Sunrise Inc., a leading Japanese animation production studio, announced today the simulcast streaming of MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM Iron-Blooded Orphans on and on Hulu, as well as Gundam Info for the North American territory starting October 4 (Sun), 2015 at 3:30AM (Pacific), only two-hours after the Japanese broadcast. One week after its original premiere, the episodes will be made available for free on various other streaming platforms including Crunchyroll and FUNimation. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM Iron-Blooded Orphans will also be made available in various other territories worldwide as well. Iron-Blooded Orphans, the latest installment in the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise, tells the story of Mikazuki Augus, who works for the private security firm Chryse Guard Security (CGS). CGS accepts a mission to escort Kudelia Aina Bernstein, a girl who seeks to liberate the Martian city of Chryse from the rule of one of Earth's major powers. However, the military organization Gjallarhorn attacks CGS in order to stop this rebellion. CGS begins an evacuation, using Mikazuki and the other children as decoys. Orga Itsuka, the leader of the boys, decides to take this opportunity to revolt and launch a coup d'état against the adults who have been oppressing them. He gives Mikazuki the task of repulsing Gjallarhorn, and Mikazuki enters battle using the Gundam Barbatos, a mobile suit from the Calamity War era which has been serving as CGS's power source.

page1image17936Along with MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM Iron-Blooded Orphans, all 26-episodes of GUNDAM Reconguista in G, will also be made available to stream on Hulu starting October 2, 2015 at 5:00PM (Pacific).

GUNDAM Reconguista in G, written and directed by veteran Director Yoshiyuki Tomino, takes place in the Reguild Century and focuses on Bellri Zenam, a cadet in the Capital Guard. During a practice run, Bellri is attacked by a mobile suit known as the G-Self, which uses technology possessed by no known nation. After successfully capturing the G-Self, known to only be operable under specific conditions, suddenly activates as Bellri begins to examine it. Now chosen by the G-Self, Bellri’s life changes forever as truths that will shake the Reguild Century become known.

Shin Sasaki, Managing Director at Sunrise Inc., said, “We are really glad to announce the release of both GUNDAM Reconguista in G and Iron-Blooded Orphans in North America. GUNDAM Reconguista in G is the first TV series directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino in 15 years, and the story takes place in the Reguild Century, which is the next era of Universal Century. Iron-Blooded Orphans is the completely brand-new Gundam Series directed by Tatsuyuki Nagai focused on war and friendship between young boys that live in adversity. Both Gundam series are new show produced by SUNRISE and hope all of you enjoy them.”

More information can be found at and

Review: Bloodthirsty: One Nation Under Water #1

There is one reason and one reason only for me checking out Bloodthirsty… Ashley Witter. Probably my favorite artist currently and the best find of 2015. Her work on Squarriors is amazing, but that led me to finding all of her work which is just beautiful. That’s the biggest thing Bloodthirsty has going for it, it’s a beautiful damn comic book. The story is best described as a Hurricane Katrina conspiracy story. That’s where the issue begins, in the aftermath of Katrina following our main character Virgil. He’s part of the Coast Guard and he’s rescuing people via helicopter non-stop. His brother is safe with him, but they still haven’t found his parents which sends him rushing to his house. He dives in and swims up to the attic to find his father already dead and his mother seconds away from joining him. He attempts to save her, but ultimately doesn’t have the air to do so. While drowning he sees a massive amount of bodies floating in the water with their necks all slit.

The story moves to the future. Virgil breaks down the lay of the land for us. Insurance companies have screwed everyone over and a big corporation has swooped in and bought all the land… ripped from the headlines pretty much. Virgil is getting ready to leave before the next big super storm is supposed to hit. This one is supposed to be bigger than Katrina and he can’t stick around and watch more people die. He’s all set to leave when he gets the call that his brother has been killed meaning his one and only family member left, is now gone. But there seems to be more to his death and a strange call from his brother’s cell phone basically confirms it.

Blood-Thirsty-#1The art is amazing. The only problem is that it really needed more pages to work its magic or a better script. Having seen Witter’s work elsewhere, I can tell you that she wasn’t given enough room to breathe and really go at the story from a visual standpoint. It feels like she followed the script and that’s a waste of her talents. In Squarriors, she commands the narrative with her visuals. The dialogue and narrative support her art, but here its vice versa.

That brings me to the story. The narration was too much. Virgil never stops narrating. He tells us everything and leaves hardly anything for the art to show. On top of the excessive narration that didn’t actually help the story, there was an abundance of dialogue and lot of it is unrealistic. Now I know it’s a trending subject in the media right now about whether or not people can trust the police, but the police officer we meet in this issue is beyond unreasonable. He’s aggressive and abuses his power while having Virgil verify his dead brother’s body. The entire scene is unbelievable because Virgil’s narration has built up how much he loves his brother and yet he’s just like, “yup he’s dead now.” The thing is, the art could have shown his emotions, but not really because Virgil and the cop never stop talking. Hard to believe he’d breakdown when he’s “on the case” already. There’s an interesting story here, but it’s being suffocated by the narration and dialogue.

I really wanted to like this issue. I liked the concept and the of course the art, but the narration and dialogue make it pretty damn impossible to enjoy. It’s getting a mid-range score from me, but that’s all because of the art. Hell on its own I give the art a perfect score, but that’s not how we review around here so it gets what it gets. It’s only a five issue mini-series so I’ll continue to check it out, but I have a feeling not much is going to change with the narration in the next four issues.

Score: 3/5

Bloodthirsty: One Nation Under Water #1 Writer: Mark Landry Artist: Ashley Witter Publisher: Titan Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/30/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital

Review: From Under Mountains #1

The newest entry in the 8house universe at Image is out this week, and it is a doozy. These books, including Arclight and Kiem have all been extremely great with their world-building and design, and From Under Mountains is no different--a real masterpiece of design. The plot of From Under Mountains is both spare and intricate. Churchland, Gibson and Leong spend plenty of time with each character in this part of the world, and they all have very clear directions to move in this story of political intrigue and witchcraft, but the real star of the book is the expansive nature of the illustrations. The book leaves you with plenty of questions, and while a book like The Spire does similar things while pointing you directly at what is going to come next, From Under Mountains is as mysterious as a summoning of blood. You don’t know what’s coming, the characters don’t know what’s coming, but it’s a world I’m happy to live in for forty pages.

From-Under-Mountains-#18house is a series of books that Image is putting out under the organization of Brandon Graham and Marian Churchland, all set in the same fantasy world where eight magical ruling houses oversee a land filled with magic, intrigue and politics. From what I’ve been able to read of their titles so far, it’s Game of Thrones with less focus on strong women who have to be humiliated to grow. There are a lot of badasses of all genders, and the artwork and pacing have been strong suits. The plots themselves at this point have existed mostly to forward an expansion of the world, to fill in the blank spaces and show you what’s happening in Akhar. It’s a bold project, and deserves the critical acclaim it’s been reaping. Graham and Churchland are taking the universal expansiveness that worked so well on the revamped Prophet series and porting that from sci-fi to fantasy.

