Cosplay: Kill la Kill

Again, Kill la Kill has been one of the best new anime's of last year/this year and has picked up a huge fanbase. If you haven't checked it out you definitely should because this cosplay is pretty accurate of what you can expect. Granted I've already seen better cosplay of the main character Ryuko Matoi, but this one isn't half bad. ryuko-matoi-cosplay-2




Review: Farlaine the Goblin: Book 3 The Racelands

Farlaine and his bud, Ehr, enter into the Racelands, and much to my surprise the two get a new partner; a tink. Farlaine, hating the tinks so much, befriends this robot creature. He doesn’t have a name or a sex for that matter but he is mentioned as Friendly once and for purposes sake we shall make him male. The comic revolves this group searching each land in order to find a home for Ehr and Farlaine the tree goblin. What I really love about his issue is the new land we enter. I have to say that I was highly anxious as to see where this goblin was taking us, and hearing from the writer that this was the best book so far made it all that more intriguing. The Racelands do not disappoint and have to be my favorite book so far as well. Farlaine and Friendly want to explore this new land, but in order to enter you have to race. So they jump in the cart and head down this twangled track into hopes of finding the perfect land. The land is made up of three areas; The Race Pit, The Stoptower, and The Bookmaker. The goblin and the tink are curious to see these new areas, but there is only one problem, they can’t move. All creatures are confined to their spots unless they perform one simple act; race! All must be racing to be moving. It is amazingly entertaining how this works, but I am afraid this land would be too anxiety filled for me. So pray before reading that Farlaine moves on.

There isn’t much character building of Farlaine. I feel like we know this fun-loving goblin pretty well. He is tremendously smart and creative with the way he and Ehr create trees to help them through any situation. But we do learn more about the goblins in general. The gang meets up with a fellow goblin, and I thought that all goblins would be creating trees as Farlaine does. This is not the case. It seems that each goblin has a special talent and all search to find their perfect land to hone in on. I find this adorable thinking about many goblins roaming around. This makes me wish Farlaine would run into more goblins or even a land of goblins building a huge community each using their talent.

I still think Friendly has a hidden talent as well. He seems so down in the dumps about himself, so I am waiting for him to shine. Or to even get a name. Poor little sucker. I truly each and every character built into this world. The comic has a lot of fun bringing in new creatures and new landscapes to explore. The book reads as a children’s book with all the fun revolved the series. The art is in black and white, and I think all readers would love to see a TPB using color. Although the covers are in color, I wouldn’t mind seeing how the land laid out.

The comic is fun and for its size isn’t that quick of read especially for kids. The vocabulary is a little high. So definitely a book that is meant to be read together. It will be a tad before we see books 4 and 5 come out, so while you’re bored, pick up the first three issues of this creative comic. And enjoy #3’s land for it will soon be your favorite.

Score: 5/5

Writer/Artist/Creator: Farlaine The Goblin aka Anonymous Publisher: Studio Farlaine Price: $5.00 Release Date: 12/11/13 Website Facebook

Review: Bravest Warrior - Annual 2014

Another cute-tastic creation of Pendleton Ward is the Bravest Warriors series. In previous reviews I’ve definitely fangirled over Ward’s work and I’m not ashamed of it; Ward just gets me. Let me expand on who this brilliant mastermind is; Ward is also the creator of the uber famous Adventure Time and The Misadventures of Flapjack. Bravest Warrior has yet to hit Cartoon Network though but you can find mini episodes on youtube. So if you find yourself wanting more of the Ward man then I suggest checking out Bee and Puppycat on youtube as well. So now getting back on topic, in the 2014 Annual of Bravest Warrior, the focus is Catbug. A little ladybug cat hybrid creature, how is that not the cutest species ever? Also why isn’t Catbug real, there’s gotta be a scientist out there that can make an adorable mutation, right? Maybe they just want to keep all the cute to themselves. Rude. Anyways, there are a couple of little stories written by different authors in the annual issue. I love the Annual editions because I get to see another take on the Bravest Warriors’ world. Each story is adorable, creative and full of weird nonsense which pretty much sums up Ward’s style. Even if you have never followed Bravest Warriors or any other Pendleton Ward creation, the Annual issue is always a good place to start so you can get a little taste of what the series is about with one shot mini stories. This annual issue is definitely a five-star.

