Review: Furious #4

Furious is my favorite superhero title currently being published. This series has been great from the first issue and hasn’t stopped improving since then. We finally learn who the crazy red-head that’s stalking Furious is and while it’s been kind of obvious Bryan JL Glass has done a fine job of distracting the reader from figuring it out until now. Strangely enough this issue begins with the Beacon beating the shit out of the two kids that talked her up in the second issue and then supposedly killed the clerk of the store. A police detective arrives on the scene and gives the Beacon some information about the case she didn’t know and after beating on one of the kids she lets them go. They leave without pressing charges, but you can tell that one of them really fucking hates her now. The cop is likely to become a reoccurring character and a support line for Beacon and this is cool with me. I liked his character and the fact that he didn’t try to stop her because he knew he couldn’t.

I’m not going to spoil the set up for the scene because it’s a great bait and switch, but we eventually catch up with the crazy super powered red-head that looks a lot like the Beacon’s alter-ego. She’s lured a man into her motel room and proceeds to beat him to death with another dudes leg! It was one of the coolest and craziest scenes I’ve ever read.

After that the Beacon is offered a chance to talk to the TV personality that dubbed her Furious and let’s just say that things don’t work out according to either of theirs plan.

I’m getting to the point that I’m running out of new things to say about this series. It continues to surprise me with how good it is. I’ve yet to be bored or read an issue that was filler. I don’t know how long it can keep it up, but I’m rooting for it.

Furious #4 CoverGlass has pegged the superhero genre and you’re either with it or you’re not. I can definitely see some people not liking this series because it incorporates too much of the real world and frankly too many emotions in the story. Those are the exact reasons I love it though. You have to be emotionally damage to put on a costume and fight crime and being emotionally damaged would leave you in an emotional state that could be easily broken. There’s one line that captured the Beacon’s emotions perfectly:

“How am I supposed to do this, when… I don’t even know what flavor this is?”

Either you get what I’m pointing out by that line of dialogue or you don’t, but it was the best line in the book for me.

Victor Santos is in a constant state of improving. The first three issues the dude has been on fire, but this fourth issue he’s hit his stride. There was more detail than usual and he’s really owning the characters now. The coloring remains an intricate part of the artwork and is possibly my favorite aspect of the art. It’s really incredible looking as it adds personality to the story and also Santos’ style.

There is one go-to look or close-up that Santos relies on that is really incredible. It’s the shots he does of the Beacon’s goggles. Something about this shot drives home her intensity, but then the damaged and used look give the character personality as well. It’s something I find myself paying attention to each time I see it and it never lets me down.

Furious continues to be a delight month in and month out. I’m looking forward to the next issue a lot and if you haven’t checked out this series you really should. It’s not just a great superhero comic book, but a great comic book in general.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Bryan JL Glass Artist: Victor Santos Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 4/30/14 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital

Review: Chew #41

It’s actually quite impressive that Chew has passed the forty issue mark. It’s a series that I’ve struggled to keep up with because I started out behind on it. Thankfully Layman has managed to give us a standalone issue which is a great jumping on point for new readers or lapsed readers like me. The thing about Chew is that it’s one of those series that you can always catch up on. Sure you might be missing some facts, but I have largely missed the last two-story arcs of the series and was able to pick up with this issue like riding a bike. What’s our standalone issue about? It’s the FDA’s Annual Law Enforcement Sympoium in Vegas which means it’s a bullshit time off from the job. And who needs that more than Tony and Colby? Speaking of which Tony and Colby are being viewed as heroes due to their big bust in the last issue and Tony’s gal pal has tagged along as well. After being congratulated on the bust, Tony and the gang hit the bar and strangely enough they only have beet vodka.  The next day Tony solves a case that makes him look good in front of his boss’ boss and people get married. I mean its Vegas why wouldn’t people get married?

I laughed, I cried, I knew what the last joke would be, but it still fucking got me to chuckle. John Layman has never thrown this series into auto-pilot and after forty issues I still don’t know what to expect from this series. You think you do, I’m sure everyone does, but the truth is when people get ahead of the writer they stop reading and Chew always keeps the reader on their toes.

This is a very successful one-shot. It reintroduces the world, the characters and plants seeds (lays eggs?) about its future. All in all, it takes a break from the heavy stuff that happened in the last arc and that’s one of the many reasons this series is great. Not many series can take a break from its main plot line, but the ones that can produce great issues like this one.

Chew41-CoverThere’s nothing left to say about Rob Guillory’s style, everything that can be said has been and much like Layman he’s far from phoning it in. The visuals I will talk about are all the extra details that Guillory crams into the series and this issue in particular. First there is of course the cover “Lose $2.99 Instantly!” is the best price display I’ve seen on any comic… ever. Aside from that though there is the gambling warning that is also a fun read.

It doesn’t stop there as we have not one, but two Jacuzzi sign gags in the issue. All of the signs are worth paying attention and reading due to the extra entertainment they provide. I’ll never get over how detailed Guillory is. It’s the small things like pit-stains that make him stand out to me. Seriously, pit-stains, that’s the shit I pay attention to.

You might wonder why I’m even bothering with a review for this issue considering its sales success and the long running nature of the story. Well in comic books there’s this assumption that everyone reading a book will continue to read it, but as I’ve already proven that’s not the case. Sometimes people need a reminder that they just because they fell behind on a volume that they can just jump back in and catch up later. Others may feel like they’ll never be able to jump on and this is for them as well. Jump on here. It’ll give you a great idea of what you can expect the series and it’s an entertaining read at that.

Score: 5/5

Writer: John Layman Artist: Rob Guillory Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 4/30/14 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital

Review: Pariah #3

This was the first issue I felt left behind on. I haven’t read the first volume of Pariah and up until this issue I didn’t really see the need. The series thus far has recapped enough of the previous events and hurried forward so much that I thought it was just going to keep chugging forward. There’s a bit too much mention of the past volume in this issue, which is surprisingly the only bad thing about it. In the last issue we meet Hal Roberts the last Vitro on the planet since the rest of them are trapped in space. His parents are anti-government types, but instead of being religious or whack jobs in general, they’re just paranoid of the power the government has and want to live free; be it a bit more than the average person.

We see how Hal grew up for a while and then one day the government comes for him. His father tells the Feds that they’re not getting him, but that ends up with him being hand cuffed over the hood of a car. Seeing the potential of the situation, Hal executes a plan he’s had to live free from his parents. This puts him on the run from everyone and we learn what Hal’s vitro powers are. He basically speaks all languages, but heavily associates with computers of course. He fakes his death and then begins communicating with other vitros. How does he come in contact with the space station and become their last hope on earth? Well let’s just say that there is a plan and you’ll see why Hyde and the vitro’s self-appointed leader kept it a secret.