I don’t know how long the 8house world is planned to go on--I know Graham has said that they have planned out about a year’s worth of storylines for the 8house line itself, but I don’t know if there will be other stories like From Under Mountains that take place in the universe without being under the publishing banner. I like where the whole thing is going, though; this creation of a new world amongst a group of artists, like a sandbox where they can all play. My biggest issue has been that there hasn’t been much in the way of traditional plot yet. There’s a lot of set-up in From Under Mountains, but the only thing that hits strongly enough to be a structural intrusion happens at the very end, and it only affects two of the several storylines. I trust this world, and I trust the artists involved, so maybe that gives me that extra bit of patience, but normally that kind of pacing would put me off, especially without any indicator for how many issues I’m in for. Is it five issue? Is it an ongoing? That affects the way it has to work structurally, and is a part of the reading experience that gets ignored somewhat--I go into an 8 issue limited series with much different expectations and thresholds for how long I’ll stick with the series than I do an ongoing, or a 4 issue mini.

From Under Mountains is a gorgeous tone poem of a comic, but if you’re looking for something plot-heavy and driving, this is not the book for you. It’s a beautiful side trip, a detour through a foreign land with no guide except a vague understanding of the map. It’s a trip worth taking, but not one that will give you a lot of easy answers.

Score: 4/5

From Under Mountains #1 Cover and Story: Marian Churchland Story and Script: Claire Gibson Art and Colors: Sloane Leong Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/30/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital

Review: Mutafukaz Vol. 1

How can anyone not want to read this book based on the title alone: Mutafukaz. I mean seriously. Fucking Sam Jackson is probably going to read this book. Mutafukaz (so fun to say) is a reprinting of sorts. Titan Comics has gathered it up and released it in a hardcover with a ton of goodies. The story follows the character Angelino who one day spots a hot chick and crashes his scooter and fucks up his brain. There will be swearing in this review by the way… more than normal. Anyway, after this accident he has a They Live moment in which he can see a bunch of shady ass people’s shadows revealing their true form. After he reveals this inadvertently to one of the shadowy dudes, he finds himself under attack by genetically enhanced killers and on the run for his life.

Let’s talk about the story first. There’s not much going on here. It’s basically the classic, average guy in over his head being chased by unknown forces and still pulls off a victory story line. Which is fine. That works because it’s the journey that make stories like that interesting. This one is interesting enough.

There’s just not enough revealed in this issue. We hang out a lot in the story and what’s weird is that some of it is in an attempt to establish the world and the vibe of the city. To essentially make Gotham feel like Gotham, but not actually Gotham. I’m just using that so you’ll get what I’m talking about. The creator(s?) want you to feel as if the city is alive. You just don’t really need that for the story to work and so it feels wasted.

MUTAFUKAZ 1The book is very alternative. There’s fake ads. The page layout is crazy as shit sometimes and there’s a lot of black on the page. Also the main character is all black which just adds to the darkness. This is a dark fucking book to look at. The word bubbles are also black with colored font. I personally find this to be insanely annoying to look at for a long period of time and there’s a lot of dialogue to read.

There are some funny moments, but overall a lot of the humor falls completely flat. I could see the joke being built and read its delivery, but it was never that funny. A smirk is the most I mustered while reading it.

The pacing is all over the place. We hang out, we see action, we have a random conversation with a sub-character. It’s very jarring and gives the impression that this story was put together chapter by chapter over a great length of time. Which is fine. A lot of indie books are like that, but it sticks out here in its collected format.

The art is very good. I could have sworn that the creator of Norman was one of the creators on this book, but I can’t remember and the credits just list RUN. The art is good, but again, it’s too dark. Not much that can be done to change that, but keep it in mind. The action is okay. It’s not perfect and sometimes I would get lost in what I was looking at, but overall it was good. The art doesn’t exactly carry the story, but it’s so stylized that it makes Mutafukaz stand out.

Also there’s a lot of extras in the beginning and end of the book. Personally I skipped it all because I just wanted the story, but others might like seeing a big bunch of extras.

I would pick up the second volume. Sure there’s a lot of unanswered questions from this first volume, but I liked the world enough that I would return to discover them. If you’re looking for something very unique and extremely different, then check out Mutafukaz this week. It’s pretty good.

Score: 3/5

Mutafukaz Vol. 1 Creator: RUN Publisher: Titan Comics Price: $19.99 Release Date: 9/30/15 Format; Hardcover; Print/Digital

Review: Book of Death: The Fall of Harbinger #1

If you haven’t been enjoying these Book of Death one-shots that look at the end of some of the most popular Valiant characters then there’s little hope of you enjoying the latest, The Fall of Harbinger. If like me, you have been enjoying them then you’ll definitely like this one-shot look at the end of the Harbinger universe or what you know it as currently… Imperium. Now you may be wondering what’s so good about these one-shots? Why are they worth reading. Granted they don’t add anything to the Book of Death series, but that’s also a good thing. It means they can actually be read on their own. The thing that’s good about them, they feel like an honest wrap up of decades of stories.

This issue in particular feels like it has a natural conclusion to everything that Joshua Dysart has built up through forty or so issues of Harbinger and its tie-ins and off-shoots. What’s truly impressive is that it continues the strange friend/enemy, master/student relationship between Peter and Harada. Frankly, their dysfunctional relationship is one of the best and most realistic relationships in all of comics as they’re both forces of good and evil. Battling each other usual hurts themselves and others and while they have empathy for others, they just can’t stop themselves.

ecd9d71e-fcc2-41bb-a420-544c3c39978cIt could just be me, but there’s a cinematic approach to the issue. I can’t for the life of me recall the film that it reminds me of, but the stories pacing is very familiar. In the issue Peter walks the reader through his life, mistakes and all. It’s a great throwback to the early issues of Harbinger and Dysart even plays on that by saying the beginning is the foundation for the future. Very meta when you think about what this issue means for the series and the Valiant U. Also, I absolutely love the spoiler about who Faith marries. HOLY SHIT!

The art is rough. I like Kano’s style, but he seemed to crank up the amount of lines and thickness of said lines for this one-shot. Part of that seems to be intentional to show the age of the characters. Peter and his wife (not who you think it’ll be) look old. Not comic book old, but actually old. There are actually a lot of characters in this story that look old. I commend Kano on that, but overall it makes the issue look dated which is a strange thing to say about the issue. It’s not bad, but it hasn’t been my favorite art to come from these one-shots.

If you’re not reading Imperium or you didn’t read Harbinger, then you’re probably thinking, “I should skip this issue.” Well here’s the strange thing. Dysart actually treats this issue as more of a recap to everything he’s done with the franchise from day one. He still manages to craft a rewarding story, but he also gives new readers the Cliffsnotes of everything they’ve missed. If you’ve been curious about this franchise, don’t be afraid of this issue.

Score: 4/5

Book of Death: The Fall of Harbinger #1 Writer: Joshua Dysart Artist: Kano Publisher: Valiant Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/30/15 Format: One-Shot; Print/Digital

Review: Zodiac Starforce #2

The best Magic Girl genre book returns this month. I know there’s several other Magic Girl genred series out there, but for my money only Zodiac Starforce is getting… well my money. It’s the relationships people! Though I will admit this issue takes a major dip for me because of the relationships and for the forced characterizations. Emma is sick and probably going to die. We learned that last time. This time around we find our Zodiac warriors reunited and all of them really concerned about Emma. So much so that they continue to text her during class checking in on her. Two of the warriors are on the Volleyball team with our lead mean girl that we meet before. At the Volleyball game, our lead mean girl reveals that she’s a monster. Like an actual monster. After this fight we see that Emma isn’t doing so hot and her friends may cause the end of the world in order to try to save her… which is the opposite of what she wants.

