Trailer Time: UK Trailer For Senran Kagura Burst

With the word "Burst" in the title you should assume (and correctly) that there will be clothing bursting. I actually tried to watch the Senran Kagura anime... it was terrible. Not only was it predictable, the formula was so well-worn that it wasn't even fun. Sometimes a well-worn formula is okay because the characters are so good... now this one. Anyhoo, this UK trailer likens the game to porn and it's actually kind of charming in a UK way.


Riding Shotgun... They Shoot Guns With Their Pants Down

Mondo Media has been stepping up their animation projects lately. Last week we brought you Aachi & Ssipak and this week it's Riding Shotgun.

Did you like that? Well if you did then you can support the IndieGoGo campaign as they're looking to make more!!! I'm on the fence about it because of Tokyo Pop's involvement and you know that it's based off of their title of the same name created by Nathaniel Bowden and Tracy Yardley. Is this one of those properties in which Tokyo Pop fucked them out of the rights and is now cashing in on them? I don't know and that's why I'm on the fence. At the same time I really would like more of these animations and I don't think that writer/director Michael Davis and Copernicus Studios should be punished. But then there's that Tokyo Pop business and the clear indication that the creators aren't involved. I don't know, it's your choice.

Dustin's Top Five - February (2014)

It’s the return of the Top Five!! In case you forgot (I’m sure you did) this is my monthly look at the comics that I consider to be the best five books. You may see other Bastards on the site give their list and you may not. That’s the beauty as it could be a lot of us or just a few. In the meantime you can check out all the books you should be reading. Also... I totally noticed that after completing this list that all of these books released this week, but to be fair that's not always the case as my past lists will show. Ah whatever, enjoy!

5 - TMNT

5 - TMNT

My usual top five list is populated by some pretty heavy hitters, but this time I switched out what’s become my usual books and sliced (pizza reference) TMNT in there. The reason being that ever since “City Fall” this has been a go to series for me. I can’t wait to read it and frankly IDW has been pouring top-tier artistic talent into the title. I wish they’d do the same for their other licensed properties, but as long as the Turtles gets the star treatment I don’t really care.

4 - Mind MGMT 

Mind MGMT #19

I think the only time you’ll not find Mind MGMT on my list is when the book reaches its end. On that day I will be very sad, but also probably pretty pumped because I’ll know I’ve finished comic history. The thing about Mind MGMT is, when does it not get better? Each issue no matter how simple; whether it’s plot or character driven, it manages to be fantastic. It’s too the point that I bank issues just to have more to read because one issue at a time just isn’t enough. This is going to be one of those series that people recommend for years to come so don’t feel like you can get on board now. You’ll only be hearing “I told you so” later on.

3 - Furious

Furious #2 Cover

Here’s a new edition to the list. This series is just fucking great. I can’t get enough of it and even though I don’t have all the pieces to the puzzle yet, it continues to impress me. You can read more about how this series rocks on this week’s My Top Rack from yours truly.

2 - Rat Queens


Another new title!?! What’s going on here? Well I haven’t done one of these in a while otherwise Rat Queens would have been on the list already. It’s funny, action packed and frankly it’s just one of the best titles being published right now. There’s just so much that the creative team does and gets right that I don’t know where to end without droning on and on forever about it. The first volume is coming in March so if you’ve missed it, that’s a good time to jump on. Really you shouldn’t wait and just buy the back issues digitally because it’s that damn good.

1 - D4VE


We’ve got a new champ on this list! Let me tell you why. I laugh. I laugh with every issue. I laugh multiple times an issue and the series hasn’t dipped since the first issue. It’s easy to make me laugh once, but all three times? Rare. Reading D4VE is like watching your favorite TV sitcom. You don’t know how it’s going to make you laugh, you just know that you will laugh… and plenty. D4VE isn’t just funny though, it’s got a great story with dense characters in a world that is highly relatable. Right now for the cost of one print issue you can get all three issues and the value is far greater than any normal 22-page comic. D4VE is the shit, so check it out. -- Well there you have it; another month and another batch of titles for you to check out and enjoy. All of these titles have been reviewed on the site so check them out and buy them digital or in print where available.