Bravest Warriors 2014 Annual Cover A

Score: 5/5

Writers: Various Artists: Various Publisher: KaBoom/  Boom Studios Price: $3.99 Release date: 1/29/14

Review: L’il Sonja (One-Shot)

I decided to review something totally out of left field for me this week.  This is basically Dynamite’s interpretation of their character Red Sonja as a ‘do-gooder’ type of kid and her quest to protect the land from ‘bullies and beasties.’  As you can tell by the title, this is an all-ages book but is clearly aimed at kids.  That said, as with most forms of entertainment aimed at kids, I think parents or older siblings of the younger readers will get a kick out of some of L’il Sonja as well. The story starts out with Sonja roughing up some troll-looking guys to give back some kids their coins.  She then ventures into a new village for her and comes to the realization that someone has come through and pillaged it.  The townsfolk are outraged, some proclaiming that their kids have been kidnapped, some have had their crops stolen, and one guy is furious about his laundry being swiped (I thought this was pretty funny).  Sonja gets everyone to calm down and says she’ll help them all out.

STK629850Sonja tries to put all the pieces together in this mystery: she realized redhead kids have been stolen, the stolen fabric was red, red peppers were taken, and Red Delicious apples were the kind that were picked (you get the idea).  Sonja then vows to save the children and return the stolen goods.  It gets personal since she’s a redhead herself.  That night, she comes face to face with the culprit-a dragon named Ginger Dragon, King of the Crimson Collection.  The dragon ends up imprisoning her with the other children and forces them to do tasks such as picking strawberries.  The rest of the book involves Red Sonja trying to devise a plan to get the children back to their homeland.  This being a children’s book, you can probably tell how it ends.  There’s also a 2-page activity sheet included.

I think that this is a positive thing for a company to put out.  I know there are a lot of people out there that think all comics are for little kids, but obviously that isn’t the case at all.  There’s no way any young kid should be reading the normal Red Sonja books.  The dragon in the story was saying that all things red are valuable and worth keeping-even though he’s a bad guy; this is still kind of a positive point.  Sonja is a redhead too, and I’m sure kids get made fun of all the time for being ‘gingers’ still.  I think this book could act as a moral lesson, a character to look up to, as well as a way for kids to get into comics, so I see it as a positive even though it may seem like an annoying fad to some.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Jim Zub Artist: Joel Carroll Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 1/29/14

Trailer Time: Wonder Momo The other day we announced that Namco Bandai have big plans for the Wonder Momo series and today we have a trailer. The voice acting sounds separated from the action, but hearing Shifty Look's other animations I'm sure it'll be different on the final animation. Good stuff.

Poster Time: Ninja Turtles... Ninja Turtles

Just Ninja Turtles huh? Yeah that's nice. Well I'm going to say this is real considering how much we've been asked to take down regarding this movie already. I stand by it still sucking and find it funny that people are cool with this just because Shredder looks "cool" when they don't want to see RoboCop for the same reason. Just sayin.



This is Awksome?!? Skeletor Voice Actors... Playing With Themselves... Kinda

He-Man was the bee’s knees in the 80’s.  That’s right I said bee’s knees.  And one of the cheesiest villians in the 80’s had to be Skeletor who could forget Alan Openheimer as the voice of Skeletor.  Really laying in the cheese to the character. It was truly so bad that it was good.   Flash forward to 2000 and He-Man is rebooted, the series wasn’t as memorable as the 80’s version but Skeletor this time  voiced by Brian Dobson still made the character cheesy and somewhat memorable . I wasn’t sure if to file this under awesome or awkward so I made up a word for it: Awksome.   Enjoy the video.


Green Lantern Teaches Little Boys That It's Okay Call "Dibs" On Beautiful Women... New Justice League: War Clip

I don't actually care since it is Hal's personality and there are a billion other influences that teach kids the exact same mentality.

Also Wonder Woman's voice was... not what I was expecting. Here's actress Michelle Monaghan talking about the following:

1. Wonder Woman's initial moments in the film

2. Wonder Woman as an iconic character

3. Voicing the character's special qualities.

4. Favorite scene/moments to record for the film.

Trailer Time: The Wolf Among Us - Episode 2: Smoke & Mirrors

If you played the first episode of The Wolf Among Us then like me you're probably looking forward to the second episode which is out next week! I can't wait to dive into this story again. Check out the trailer and the release info at the bottom, followed by at picture gallery as well.