28943I enjoyed this issue, but there was so much focus on the sub-characters and our main character’s interactions with the sub-characters that it got to the point of overkill. At one point we learn that Savi is either bi-sexual or gay. I’m not really sure what that has to do with the story, but there’s a lot of focus on it. Also I could be reading it wrong since it’s never explicitly said, but it’s so heavily implied for over half the issue that I feel like I’m right. You know why this exact same situation worked for Sailor Moon? They didn’t force it. The characters just were, kind of like real life, but here its heavy handed and not doing anything for the story and overdeveloping one of the characters while the rest are left to sink.

We really don’t have a strong impression of Emma and the rest of her friends. They’re pretty one-dimensional at this point and that’s a damn shame. I was hoping that we would dive into their personalities and find a balance. Instead we have Savi’s life crammed down our throats and it’s not the most interesting part of the story. You know what is? Emma dying! Sure it’s mentioned a lot, but it didn’t feel like anyone’s actual concern; just a conversation piece to remind the audience.

The art is good, but it dips a little this issue. Maybe it’s just me on that, but the linework felt looser, less in control. Don’t get me wrong, the coloring is still fantastic, but it’s a shame to see that the art could dip because it is the strongest part of the story. Overall it just looks too inconsistent. Almost like the artist didn’t want to illustrate the boring stuff, but had a blast with the action and scenes they enjoyed.

There’s definitely a dip with this issue. Seems to be happening a lot at Dark Horse and other companies so I can’t say that I’m too terribly surprised. The big difference is that I’m going to actually return to this series whereas other new series lost me after the second issue. Time will tell if this is a keeper though.

Score: 3/5

Zodiac Starforce #2 Writer: Kevin Panetta Artist: Paulina Ganucheau Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/30/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital

Review: Norman – Book 2

I’ve been looking forward to the next volume of Norman. The first volume was a hoot and starred a child serial killer; his idol being Jason from the Friday the 13th movie series and his murders being hilarious. The first volume wasn’t perfect, but it was so entertaining that it was hard not to love. The second volume finds our class, now made up of only six students, heading to a logging festival with their teacher so that she can retrieve a baby she abandoned years ago. The class doesn’t want to go on the trip, but for some reason they’re forced to. Familiar faces appear and Norman is Norman.

Norman_2What’s disappointing about this volume is that Norman ends up feeling like a supporting character in his own book. Granted we can’t spend all our time with him, but he hardly does anything and only has a handful of funny lines. In particular, when he’s running for his life with another student and he trips them for calling him funny. Hilarious. There’s also a reveal of a monster on the loose and it’s teased twice, but never shown or followed up on (and I’m not talking about the one that was revealed). I suppose that will be in the next volume, but it really could have helped the story in this volume.

There’s still some good gags and jokes in this volume, but overall there was way too much talking and all the character’s love to info dump on us. Ultimately, the story feels very short and yet you will feel tired after reading it there’s so much dialogue.

The art continues to be great. I love how the sexy teacher constantly looks like a drunk. Also the blood in this book is always amazing and on par with Mortal Kombat at times. Blood shooting out of a decapitated baby… hilarious. The artwork is always the strongest aspect of this series and the kills are great… even if I’m completely desensitized to them.

I wish I had more positive critiques for this book, but it was honestly a bit disappointing. The first volume of Norman made me laugh and entertained the crap out of me, while this second volume feels like a watered-down repeat of the first volume. The book is called Norman, but really it’s not his book and nowhere is that clearer than in this second volume. Too bad, he’s a hell of a character and would be far more interesting to follow on his own. Oh and please explain his demon friend already… it’s very strange for the story to never acknowledge this aspect of the story and expect the reader to continue on without explanation.

Score: 3/5

Norman – Book 2 Writer/Artist/Creator: Stan Silas Publisher: Titan Comics Price: $14.99 Release Date: 9/30/15 Format: Hardcover; Print

Review: Weekly Shonen Jump #44

My darling Mononofu ceases its "Jump Start" run as One Piece finally has a chapter that breaks up some of this massive tension, despite Oda's reminder that shit is about to get really real. I like Mononofu way more than Samon the Summoner; but, that's to be expected, since one of them is clearly aimed at dudes (Mononofu) and the other (Samon) at least has a potential foothold with female readers.  That's not to say that I'm incapable of enjoying manga with a more female demographic in mind, but it's at least a statistical reality that I'd be more likely to like the one that I do, in fact, like more.

That said... Mononofu is just a better series.  First of all, Ikezawa actually listened to my advice (not really): Mononofu contained at least one real technical nugget about Shogi in this chapter, and I thought it was a real high point for the issue.  But Samon just isn't as clever, nor is the art up to snuff.  It's hard for me to even find Samon's characters all that cute when a lot of the contrast in how the characters are depicted doesn't have much of an impact because they're drawn so washed-out to start with.

wsj 44 coverI don't talk much about Black Clover, mostly because none of the arcs have grabbed me yet.  It's got a lot of typical shonen things going for it and while I love the aesthetic it's just not original enough story-wise for me to latch on.  That doesn't stop me from flipping through the pages every week, however, because the art is setting an incredibly high bar for all new entrants into the anthology.

One Piece puts in another arc wrap-up chapter, but at least this one had no fighting and wasn't super emotional.  All of the Straw Hat bounties have been updated (along with updates to Barto Club's ship) and we got to hear the stakes of the next arc straight from the mouth of the newly-imprisoned Doffy.

I think the Dressrosa arc was a massive success for Oda and for this series.  I have a lot of friends who read One Piece and people who were getting a little weary of things were reinvigorated by the massive, ambitious-even-for-Oda character-work that made up this arc.  One Piece is an incredibly daunting series to just jump into mid-stream (making it inaccessible to a lot of folks given its sheer length), but the other benefit of Dressrosa was the fact that the island has its own monolithic story.  Rather than being driven by worldly, inter-character drama (though the Law-Doffy connection was a huge part of this arc), things like the royal family and Doffy's crew were big enough and interesting enough to warrant attention on their own, without much prior knowledge.

The Kurotsuchi-Pernida fight is over (not sure if you can really say anybody won that one) and we are seriously heading into some shit in Food Wars.  Jump is pretty exciting right now.