My Top Rack: Furious

If we're honest for a second, superhero comics are a dime a dozen (not really have you seen those prices!). It really boils down to your preference, your favorites, what entertains you. One could argue that any number of monthly superhero comics are worthy of purchase and then argue that they're all basically the same. That's why I like Furious because it doesn't feel the same. I don't feel as if the story is just going to delve into a giant superhero battle with half of the city destroyed; and if it does then it will be a terrifying and tragic event.

FURIO-#1-PINUP-Perez copy

What makes Furious or as she calls herself "The Beacon" a unique character is the fact that there are no other superheroes in the world (at least that we know of). The way she earned her name was by beating the shit out of two serial killers and no one could stop her. By why did she do that? Because she's human. The thing that most superhero comics don't do is deal with real life. A mother kidnaps her child and blames the court and Furious offers to help her, but when she learns that the mother is bad mom and hits her kid... she looses it. I mean doesn't it enrage you to see a parent obviously not giving a damn about their child and then smack them because they're asking to be taken care of? Wouldn't that just send you over the edge? Now imagine you had superpowers and an alter ego to hide behind.

2014-02-27 18.24.06

It may sound strange; it may sound like Furious is governed by her emotions, but the facts are she's put into these intense situations where any one would be governed by their emotions. If you're trying to help someone and discover that they're the monster that others need protecting from, don't tell me you wouldn't be pissed off. To me it's more of a natural human response to be upset when we see others being treated poorly. Frankly when Furious asks, "how can you do that to another human being" while punching someone in the face... I think it's justice and not irony.

Furious may not always be able to control herself, but considering the world she's trying to help is utterly scared of her and her power... I'd say she's doing alright.

Furious #2 Page 1 copy

If you're not reading Furious from writer Bryan J.L. Glass and artist Victor Santos, published by Dark Horse Comics, then you're missing out on one of the few truly unique superhero stories on the market. I don't know if it will go down in the history books just yet, but the path its blazing certainly leads me to believe it is.  -- Be sure to read Kimberly Gibson and Dustin Cabeal's "Dual Review" for Furious #2, out now!

My Top Rack: Leeward from The Wake

Up until Issue #6 of this epic comic mini written expertly by Scott Snyder and drawn by Sean Murphy, we have only seen Leeward in little bits and pieces; excerpts taken from the future. We had no idea what she was all about and her display was kind of confusing. No idea as to how she fits in this story of deep-sea horror, suspense, and (Spoiler Alert!!!) Apocalyptic ends. But now with the Issue #6 release, Leeward not only is featured, she is featured prominently and will be for the final five issues of this ten issue arc. As to how she fits in from the previous five issues to the characters whose actions occurred 200 years prior? You will need to read it. I will just say that Leeward has a calling that she intends to follow.

My Top Rack - The Wake (1)

Though she is mostly a loner (minus a dolphin companion named Dash and a fatherly barkeep), she is a survivor. She manages well in this world in spite of all the drama that is occurring around her in the form of Mer People pursuit, dystopian politics and chronies, and tricky high elevation living conditions. Hell, Leeward is more than a survivor. She's a thriving bad as whose toughness is clearly displayed throughout the issue. If you don't believe me, all you have to do is read the opening pages of the issue where we see her surrounded by the aforementioned Mer folk. Leeward demonstrates superior ability and craftiness in her dealings with the fishmen. She even walks away with some souvenirs that carries some real value in this wacky world.

My Top Rack - The Wake (2)

Snyder writes Leeward completely different from his protagonist Dr. Lee Archer from the first five installments. Where Lee was logical, parental, and questioning, Leeward is bold, brash, and has a single-minded determination. Nothing is going to stop her.