What continues to impress me about the story for this series is the fact that each issue stars one character and it sticks with that character. I was worried after the first issue that I wouldn’t like another character, but I’ve been proved wrong twice since. I’m still largely not a fan of the supporting cast and dread the day that they become the star for a month.

Pariah #3 CoverThe narration works really well for this series. It makes the characters personal and with their extra thoughts the art can focus more on the storytelling aspect of the visuals rather than helping with exposition. Hal was an interesting character, but like those before him on this series I doubt we’ll see him again for some time.

The artwork is still the biggest reason I come back to this series. I should say that art and coloring since that’s a huge part of it. Brett Weldele’s visuals are spot on for the series, but his coloring is what gives the book a unique look. It’s the constant flux of hues that keeps the book from being boring to look at.

Much like the last issue we’re left with an idea of what will happen in the next issue. Who we’ll follow remains unknown, but as long as the issues remain consistently good I’ll be back to check them out. This issue might not be the best to jump on with, but I have a feeling the next issue won’t have time to reference the past. If anything you should catch up on the first two issues before reading this one.

Score: 4/5

Writes: Aron Warner and Philip Gelatt Artist: Brett Weldele Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 4/30/14 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital

Review: Hacktivist #4 (of 4)

Ed sends out the video of Beya’s death to any device in Tunisia that can replay it.  As a result, the country unites and stands up to the militia while a new feeling of revolution overpowers the citizens. As an aside, Ed hacks Tunisia’s satellite network; however, he garners the attention of Agent Ori.   The agent orders a drone strike to take down Ed, but his friend Nate won’t allow anything to happen to the prodigy and liberator.

The climax involves complete disclosure, and one hero will possibly be dead while another will remained imprisoned.

The last issue provides an optimistic view of the ability of hackers to liberate citizens from technocratic regimes.  However, the book seems to think that pure information will be enough to radically effect change.  While that does seem great for the pages of a comic, the real world’s indifference won’t care so much as to the dealings of the political machines so long as some useless entertainment keeps the masses sedated.

Hacktivist_004_coverDespite that, the four issue series ends on a positive note that completes the series with a simple, ramification-free answer to the political intrigue that fueled the previous three issues.

My main gripes are that Nate and Ed seem somewhat infallible with their hacks, and that all the response to their information disclosures magically fixes everything.  Sure, plotlines are left open for possible sequels, but not possible speculation.  I don’t recall much from this final issue, but I can remember key points from 1-3.  Because I feel the ending to be to easily remedied, I don’t value this last issue as well as the previous three.

This has been a great comic with plenty of character and plot, but the ending does not deliver on the same caliber as its predecessors.

Score: 3/5

Writers: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly Artist: Marcus To Publisher: Boom/Archaia Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 4/30/14 Format: Mini-Series, Print/Digital

Review: Judge Dredd – Mega City Two #4

I have to commend this issue for trying something that hasn’t been done in comics before; that said it didn’t really work out. The problems begin on the cover which is designed to be an old fashioned cartoon, but has no narrative sense. I hope you like it though because it continues throughout the issue. Dredd’s case has lead him to “Melody Time” a place that can only be described as a lawless city, but with annoying cartoon guides. Every visitor of Melody Time receives two flying discs containing the personalities of Barry Badger and Foley Fox to accompany them and they’re not the best companions. Dredd is there to visit a crime boss, but the entire thing turns out to be a work for the camera. I have to say that I’m not really enjoying the fact that Dredd is becoming more accustomed to the system of Mega City Two. After they’re done filming Dredd begins his real work. His camera bot’s head is ripped off so he’s able to send the crew packing while he looks for the man that’s supposedly breaking people out of the IsoCube and setting them up with new personas in Mega City Two.

JudgeDredd_MC204_cvrOverall the story continues to be great. I enjoyed the advancement in the plot and the ending was brutal. The parts that aren’t enjoyable are the constant “cartoon” interruptions. This would be amazing to see animated or in a live action setting, but on a comic it breaks from the narrative flow and doesn’t stand out enough due to the coloring Ryan Hill already uses on Ulises Farinas’ artwork.

The thing is I absolute loved the art, but the cartoon part just wasn’t different enough and so it became an annoyance. If it had been saved for the scene towards the end in which Foley and Barry take over filming and switch the footage to a tamer PG version then that would have had an impact. The problem is it’s sprinkled in too much before then which steals its own thunder.

Will I be back for the final issue? You bet I will and I’ll even be a bit sad to see this series go, but that’s what makes it a good mini-series. While this wasn’t the strongest issue in the series, it was still an entertaining read for the most part and worth continuing with if you’ve been here since the beginning.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Douglas Wolk Artist: Ulises Farinas Colorist: Ryan Hill Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 4/30/14

Review: Dream Police #1

Image revives the comic from the Marvel one-shot done by J. Michael Straczynski back in 2005.  The premise centers on lieutenant detective Joe Thursday and his partner Frank Stafford.  In homage to the television series Dragnet that originated in the 1950s and had several incarnations in the previous decades, Dream Police features characters and dialogue that reflect those of the show. Another source that the comic draws from seems to be The Real Ghostbusters episode 75009 from October 25th, 1986, “Mr. Sandman, Dream Me A Dream.”  In the Ghostbusters story penned by Straczynski, a rogue Sandman tries to bring about world peace by putting humanity to sleep and making dreams a reality.  The ‘imagination gone amuck’ motif figures heavily in this story, as well.

Thursday and Stafford police things such as dream components who do not play the predetermined roles, lucid dreamers, and other errant, sleep-produced characters.  Nightmares, something akin to the Slenderman character popular in urban legend and internet lore, pop in from time to time to help or play an enigmatic role.

DreamPolice01-CoverStraczynski does a great deal of world building in this issue with ideas and products that come from dream-related materials.  Subtle twists and turns by adept readers’ eyes will make the experience of reading this comic more enjoyable.

However, the overall product does not offer anything new or captivating.  Ever since The Matrix introduced the idea of an alternative reality that can be remolded by one with unrealized power, the task of drafting a story in such a world becomes a herculean task.  For as great as a writer as Straczynski is, he does not execute well with this contrived story.  Too many elements seem to familiar, and too many opportunities to create something odd and mysterious fail.

This one is a definite pass.

Score: 2/5

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Sid Kotian Publisher: Image/Joe’s Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 4/30/14

Review: Captain Midnight #10

Okay, there has been very little doubt on how I feel about Captain Midnight. The title has been just phenominal, bringing new life to a character that ruled nearly all media in the 1940s. In its heyday, Captain Midnight had a comic, a radio show, a serialized movie reel, and even tv show for a stint. The guy was huge, but largely unknown today. Thanks to the awesome work by Dark Horse Comics however, Captain Midnight has returned to a place of prominence once again, well scripted by Joshua Williamson and drawn by Frenando Dagnino. The two have made beautiful comic music together that just keeps getting better as the issues progress. And one of the things that has really made reading this title spectacular has been Williamson's ability to surprise the reader. I was blown away with the ending of Issue #9. After Issue #10's wrap up though...Well, I was just plain floored. Williamson isn't afraid to take chances, which is what is working for the whole story. The "For a Better Tomorrow" story arc began by giving the reader the big confrontation between Midnight and nemesis Fury Shark. Now in Issue #10, Midnight takes the battle to former sidekick and best friend Chuck Ramsey. And as we read through the pages, we are given not only hard hitting, jaw crunching action. But we also get a deeper "inner" tale of loyalty, friendship, betrayal, and sacrifice. We get all these in this issue as well as a hellaciously good read.