Score: 4/5

Weekly Shonen Jump #44 Writer: Various Artist: Various Publisher: Viz Media Release Date: 9/28/15 Format: Weekly; Digital

Review: Stray Bullets: Sunshine and Roses #8

I used to believe in evil when I was a kid. Thanks to a Catholic upbringing, and a secret supply of 80’s slasher movies, I believed in the idea that some people were just put here by whatever to enact selfish deeds that could result in genocide in some cases and stolen lunches in others. A while ago, I gave up on that notion once I realized that people who hurt others were most often hurt themselves or unwell in a psychological or emotional way. David Lapham seems to believe this as well, and this most recent issue of Stray Bullets: Sunshine and Roses gives readers a glimpse into the pain that’s driven Kretchmeyer to become a merciless killer—a surprise best left for readers to find on their own—while also giving us a peek of the violence that’s about to ensue as a result of a betrayal by the only people Kretch still cares about. If you haven’t yet read Stray Bullets, this would be the one to get a taste of just how unsettling the series can get. After easily the strangest issue (one I didn’t review because I just couldn’t make the words come to describe the exhilaration it provided aka READ IT), this one grounds us back in Beth and Orson’s plot to rob Harry and skip town along with Nina, Harry’s prisoner lover and Beth’s bestie. In an opening scene that sees Orson make himself sick paddling a boat, Beth finally fills Kretchmeyer in on their plan with one major lie. Rather than tell Kretch about their plans to ditch town, Beth tells him that she plans to take over the Baltimore drug scene once they’re rid of Harry, Spanish Scott and their lackies. Kretchmeyer expresses some violent skepticism about what Beth has told him while mulling over their conversation at a bathroom urinal. The rest of the issue follows Kretch as he tries to determine whether or not he ought to continue trusting Beth, the action cutting back and forth between a conversation Kretch is having with an unknown person on September 1st, and the events that led up to the conversation.

Stray-Bullets---SAR-#8Anytime Kretchmeyer is the focus of Stray Bullets, the tension of the comic rockets to Murder Planet thanks to the guy’s knack for ultra violence in spite of his typically cool demeanor. In most scenes, David Lapham illustrates Kretchmeyer with an intentionally neutral expression, preventing his feelings about any situation from coming to the surface. It’s rarely apparent what decision he’ll make next, and his unpredictability makes each page a surprise as we see him get involved with Nina in a bid to gather any information Beth or Orson haven’t revealed to him. Without concern to Nina’s debilitating cocaine addiction, Kretch plies her with the stuff as well as sex to get what he wants from her, later describing any such sexual activity as just friction in the absence of love. And even though he inevitably discovers Beth’s lie, his slowly escalating manipulations and violent acts made me hope there’d be some last minute save. Course, Lapham wouldn’t let his characters off that easy, and what follows the discovery will most definitely result in bad things for Beth, Orson and Nina.

One of my favorite things about Stray Bullets is that Lapham allows transformative scenes to play out with no dialogue, building tension over several panels. In this issue, Lapham does a great job of showing us Kretchmeyer as he cool demeanor fades and his more psychopathic tendencies take over late in the issue, and it’s all done without a change in Kretch’s facial expression. We’re shown his car, then Kretch opening the door, and then he enters and stares blankly. He remains still for the next panel with no alteration from the previous one. The next panel shows only a small bit of pool collecting at his forehead. We then cut into a close up of Kretch’s face before the last panel zooms in once more into his right eye. And with that sequence of panels we understand that Kretch has been shaken out of his equilibrium. There are no screams of betrayal, or dramatic bodily gestures. Lapham uses comics’ time lapse to do the subtle work of showing him in the midst of a briefly contained nervous breakdown. It’s an elegantly constructed page in a comic whose characters only know elegance when it comes to knife play and lies.

Stray Bullets: Sunshine and Roses features no zombies, aliens, or demons, and yet it’s easily one of the most terrifying and unnerving comics I dare myself to read each month. There is no evil in this book, just betrayed people hurting others where it’ll make the most impact. I am in love with the mayhem, and scared for what’s about to happen.

Score: 4/5

Stray Bullets: Sunshine and Roses #8 Writer/Artist/Creator: David Lapham Publisher: Image Comics/El Capitan Price: $3.50 Release Date: 9/30/15 Distribution: Mini-Series; Print/Digital

Review: Rasputin #9

I am so confused. What the hell is this book about? What began as a somewhat simple story of Russian monk Rasputin and his supernatural powers over death has become increasingly more bizarre month after month. This issue is kind of a one-shot story which follows a character I have no idea of the identity of – something which isn’t a purposeful move on the part of writer Alex Grecian, but just a consequence of this book’s strange storytelling – at two stages of his life: as he gains immortality from some kind of God, and as he finally dies after a brutal fight with the titular character of this book. I suppose that’s a spoiler but you really shouldn’t care. I’ve left most issues of Rasputin with a feeling of puzzlement, but with issue nine I have a particularly bad case of it. This series has never spoken of or even hinted towards any kind of gargantuan being who grants immortality to people, and so the sight of a skeleton ice God several hundred feet tall along with his ice princess daughter is utterly baffling. I repeat: none of this has ever been in this series before, nor is it properly introduced or explained in this issue. These things that are so far out of left field they’re practically on a different continent just start happening, and we the audience have no choice but to just go along with it.

Rasputin-#9Sometimes it’s fun to throw your audience in at the deep end, but you’ve got to give them something. Heck, just a likeable character could be enough. But this book has nothing. No characters, no explanation – just stuff that happens. It’s frustrating to be so drastically in the dark, and it’s equally frustrating to see the potential this series has consistently left undelivered. Perhaps most confusing of all is that the final panel of this issue says “to be concluded,” meaning presumably the next instalment is the last. How Grecian plans to bring together all the disparate plot threads he’s planted for a fulfilling finale is beyond me, and at this point I’d wager that this book is going to end on a disappointing whimper.

Indeed, issue ten needs to settle threads ranging from how Rasputin survived so long and became a close adviser to a presidential candidate, what’s to happen to said presidential candidate along with the reporter who discovered Rasputin’s true identity, and now he kind of needs to factor in these ice gods and what role they play in the broader story. Put simply: issue ten is doomed to fail.

Here’s my token “the art is good” line, which is consistently the only good thing I can say about this book. We’ve gone nine issues without establishing a single character or putting together a plot that isn’t almost entirely nonsensical, and the one remaining issue we have left likely isn’t going to change this. I’ll come back for the last issue out of morbid curiosity, but needless to say Rasputin is not a series you should invest any time or money in.

Score: 1/5

Rasputin #9 Writer: Alex Grecian Artist: Riley Rossmo Colorist: Ivan Plascencia Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 9/30/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital

Review: Archie #3

More than any other high school drama of recent memory, I’ve wanted nothing more than to hop in and attend Riverdale High despite the absence of some of my favorite words. There’s nothing fantastical going on at the school, but the drama is permeable, the people are uniquely charming, and the teachers are oblivious. My favorite aspect about this comic is that everyone feels worth getting to know even Veronica, who I always found the least uninteresting back in the days of reading Archie Digest. And now that there’s some apparent tension to this run, I’m excited to see where Mark Waid and Ming Doyle takes it next since Fiona Staples wraps up her arc with this issue. After getting a quick intro to Veronica at the end of last issue, this one gives us a hefty dose of the rich girl and former reality TV star. From her arrival in her towncar, Archie sets out to win her over only to realize that Veronica recognizes him as the person who destroyed her house in one of the most impressive bouts of clumsiness and bad fortune. Knowing she can get Archie to do anything she likes in order to prevent her from revealing his actions to her father, Veronica loads him books, calls him Andy, and has him follow her car home by foot to avoid the smell of her own vomit-stained outfit (a victim of the grossest sloppy joes this side of The Olsen Twins classic It Takes Two). Meanwhile, Jughead tries to enlist Betty in figuring out a way to get Archie from under Veronica’s thumb.

