Meh? The Dark Knight Rises - Official Trailer #3

I will say it doesn't look terrible. I've never had a problem with Nolan's visuals or storytelling, I just don't think that he 100% understands Batman. Bane could have been called anything really in this movie. He doesn't look like Bane, he sounds British (I wonder why!) and I completely hate Catwoman. Costume, acting, voice... fucking hate everything about her. I hope they take after the comic and put her through the ringer so that I don't have to look at her as much. Anyways watch the trailer for yourself.

Review: The Thirty-Six #2

You may recall my review for the first issue of this comic, in which the story followed Noam a man responsible for keeping the other thirty-five special people safe for when the world needs them the most. It’s a great concept that uses a lot of Judaism as its story foundation which instantly makes the book stand out from the typical “powers-esc” books out there. In the second issue we aren’t introduced to other chosen people, but we do see the conclusion of Lenore’s kidnapping. She awakens in a cave with sleeping Golem’s and the mystery kidnapper who’s in charge of them. He reveals his face to her, but this is still kept secret from us until closer to the end. Let’s just say when it is revealed it’s pretty damn cool. Noam on the other hand awakens in one of his brother’s beds battered and bloody. He’s in no shape to pursue Lenore, but its his job so he must. As he heads out he puts his brother in charge of a very important job that will eventually lead to the conclusion of this particular arc which is to follow the mud.

The Thirty-Six 2 CoverThe enjoyable thing about this issue is that you don’t have to wait “X” amount of issue to figure out who the mystery man is. The reveal is very rewarding and gives a payoff that’s worth it. In a way this comic reads a bit like a TV show with its structure and pacing. Every issue reveals a bit more of the overall story, while still following a three act structure. The biggest story element that gives it a TV feel is that this issue comes across as the second part in a two-part premiere. You could in fact read issue one and two back to back and they would never miss a beat. It’s good writing for sure since it makes the story enjoyable separately and together, but it doesn’t feel as if the issues were written with a trade in mind..

The art felt a bit looser in this issue. It’s still good and very stylized, but at times I felt that it was trying to break its structure and style. Particularly with the Golem’s they were a bit out of control. I know they’re mud and it’s even mentioned that they’re not well constructed, but that didn’t come across in the art very well. Noam and his brother were enjoyable and probably some of the best looking scenes of the book. The ending which I will not ruin, is very touching and the emotion of the scene is captured in the art 100%.

I liked this issue, it didn’t surprise me as much as the first issue but that’s okay. Like I said this issue works perfectly with the first issue and thus doesn’t need to add more twists and turns for the story. Trust me, after reading the third issue (review forthcoming) there are plenty of twists coming. If you checked out the first issue then this is a must buy since it plays off the first so well. If you haven’t checked out either, but liked books like Rising Stars about a group of chosen people to change/protect the world then you should give it a shot… just know that it's not trying to be Rising Stars in the least bit, it just falls in the same category. No murder and molestation driven plots here.

Score: 4/5

Creator/Writer: Kristopher White Artist: George Zapata Colorist: Micki Zurcher Publisher: Fossil Creek Productions Price: $.99 (Digital Only) Website:

Review: Crossed: Badlands #2

A big part of Crossed fans fair and popularity undoubtedly comes due to the graphic nature of the book. But there is something to be really said about the characters and the human aspect that is truly the core of this story. That aspect has never really been more evident than in this issue, which could make the best Crossed issue ever written. It’s judgment day for Pat, he has dipped into the group’s supplies without permission and has been caught. Well aware of the situation the Alphas in the group decide to punish Pat by leaving him with a pair of slice Achilles. This will buy the group time from the pack of Crossed that is following them.

That being such a heavy decision, Ian reflects on the decision and recalls another moment where he was forced to conform to a group. The basis for leaving that group revolved around the fact of a thought, why would he just sit around and wait for other people to tell him what to do, how to survive.  With that he was on his own again, until now.