Captain Midnight #10 CoverIt's really difficult to find something bad to say about Joshua Williamson's writing. He has blended past glory with present complexity perfectly. It's one thing to maintain Jim Albright's 1940s composure and swagger, which he does. But then he takes all of the ways of the modern world where not everything is as black and white as say...fighting Nazis. Jim has to realize that difference and through 10 issues, that realization has gone full circle. Midnight gets it and now he is battling from that perspective.

And as for Dagnino...The dude gets it. He draws Midnight with a perfect measure of temperament. Basically, he modernizes an old hero and he does it with gusto and grit. He covers the stoic nature, but is not afraid to get his hands dirty with some 21st century heavy violence which gives the title legitimacy. The comic censorship days are done and we get a Captain Midnight that is steeped in the past, but translated for today.

The end of this one makes sure that things will not be the same again for any of the characters involved. Innocence has been lost, and the rose colored blinders are off. We, along with Jim Albright see the world in its brutal reality. Now things must be resolved. And I can't wait to see how.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Fernando Dagnino Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 4/30/14

Review: Ten Grand #9

So, I dunno about you guys and gals, but I usually only give a passing glance at recap pages when I read my books. But I made an exception for some reason in Ten Grand #9, and wow, a shit load has happened in (and around) this series. Looking back, you can definitely point to a shift right after Templesmith’s departure; the hurried turning point where this book transformed from on thing into another, leaving a bunch of hanging plot threads in its wake. In this, its ninth issue, it feels like JMS realized that and is desperately attempting to wrap his story back in on itself before it unravels further.

Picking up on the much more overtly-supernatural plot the book has taken, rather than the street-level stuff at its start, this issue sees our hero, heaven’s indentured private investigator, Joe, having a conversation with Brother James, the man-cum-demon who killed the love of his life. Then again, this is less a conversation than a temptation.

Preying on Joe’s all-but-vitriolic dislike for the human race (barring his deceased ladyfriend, Laura, who here acts the ethereal damsel in distress), Brother James seeks to elicit Joe’s help in hell’s renewed war on heaven by exploiting his special arrangement with paradise (that being that he can briefly visit Laura in the afterlife each time he “dies” in the line of righteous service) to his own hellish ends. This part was mostly great, though that video game reference in the beginning fell pretty flat.

My problem is not the admittedly admirable effort JMS makes to hammer past events into current relevancy, or even that the “flashback” panels took up the better part of seven pages with direct Templesmith artwork rehashes (though that is a bit much, let’s be honest, and a pretty transparent way to cut corners).

TenGrand09_CoverBMy problem is that it feels so forced. Maybe this is the direction JMS was going to take this book in the whole time - you would presume that, anyway - but then why does it feel like he’s grasping at straws to have all of this make some semblance of sense? I’m also not saying it’s not an interesting twist, coupled by a (somewhat predictable) outcome at the end of the issue, it’s just that marrying the two different sides of this story like that felt jarring and inorganic. And the choppy artistic direction didn’t help.

C.P. Smith shows a great range this issue in the visual direction he has adopted for this book, but I have to be honest that putting his art beside Templesmith’s really hurts not just the book’s visual flow, but also reminds the audience how Ten Grand could have looked throughout, and how amazing that would have been. Again, I’m not trying to knock Smith, but for my taste and in this kind of story, it pales stylistically.

Thing is, even though I think this issue in particular took some cheap workarounds and felt frayed in its roughly-cut continuity, I’m still interested in seeing where this goes. Again, I’m a big sucker for angelic wars in the afterlife, so I remain on-board to see where the ramifications of this issue take us next time. I just don’t like being simultaneously reminded how badly this book apparently suffered after its unfortunate creative shift, or that something this “okay” could have been so, so much better.

Score: 3/5

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: C.P. Smith (and Ben Templesmith) Publisher: Image Comics and Joe’s Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 4/30/14

Review: Blackout #2

The first issue of Blackout left a sour taste in my mouth. I wanted desperately to get rid of it. It was one of those comics where I wanted to love it from the beginning. I like the reluctant hero gig, but it has been done. So this comic needed something bigger. You catch up with Scott and Ash trying to solve the death of a friend. The friend, Bob, works at Mechatronics. He has disappeared and the day of this, Scott found a mysterious package at his door. The package contained this suit. Once Scott realized that the suit could transfer you into parallel universes, he had to use it, duh. Scott and Ash decide to use the suit to find Bob. Their evidence is limited and with any big corporation, there are so many trails to follow. The concept was cool. Any dimension jumpers usually get my attention. That is exactly why I had to test drive issue #2 to see if I could finally dive into this blackhole. Colin Lorimer brings probably my favorite part about this comic and that is the art and coloring. The comic is set with some dark tones and rightfully so. The suit that Scott wears is exactly what a parallel universe suit would like in the future. It protects him from the cold, has a breathing unit attached, and very robot like. I also like the blues involved in the issues. This may sound weird but hear me out. Mechatronics and everyone in this comic deal with computers. So not only do we see a lot of screen reflections, but also just some blue reflections throughout the comic. I love the shadowing, and I also think that is trying to show the advancement of computers in our world and the future. Even when Scott goes into his parallel places, he is in this shadow of blue. It is cool to see the overlapping and the detail put into it.

Blackout #2 CoverThe story is slow moving. It is something that takes some time to get used to especially with a perceived action comic. Literally nothing new happens with Bob. Like nothing. We learn that the agents coming to Mechatronics are bad, but that was so obvious last issue. I don’t even get why Scott and Ash want to find out about Bob. To me, it seems they are way in over their heads. I get the slow moving of the plot since Scott is trying to understand his powers. But it seems he has a good handle on it or at least that is what we are lead to believe in the beginning. It just had too little of a plot shift for me to again really love this comic.