Archie #3Mark Waid and Fiona Staples do a spectacular job once again this issue in creating believable teens thanks to Waid’s authentic dialogue and behavior, and Staples’ astonishing ability for facial expressions and versatile teen fashions. Most obviously, they solidify the case here for why Jughead is getting his own book by Chip Zdarsky and Erica Henderson. Waid and Staple’s Jughead is the best friend EVER, and they depict him as an effortlessly cool dude unimpressed by much and running aspects of the school to work in his favor. My favorite moments this issue involve Jughead being Jughead, such as dryly responding with “I had a pony like that once” after a reporter provides him physical details about Veronica and inquires about his opinion of her, or when he tells Archie that he took “the right pictures of the right people” in order to get out of gym class. Jughead is beyond the love struck and awkward feelings experienced by his peers, unfazed by anything but the thought of a diet. And Staples makes that crown look totally appropriate on his head (Costume of 2015 maybe?). In addition to Jughead, Waid and Staples do a wonderful job of using all their available tools to distinguish every character. Each person smiles differently, talks differently, and the variety of bodies and ethnicities are so satisfying to see in a high profile comic.

In previous issues, I was a little worried that the comic may be absent of any long running emotional stakes, but that’s clearly addressed in this issue with Veronica disrupting the steady calm of Riverdale. Waid states in the afterword that he wasn’t interested in retaining the love triangle aspect of the 70’s and 80’s version of the character, and I think that’s a great move on his part. Instead, he focuses the tension on Veronica’s current manipulation of Archie and its impact on his relationship with Jughead and Betty. It’s a situation entirely relatable to anyone who’s had a close friend become entangled with a romantic interest who may not have their feelings in mind. What makes it even better too is that Veronica doesn’t come off as a complete antagonist, displaying genuine distress in one scene at being the new kid in school who’s uncertain about the authenticity of other’s interactions with her due to her family’s wealth. I’m genuinely interested in seeing how these relationships evolve as the characters continue to interact, and move past some of the more petty feelings characteristic of teenage insecurity.

Sometimes I feel like I’m approaching burnout in writing about a comic after three issues with it, but in the case of Archie I feel very capable of continually deconstructing the ongoing activity at Riverdale. I’m bummed to see Staples leave so soon from the comic, but super glad she took this book on in addition to her work on Saga. The great news is that with Ming Doyle taking over next month, readers will continue to be treated to amazing art to accompany these fun and fabulous stories of teenage life.

Score: 4/5

Archie #3 Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Fiona Staples Publisher: Archie Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/30/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital

Review: 2000 AD – Prog 1950

Four entirely new runs of stories in this week's Prog! Brass Sun is back!  I loved the first volume of Brass Sun and think that it is a deeply clever series that maintains its originality by staying on the outskirts of a lot of different tropes.  Edginton and Culbard know how to build a compelling, original world, and despite how jarring it is to be thrust back into a series after months of it not being serialized, they pulled me right back in.  The newest arc of Brass Sun will undoubtedly benefit from the fact that the protagonists are totally boned and it will be exciting to see how they save themselves.

2000-AD-Prog-1950The series returning which I know the least about but am now the most excited about is actually Bad Company, almost entirely because of the pencils and inks of Rufus Dayglo and Jim McCarthy respectively.  I'm not even joking: Prog 1950 is an excellent all-around issue, but worth picking up solely for Bad Company.  Dayglo's pencils on this series have a weird way of preserving some of the excellent things about early 90's Liefeld-esque stuff, while he still puts his own edgy, contemporary, massively detailed spin on things.  I'm very excited to just smash my eyeballs into this art every week.

PJ Maybe might (just maybe) be back in the pages of Dredd, but I'm mostly excited for the return of the MacNeil/Blythe artistic team.  That's not to say that there's been any shortage of great art on Dredd lately (or ever, really), but I thought that their last particularly Irish run on the title had some features that really made it stand out.  This introductory chapter was VERY talky, but I can't complain about the necessity in Dredd to set up the detective end of things.  Soon, I'm sure there will be more shooting and intrigue than any one person can handle.

Zombies just ain't my thing, but Leigh Gallagher's art on Defoe will be enough for me to give this zombie thriller a chance.  There is not a single page of an arc which has previously appeared in the Progs but, be warned, if you aren't caught up on your Brass Sun, you will have absolutely no idea what is going on, and that series should really be read from the start, I think.  The other comics aren't as demanding in terms of continuity, though, so this is still a good Prog to jump on with the help of a wiki or two.

And seriously, appreciating Dayglo and McCarthy's work on Bad Company only requires eyes that mostly work.

Score: 4/5

2000 AD – Prog 1950 Writers: Various Artists: Various Publisher: 2000 AD Price: £1.99 (Digital) £2.49 Release Date: 9/30/15 Format: Weekly; Print/Digital


Deus Ex is a multi-million selling video game series that has received countless accolades and acclaim since it first debuted in 2000.  Titan Comics’ expansion of this already thriving franchise will give players a new way to immerse themselves in the Deus Ex Universe. "Eidos-Montréal have set a precedent for cyberpunk gaming and we're delighted to be a part of their next exciting venture,” said Tom Williams, editor, Titan Comics. “The Deus Ex Universe is rich with political intrigue and social commentary and we can't wait to further explore Adam Jensen's journey through this dystopian landscape, as well as introducing readers to some of the characters of the anticipated new installment, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided."

The first 5-part arc written by Alex Irvine (Iron Man, Daredevil), with art by Marco Turini (Assassin’s Creed cover artist) will be in comic stores March 2nd 2016.

To keep up-to-date with news on the Deus Ex comics, join Titan Comics on Facebook or follow @ComicsTitan on Twitter. For more information about Titan Comics, visit

Review: Black Coal, Thin Ice

Black Coal, Thin Ice is a strange murder mystery. It at times feels more complicated than it should and at its heart of hearts is a strange love story centered around a murder… or murders. The film opens with the discovery of a body part on a coal line. Other parts of the body turn up all over the providence. I should pause to mention that this first murder is taking place before forensics were common practice and it’s in China which doesn’t exactly rely on science to prove cases as much as it does confessions being beaten out of people. Our lead on the case and our main character, follows a hunch about two men that actually drove to all of the coal plants making them likely suspects. They go to arrest them and they try to flee, but are ultimately captured. Then, one of the best scenes of the movie happens and I won’t spoil it. Our lead on the case is injured and retires from the force.

Years later we pick up with him drunk on the side of the road. A stranger attempts to help our drunken main character, but he pushes them away and they steal his motorcycle that was left running. The rest of the movie he drives the motor scooter that was left in his bike’s place which was funny to me. By chance he spots his old partner on a stake out and it seems to have ties to the case that made our main dude retire. From there, our main character spends every moment trying to solve the case, but mostly because the woman at the center of everything is beautiful and caught his eye.

BlackCoal,ThinIce-DVD-2DThe mystery isn’t too hard to solve. It’s pretty straight forward and the movie always gives you the pieces to figure it out alongside the characters in the film. There’s a twist at the end of course, but again, you’re so close to story that you’ll figure it out with our crack shot detective. What was a bummer about the mystery was that all of the clues were very obvious as you watched everything unfold. Nothing is subtle or misleading, it’s a “just the facts” type of mystery which isn’t that interesting.

