date digital. So what are you waiting for?

Score: 4/5

Writer: Tim Seeley Artist: Victor Drujiniu Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $2.99