I can’t get over these clear missing links. Blackout has got some work cut out for him to make me want more. My mark is now three issues. If I can’t get hooked in three consecutive issues, any spot in the series, and fall in love then I am out. Blackout doesn’t have anything bigger the surface right now. Dive into Bob’s death or big corporations. Hell even rob a bank for your own selfish needs, but stay on point with the plot and I will be back.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Frank J. Barbire Artist: Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 4/30/14

Review: Loki – Ragnarok n Roll #3

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve re-read Loki: Ragnarok and Roll #3, and I’m still not sure where it sits with me. On the one hand, it is shallow, angst-ridden and underdeveloped. On the other, it’s balls-out, blood and guts, gods-beating-the-shit-out-of-each-other comic booking ... and I’m kind of okay with that. Thing is, this issue is the series’ penultimate offering before it rides into the sunset, and as such, I think it will end forgettably as a paler shadow of books that did the mythos of godhood better and the ultra-violence of superhumans with more weight and measure.

Most of the issue sees the assembled guard of old gods, consisting of Hercules, Ganesha, Anansi and a few others, leading a two-pronged assault on the crumbling and split House of Odin. This, in turn, leaves Loki in a position he’s never before been in; an evolution of status, surely, but meanwhile his own questionable moral ambiguity shows a worrying regress. This book is still playing with these Norse gods in new(ish) and exciting ways, which is great ... but there is something all-too-familiar about this book, as well.

For one, the concept of godhood in this series reminds me of that which exists in Gaiman’s American Gods, in that divine physical power is derived from human belief. I know that’s not a fresh concept by any means, but the presentation here is similar, especially as Loki taps into a modern faith in both mass disenfranchisement and its bedfellow, social media, both of which power his cult of personality and strength of divinity.

Loki_Ragnarok_and_Roll_003_coverATo me, Loki: Ragnarok and Roll #3 also felt like an issue of Invincible, and is in the same school of (visually violent) thought as, say, the Luther Strode books. This is mostly thanks to the significant yet cartoonish carnage and over-the-top gore that was so prevalent and ridiculous throughout, not to mention the insurmountable odds or sudden and vivid deaths. I mean, someone gets the better part of his arms ripped off in the early going of this issue, while another is literally brained to fucking death ... with a guitar!

Look, I won’t lie, that was pretty darn cool, and even though I did dig a lot of it, the end result was equally hollow. I think Gaylord’s hyper art is the best part of this series, but that doesn’t change his bloated style from being all glamor muscle, without any real or lasting strength. The same could be said of the writing.

Like with Gaylord, some of Esquivel’s stuff here is a fucking bash to consume! He definitely loves searching for punchy and pun-heavy dialogue, and hey, I’m nothing if not a sucker for a good play on words and some classic, sassy backtalk! Unfortunately, however, the few beats that work really well here feel drowned in the repetitiveness of those that don’t.

In the end (which comes suddenly, like it was either a panel too long or a page or two too short), Loki: Ragnarok and Roll #3 was fine if all you’re searching after is a simple, super goddamn bloody book where gods of every description fuck each other up. Look for anything more than that, however, and you’ll probably leave disappointed.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Eric M. Esquivel Artist: Jerry Gaylord Colors: Gabriel Cassata Publisher: Boom! Date: 4/30/14 Price: $3.99

Review: EGOs #4

EGOs has the right balance of sci-fi mixed with real people. It is hard to get these two right within the same series, but EGOs has done it for me. We enter the very distant future and by the recap at the beginning, I think we just got over some huge story arc. Actually the recap was quite funny. Lots of comics give us a paragraph about what happened last week, but EGOs gives it a simplicity telling us that they saved the world and now they are tired. Right away I loved the humor behind this script. Stuart Moore has some fun with the series, so I was excited to see where the journey was going. See this is my first read of EGOs and you’ll have to read on to see if it will be the last. So the first thing that caught my attention of this comic was the setting. I love futuristic settings. Who doesn’t? It has this very cool space feel to it, and Shara can jump between universes. With that the stories are limitless. That is exactly what Moore jumps into with issue #4. After building his team, Deuce takes some time to relax and train. Pixel seems to oversee the training though. While the rookies seem to love having fun during training. Shara is especially clever but loves to mess around. The group has lots of different characters including Pigmentia and Norman. By far though the best characters are the robots like Godel. They each have their own personality that you can’t help but adore. Being able to have all these types of characters allows for the story to be an all-out ride.

EGOs04-CoverShara decides to use her powers on a space time crystal just for the hell of it. Yeah I would totally do that too. Clearly this isn’t the greatest idea but who cares. So Shara, Pigmentia, and Godel all go through the portal that the experiment creates. You would think this would lead to another dimension. The best way I can put it is that they end up in the tunnels that lead to other dimensions. Sort of in the limbo area. Now they are trapped and being surrounded by these serpent creatures. Not so much fun anymore.

Pixel knows about it all, but the stress of her mother in her prison is stressing her out the most. See the comic folds in these very real human experiences with some kick-butt hero fun. Although this issue only opened the door to the story arc, I can’t wait to see where we go with it. With Moore’s storytelling and Gus Storms’ art, we know our reading will be filled with some hero action while still getting some punches in.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Stuart Moore Artist: Gus Storms Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 4/30/14 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital

Review: Umbral #6

Umbral may sound like a rude synonym for a lesser-known body part, but without meaning to unduly mix things up, it is quickly becoming for me Image’s most impressive dark horse book. I’m not sure it’s getting the press it deserves, but having had an absolute blast covering this series for a few issues now, I am more than happy to do my part in singing its praises. This grounded fantasy series has impressed the hell out of me since I picked it up, and it remains both a rare gem and permanent fixture on my pull list.

This issue sees our reluctant heroine, Rascal, continue her flight from a once tentatively peaceful kingdom now infiltrated at its highest levels by shadow monsters known as the Umbral, who are seeking to claim purchase on “our” level of existence via a magical artifact known as the Oculus (aka, the “bastard crystal” in the words of Rascal’s gypsy companion, Shayim), which just so happens to be in our wayward scoundrel’s possession.

The various members of the ragtag resistance in which Rascal has haphazardly ensconced herself are at each others’ throats, quite literally at times, and the whole adventure is taking on a very Lord of the Rings type feel, thanks indeed to the clash of personalities rallied behind one singular goal; that being, to fuck up the Umbral good and goddamn proper.

Probably the most interesting insular conflict currently underway within this dynamic is that between the man of science (who also apparently comes from a race of “baby-eaters”), the Yuilangan Profoss, Munty, and the enigmatic ex-wizard Dalone (who this issue reveals his Beast Mode / Final Form to Rascal amidst a quite hairy predicament), both of whom vie for the allegiance of their would-be charge.

Drenched in the previously-established lore of Umbral, their arguments over how best to be rid of the Oculus offer further yet tantalizingly-vague insight into the history of this world, and it’s great to see that story unfold sparingly across each issue.

Umbral06-CoverOf course, Umbral’s most powerful magic (or sexy science, depending on your poison) is the way Johnston continues to build his characters. In a cool collision of Game of Thrones and Saga, the dialogue with which he arms them is simultaneously high sentence and low church, and it’s impossible (for me, at least) not to dig its often anachronistic tone.