JAN120883As the group moves forward they stumble across a field of human skeletons along with a downed commercial plane nearby. They take shelter in the plane wreckage and plan their next move. As everyone gets situated in the plan, Ian believes that the only thing keeping the group ahead of the Crossed is their pacing. With Anya needing to stop so often due to her being pregnant, they’re losing ground.  So Ian suggests that they leave her behind. This in turn creates some backlash among the group. But with the Crossed closing in something must be done.

Something that never really gets conveyed in “horror” comics, or horror anything for that matter, is the human aspect. Sure Ian could be seen as a monster that has zero compassion but if you really think about it, he’s scared and this is the way he’s showing it. Tough decisions that no one wants to make, let alone hear. That’s really the best part because it’s not always about the gore and shock. Sometimes the horror inside man is more intense and scary that anything else.

Score: 5/5

Story by: Garth Ennis Art by: Jacen Burrows Colors by: Digikore Studios Publisher: Avatar Press Price: $3.99 Release Date: 3/15/12

Review: Transformers - Autocracy #8

Finally the issue I’ve been waiting for! I’m just going to dive right in here so spoiler alert, as I’m going to sum up the entire issue. The Decepticons and Autobost are making one last push against Zeta Prime and the power in his possession. On the outside of the fortress Ironhide arranges the attack on the ground while Starscream makes an assault from above.  Megatron and Orion crash through the roof for the final battle with Zeta Prime.  Zeta defeats Orion by crushing him and ripping off his.  But Megatron has the final say when he delivers the final blow to Zeta. Now this next part is the part I’ve been waiting for; Megatron now shows his true colors, how we have always seen him a power-hungry tyrant. He orders the Decepticons take out the Autobots because their purpose has been fulfilled.  Megatron takes one final attack at Orion and blasts him through his chest to take the seat of Prime.

Transformers_Autocracy_08-Preview-1This story is the one I’ve been waiting to read as Megatron turns against Orion to become the greatest villain/hero duo out there.  This is one action packed issue worth the read. The art is a nice gritty style that shows stress fractures and battle scares of the Transformers but the monotone color background are still getting to me.  The hole in Orion's chest is an awesome panel  that got me screaming,  "Noooo". The other panel that stands out is when Megatron delivers the final blow to Zeta Prime as the energon blast goes through his head.

This was a great read and for those not following, it is a great time to jump in since we are only half way through. It is action packed and full of great Transformer art. This issue is the turning point of the whole story; it reads really fast but it's worth a second look.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Chris Metzen and Flint Dille Artist: Livio Ramondelli Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $.99 Release:4/25/12 (Digital Only)

"And Whoever Should Hold This Flash Drive, Will Have The Saving Power of Thor"

That's right you Marvel zombies, I know we all collectively dumped in our pants when Avengers took the #3 all time money-maker right behind Tit-tanic and Alien Dances With Wolves; but no one needs this ridiculous of a flash drive. If they're going to sell something as dumb as this, they should at least have used car quality commercials to pedal the merch: "Hulk is smashing... all of your storage transportation problems." If you're honestly considering this, then let me give you two words that have been combined into one for marketing purposes: Dropbox. Go download it and you won't need this cheesy shit. There is another pic after the jump in case you want to see them plugged into a really shitty laptop and yes I am calling that Mac Book Pro shitty.


Source: Technabob

Episode 27: Animals Doing Things They Shouldn't Be Doing

This week we are all over the place in a crazy way. I played The Walking Dead game from Telltale games and express my joy to the world! Someone brings up MI: 3 the movie and then the talk moves to new comic book movies. Comic book wise we talk about Mass Effect: Homeworlds, Crossed: Badlands, Penguins vs. Possums, The Goon and Jack Hammer. Hope you laugh at least once! walkingdeadcoplay

Cool Stuff From Shifty Look!

You may recall from our C2E2 coverage that we had a chance to talk with Robert Pereyda from Bandai Namco about their classic arcade games that have been turned into web comics. We'll I actually had a chance to set down this weekend and read all of the comics, but then I received this awesome goodie box from Shifty Look! WP_001178

It's got a bunch of cool stuff like a print of the first panels from Alien Confidential: Black and White and also the first panels of Xevious, both signed by the creators. There were also so T-Shirts of Scar which the Bastards will be fighting to the death for, but don't be surprised if we don't give one or two of the shirts away. If you didn't check out the interview you should do so and after reading the comics I have to say they are definitely worth checking out.