As for Sean Murphy, he depicts Leeward as a punk rock girl. Based on the backdrop of the world being the way it is, I think that Murphy's look fits the rebellious mentality our girl perfectly. She brings it, straight up.

My Top Rack - The Wake (3)

I have no idea where Snyder and Murphy are going with this story. I haven't had an idea the whole time I have been reading it. All I know for certain is that The Wake is good, real good. And, it has been a title that has captured my complete interest. Now with the second part of the tale underway, the guys have pulled out an A+ character in an A+ story. We are in for a real treat for the remaining issues.

This Black Canary Cosplay is Tight...

...In all the right places! Tight as in "cool." Tight as in that leather doesn't look like your skin can breathe... well you get the point. That's cosplayer Kitty Honey and I'm pretty damn sure we've featured her on the site before. This is her Black Canary and it's pretty cheeky... and tight... enjoy.

Sailor Pluto Cosplay... You Know Why!

Because we love Sailor Moon around here, that's why! Okay maybe it's just me and like one other person... in fact I'm going to poll the rest of the Comic Bastards to see where they stand. In meantime enjoy Sara Moni (one of my new favorite cosplayers) impressive photo set from Adam Patrick Murray in her Sailor Pluto costume. Awesome.

Oh Shit! SOTA Reveals Street Fighter Oni Statue and It's The Biz!

Okay so I just learned of this character's existence and as you can guess it's Akuma... in full demon form! Say what!?! Yeah fucking awesome. The character was introduced in the Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition which I haven't played yet so I didn't know. It retails for $179.99 and it's pure fucking awesome. Not that I have any where to put this bad boy, but I still really want it it's that cool. SOTA-Street-Fighter-IV-Oni-Statue-1



Cosplay: Cammy... Nuff Said!

This is cosplayer Jessie Pridemore or as her Facebook page says "Rufflebutt Cosplay." She has a ton of different costumes and frankly they're all pretty damn cool, but I'm going with Cammy today. I always respect a woman who cosplay's Cammy because I don't know how they can walk around with wedgie all day and still feel like taking pictures or even doing the classic over the shoulder butt pose that Cammy is known for. Mad respect  because I know I couldn't do it. cammy-cosplay-31




Life Support: Episode 3 - 80s Cartoons

We took a week off, but Kevin, Erin and I are back with another episode of Life Support. If you're still like "what's that" it's basically a second podcast in which the CBMFP gang explore other hobbies and topics to discuss. Here's a treat though, we're going to have special guests on as fill-in hosts so stay tuned! For today's episode we talk about 80's cartoons. Just 80's. We run through our top three, but that's after we quickly eliminate some classics. Yeah don't expect a conversation centered around popular 80's cartoons that are still alive and well today because we dug deep! For our journey we used the online resource of in case you wanted to look at this while listening... or something.

Here's the previous two episodes in case you missed them!

Review: MegaGoGo – Vol. 1

Let’s pretend that the Power Rangers, Voltron, Ultraman or whatever other Super Sentai esque story… was real. Now let’s say instead of it being an undying TV franchise it was a bunch of normalish people who have retired for over a decade only to be called back into action. That is the bare-bones premise for MegaGoGo from creator and artist Wook Jin Clark. How could anyone not be interested at this point; man, woman or child. The genre of Giant Robots /Mecha fighting Kaiju is always popular in and of itself, but it’s the human pilot element that people really get attached to. After all, who wouldn’t want to team up with their friends to control a mecha and stomp some alien ass?

With that said the story doesn’t spend a lot of time with the mecha or fighting big ass monsters, one of which may or may not be a giant KKK member. Instead the tale begins in 1985, Georgia, where our team of heroes are taking on some freaking looking aliens. They’re gunning them down pretty easily, but for some reason the king (he wears a little crown that hovers over his head) needs to be cut in half. Adam is a young boy that answers the call and jumps out of the mecha with a Final Fantasy VII inspired Buster sword and chops the king in half… almost.