The other part of the story that was a disappointment was the ending. The movie gets to a natural ending and then continues to go… and go. Part of it was interesting because it showed how jacked up the criminal justice system is in China, but the majority of it was a huge head scratcher as to why we were watching it. The film was over. The mystery was solved… you don’t need to watch it after that.

The movie would have you believe that our leading lady is a strong character putting on a weak act, but in fact she’s a woman that is taken advantage of at every turn. She has no personality and barely talks and yet practically every man in the film tries to sleep with her… by force. It was disappointing since they built her up as some kind of mastermind and yet she was basically just a victim over and over and when the system should have taken pity on her it instead threw the book at her. It was the biggest missed opportunity of the film which was too bad since her character was at the center of the story and honestly felt more like a moving plot device than a character. The acting was okay. No one really stood out and it felt like a lot of first time people taking a stab at acting.

The look of the film was great. So great that it spends a lot of time showing beautiful shots of this and that and capturing the weather. There were some interesting camera shots, but a lot of it was point and shoot. It’s just that the location and settings elevated it so it wasn’t as noticeable. Overall though a good looking film.

Like any murder mystery its worth watching once. I wish the ending was stronger because it could have made up for a lot of the problems with the film. Sure our one and only female character would still have been a plot device, but at least the mystery could have been rewarding. It was worth a view, but I don’t know if you’ll get much more out of it afterwards.

Score: 3/5

Black Coal, Thin Ice Director: Diao Yinan Run Time: 110 Min Language: Mandarin Distributor: WellGoUSA Entertainment Release Date: 9/29/15 Format: Blu-Ray, DVD

Review: Pablo & Jane and the Hot Air Contraption

I’m hesitant to tell you about this book in fear that I’ll ruin the experience. The thing is… I kind of have to, but before I do I will say that Pablo & Jane and the Hot Air Contraption has been one of the most entertaining books I’ve read this year. It took me back to my childhood and made me look forward to sharing it and books like it with my son one day. The story follows Pablo and Jane. I assume their siblings, but it’s never explicitly said to us. It’s a rainy day and they’re run out of things to do so they decide to go exploring. Their parents are completely cool with this which every parent should be. They head to a creepy old house that is the center of a lot of local urban legends. Once inside they find a mouse with a mustache and a one-eyed cat. Eventually it’s revealed that both animals can talk and that they’re enemies. Stuff happens and they end up on a dimension traveling hot air balloon trying to get back home.

PABLOJANEThis is where the story goes from good to great. For the bulk of the story it becomes a scavenger hunt on the page. If you’re confused, I will say two words and you’ll understand… Where’s Waldo? There you go, now you see why this book is so wonderful. The story requires you to then find the missing pieces of the hot air balloon so that our characters can get home. Frankly, it’s brilliant and I loved it.

The story itself was good. I didn’t expect to go on a scavenger hunt, but when it hit… I got excited. I haven’t read a book like that since Where’s Waldo was popular and so it threw me back to my childhood instantly. Up until that point I had been reading it to my newborn. Obviously I stopped reading, but it really made me realize how much cool stuff I get to expose him to and Pablo & Jane is now on that list.

The artwork is wonderful. Not only does it tell a story when it’s story time, but José Domingo manages to create wonderful pages. Each page is far more complicated than other scavenger hunt books, but also inviting at the same time. I had a problem finding levers for some reason. Couldn’t see them. Really frustrated me in the best possible way. There’s a curve of difficulty and that was great to see rather than just a cluttered page and more things to find. It was different from the aforementioned OG of the genre, but also better. Domingo improves on the structure.

What makes this book stand out is that it could have been either or, but instead it’s both. A scavenger hunt would have been fine on its own, but the fact that there’s a story to go with it and that the story gives you the motivation to find everything is great. On the flipside, I would have been fine with the story. The characters were instantly enjoyable and you really want to follow them on their adventure, it just turns out that you get to help them on it as well. This was a fun book for me because of the nostalgia, but also the quality. And if you have a kid, this is a great book to share with them.

Score: 5/5

Pablo & Jane and the Hot Air Contraption Creator: José Domingo Publisher: Flying Eye Books/Nobrow Press Price: $19.95 Release Date: 10/20/15 Format: Padded Hardcover; Print

Looking Forward To 2015’s Fall Anime Lineup!

As I said in my “Best of Summer 2015” anime roundup, there’s a shit ton of new anime coming out. Here’s what I’m looking forward to base on what info is out there. We’ll see what I stick with or what other shows I end up checking out when they’re actually released. For now though… here’s the list!


kagewani 1

Mysterious monsters that appear and attack in present time. The people can only be played with by them in this extreme situation. Why do these monsters appear to attack people…? Sousuke Banba, the scientist, searches for the truth with the keyword "Kagewani" A new feeling of panic suspense animation begins.

This one could be interested. I think it will boil down to the artwork though. Monsters are great, but the art is what sells them. It could be interesting, but we’ll see.

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry


The "school sword action" story revolves around Magic Knights, modern magic-users who fight with weapons converted from their souls. Ikki Kurogane goes to a school for these Magic Knights, but he is the "Failed Knight" or "Worst One" who is failing because he has no magical skills. However, one day, he is challenged to a duel by Stella, a foreign princess and the "Number One" student. In this duel, "the loser must be obedient for life."

Honestly, this one seems a lot like Aerial Combat. It’s probably just a harem, but we’ll see if it’s any good.



Owarimonogatari follows the events of Koyomi Araragi as he meets a transfer student that turns his world upside-down. 

It’s part of the Monogatari series… that’s why I’ll be checking this out even if I feel like I’m missing a series before this somewhere.



Kowabon will be produced through rotoscoping live-action footage, and will feature "Bondage x Stylish Horror" as a theme. The official website contains the following tagline: "There are cameras everywhere in the world. Those 'eyes' have seen the world you do not know.”

Seems interesting. The rotoscoping is what will make or break it so we’ll see. If anything I’m just happy to see something Horror themed… even if it has bondage.

Haikyuu!! Second Season


The story follows Shōyō Hinata, who began playing volleyball after seeing the "small giants" who played the sport when he was in elementary school. He suffers a crushing defeat in his first and last tournament in middle school at the hands of his rival Tobio Kageyama. So, Hinata joins Kurasuno High School's volleyball team, vowing revenge against Kageyama.

Did you watch the first season of Haikyuu? It was great and I’m very happy to see a second season coming. Hopefully it doesn’t pull a Baby Steps on me and bore me to tears.

One-Punch Man


In this new action-comedy, everything about a young man named Saitama screams "AVERAGE," from his lifeless expression, to his bald head, to his unimpressive physique. However, this average-looking fellow doesn't have your average problem... He's actually a superhero that's looking for tough opponents! The problem is, every time he finds a promising candidate he beats the snot out of them in one punch. Can Saitama finally find an evil villain strong enough to challenge him? Follow Saitama through his hilarious romps as he searches for new bad guys to challenge!