WP_001182In particular I really enjoyed The Five-Dimenional Adventures of Dirk Davies which has just started so it's the fastest to catch up on. All of the comics are of really high quality and this isn't a knock against web-comics, but they're all of professional level material. Great pacing and something literally for everyone with the different genres of comics. Really good stuff and all that's missing is a Rolling Thunder comic.

Review: The Li'l Depressed Boy #10

I’m not going to try to extract some deep philosophical treatise on colonialism via some esoteric litany of psychological readings and come off sounding like some half-assed grad student looking for things that just aren’t there.  Simply put, this is a basic book with a singular message: you aren’t alone when you feel so out-of-place in this world. Little Depressed Boy (LDB) starts his first day at the movie theater where the shitstorm of life keeps raining down on him in a deluge.  His coworkers snap at him, he blacks out when he has to clean the bathrooms, and he calls in sick to avoid the next day of work.

lildepressedb10_coverThe saving grace for LDB comes in the form of a ticket to see rapper Childish Gambino (Donald Glover from Derrick’s Comedyand Community).  LDB escapes into a dream during one song and envisions himself at a camp where Gambino, a camp counselor, helps him to relate to the world and talk to others.

If your life is perfect and the worst you have to worry about is how your maid cannot cook the damned lobster dinner correctly, this book is NOT for you.  But, if you have felt alone, outside, and abandoned by a world that you try so hard to please but always fail, this book will speak to you like a best friend.

For the sake of this issue the story was about average.  No great plot twists or surprises to threaten the continuity.  Struble does his own thing with this book, and I respect that.  I look forward to reading the next issue, but I hope the story kicks up somehow or I may lose interest.

Score 3/5

Writer/Coloring/Lettering: S. Steven Struble Art: Sina Grace Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 4/25/12

Review: The Goon #39

Just being different doesn’t make a comic worthwhile.  Being different and good does.  Goon #39 avoids the typical arc narrative and satirizes the current state of comics by openly declaring in the first page that the issue will be pandering to all the current comic conventions so as to drum up sales and make excessive wads of cash because that’s why comics are created—to make money.  Right?  Ahem, IDW… The Goon and Franky don costumes and take on the roles of superheroes.  Powell slams the cliché conventions of the crusader story and artwork in the most painfully funny manner.  Why painful?--because I came to many realizations that I, too, was buying into some of the asinine formats of storytelling in the contemporary comic book world and thinking it grand.  Like an excellent delivery from John Stewart that opens one’s eyes to the bullshit that one often chooses (or refuses) not to acknowledge, The Goon #39 lampoons everything from the origin story (and its constant retelling) to the “Immaculately detailed backgrounds traced from Vector Graphics software.”

The Goon 39I will not go into greater detail with any more of the explanations of the satire because I don’t want to be ‘that guy’ who retells a great joke poorly and sucks the essence out of it.  Instead, I give this comic highest recommendations for purchase because it does for the industry what mythologies do for their cultures: Goon #39 chronicles that sad state of comic book storytelling and the shameful lows comics will stoop all in the name of sales.

Last issue had me close to tears with the origins of The Goon’s mother.  This book has me laughing out loud because of its concise critiques.  So many champion DC’s Animal Man for its ability to step outside the standard comic conventions.  Take a deeper breath the next time you do because you will need to mention The Goon for doing the same.

Score: 4/5

Writer/Artist/Creator: Eric Powell Colors: Dave Stewart Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 4/25/12

Review: TMNT #9

There is really only one way to sum up this issue: welcome back Turtles! This issue kicks butt and this is the reason why I love the Turtles.  It has everything that makes TMNT awesome: villains, butt kicking and Raphel's snarky attitude. Hob has Splinter hostage back at Stockman labs and is getting ready to do some testing on him. Before that all goes down Stockman arrives with General Krang. Back in the sewer the Turtles are formulating a plan to rescue Splinter. When April wakes up she realizes she is the key to get into the lab due to her being an intern and is trying to get her head around what's going on. She was the one who rescued the Turtles back when the foot clan broke into the lab. This all happens before the real action starts as the boys break into the lab the guards and opposition gets harder. The last opponent the Turtles come against is a giant mouser which Casey and Raph take out in classic TMNT fashion.

TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles_09-Preview-1This story arc has been a little trying at times, but finally we got to the best part of the story.  There was a lot of action and reason why I fell in love with the turtles.  The one thing missing is Mikey's interaction. There really isn’t any other than two lines of dialog. The story did play the other turtles characteristic out like Leo’s leadership, Don’s tech genius and Raphael’s hard head and spirit. This one part is what has been missing through this story arc I personally was missing seeing the four turtles work together to kick butt.

The art is working back to the first issues and its gritty style. The action just flows and jumps off the page. The one panel that makes this book a buy is the last page, trust me it's good.

This issue is the best of this story arc and just felt like the old turtles again. I call this one a must read and worth picking up even if you haven’t read previous issues.  The one disappointment  here is the involvement of Mikey which was little to none.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Kevin Eastman and Tom Waltz Artist: Dan Duncan Publisher: IDW publishing Price: $3.99 Release: 4/25/12

This Is Fucking Awesome! Gross, Grandpa Original Art

You may recall my raving review for Gross, Grandpa! after C2E2, if you forgot then I also talked about it on the podcast with Kevin. Well creator Josh Filer is one awesome dude because he not only read my review, but he sent me this:

Gross Grandpa Issue 2 Original Art Work

That's right, that's the original art from the cover of the second issue. That piece was what turned my head and made me pick up the book. After I saw that it was time to change my pants, then I started quoting the NRA and lastly I threatened anyone that came near it. Now I've got to get it framed or find some competent establishment to do so for me. All I know is that it's fucking awesome.

I also know where you the reader can find Josh Filer at the next convention so that you can check out his book Gross, Grandpa! but before I leave you the list of his apperances I'd like to say congrats to Josh and his wife on the birth of their first child Link! Congrats!

Josh's Apperances:

Summit City Comic Con

May 12th

Spring Con - Minneapolis

May 19 & 20th

Chicago Comic Con

August 9th-12th

New York Comic Con

October 11th-14th

That last one is probably the only one I'll be able to make, but you can bet that I'll be there to ask him dumb questions like, "How's your con" and "Thanks for taking to us/me" or whatever the hell I said in all of our Chicago videos. Thanks again Josh!

Web Comic of the Week: Bob the Squirrel

Article by: Neil Rodriguez As we embark in our first ever inside the Web Comic Studios, we must remember the impact that digital comics have made on this generation. Today, we highlight one of these achievements: Bob the Squirrel. Bob had his humble beginnings in the fall of 2001 outside the window of creator, Frank Page.  “What I saw was a squirrel—kinda like when Bruce Wayne was trying to decide on what he should be and that pesky little bat came flying through his window “said Frank Page of Bob the Squirrel. At that moment, he knew what his life calling would be: a cartoonist with a unique eye to point the truth behind life, comics, and the web.

Observe in this excerpt how Bob the Squirrel provides his wit and humor to this situation. This is truly a master of Frank Page’s craft.

The Art behind Bob Squirrel can be described as an old school newspaper comic strip.  A combination of black and white color and cartoony style that the old readers of comics can truly appreciate, this strip can be consider a nice treat for the old school of comic book readers to have daily.

All jokes aside, we hope you have enjoyed our first installment of Inside the Web Comic Studios.  Check out this web comic.  It is super funny, it has witty comments and what’s best, and the daily comic strip is free!  While you are at it, support Mr. Page’s website by buying some of his Bob the Squirrel merchandise.   Come on, who doesn’t like squirrels. I know I do.   Here is the web link to the comic strip Enjoy!

