If you’re lost in the title of the episode, don’t worry… it’ll all make sense after you listen to it. This week we tackle some news that’s not very pressing but interesting including The Scott Pilgrim Collector’s Edition dropping this week, then The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 DVD news and lastly the Marvel NOW creative teams and ridiculous teaser titles. From there we talk to Micah Kaneshiro, the artist from the first few issues of Aspen Comics Broken Pieces. Be sure to check out Micah’s blog and look for his future projects coming up. We end the way we always do by taking about books we read. From Kevin’s side of things, he talks about Idolized #1 which you can’t even read yet! Then a pretty lengthy discussion aboutThink Tank. From my end, I cover Blade of the Immortal vol. 25 and then we both dive into Black Kiss 2 #1. CBMFP is GO!
Read MoreCBMFP 040: You Can’t Withstand the Speed Bro, the Speed of My Love
This week CBMFP is greeted by a ton of comic to television news that we cover lightly. Then we are joined by the talented Patrick Shand who is writing the new Zenescope title, Robyn Hood! He gives us the skinny as he shares a few sweet details! Comic wise we shoot the breeze about Batman: Earth One, Dark Blue, Bottom of the Ninth, Major Eazy and Lenore, The Cute Little Dead Girl. Oh and we ask the question, What Tears Your Turd Box?
Read MoreCBMFP 039: You Don’t Know What Cut Off Jeans Look Like?
This week your two favorite guys on the CBMFP tackle the Dark Knight topic. Then they try to brighten up the podcast by talking about Zenescope’s Grim Fairy Tales animation. There are some Hellboy 3 and Rock Lobo rumors running amuck. After that, we shift to some crazy Cyberforce news. Comic wise we talk about Night of 1,000 Wolves, Masters #2 – X-O Manowar #3, Harbinger #2, and so much more! CBMFP 39 is GO!
Read MoreCBMFP 038: You Know There’s Going To Be Action If You Got To Wear Goggles.
This week we talk about the biggest
CBMFP 037: I’ll Be A Monkey’s Uncle
Wow, what a super awesome podcast we have for you-- the people we love! This week we have a very special guest! Its Info Zombie founder and Comic Bastard contributor Carl! Not only that-- in this episode we chat about the new Marvel NOW and what it really means for you. Not really. Then we talk about a few creator “shake ups” in the DC world. Followed by us rambling about some books… because they got read. The titles include: October Girl, Vision Machine, Creepy #9, Spawn #221, and more!!
Read MoreEpisode 036: What Do You Mean Jeff Goldblum’s Not In This
Another week another CBMFP! More movie news as Marvel greenlights everything shitty and The Man with the Iron Fist from the Rza looks awesome. Comic wise, Star Trek and Doctor Who, Whispers, Masters of the Universe, BPRD, Hit-Girl, Resident Alien and more! Holy moly that’s a lot of comic talk!
Read MoreCBMFP 035: Why’d You Have To Replace Cowabunga?
Episode 35 already? Wow! This week Kevin continues his streak of original and exciting openings as we dive head first into everything Ninja Turtles related. We switch it up with some actual excitement about a comic book movie Dredd, even though we still don't like the poster. We also discuss the awesome new comic technology from DeepComix. This week's books that we discuss include Bendis' Spider-Man opus Spider-Men, Kevin dives into Before Watchmen: The Comedian #1. Midway through our Godzilla #2 chat we tackle how to fix Godzilla in the comics and then Kevin sets the stage for Whisper #3out next week and end with Blood Blockade Battelfront #2 from Dark Horse Comics.
Read MoreCBMFP 034: It’s Kind of Stupid, It’s Really Stupid
This week we start early (maybe a little too early) and dig in with some dreams and Wildcats talk. Then we add some DC zero issue excitement. Marvel hit us with the Phoenix Force Five (The Phoenix Five) news! Comic book wise we chat about Dancer #2, Alpha Girl #3, Man of God #2, Bad Medicine and The Massive #1. Be sure to check out Punch Tab on Comic Bastards! It’s a little something that makes your CB adventure a little more rewarding!
Read MoreCBMFP 033: Ya Gotta Shoot’em In The Head
They're coming to get you, Barbara-- in this CBMFP Special. This episode is all about the undead and you will NOT survive. Enjoy!
Read MoreCBMFP 032: God I Hate Northridge
We tread dangerous waters this week as we talk about the first Green Lantern's sexuality, along with Northstar's wedding and why he's such a dickhead. It's a lengthy conversation that covers the hot button subject along with a few other issues that plague comic book fans. The books we talk about this week are X-Men Noir, Siegfried and Something Animal from Dustin's pile and from Kevin we get Mass Effect Homeworlds and Call of Wonderland #1. So jump aboard and swab the poop deck, arrgh!