Artistically, I’ve really grown to love styles like this, in its rough hew. Stone-cut but furiously fluid, it’s simple, but effective, and I can see why it has become one of the prevailing-most styles in the indies. Saying that, Mitten does a great job here again of putting his own stamp on the visual proceedings with a sometimes ambient, but always solid sacramental flourish.

I’ve said it already in my reviews for this book, but the stained-glass quality of this art is fantastic, accentuated all the more by the calculated pierce of Jordan Boyd’s colors. My one complaint is basically based on conjecture, but I’d like to see this book allow itself to visually spill across its pages with the same reckless abandon in which the creative team approaches its story. What I mean is that the layouts are a bit formulaic, and given the chance to seep more freely, I think its presence would impress on a whole other level.

The quiet at the end of the issue, and really throughout it, is deceptive, as the motley crew of gathered goodies, we are told, could be harboring, perhaps without any of their knowing, a rather unsavory sort; the kind that could get them killed. What that means is that, like its cast, even when this book is catching its breath, it continues to be a full-on adventure that I can’t put down. With two fairly big deaths and a more focused direction, Umbral #6 proves why this series is a must on anyone’s monthly list.

Reckoning: 4/5

Scribe: Anthony Johnston Illuminator: Christopher Mitten Painter: Jordan Boyd Flourisher: Thomas Mauer Printsmith: Image Comics Commencement: 4/30/14

Review: King Conan - The Conqueror #3

I have not been too keen on this graphic adaptation of Robert E. Howard’s The Hour of the Dragon that was one of the last Conan stories written by Howard before his death. As with most Conan titles (books and comics), you get a mixed bag of some good, some not so good, and some downright awful. Now this adaptation, that is written by Timothy Truman and is drawn by Tomas Giorello, it has fallen kind of in the middle. The art has been really impressive, reminiscent of some of the classic Conan of the 1970s. But the story has been kind of so so. I have not been wowed and have been real close to dismissing it as one of the “fails” in a long list of Conan titles (books and comics…Hell, movies and television for that matter too.). Enter Issue #3. What’s the best way for a writer to write his way out of a jam? They keep writing is what they do. It worked for Howard who pumped out a large number of material for the short span that he wrote. And it appears that it has now worked for Truman too as for the first time since reviewing this series, I am beginning to warm up and like it. This one is by far the best of the three to date. I can’t quite put my finger on it as to what has changed, but I think it lies somewhere in Truman actually starting to write rather than just letting Conan curse, and take action. There is finally some personality in our barbarian who anyone who reads Conan knows that he is far more than just that simple description. He is a little bit of everything, and Truman begins to show that in this issue that as we get an old Conan reflecting on this story of his past (in a quite humorous way too), with the cut back to the action that for the first time, flows smoothly without the grunts, growls, and curses uttered. Truman has finally personalized the story and it is a huge improvement to the blah of the first two issues.

King Conan the Conqueror #3 CoverIssue three finds Conan fresh off the liberation of the slave crew of The Venturer arriving to the shores of Khemi, a snaky outcropping of Stygia ruled over by the equally snaky Priests of Set. Conan infiltrates the city and gets into his usual shanigans. But these acts have more purpose and focus than what has previously been displayed as he is on the brink of some serious political intrigue amongst the priests that puts the whole world in its crosshairs.

This is the first issue where Truman’s writing matches Giorello’s art which continues in that golden vein of old and legendary art style. Everything has finally found its balance and for the first time, I am actually intrigued and looking forward to the next installment.

All of the hype has been that this series is the Conan that Howard envisioned when he wrote it so many years ago. I had dismissed it, but with Issue #3, that quote may just be on to something. We will have to see. If it doesn’t live up to its hype, at least I can say that with this issue, that expectation was matched.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Tim Truman Artist: Tomas Giorello Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 4/30/14

Review: Black Science #6

You’ve probably noticed that our coverage of Image’s perilous cross-dimensional family romp, Black Science, is no longer a Dual Review here at Comic Bastards. The reason for this is simple: James, my fellow Bastard and former partner in crime in this venture ... has been lost to us. It happened when, as was our editorial tradition in preparation for the writing of this review, we slipped into an alternate universe and, in this case, entered into fisticuffs with the anthropomorphic possum overlords who ruled there with an iron fish. That’s not a typo, it was just a weird place.

After saving my life in a flourish of swordplay I could only describe as “calligraphic,” James not only fended off the otters or beavers or whatever I said they were above, but also kicked me through the dramatically-malfunctioning “portal opener” before it could collapse on top of us.

Unfortunately, he didn’t make it through, but right before he dropkicked me in what was once referred to in 1980s professional wrestling as “the solar plexus” (which also happens to be the name of my band), he looked at me with eyes that seemed to say, “Finish the review, Steve ... finish it for me.” I, meanwhile, looked back with eyes that seemed to say, “Look out behind you, there’s a surly-looking platypus with a bat'leth,” but I didn’t say anything out loud because spoilers, dude.

Anyway, this is my vengeance review, and in James’ honor, I am giving this issue full fucking marks, because I had an absolute blast reading Black Science #6. Much like this very article, this series had an odd start, but once again Remender’s slow narrative bleed has coagulated into a story that has left me thirsty for more.

BlackScience06-CoverHaving suffered some or another form of tragedy in pretty much each issue since Grant McKay, his family, his mistress and their sundry hangers-on fell through their own portal and became lost in space between dimensions (think Sliders meets a dysfunctional Fantastic Four and you’ve got it), the “anarchist scientist” finally lets loose against the traitorous Kadir, his associate and project funder who was revealed to be the saboteur that thrust them rudderless across string theory in the first place.

Their issue-sweeping, alternatingly-narrated “bro-haha”  has pretty much everything you would want in a quirky sci-fi book like this, including surprising developments in character pathos, an interesting new wrinkle or two in the already-battered “family” dynamic, parasitically-possessed man-monkeys (including beheadings of same) and of course, tragic irony.

One of the things I loved best about this issue was that it was so unpredictable, with exciting twists you probably won’t see coming. I know his style is a bit contentious with some of you fangirls and boys, but I generally like Remender’s stuff, and think that this is a great example of why.

Not only is this book brimming with action and great science fiction “what if” scenarios, it also does a wicked job of simultaneously building more compelling reasons to continue, from the new makeup of the traveling group after the events of Kadir and Grant’s fight, to the presence of yet another Pillar (their version of the portal-opener) in this dimension, not to mention the identity of the being that guards it.

At the same time, this is a story of parts, almost televisually episodic in nature, which is why I’ve also compared it to Quantum Leap in the past. Each new forced jaunt the ever-dwindling group takes is its own self-contained adventure, and Remender clearly has a lot of fun touching on the brief details that make each jump an intriguing appetizer of place.