Review: Haganai - Season 1

It’s been a while since I had an Anime pick, but over the next few weeks I’ll be pumping out some stuff for everyone to check out. Up first has to be one of the best new animations from last year for sure. It’s the same studio that adapted Oreimo (My Little Sister Can’t Be This Cute) and I’ve come to really appreciate their work and storytelling. The anime is based off the light novel series by Yomi Hirasaka volumes 1-3 and the beginning of volume 4. I’m hopefully that they’re will be a second season of the show that will continue the story of the next three volumes. The series is also known as Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai which translates to "I don't have many friends." The series follows the character Kodaka Hasegawa who has just transferred back to his home town after traveling all over Japan with his father. He and his sister are left alone in their house as their father has travelled to America to work on an archeology dig. Now it’s not uncommon for Japanese animations to have characters with blonde hair, but Kodaka is the first to have dirty blonde hair. His hair, clumsy nature and his voice gives everyone in the school the impression of him being a delinquent when in fact he’s a super nice kid.

At school he’s completely friendless and the other students run in fear of him wherever he goes. One day after school he returns to his classroom to gather his things when he finds a girl from his class talking to herself. After watching her for a few moments he decides to enter the room and see what’s going on. She clams up instantly, embarrassed that she was caught. Kodaka asks if she was talking to ghosts, but the girl Yozora Mikazuki professes that she was talking to her air friend (similar to an air guitar). The two begin conversing about their lack of friends and that they shouldn’t join any clubs this late into the school cycle because they would just mess up the chemistry between other people in the club. This gives Yozora an idea though as she runs off, but not before telling Kodaka that she’ll she him later.


The next day after school Yozora asks Kodaka to follow her. She leads him to an activity room in the cathedral on campus (It’s a catholic school) and along the way tells him about their new club… The Neighbor’s Club. The goal of the club is to make friends with other people and in the meantime practice what to do when they make these friends. They hang up banners with a code, “I want friends” written diagonally in the banner so that only people smart enough can decipher it. As the two sit down in the activity room they're soon greeted by the school's President’s perfect daughter wanting to join the club. Her name is Sena Kashiwazaki and even though an entourage of boys follows her around all day she desperately wants friends. Too bad Yozora instantly hates her and denies her access to the club.

I suppose that this anime would be classified as a "harem" comedy since Kodaka is consistently the only boy in the series. What’s different though is that he’s honestly just trying to make friends and never thinks of any of the girls in a romantic way. The girls on the other hand slowly develop feelings for Kodaka, but they're never that obvious about it (except for in one characters case). The other key charm of the series is that even as the club grows and the group begins to hang out more and more with each other they never acknowledge that they themselves are friends. They’re all just looking for other people to be friends with which makes the twelve episodes different and enjoyable; Kodaka’s personal story that runs more as a subplot to the main story is amazingly heartfelt and definitely the reason to watch the show.


The character interactions are very humorous and enjoyable, particularly between Yozora and Sena who is nicknamed “Meat” due in part to her large chest. They constantly squabble and until Yozora makes Sena cry and run away. Even still Sena continues to try and be her friend even if they never say it out loud. The other great interaction is between Kodaka and his little sister Kobato who dresses up as her favorite anime character that is a vampire; even to the point of wearing a color contact to look like the character from the show. Kobato is absolutely adorable and their interaction is just touching at times since you can tell that they’ve only had each other to rely upon a lot of the times in their life.

I really rank this Anime right with Oreimo which I previously said was one of my absolute favorites. I blew through this series is one night staying up incredibly late just to see the end and loved every moment of it. It has a lot of heart and soul to the story and the animation is great as well. Will everyone love this animation as much as me? Probably not, but if you’ve ever felt like you didn’t have a friend in the world or had to transfer schools and start all over again; then you’ll probably enjoy this animation as much as I did. I have no idea if the books will ever be translated and brought over, but I would love to read them after experiencing this adapted version of them.


If you’re interested in watching the series then check it out on Funimation’s website or on Hulu, hopefully they don’t drag their feet on a DVD/Bluray release so that I can watch this puppy commercial free.

