SDCC 15: If You're Going To Spew, Spew Into This... IDW's Doing A Street Fighter/G.I. Joe Crossover
I guess Capcom is excited about this announcement since they revealed it at their panel the other day at Comic Con, but oh man I doubt many other people are excited. Street Fighter has always been known for its art style and just style in general, whereas IDW is known for pumping out licensed crap. I say that and I hear how offensive that is to crap. I mean crap didn't do anything wrong and yet here it is being lumped with the titles that IDW produces. I just hope that IDW spends some fucking money on an artist because the only way this will be tolerable is if the art comes close to what UDON has produced over the years... oh wait IDW only has like two good colorists so even if the art rocks the coloring is likely to suck. Fuck.
Nothing about this announcement is exciting. Martial arts experts from around the globe taking on dudes with guns. The fact that they're already teasing a Cobra and Shadaloo connection just shows how uninspired this is. See you sometime around the release of Street Fighter V... but then I'll probably play that over reading this comic.