This time, the relationship between the simian creatures and the plants they grow beneath their ice volcano fortress takes center stage, and I absolutely loved the twist; a great concept that exists in nature in our reality, but inflated to the Nth degree here, it’s suitably creepy as fuck. Seriously, take a handful of peyote and look up “cordyceps” on youtube, and I think you’ll be in the place Remender was when he wrote this.

The art is its own similar trip and if you haven’t seen it yet, you should pick up Black Science for Matteo Scalera’s work here alone. It’s a style I think is inimitable and perfect for this story in its flurry and omnipresent splatter, the latter of which, to be fair, is presumably thanks to the talents of colorist Dean White, who brings Scalera’s style to almost abrasive light. Stellar stuff, and a fun ride all around.

So there it is, my James Tribute Review gets the high-fives. I hope he would approve, wherever he is...

Score: 5/5

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Matteo Scalera Colorist: Dean White Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 4/30/14 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital

Review: Dexter's Laboratory #1

Dexter’s Laboratory is one of the many shows from Cartoon Network’s previous gilded age of the late 90s that I could watch endlessly. As such, IDW is putting another one of my sacred calves out into the world in a forum where it could be horrible. Samurai Jack largely dodged a bullet and was pretty good. Dexter’s Lab doesn’t dodge the bullet – it creates an invention to make the bullet not exist. What I’m saying here is that this comic is excellent.

The story in this issue is pretty standard: Dexter has invented a thing, he takes great pains to ensure Dee Dee doesn’t ruin the thing, Dee Dee does in fact ruin the thing, Dexter comes up with a new plan. It’s the same old song and dance, but it’s a song and dance that everybody fucking loves. It’s the Electric Slide or the YMCA, as opposed to the Wobble or the Bernie.

DextersLab01-cvrI’m unfamiliar with the creative team from a writing or art standpoint on this book, but they’re both quite obviously fond of the source material and not out to make any sweeping changes. At some level, that makes a lot of sense to me. Somebody at IDW has handed Fridolfs and Jampole (if those aren’t sound like cartoon pseudonyms, what could they be?) this beloved sandbox, and you can’t just immediately kill off Dee Dee (or can you?). I mean, it’s not like your first act on The Avengers would be to disassemble the Avengers, amirite? Oh wait...

I don’t know what it is about Genndy Tartakovsky’s house style, but it’s one that any capable artist can pick up and run with, and make it seem like they’ve been living in it forever. Bruce Timm is the same way. Their designs are specific but simple, and it makes them universal. Compare it to the Regular Show or Adventure Time comics, where the character designs are recognizable, but the artists are encouraged to stamp their own work on it. There’s a larger debate about which one is better for the industry of comics, but this isn’t the place.

This issue is a well done traipse down memory lane. In itself, it doesn’t change anything about Dexter, but brings a lot of fun stuff back (the monkey shows up, so I can’t wait until the inevitable “Dial M for Monkey” issue). The premise of it brings some possibilities for good drama, but it will definitely be a challenge for the team to keep it fresh. With a monthly book, it has to be fresher than a weekly series, because you only get 25% of the time to make the same emotional impact. I think this creative team can do it. I believe in it.

This is some of the most fun you’ll have in a comic book this month, possibly this year. Especially if you’re a child of the 90s like I am/was. Do yourself a favor and come back down to the lab.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Derek Fridolfs Artist: Ryan Jampole Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 4/30/14

Group Review: Rai #1

You’ve probably read or skipped by this opening countless times by now, but we’re actually switching up the way we do our group reviews. Going forward each of the writers/reviewers of Comic Bastards will of course give their thoughts on the issue we’re reviewing, but then we’ll each be giving it our own numeric score. Just don’t look for an average at the bottom because we’re not doing that. Because averages suck, duh. Here’s a blurby from Valiant before we get started: The year is 4001 A.D. - led by the artificial intelligence called 'Father,' the island nation of Japan has expanded out of the Pacific and into geosynchronous orbit with the ravaged Earth below. With billions to feed and protect, it has fallen to one solitary guardian to enforce the law of Father's empire - the mysterious folk hero known as Rai. They say he can appear out of nowhere. They say he is a spirit, the ghost of Japan. But when the first murder in a thousand years threatens to topple Father's benevolent reign, Rai will be forced to confront the true face of a nation transformed, and his own long-lost humanity!


Samantha: 4/5

Rai’s art is insane. Like seriously it rocks all other comics. Set in the future of Japan, you knew it had to be grand but Clayton Crain brings everything he’s got to this series. I couldn’t take my eyes of it. The details of the suits, the streets, the skyline, and even the droplets of rain make each panel well worth the double take…or triple take.

Moving onto the story, we get a real introduction piece with the first issue. It is slow moving with very little action. But guess what, I loved it! It is hard to not have explosions and blood right away and not having these things and making it work is even tougher. Rai didn’t need anything more to make it perfect. The whole issue is narrated by a sixteen year old. Instead of following the kid though, we get glimpses at different scenes all leading up the Rai making an appearance. The comic was heavy with its plot. You definitely can’t just skim through this one. So sit down and take some good time out your day to read what will be another huge hit for Valiant.


Dustin: 4/5

I’m what you could call a huge “mark” for Matt Kindt. If he’s writing something there’s a strong probability that I’ll check it out and while I’ve accepted that not everything he writes is going to be my brew of coffee, it’s always worth giving a shot. With that said I like Rai, but unlike my fellow reviewers I liked it solely for the story.

Clayton Crain’s artwork is gorgeous, but everything I’ve read that he’s attached to suffers from the same thing… lack of a visual narrative. The thing is it’s usually blamed on the story, but Crain is the consistent factor in this. I only had one problem with the entire issue and that was the last few pages which showed Rai encountering some genetic man/monster and sent flying from Japan. The problem being that for the first several panels you have no idea what is going on, but it also doesn’t match up with what we were previously seeing either. I doesn’t make sense until the last few panels.

The story on the other hand had glimmers of Phillip K. Dick, but then also some Psycho Pass if I’m not mistaken (which was heavily influenced by Dick’s work as well). In a way it spoiled where the story is going for me, but then also intrigued me even more. I’ll definitely be back for more, but really I’m going to be patiently waiting for Crain to drop off this series like he’s done on every series he’s worked on.


Adam: 2/5

Like most other Valiant I’ve read minus Shadowman and Quantum & Woody, Rai fails to intrigue me to continue reading this series any further.  Getting through this book was a chore for me, which is not something you want when reading.  I felt like there was way too much time spent in the exposition and not enough really getting into the meat and potatoes of the story.  The explanation of everything seemed well-thought out in the writer’s head but while reading it I don’t think it translated well to the page.  I was hoping to like this book being that I’m not a huge fan of sci-fi and futuristic comics, but this one doesn’t do anything for me.  Rai as a character didn’t even get enough of the spotlight to really shine, and I can’t say that I’m interested in him at all.  The only thing that kept me along for the ride on this first issue was the incredible art.