We don’t see the end of this scene as we move eleven years into the future following a hooded stranger. The person talks to themselves about people they’re going to wake up, people with names like “The Wolf Pack” or “Kid Crossbones.” Clearly this is an evil person conspiring with themselves about which villain to awaken.

As they re-ignite our first villains powers, it sets off an alarm in the MegaGoGo base (I’m not sure if that’s what the base is called, but it sounds cool). Jay the unknown immortal receives the alert and it’s just as he and Chip, a computer construct, feared… “They’re back.” Chip and Jay decide that they need to get the team back together again as well, but Jay has doubts that they’ll all return or that all of them should return.

MegaGoGo Vol. 1After all this intrigue and mystery we meet Evan. He’s a fifteen year old kid that is woken up by his crazy father for school. He’s reminded by his father that it’s “Sam’s birthday” which of course is ominousness in its own way. After dealing with his father’s shenanigans he heads out to get his bike and hears a beeping sound. He finds the source, but we don’t know what he’s found inside the suit case at the back of the garage. We catch up with him again as he eats lunch by himself. He’s picked on by some kids until a big jock tells them to leave him alone, but not for the reasons you think. Evan and his family have a reputation for being cursed and bad luck in general.

How does Evan tie in with our MegaGoGo team? Why are the KKK after Evan and the other members of MegaGoGo? What happened eleven years ago that made the team break up? Well it’s a decent sized graphic novel so don’t expect this review to tell you everything.

Clark has created a story that has heart. There are themes like family, friendship and loyalty that are present all throughout the story. The other aspect that brings this tale to life and grounds it in reality is the humor. It may not seem like it, but you need both of these elements to have a strong Mecha vs Kaiju story. Without the heart the reader realizes how ridiculous what they’re reading/viewing is, but with the humor they can appreciate how ridiculous everything is. It is literally a double-edge sword.

The character Adam in particular was very humorous and so every time he was in the scene it was a good one. In particular though the final battle at the end was extremely funny; no spoilers here, but you’re sure to enjoy it.

Another aspect of the book is how diverse it is. There are people of different nationalities and it’s really great to see that no one gives a damn. The story never focuses on it in a way that’s awkward or self-praising and that’s what’s so tremendous about its approach. Some comics pat themselves on the back for having a minority, whereas MegaGoGo reflects the world we live in and never once asks for you to acknowledge it (even though I just did).

Since Clark handles everything in the book it’s important to talk about his artistic style. It’s heavily influenced by Manga in the character design and the fact that it’s presented in all black and white; even the grey that you see is actually a result of the Clark’s techniques and not grey scale. Clark’s style is very detailed with each panel having just the right amount of detail and blackness. Much like manga’s MegaGoGo is all about the contrasts.

The strongest aspect of Clark’s style is his character expressions and body language. The expressions control the mood of the scene either establishing the comedy or heart. Obviously there’s a ton of action in this story, whether it be in the Mecha or out. In fact there is plenty of fist-o-cuffs outside of the Mecha that steals the show. All of the action sequences are easy to follow and have a nice flow to them that keep the story exciting and entertaining.

Thankfully this looks like the first adventure in a series and while it would be considered strange for most stories to begin this deep within its own plot, it works for MegaGoGo. The fact is, now the world has history and weight to it that you would otherwise not have. There are legacy characters that have handed off their mantle and so in a way it finds the perfect home nestled in-between the familiar franchises that I listed in the beginning. More than anything, MegaGoGo is entertaining and heartfelt and has crafted a world that this reviewer would gladly explore again.

Score: 5/5

Writer/Artist/Creator: Wook Jin Clark Publisher: Oni Press Price: $19.99 Release Date: 2/26/14

Review: Revenge #1

The acting lifespan of an action hero is short and usually filled with burned bridges because of the choices they make to stay on top. But every once in a while they catch a break and become big again. We find an unusual tale here where life and screen life start to blend. 70s action hero The Revenger is back. Griffin Franks has rejuvenated his career by resurrecting his character from the 70s. The problem is he’s instantly replaced for the sequel. His current ex-porn star wife convinces Griffin that he needs to look younger and so she convinces him to go to Mexico for a controversial surgery that can take 15 years off his looks. It involves removing his face and replacing it with skin of a donor.