Read my review of the manga to see why I want to watch this. My only hang up is that it’s Madhouse. They’ve been more miss than hit for me lately, but who knows. As long as they spend the time on the artwork and don’t butcher the story we should be okay.

Syomin Sample


In a hidden school surrounded by mountains, young ladies of good families are taught everything a high class lady needs to know. They are also completely cut off from the outside world, keeping them sheltered and innocent. However, a problem has come up recently-- more and more graduates are failing to cope with the modern world after graduation. To deal with this problem, they've decided to kidnap a male commoner student, and enroll him as a student. They hope that this will be a gentle way to introduce the girls to the outside world.

I’m not sure what the exact title to this one is, but hopefully that’s close enough. It’s a dumb premise, but that’s usually when you find the best ecchi/harem comedies. I’ll give it a shot and hope for the best.

Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru


Shōtarō is a normal high school student with a serious demeanor who likes to show off his girlfriend Sakurako. Sakurako is an extraordinarily beautiful woman in her mid-20s from a rich family who loves "beautiful bones." The two live in the city of Asahikawa in Hokkaido, and they get involved in various incidents regarding bones.

Well it’s a mystery and I like mysteries so we’ll see. It’s honestly been a while since there was a good mystery anime. Bones is weird though right? As long as it’s better than the TV show Bones, we’re okay.

Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid


The "beautiful girl sexy battle action" anime is set on five artificial islands. Mamori is a "mermaid" transferred to one of those islands. When Mamori is attacked, a newly transferred girl named Mirei saves her. The enemy doesn't stop, however, and the two are soon cornered. Just when they think all hope is lost, Mirei kisses Mamori, and Mamori turns into a sword. Mirei then wields the sword and launches a counterattack against their enemies.

The artwork for this is amazing looking so I’ll give it a shot even though it will probably just fall into typical ecchi.

Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst


The "rather risque battle action" story centers around Basara Tōjō, a first-year high school student who is flustered by a sudden question by his eccentric father, "Hey, didn't you used to say you wanted a little sister?" Plus, his father announces that he is getting remarried. His father brings over two beautiful step-sisters, but then embarks on an overseas trip. However, the two sisters Mio and Maria Naruse are actually a novice devil and succubus.

Good to see that the sequel to this series has a title that makes even less sense. I’ll watch it, but it better do something different that the first series. My list of ecchi/action is getting pretty full and the first season wasn’t that amazing.

Subete ga F ni Naru: The Perfect Insider


The story of the original novel revolves around Souhei Saikawa, a member of the Saikawa Research Lab. On a vacation held for the lab, he meets Moe Nishinosono, the daughter of his mentor, who joins the group on their vacation despite not being a part of the lab. After meeting each other, the two end up finding a corpse. The two work together to solve the mysteries of what becomes a serial murder case.

Eh, another mystery, but this one sounds less interesting. We’ll see which mystery I keep up with by the end.

Hidan no Aria AA


The story revolves around Akari Mamiya (played by Ayane Sakura), a first-year E-rank student at Tokyo Butei High School who aims to become a Butei and idolizes her S-rank upperclassman Aria H. Kanzaki (Rie Kugimiya). The high school has an "Amica" system where one upperclassman is paired with one underclassmen for training, and the story follows Akari as she strives to get Aria to become her Amica.

I honestly don’t understand what this story is about and that’s why I’m going to watch it. I need to know and understand. That and the art style is reminiscent of the style that was popular when I got into anime so I like it.

That’s enough right? I’m sure I’ll check out more and if you have any suggestions for me or other readers then leave a comment. Now let’s all site patiently and wait for them to air.

Image and Info Source

2015’s Top Summer Anime

The summer anime season brought out too many shows to watch. Frankly I couldn’t keep up with it all and I doubt you could either (sadly, fall’s lineup looks more intense!). Because I couldn’t keep up you may have noticed that I didn’t post a single damn review for shows. I know, I know… what a dick move. Anyway, below you’ll find my list of shows that stood out and were worth watching in my opinion.

Prison School


Hands down the best anime I’ve seen in a while. When you put aside how perverted this series is, you’ll actually find a well-plotted story that’s pretty incredible. It covers all the prison tropes and all the high-school tropes at the same time. Even better is the schemes to escape the prison and the battle between the prisoners and their jailors the Underground Student Counsel.

The comedy is also very intelligent. Sure there’s easy jokes like sex and such, but the interaction with the Principal and his daughter was always amazing and subtle. Not so much for when he would get busted for being a pig, but for how he would learn from the experience and improve for the next battle.

I doubt I’m alone when I say that Hana’s story was the most interesting and strangest to watch unfold. Especially the last two episodes which are just nuts and left me wondering how the hell this wasn’t censored to the point of being unwatchable.

The artwork was my favorite of the season. Mostly because it walks the line of what you’d expect from an anime, ie, being gorgeous to look at and all the women are beautiful, to being incredibly ugly. There are so many times when there’s a close up on someone that is just painfully gross or awkward, but it becomes one of the funniest things about the series.

Overall, this was the show that made me want to watch more the minute I was done with an episode. I couldn’t get enough and I hope that a follow up isn’t far behind. In the meantime, I’ll be picking up the manga.



I almost didn’t watch this one because of the name. That would have been a mistake. The premise is that teens have super powers. The catch is that they’re really incomplete powers like teleporting, but not being able to control the landing and getting hurt in the process. The show starts off simple, but then every few episodes destroys the status quo.

It’s amazing that way. After a character’s death the main character goes off the deep end and it’s just fucking great. Once he’s pulled back from the edge though and you think we’re getting the story back on track… bam, it happens again. These shocking moments work because until they hit the series feels like a rom-com. Afterwards, it feels like a drama with lighthearted moments.

The artwork is killer. It’s some of the best of the season in my opinion. Very detailed, but also colored wonderfully. There’s clearly a big budget here and they used it to create a series and world that looks wonderful. And when I say “world” they really travel the entire world.

Lastly I will tell you it’s called Charlotte because of a comet. I had to watch ten episodes to learn that and each week I just wondered why the hell it was called Charlotte when no one had that name. It’s a solid show that offers a lot of surprises and a new look at teens with powers. Think of it as a flawed X-Men.



I’m fairly certain that Gate will run into the fall season, but this series has been a treat. Sure it has harem elements, but the concept it what sets this story apart. Japan is invaded by another realm that is more in line with our fictional medieval fantasy literature. Obviously once the Defense Force is organized they make quick work of the invaders, but now Japan is left with the problem of what to do with the portal to another world.

There’s politics involved, military protocol and basically a lot of things that given the situation would really happen if it was the real world. The main character is a lovable oaf and yet brave, caring and a natural leader. He saves the show and though he has a very generic harem of supporting characters, the story never falls into the trap of dealing with him picking a girl. The world and story are just bigger than that.

The animation is also very well done. There’s a ton of detail and the animation team had to illustrate both modern Japan and a medieval fantasy world. The battles in particular are very detailed and realistic looking.

If you’re looking for a story that’s different and really holds a lot of real world views, then you’ll want to check this one out.