Jeff: 4/5

It is the future.  Japan is now a big ass satellite which, of course, because it’s the future.  Everything looks all Blade Runner but slate gray.  Murder has disappeared, until fzz BLAM BLAM, it reappears.  First one; then a whole bunch.  Someone has smuggled weapons into the hands of the menacing raddies, someone under the assumed named of Spylocke.  Who’s on the case?  Motherfucking Rai, of course.  Rai is the mystical guardian of Space Japan. Now that someone’s willing to murder, more is possible:  Rai beseeches the unseen Father for guidance as things worsen and worsen.

Half the book belongs to Lula, a young woman.  She introduces the world from an her humble perspective.  She introduces the mythos of Rai.  She fawns and prattles.  Her pink outfits is vibrant against the slate gray of the urbanized districts.  She feels like Natalie Portman in Léon: The Professional, especially sitting next to the stern Rai, who feels like John Wayne by way of cyberpunk/noh theater.  She is excitable and exciting.

Rai (the book, not the character) is a conglomeration of Japanese cultural trappings.  Rai (the character this time) is thought to a state-run propaganda piece, instead he is an honor bound mercenary. devoted to the public and to Father.  Father would then represent the emperor, more respected prior to WWII, combination of father-figure and divine organism.  The raddies are Seijun Suzuki extras.  So on and so on.  (Is the so-called Spylocke a pre-wiling out Gary Oldman?)

It looks great, it feels interesting, I can’t wait for more.  Hearts and stars.


Carl: 2/5

Clayton Crain and Matt Kindt update the Valiant hero Rai for a new generation.  Originally, Rai used nanomites to power his superhero exploits; now the hero defends Japan in a dystopian setting.

No chromium cover adorns this issue.  No, this book relies more on a futuristic Japan where no murders take place—until now.  Liddy, a young woman fascinated with the title character, awaits for the hero to emerge from seclusion to investigate a homicide.  When he does, Rai comes to fight a nasty cyborg looking monstrosity.

This comic takes some bold steps to be artistic.  Readers peer into a futuristic Japan comprised of Miller-esque street punks and Blade Runner tech-in-rain settings.  I struggled to determine whether the book had visionary qualities or simply pretentious stylings.  Since I felt imprisoned between those two possible qualities, I will defer and allow the creative team to develop something of their own.  However, I cannot fully endorse the book for anything other than the artwork.  Clayton Crain’s opening panels with the scenery reflected in falling rain looked stunning.

A premiere issue has so much riding on it.  While Rai #1 strove for daring and inventive with its interpretation of the sword-wielding hero, the writing felt so esoteric for its own sake and not for the sake of telling a story.

This comic has potential, but it must stifle its desire to be so cryptic in favor of a story and setting that will inspire the readership instead of confusing it.

Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Clayton Crain Publisher: Valiant Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 4/30/14

Review: Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1

As Dark Horse’s possession of the Star Wars property winds down, we are graced with a mini series from one of the most celebrated writers in the past few years. Not to mention, that the story focuses on the fan favorite character of Han Solo. He’s always been one of my favorites anyway. I prefer him as part of a duo, with Chewbacca, but I’ll take him any way that I can get him. Second only to Darth Vader on my list of favorite Star Wars characters. A young rebel is paired with one of the rebellion’s biggest names, Han Solo. But in reality, and in this freshly trained rebel’s eyes, Han isn’t everything that his legend has made him out to be. The reality of Han is something far less impressive, at least initially. An escape plan that doesn’t seem to be going so well, a ship that can’t pull the weight of two passengers, and a rebel hero that is merely more than a footsoldier. Is it possible that Han Solo’s luck has finally run out? And this poor guy is being dragged down right along with him.

Star Wars Rebel Heist #1 CoverThe script is a little wordy. A lot of narration, I usually like that, but in my opinion… that doesn’t work as well in Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1. A Star Wars title usually does best when the action outweighs the inner monologue. I think that the script is extremely well written, don’t get me wrong, but it just seems out of place here in the Star Wars EU. I’ve noticed, though, that Kindt does seem to write that way a lot, I actually do as well, but who’s the professional here? So the fact remains that the guy knows what he’s doing, but I’m just not digging it so far. But it’s only been one issue.

The art is… aight. I recognize the style from other Star Wars stuff, but I don’t really remember liking it that much back then either. It seems really inconsistent. That’s kind of a turn off for me. But I will point out that there are a couple of pages that really stand out from the rest of the work.

This story reads like the writer is a fan of Han Solo as a character, but I’m not sure that he has any business writing for him. And the only interesting aspects of the issue come in the final four pages. Which is the only reason that this issue crosses the threshold between “dislike” and “like” in a positive way. The last four pages just isn’t enough for me. Keep in mind that this is just one man’s opinion, and that you need to make your own decision about its quality, but I’m the one reviewing it here. I probably won’t be picking it up anymore. I’ll stick with Legacy until the year is up.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Marco Castiello Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 4/30/14

Review: Southern Bastards #1

Southern Bastards by Jasons Aaron and Latour, truly doesn’t give a fuck if you like it. This attitude could be off-putting, but instead helps it rise above the tropes in which it risks entangling itself. The basic story of Southern Bastards is equal parts As I Lay Dying and Walking Tall. There’s a haunting family legacy on the Old Farm, and that legacy is of a sheriff who literally cleaned up the town with a huge fucking stick but who was, perhaps predictably, a giant asshole to his family. The story picks up forty years after his death with his son (now an old man himself) coming home to pack up everything in the Old Homestead. Luckily, there’s a whole mafia-type crime scene in town which is still murky by the end of the first issue, but which will surely give the Old Bastard plenty of heads to butt up against.

I’m not super familiar with Aaron’s writing on its own. I read the first arc of Scalped but never finished it, and I read his work on the Battle of the Atom crossover, which I’m doing him a favor and not holding against him. He’s clearly lived in this world for a long time before committing it to paper, and he makes sure to itemize his street cred at the end of the issue. It’s a little over the top, but that works in favor of the Southern Gothic aesthetic. Who finishes reading a Faulkner story and goes, “Everything about this story was totally reasonable”? I’m excited to see where he takes these characters and the metaphors he’s laid the groundwork for, and some of which he’s already demolishing.

SouthernBastards01-CoverAJason Latour deserves exceptional praise for this book. The art manages to work so hard, and fire on all cylinders, and it somehow comes off as a breeze or a lark. These feel like places that Latour has been, and he’s just drawing them from memory, and it makes the whole book feel lived-in. For a land as alien as this one is to me, the fact that I can practically smell the barbecue joint is mighty impressive. I’m not sure I’m sold on his work coloring his own art, but it works for the aesthetic of the book and doesn’t feel out of place. Call it personal preference.