The problem for Griffin is that he’s feeling every from the surgery because his wife wants him to feel every bit of pain so she can get her revenge. She wants revenge because Griffin, in his heyday destroyed her family. Her dad left because of an affair her mom was having with Griffin, then later she killed herself.  Her plan is to take everything from Griffin like he did to her.

Revenge01-CoverThis is a decent story with potential, but I feel I just read half of Face Off with the twist of the old action heroes trying to relive their glory. The potential comes from Griffin’s character as real life and screen life begin to blend.

The downfall is that it feels like its pieced together from many stories and where it could actually be going. I couldn’t tell the actual age of Griffin is he 50, 60 or 70, it doesn’t matter with abs like that. The art is very detailed and earned it mature rating. The background of the blood splatter was great and the use of film strips to separate life from the movie was a good idea. The detail in the muscle under the skin looks great too.

This really is a take it or leave it issue; if you have the money and want to pick up an action title go ahead. This has potential and that is the only reason I will check out issue two.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Johnathan Ross Artist: Ian Churchill Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 2/26/14

Review: Judge Dredd #16

Judge Dredd's run on IDW's label has offered several good original stories and superb classic reissues for a pretty good period of time now. Their commitment to this brand and in staying true to the source material is commendable and well worth the expense of money to follow it on a monthly basis. I have been a lifelong fan of the character and cannot help myself but to only heap praise upon it. Not every issue has been a big winner, but all have been well crafted from script to color and I have found very little fault (if any) in what has been released. Knowing the title and respecting it like I do, I must admit that few surprises have caught me off guard through the years. This is not a knock on the writers. I just know what I know about Judge Dredd and anyone sticking to the nature of this character typically will fall under certain parameters that can be predicted sometimes. Every now and then, I can and will be surprised. When this happens, I am completely stoked. That surprise has happened in Issue #16 and all I can say is DAMN!!! This issue followed the parameters and delivered as good of a blow to the reader as could be done. I don't think that any fan of the series could be unhappy with this one. It is awesome!

Concluding the 13 Badges story arc, Duane Swierczynski, drops some well placed bombs that will change this whole new run altogether, while at the same satisfying the most intense and serious Judge Dredd fans in the process. To say that things will be different after this one would be an understatement. Things won't be different. Things are different now. We'll done.

JudgeDredd-16-cvrASwierczynski puts Dredd in a bad spot within the story's opening. After being beaten savagely, he is in custody and under the intense scrutiny of one Chief Judge Cal. Cal believes Dredd to be in collaboration with one rogue judge by the name of Tarjay. Tarjay has been killing judges and has Judge Anderson in his sights. Dredd has only one choice to make, and it is a doozy. Things progress from there and we eventually get to an ending that I did not see coming that ties everything into place, yet rattles the entire of Meg City One at the same time.

This is one really dark issue. It is as dark as one as I have read. Swierczynski doesn't only strip Dredd bare within these pages, he rips off skin and sinew (literally). At the same time however, a moral story of friendship, loyalty, and the law is being displayed. The story is as deep as it is dark and it really works well in leading the reader to the conclusion that seems to be a statement of what can happen to the law without friendship and loyalty. It ain't pretty, but perfectly placed and paced in this issue making for complete satisfaction. That's about all I can say. Anyone who has followed Dredd should be very pleased with how this ends, dark or not.