A Boring World Where the Concept of a Dirty Joke Doesn’t Exist

1441343961-90b444d0f20534fc61c2ef7e9ee47ee6That’s a super long and annoying title. I liked this show, but I didn’t love it. There were some great moments, but the final third of the show really fell flat for me. The big baddie of the series could have easily been defeated had the main characters just communicated better and not rushed into everything. The title didn’t match up. A dirty joke to me is more than just saying Penis or Dingleberries, but the show would have you believe that those words and words like them are dirty jokes.

The concept was funny though and I’m again amazed that so much of this was able to air the way it was. In the story Japan has had all perversion eliminated from it to the point that young girls and boys have no idea when they’re looking at the others genitalia. SOX is a group that is out to inform the public of sex and basically pornography at the same time.

The best part of this story was Anna. She’s insane, but her “love nectar” scenes were magical. Also I loved that she basically ends up having all the same neuroses as all the other perverts, but somehow she’s not a pervert because she only cares about one guy and the preservation of innocence.

This was a decent show. I had fun with it for the most part, but it was pretty heavily censored. Unlike the other shows, they chose to make the censoring “fun” and instead it just became really annoying and bothersome. If you’re looking for some real pervert shit, this is for you.


GANGSTA 720p MMouikkai.blogspot.comAfter hearing some great stuff about the Gangsta manga, I was really looking forward to this series. The world and concept are pretty interesting. There’s a group of people with enhanced abilities that are known as “Dog-Tags” because their classified by strength and speed. They’re treated like third-class citizens and their existence has brought special rules for the city. There’s a lot more, but I feel like I could spend way too much time explaining this and still not do it justice.

Our two main characters are Handymen and basically do odd jobs for the city. One of them is a gigolo and the other is a Dog-Tag. They have a long history with each other and during the first episode they save a hooker and take her in to stay with them. She’s our window into this world and our character’s lives.

The pacing isn’t great. It takes a lot of episodes to learn all about the world. Thankfully the story also builds up a coming conflict at the same time, but that too felt slow building as well. Another slow aspect, the reveal of our main character’s backstory. We learn some, but you kind of want the story to give you the cliff notes already so you know.

The animation is good. The action could be better and overall I liked the character designs. It’s an interesting world populated by interesting characters, but I wish it wouldn’t sit around so much. It did have my favorite opening which is saying something since I hate almost every anime opening and closing.

My Wife is the Student Council President!


Another series with a title that’s way too long. This was the season for softcore hentai shows apparently. I have to wonder how they got away with so much though. My Wife… is actually a seven-minute show. Usually I don’t bother with these shows, but I found the pacing and the way the story was layered to be pretty good. It’s actually the perfect high school show because it kind of goes through a lot of what high school relationships are about, but obviously cranks them up a bit.

The animation was solid for how short the episodes were. If anything its worth checking out for the main character and just how difficult his life gets by having his “wife” live with him.

Jitsuwata, The Truth is I Am

105611896_oThere’s always going to be at least one harem comedy per a season. It’s been a while since I saw a truly great one, but Jitsuwata is the one I enjoyed this season. Basically there’s a student in high school who can’t hide his emotions or the truth from anyone. One day he discovers that the girl he has a crush on is a vampire, but by discovering her secret she’s forced to leave school. He promises not to let her secret be discovered so she can stay. Along the way he learns other girl’s secrets and finds out that his school is strange as hell.

The story is all a bit typical. There’s a few curves, including a major one at the end, but then it gets back on track to the expect ending which hasn’t aired as of writing this. This is one of those Tenchi Muyo type shows though in which the main character will never actually pick a character because for some damn reason creators don’t want to piss off part of the fan base that may be rooting for a different girl.

Anyway, it’s a fun story, not a great one. The animation itself is pretty good and falls in line with what you’d except from the high school harem genre including an amusement park and swimming scene.

The Instructor of Aerial Combat Wizard Candidates


What the hell is with these long ass titles? This is another kinda sorta harem story, but there’s a lot more drama. I almost didn’t watch it, but once I burned through a few episodes I became interested in seeing how the main character was going to out clever everyone else. Otherwise the characters are generic and lack any depth.

I also didn’t see this one becoming a harem style show since there’s a slight age gap between the one male character and the female characters, but I guess that was their way of playing off the teacher/student romance angle without it being too gross. None of the girls have much of a reason to like the dude other than the fact that he gives them the time of day and pays attention to them, but hey… I guess that is enough. At times, he’s a bit too smart, but sometimes that’s enough to hold my interest. Also I liked the dystopian future it created even if I didn’t understand why magic users were forgotten by the rest of the world if they died. It’s an average series at best and really just something to fill the time or just a guilty pleasure. If high schoolers with magic weapons fighting space beetles sounds interesting, then check it out. I needed this first season to deliver a bit more on the background of the world and so I doubt I’ll check out the second season… if it even manages to get one.

Well that’s my list. I’m sure there were some others worth checking out, but this is what I had time and interest for. If you have a list, let me know in the comments and look for my next list of anime shows which will be about what I’m looking forward to checking out from the coming fall season.

Announcing Two New Series from Hashtag Comics

Souls Eternal Souls Eternal

Souls Eternal is the newest title from Hashtag Comics that centers around a group of friends in a fictional city in Japan called Izanami. These children are special and are destined to have huge roles in their world as either saviors, or destroyers.

Beset upon on all sides by dark forces, can they rise to the occasion and fulfill their destinies? Join us in finding out.

Created by: Drew Crowder, Bohdan Neswiacheny and Roberto Torres (Tailwands) Written by: Bohdan Neswiacheny Art by: Roberto Torres Published by: Hashtag Comics

A Time To Die

A Time to Die

In a world overrun by humans, a horde of zombies must navigate from town to town and make as many zombies as they can along the way, just to avoid extinction. A new spin on an old favorite, writer Martin Dunn (Carpe Noctem) takes us on a journey as we meet fun new humans at the beginning of every book, and witness their fate as they encounter the traveling horde, fighting for survival.

Additionally, after several conventions full of "ooh I want to get eaten by zombies, kill me in your book" it will now feature fun special celebrity appearances.

Created by: Drew Crowder Story/Writing by: Martin Dunn Pencils/Inks: John Rivett Colors by: Alison Roth Published by: Hashtag Comics

Hashtag Comics is a featured exhibitor at New York Comic-Con, booth 1347 next to Marvel.

CBMFP 204: At Least There's No Ball-Sac

We're back Bastards. We've got a full house today and no we're not talking about a winning hand of cards. We talk about the muppets. new show, some of us finally watched that leaked Supergirl pilot and since it's pilot season... why not! Also did you know that X-Men '92 is going to be an ongoing? Even though one of the writers is a cyber bully!!! There's other stuff, but it's late. Books covered on the 204th episode of the CBMPF:

  • Schmuck
  • Dead Rattler #1
  • Rumspringa!
  • Godzilla in Hell #3
  • Heart in a Box
  • Sidekicked #1


Previously on the CBMFP...

Monster & Wine: Episode 53 - I Feel Your Solid Phantom Pain

No one can really recall how it happened, but Monster & Wine find themselves recounting the time they spent working in porn shops. Monster, then gets sidetracked by a pumpkin spice cupcake which leads to a bit of a Little Debbie/Hostess battle discussion. Wine has a new tale regarding the Metal Man, a recurring character on the show and in her life. The two then discuss FIFA 16 and...

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