Score: 5/5

Review: Dragon Age: The Silent Grove #4

With all that has been going on this month I fell a little behind in the Dragon Age: Silent Grove series. Not because I don’t enjoy the book because I do. Life happened and now the series is damn near complete but if you’d like to still hear my opinion I will oblige. Deep in the Tellari swamp our heroes: King Alistair, King of Ferelden, swash buckling pirate Isabela and Bianca enthusiast Verric have met with Yavana, the witch of the Tellari swamps. The group engages in a heavy question and answer session that reveals a lot of fun facts. Yavana was the one that freed Alistair’s father Meric from the Crow prison. Reluctantly, Yavana shares the reason why she helped Alistairs’s father.

The group heads deeper into the swamp until they reach the Silent Grove. The witch explains that Flemith and Maric have history being that she saved his life in the past. In return he’d become king and let the dragons be until his children are grown and then he’d return to the grove.  Not content with her answer Alistair demands more of an explanation.

20290In her own special way (with magic and scary dragons) Yavana recommends that the heroes leave. On their way out they are ambushed by Claudio- nobleman/Crow assassin and demand Alistair comes with them but not before they kill Verric and Isabela.

Okay now this is what I’m talking about. The last issue was flat and uninspiring. This one completely makes up for that in almost every way. The art and color in the book looks and feel has vastly improved. The detail in the character’s armor and facial expressions are the most evident but the real treat is the dialog and story. Little tidbits that dip into DA lore and the dialog exchange just made me smile.

In the starts of the book, the dragon doesn’t attack Alstair and Yavana responds that it can smell the old blood in him, the son of kings. To me that was awesome. There are a few more equally epic lines in the issuing too.

Well this has single handily restored my faith in this title and with that I’m off to read five and six! Giddy up!

Score: 4/5

Writer: David Gaider, Alexander Freed Artist: Chad Hardin Colorist:  Michael Atiyeh Cover Artist: Anthony Palumbo Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $ .99 (Digital Only) Released: 4/04/2012

Review: Penguins Vs. Possums #1

There are many great "versus" stories in the comic book world.Alien vs. PredatorRobocop vs. TerminatorHulk vs. Wolverine, but now I have seen a new versus that will change the comic book world forever.  Okay, so maybe I exaggerated a little, but this is actually a matchup you would have never thought of,Penguins Vs. Possums.  Yes, you heard me, Penguins Vs. Possums.  When Dustin told me about this I was intrigued on how this idea would work.  With an open mind I decided to give this odd match up a try and see where this story might go. The story as you can tell from the title is about both Possums and Penguins. It takes place in a zoo, and these two animals have been in war for what seems to be years and now the war has spewed into each animal’s home habitat. The possums stage a full scale attack on the penguins but the penguins managed to defend their home of the San Diego Zoo from the attacking possums.  The penguins manage to kill all the possums except for one of them named, Zolin.  He manages to escape by using one of the famous possum moves, playing dead, but not before being bugged by the penguins.  Beaten and wounded, Zolin returns to his home. Ever since his return everyone, including the possum elders, believe that he is the chosen possum to lead their clan into victory against the evil penguins.  Zolin refuses to believe this because he has never seen himself as a fighter, only as lowly farmer doing his part to protect their clan.  Is Zolin the prophesied leader of his clan?

PENGUINS VSAlthough the story of a regular guy becoming a hero has been done, I liked the idea of using animals instead of people to tell the story, especially two animals like these that are so opposite to each other. The only element that I was not a fan of was the human element, whenever a human appeared the possums would disappear, and the penguins acted like nothing happened.  This was a bit cheesy and it took away from the rivalry that both animals had for each other.  Aside from that part of the book, I had fun with the issue.  The art on the book was good as well, I enjoyed the art of the penguins and how they looked like royalty and as the superior animal; the possum is more of a noble creature than the penguin.

If you’re in the mood for a very different comic in terms of idea, I would recommend giving this book a shot. The story is very familiar to a typical hero story, but the idea is rather refreshing and fun, I am very interested in seeing where the characters go after this first issue.