Nelson Daniel who is on the art detail, captures perfectly the dark undertones that permeate all through Swierczynski's script. We see visual depictions of pain, suffering, and ultimately evil, that will be hard to dismiss once you put it down. It is all just a wonderful tandem of visual display and written word. The best to date, I believe. I am really looking forward to seeing where things go next from here.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Duane Swierczynski Artist: Nelson Daniel Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 2/26/14

Review: Peanuts #16

The anthology of stories covers four main tales involving the hapless Charlie Brown and the rest of the Peanuts Gang.  While the book is aimed at children, the selections provide enough pathos and entertainment so that adults will leaf through and smile at the adventures of Charles Schulz’s wonderful creations. “The Doctor is Way In” sees Lucy visiting her psychiatrist stand to deal with one of the most demanding customers she will ever face: herself.  Her self-examination reflects the ruminations we all feel when the world seems so crazy that we give pause to wonder if we are a little off.

Peanuts16_PRESS-1“She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not” finds Charlie Brown waiting at the mailbox for a Valentine to arrive.  Lucy arrives to bring the romantic daydreamer back to earth.  After being disillusioned by Lucy, Charlie Brown receives the best Valentine possible.

Franklin gets a new pair of shoes in “New Shoe Zoom.”  While he feels his speed to be unparalleled, he gets a simple humility lesson from an unsuspecting source.

“The Artist” features Linus becoming a prominent artist with a gallery set to stun and impress the critics.  However, he finds that his art may be better (or worse) than he imagined.

This is another issue that will please and delight readers of all ages.  As always, the legacy that Charles Schulz started is honorably continued with this fine work of collected writers and artists.

Score: 4/5

Writers: Various Artists: Various Publisher: KaBoom/Boom Studios Price: $3.99 Release Date: 2/26/14

Review: TMNT - Utrom Empire #2 (of 3)

I was a little nervous opening this issue. #1 was a brilliant introduction, but I didn’t know if I could fully emerge myself into the Utrom Empire. After all, I never got into it as a kid. But this issue proved everything that I wanted it to prove; the TMNT universe, no matter where we are, rules! Since I haven’t been truly introduced to Krang’s world until recently, I thought this issue picked up at a perfect spot. It explains a little more than the first issue did. We bounce from current day with Fugitoid and Stockman to the past with Krang and Zog. Fugitoid is having a rough week. He gets captured by Krang and once he finally escapes he runs into Baxter Stockman. This dude is mean; plain and simple. Anyway, he wants to eliminate Krang’s race. Fugitoid doesn’t want such a drastic thing to happen to Krang even though the dude is pretty evil. Honestly, you have to feel for this pink brain. Even evil doers have moments of greatness.

Our second story is focuses on our flashbacks from last issue with Zog, Krang, and Quanin. Let me just first say that you can’t get any better than brain-figured creatuers fighting rhinos. Life is just so perfect when a comic can do that! Anyway, Krang’s father, Quanin, is trying to publicly execute Zog in order to get a message across to his land. Obviously, Krang is the brawns behind all this power. He is pretty awesome, and I never thought I could love such a grotesque thing. Plus he now possesses both brains and brawns.

TMNT_UE02_cvrAReally...there is tons of action in this issue. Again, the first one hit and it was a tad slow, but I got involved with this issue. I haven’t always been obsessed with Baxter Stockman, but with the new portrayal of him, I really love his involvement with the comic. He and Fugitoid are not getting along at all. I really feel bad for Fugitoid. Not only has his world been turned upside down with being turned into a robot, but he is now a prisoner. Although after his acts today with Krang, I think he may be treated a little nicer.

TMNT has done lots of micros, and with micros you usually get no involvement with the original comic and that sucks. That is why the Turtle’s world is so awesome, because in every issue we get some sort of involvement from the Turtles. It may be small, but at least shows that these comics relate in a huge way. Micros like these prove to be the most successful in my opinion.