This book is also a well-packaged whole. A couple weeks ago in my review for Skinned, I mentioned the packaging of a comic from cover to endpapers to back cover is an artistic undertaking in itself, and Southern Bastards hits that nail right on the head. I don’t feel like I’m diverting myself from my real life to read a story, I feel like I’m diving into a wholly realized world contained in the 35ish pages of this book. Whether or not you want to dip your toe in the world is your call.

I’ll be straight with you and admit that I’ve been looking forward to this book for a long time. I follow Latour and Aaron on Tumblr, and they’ve been doing a bang-up job of giving me just enough to want to read the book, and not enough to know exactly what ride I’d be in for. Having just gotten off said ride, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I don’t know what ride to take next.

This amusement park ride metaphor is falling apart.

I liked this issue; I liked it very much. I don’t know what the next issue holds for the characters in terms of arc or action, and that both excites me and makes me a little bit leery. But maybe that’s the point? Maybe the South, this sort of weirdly untouched wilderness in the US where Tapout branded shirts have penetrated the culture, but the fact that the Confederate flag is racist has not. Maybe this is a land of uncertainty, where anything can happen, and old chains can be broken.

Regardless, this is a rich world, full of characters who are disgusting, and haunted, and thoroughly compelling. Pick this book up.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Jason Latour Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 4/30/14

Review: V Wars #1

I love being proved wrong. No really, sometimes it gives me thrills to say that I judge something so hard and then in turn I love it. V Wars is one of those comics that you may judge right away. I didn’t want to open this comic and see gross battle scenes, overdone blood splatter, and a story revolving around bloodsuckers. Now, I will say that the comic does have all of these things, but so much more to offer as well. Let’s start with the normal stuff I was expecting. Alan Robinson brings in some vicious art that is sure to make you cringe. You have to bring the gore if you are doing a vampire comic. Heads are torn off, blood is pouring out, and terror rings through people’s eyes. Usually I am not a big gore fan, but since the moment was right...I was ready. The first pages bring in that terror even to the readers’ eyes. So we get the backdrop set up right, but it is the story that takes the cake.

The first page shows a grieving father holding his daughter because she has changed. She can’t be more than 10 years old, but she is a full-fledged killer sucking the blood of any human she sees. It is actually quite heartbreaking. And sets up the story perfectly. You know exactly what is going on with the first four lines. That is how you set up a plot. Luther makes it is duty to be find a way for humans and vampires to live peacefully. What I love about this sroryline is that we could take any two people and have the same exact story. It just makes it more radical having vampires and humans. I think V Wars has a lot to say about the human condition. When you can intertwine any story happening today, it makes the story relatable. And that is how you enjoy anything, you relate to it and then it becomes real.

VWars01-cvrAThe war isn’t prevalent until the Speaker of the House is making a speech about peace among the groups. During the speech, a vampire kills the Speaker. Each side is outraged and the state becomes a madhouse. Vampires are running wild while humans are trying to survive day to day. One reporter gets all Lisa Ling on us and goes into the vampires homes to see their side of the story. Clearly everyone blames these monsters, but we soon find out with Luther that there is more to the story.

V Wars is that perfect human reflection story piece. I have been pretty tough on a lot of 1st issues lately. I sort of felt bad, but when you have something like this come out, you can’t help but wonder why they all can’t be this exciting. I hope that we can keep the momentum up for further issues. As this comic may have turned me into more of a gore fan than I thought I was.

By the way, let me make a shout out to Kevin Eastman’s variant cover on V Wars. Man I love that dude’s art.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Artist: Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 4/30/14

Review: Clockwork Angels #2

I know I’m really anticipating a book’s release when it feels like it’s been forever since then last issue’s debut.  That’s certainly the case for Clockwork Angels, as the first issue blew me away with its gorgeous art, intriguing story, and memorable characters.  Although I can’t say I was as grabbed by this issue as the first issue, it is far from a sophomore slump. Owen starts off this issue by getting a head start on accomplishing his dreams that he expressed in the first issue: see what’s outside his quaint town of Albion.  The first panel in fact shows Owen in Crown City, the home of the Watchmaker.  Here, Owen still hopes to see the Clockwork Angels.  But first, he wanders around through Crown City, taking in its sights and sounds.  The city is illuminated by the beautiful blue glow courtesy of the Coldfire Nexus, and alchemical combination which provides energy to everything.  Owen also sees the Anarchist has been spray painting the city walls with the signature anarchist symbol.  He notices the cleanliness and order of the city under the watchful eye of the Watchmaker as a few men scrub off the spray paint.  Crown City also clearly has some quirky individuals which add to the mystery and intrigue to it.  For example, a blind hat vendor tells Owen that he could use a porkpie hat.  Owen did in fact leave his hat back home.  When Owen asks the blind man how he knew that he needed a hat, the man replied “Because I expected you to come.  How else could I do my business?”  This stuck out to me as being extremely odd-how do people in a different city know that Owen was coming?  Most people are very ritualistic in their living situations, how do they know Owen is any different?

ClockworkAngels_02_coverAOne shameless self-promotion tactic on Neal Peart’s part was adding in a street attraction called The Percussor.  A man ushers people over to this machine made by a clockmaker named Dr. Russell that resembles a four-armed man drumming.  The Percussor’s drum set is even as obnoxious and unnecessary as Neal Peart’s in real life!  Anway, back to the story.  So Owen is determined to see the Clockwork Angels, but he is informed that he should have already received a ticket if he were meant to see the show.  The men at the entrance to see the Clockwork Angels are very tight-lipped and don’t seem to give Owen any help regarding seeing the show that Owen wants to see so badly.  Elsewhere in the city, the Anarchist plots to set all the clocks to different times in order to instill a widespread panic.

I didn’t even cover half of the book in that brief synopsis, so I urge everyone who enjoyed the first issue to go out and get this one.  We get to know Owen a bit more and uncover a bit of the mystery behind one of the places that Owen thought was so magical and intriguing.  That said, more questions are raised which makes me very eager to get my hands on next month’s issue.  The art was again just as good if not better than the story, as I wouldn’t want to read this book with any other artist.  Crown City is brought to life through the off-kilter people that Owen talks to, the beautiful yet odd buildings and structures, and the aforementioned alchemical substance that fuels the city.  My only critique for this book so far is that it’s a head-scratcher to me how the Anarchist hasn’t been caught yet.  He doesn’t have any real type of disguise-he just wears glasses sometimes but has other features that make him stand out like a sore thumb.  It doesn’t seem realistic to me that he can cause this much havoc in a city where everything is watched with Big Brother-esque vigor and not get caught already.  That said, Clockwork Angels is gearing up to be one of my favorite miniseries this year has to offer.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Kevin J. Anderson (from a story and lyrics by Neal Peart) Artist: Nick Robles Publisher: Boom Studios Price: $3.99 Release Date: 4/30/14 Format: Mini-Series, Print/Digital