Score: 4/5

Creators: Sebastian Kadlecik, John Bring and Lindsay Calhoon Publisher: JBSK Comics Price: $2.99 Website:

Review: Mass Effect: Homeworlds #1

Did you play Mass Effect 3? Sure ya’ did because you’re cool and that’s what cool kids do. So cool kid, did you know that that cool game got a cool comic! In ME3 the player was greeted by a new character to the universe. That characters name was James Vega and he was just an okay addition. He had great battle tactics, mediocre back-story and blah dialog if you were a FemShep.  Regardless Mr. James Vega kicks off the new Mass Effect: Home world comic from Dark Horse. The Reaper attack is in full swing but has yet to truly affect the Citadel space station. Lieutenant James Vega waits patiently to hear any news about his family. After he checks in, his mind drifts back to the good old days. As a younger James finishes registering for the Systems Alliance military, he is picked up by his Uncle.  After being dropped off at home his father wastes no time by yelling at him for not responding to any of his messages. James recognizes that pop is in a very irritable mood and after a well placed guilt trip James heads back out to score a package for his father.

20458Soon James is back on the streets and goes to the pickup stop to secure the “package”. Despite some confusion, James secures the package just in time to run into some local law enforcement.  James runs through the city and cuts through apartment buildings. After hiding in a diner dressed as a bus boy the cops are finally evaded.

Back home James gives his father the package and finds out it was drugs. Pissed that he was used James lashes out at his father. But their fight comes to a quick stop when James learns that his father will black mail him thus threatening his upcoming military career.

Whoa! This was not what I was expecting at all. Not that it was bad it just was kind of boring. It was cool to get a little more on Mr. Vega without listing to Freddie Prinze Jr.’s voice but nothing really happens. The struggle for James to make his own way in the world just doesn’t come off exciting. James really isn’t that interesting of a character and this story really didn’t change that. This was a little disappointing because it was penned by lead Mass Effect writer, Mac Walters.  Eduardo Francisco’s art does its job but it too is a little boring.

If you know me, you know that I’m a huge Mass Effect fan, hell I love BioWare games. But this just didn’t hit the spot for me. If you're a mega massive ME 3 fan then regardless you already have this book. If not, you may just want to play the game instead.

Score: 2/5

Writer: Mac Walters Artist: Eduardo Francisco Colorist: Michael Atiyeh Cover Artist:  Anthony Palumbo Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 4/25/12

Episode 26: NYC Vs My Two Dads

Hey everyone, CBMFP is back in full swing and back in base camp. This week we chat about Zenescope’sThe Theater #5 and their new web series, Comic Company. Then there is some chatter about AVX-- kind of and then we show some love to Josh Filer’s Gross, Grandpa!Nix Comics for Kids Starring Boy Howdieand a Manga called History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi. Also here’s a great Mass Effect cosplay pic because a ME cosplayer blew me off at C2E2; speaking of which check out our videos. Let’s GO! 1318284518miranda-3

Episode 25: Toilet Burgers At C2E2

We're on the road this week, but we still managed to get you a podcast! We were going to do more, but this shit is tiring! We go on a big rant about the food we've eaten and then it's panel coverage for the rest of it. Frankly, our brains are mush and we couldn't remember what we read this week and C2E2 was far more important. Kevin and I both attended Avatar Press' panel and Valiant Comics triumphant return to the convention circuit. I cover Aspen Comics panel along with IDW's. Be sure to check out the site to get the full details on all of the panels we attended and look out for our video and video interviews coming throughout the week. Voltron C2E2

Episode 24: Fondle The Man Hair

The boys talk about Avengers Vs X-Men comic because, hey who isn’t talking about that book? There’s also a few upcoming comic movie adaptations that they ponder. Then Kevin in all of his stupid wisdom calls Zenescope’s The Waking, The Walking because of that damn tricky font. The comics that get covered this week are Danger Girl Revolver, The Last American, Foreign Matter and more! AvsX

Episode 23: Thunder Kisses

Hi! This week I do a super piss poor job of describing Mark Millar and Leinil Francis Yu Super Crooks.(I’ll get better at this soon, I promise). Then we go on about the money structure of talent in comics! Fair pay for fair work! Someone asks us how to fix the Red Lanterns and we reply with a cool idea! Comic wise we talk Luther Strode for the last time, The Thirty-Six and Unstoppable Tuff Girl and The Birth of Venus. dex1