Read MoreCBMFP 031: I Was Not Getting the Love I Needed
This week Dustin doesn’t know the difference between AMC and A&E. Then we pitch comic books for all of your comic television needs. After that, we break out the tool box and give the old Hulk a fix (Comic Hulk not movie Hulk, everyone love movie Hulk.) Comic wise, Dustin reads a REAL book called Comic-Con and the business of Pop Culture. A comic called Afrika gets a little shine and so much more.
Read MoreCBMFP 030: An Elevator Full of Cheerios
30 episodes in and the quality factor is slightly up, and sidebars are bountiful. Topics this week include the fate of the Arrow and how the Avengers are still running amuck at the box office. Remember Devil’s Due, we do! Dustin has some Prometheus bits that he shares. Comic wise it’s all about Grim Leaper, Dancer, Monster Myths and Hardcore. Oh, and what’s up with Top Cow?
Read MoreCBMFP 029: Keep Reaching For The Stars
Greetings Internet, this week the CBMFP covers random news bits and such. Comic wise, Dustin realizes that Green Arrow is really terrible comic. But then he loves a book by the name of Manara Erotica Volume 1 - Click! and Other Stories. Then I bring up Dan the Unharmable and share it with the world and so much more! So sit back relax and enjoy the hour of power that is the voice of Comic Bastards.
Read MoreCBMFP 028: Real Ignorant About Monkeys
New week, new episode of the CBMFP!! This week we chat a little bit about comic book news and fun that is Free Comic Book Day. There’s some comic book movie talk, did I mention I love that new Amazing Spider-Man suit! ( NOT the one in the pictured in the post btw) Comic wise, we talk about The Spider, The Chimpanzee Complex Vol. 1- The Paradox, Rex Zombie Killer, oh and it was Kenji, the gorilla with a baseball bat, not Kimbo. Nevertheless, fun was had! Get Some!!
Read MoreCBMFP 027: Animals Doing Things That They Shouldn’t Be Doing
This week we are all over the place in a crazy away. I played The Walking Dead game from Telltale games and expressed my joy to the world! Someone brings up MI: 3 the movie and then the talk move to new comic book movies. Comic book wise we talk about Mass Effect: Homeworlds, Crossed: Badlands, Penguins vs. Possums, The Goon and Jack Hammer. Hope you laugh at least once!
Read MoreCBMFP 026: NYC Vs My Two Dads
Hey, everyone, CBMFP is back in full swing and back in base camp. This week we chat about Zenescope’sThe Theater #5 and their new web series, Comic Company. Then there is some chatter about AVX-- kind of and then we show some love to Josh Filer’s Gross, Grandpa!, Nix Comics for Kids Starring Boy Howdie and a Manga called History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi. Also here’s a great Mass Effect cosplay pic because a ME cosplayer blew me off at C2E2; speaking of which check out our videos. Let’s GO!
Read MoreCBMFP 025: Toilet Burgers at C2E2
We're on the road this week, but we still managed to get you a podcast! We were going to do more, but this shit is tiring! We go on a big rant about the food we've eaten and then it's panel coverage for the rest of it. Frankly, our brains are mush and we couldn't remember what we read this week and C2E2 was far more important. Kevin and I both attended Avatar Press' panel and Valiant Comics triumphant return to the convention circuit. I cover Aspen Comics panel along with IDW's. Be sure to check out ComicBastards.com to get the full details on all of the panels we attended and look out for our video and video interviews coming throughout the week.
Read MoreCBMFP 024: Fondle The Man Hair
The boys talk about Avengers Vs X-Men comic because, hey who isn’t talking about that book? There’s also a few upcoming comic movie adaptations that they ponder. Then Kevin in all of his stupid wisdom calls Zenescope’s The Waking, The Walking because of that damn tricky font. The comics that get covered this week are Danger Girl Revolver, The Last American, Foreign Matter and more!
Read MoreCBMFP 023: Thunder Kisses
Hi! This week I do a super piss poor job of describing Mark Millar and Leinil Francis Yu SuperCrooks.(I’ll get better at this soon, I promise). Then we go on about the money structure of talent in comics! Fair pay for fair work! Someone asks us how to fix the Red Lanterns and we reply with a cool idea! Comic wise we talk Luther Strode for the last time, The Thirty-Six and Unstoppable Tuff Girl and The Birth of Venus.
Read MoreCBMFP 022: There Was No Umbrella
We welcome in this week’s podcast with some heavy dialog about a hand full of comics. In no particular order: Rebel Blood, Smoke and Mirrors and Stan Lee’s Mighty 7! We also talk about your TMNT movie that now has aliens, not turtles and not teenaged—Then Dustin hits me with some ridiculous Walking Dead news. I could be a billionaire... maybe.
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