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Review: Yuri on Ice!! E.11

By Shanel Kamara

How exactly is a wedding band a charm? I am a little mystified as to how the purchase of wedding rings cannot have some implication to the type of relationship a person has with another. However, I do realize, that in spite of the aspects of realism evident in this show, this anime is a piece of fiction, put simply. Of course, if this were a live-action series there would be little room for doubt as to the nature of relationship between Yuri and Viktor. Nevertheless, the beauty of this show is that audiences are free to interpret what they view in whatever way they see fit, so I am choosing to view Yuri and Viktor's relationship as one that is not romantic. I am blocking out all other noise; ignoring what is on the surface, and zoning in on the true essence of their relationship.

Yuri and Viktor are polar opposites. Initially, Sayo presents Yuri as insecure and irresolute, in comparison to Viktor who is confident and charismatic. Viktor has character but Yuri has integrity. Character development plays a pivotal role in this series; we see the main characters, as well as some of the supportive characters, go through some form of transformation. For some, it is a transformation of their skating ability while for others it is a slight transformation of their persona. The character who undoes the most transformation is, naturally, the protagonist Yuri Katsuki. It is clear that Yuri is no longer insecure or hesitant. What I love about his transformation is that it is subtle. He is more resilient and willing to take risks. Viktor's transformation - if you can call it that - is more to do with the uncovering of his insecurities and doubts.

Rumors of a second cour for this series are currently circulating, but I am choosing to pay no mind to them until Sayo or some organization such as Crunchyroll or Anime News Network makes an official announcement.  I have no idea what the second season of Yuri on Ice will entail, but I can only hope that the sequel allows us to see the rebirth of the figure skaters, Viktor Nikiforov and Yuri Katsuki.

Score: 4/5

Yuri on Ice!! E.11