The last thing I wanna shout out about this comic is Andy Kuhn’s art. It is amazingly awesome. The characters are everything I picture. Then when you put Bill Crabtree’s colors on top, you dive right into Krang’s world. Seriously, pick up this issue if you had doubts. It will prove how TMNT can ooze into their micros and still keep your interest. And obviously reading these issues will help you understand the plot when the Turtles take down the Technodrome.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Paul Allor Artist: Andy Kuhn Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 2/26/14

Review: Sex #11

I have been real up and down on this title for many months with some areas being real good and others being not so good. I just haven't been able to make you my mind. The one thing for sure that I know after reading issue eleven however, is that there is one really big thing missing from this issue. That missing thing is sex. There are some before and some after, but no actual in the act sex scenes here. And, I think that is what makes this issue really good. It is possibly the best of the series so far. At least, that is how I came out feeling when I finished reading it. Usually, I feel. Just dirty. Not this time. It was good. Without all the shock value, you focus on the story. And there is beginning to be a good story in there behind all the boobs, butts, and penises. I'm starting to see Sex as a sad tale of the fall of a superhero as well as the fall of a man. That man, being one Simon Cooke aka The Armored Saint. Cooke has traded in his spandex for leather and has been exploring his freaky side since leaving the crime fighting world. The reader has been sent down one seriously lubed up wormhole of decadence, repression, and thoughts on what it means to be a man whether criminal or good. Apparently the two sides aren't too terribly different. Maybe the bad might be a little crazier, but not much different. All the people here have jobs time do and all deal with hazards of said jobs. During this issue, Cooke confronts his former sidekick after running into him in the last issue. The exchange is heated and Joe Casey writes a wickedly good script here. Further along, exchanges occurring after some incidents with our resident bad guys and with Cooke's staff. Being displayed all through are some deep and heady issues involving city control in one way shape or form. Seems like all of our characters have a stake.

sex-11I really enjoyed Casey's script in this installment as we are beginning to see directions in which all of our characters are heading. Their destination has been ambiguous for the most part. But with each issue, clarity is being tuned in, and a big collision course is being set up for the future. Piotr Kowalski is blowing up the art blending the majestic world of good and evil. The action is well done and and I think he goes into a deep level where the best looking and the charismatic are the ones who look empty. While the disgusting ones (i.e. The Old Man) look horrible, but they exude an inner strength compared to our much more polished persons.

Sex has had me on the post for awhile, but I am starting to turn to the positive side on my thoughts. I'm getting into it and am ready to flow down that lubed up wormhole some more.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Joe Casey Artist: Piotr Kowalski Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 2/26/14

Review: Robotech/Voltron #2

Two stories unfold in this comic.  One is the tale of a preteen Prince Lotor sent on a diplomatic mission to the Castle of Lions where an equally juvenile Princess Allura and younger Coran welcome the dignitaries from the Drool empire.  The second story deals with Roy Fokker, a young pilot who reminisces over the loss of his father and family friend (Rick Hunter’s dad).  Young Fokker comes across a secret artifact that appeared in the same fashion as the alien Super Defense Fortress on Macross Island: the Black Voltron Lion.  A comet-looking astronomical phenomenon emerges in both stories, acting  as the tie-in between the two worlds. Do not expect to see a Veritech standing point while the five Lions form Voltron to battle robeasts.  This issue builds the story that will eventually (and hopefully) develop to that moment.  I will be lenient in making an assessment because I wanted to see that type of mecha action weaved in now.  I know, though, that a story must be told, and constructing the proper elements will take time.

RoboVolt02-Cov-YuneThere are some interesting action beats that will make knowledgeable fans turn a smile.  For instance, audiences will see the small-scale version of the Blazing Sword.  And there’s an revealing flashback explaining why Fokker and Hunter will eventually be friends.

Granted, the set-up progresses at a good pace and incorporates some well-known elements of both franchises.  However, since the two stories have not yet crossed over in this comic cross over, I am getting a little hesitant.  With no ‘gee-whiz’ factor to appease my fanboy desires, I am considering things like, “Does this cross over really need to be?”  Or, “Will I get a sufficient story from Dynamite, a company who is notorious for making the worst possible adaptation of Voltron that could be?”

Only time will answer those questions.  For now, the comic sufficiently piqued my curiosity and has me interested to see how this all will pan out.

Score: 3/5

Writers: Tommy Yune with Bill Spangler Artist: Elmer Damaso Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 2/26/14