The Wolf Among Us' second episode, 'Smoke & Mirrors,' will be available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace and PlayStation®Network for $4.99 USD individually, or as part of a season pass option including access to episodes as they are released. On PC/Mac, the episode will be available as part of a season pass, and also available on the iOS App Store as part of a season multi-pack, or for $4.99 USD as an in-app purchase within The Wolf Among Us application.

Trailer Time: Kiki's Delivery Service... Don't Watch This If You Plan On Watching The Movie

You're probably wondering, "Why?" Well Japanese movie trailers tend to show a bit of every aspect of the plot. So if you watch this trailer you're basically watching the filmed trimmed down to a minute twenty... yeah, I wish I knew that before watching it. The flying is still really bad. I mean there's nothing magical about it. Oh well.


And Now For Something Weird, Street Fighter II Rock Opera Album

Hey kids! Do you like the Street Fighter universe? Do you enjoy Rock Opera Type Bands music?  Well, have we got an offer you! Man Factory Band Camp has just finished their third and final project of a three part Street Fighter II iinspired Rock Opera. The albums follows Ken and Chun Li, but other street Fighter Characters make their way in the Album. You can check out the full opera on Man Factory's BandCamp page by heading here.



Review: Siegfried – Vol. 2

I’ve actually had a few opportunities to read the second volume of Siegfried since last year, but I didn’t want to read it. It’s not because I wasn’t interested in the series, it’s actually the opposite. I knew that once I read this second volume I would be stuck waiting for the next volume the same way I was left waiting for this volume. It’s a fantastic series for sure, but with as much detail in the art and the already jammed packed release schedule can you blame me for being impatient for more? Just look at that cover? How can anyone not fall in love with this series from that alone?

It’s been a while since I last read Siegfried, but the opening pages were like opening the flood gates; everything came rushing back to me and reminded me of just how spectacular and beautiful this world is.

We open with Odin literally holding back the dawn. He’s given the command that everyone should resign from the world leaving it without Gods, but there is one of his children still missing… our Valkyrie. As Odin holds back the dawn which is quite possibly the coolest thing anyone has done with the character, he talks to his love… the earth. Here we have a bit of the first volume recapped for us and some more of the story revealed. The basic idea is that Odin, by his own laws can’t save the earth from the dragon that is eating it from within.

The catch twenty-two is that if Siegfried becomes aware of his lineage and the gods then he will not be able to defeat the dragon either. This puts Mimé in a difficult spot as we catch up with him. He’s promised to take Siegfried out of the forest, but he’s lost his trust. Siegfried knows that Mimé is hiding something from him and as such he’s pressing him for that info, unaware that the hint of that knowledge would mean the death of the world.

Siegfried_v2_rev_Page_01Even with Mimé’s home in ruin he tries to get Siegfried to delay another day, but when he can’t he reluctantly finishes packing his things for their journey. There’s an incredible scene as Siegfried snaps at Mimé about lying to him and we see Mimé look back at a bucket for just a moment. For just one panel we see a memory of Mimé’s of a smaller and younger Siegfried taking a bath in that very bucket. There is so much sadness on Mimé’s face and it’s clear that even though he’s a bit of an ass, everything he’s done has been to protect Siegfried even if he couldn’t fully explain why.

This scene and panel killed me. You really are left heartbroken for Mimé and even for Siegfried because he doesn’t even know what he’s lost. It’s an incredible visual marker for the story as it indicates that these characters can’t go back, they can only move forward.

From there we check in with the Valkyrie who is still talking to Völva the witch of the forest. She’s there to see the future and to essentially see if and when Siegfried fails so that she can act on her own and defeat the dragon that is eating the planet from within. She agrees to the cost of seeing the future, but Völva informs her that once she witnesses it she can’t do anything to change the future. Of course she agrees, but soon she discovers that what she does in the future goes against every fiber of what she’s currently feeling. This leaves the question then of what does she see that makes her go along with everything Völva shows her?

The story here is incredible and magical. I mean magical is really a bullshit word that people throw around when they don’t know how to describe something, but here I literally meant that it is magical. It’s so fantastic that it’s like watching an animated film that pushed the boundaries of your imagination for the first time. To see things that you only dreamed of come to life and be just as incredible as you believed.

Don’t get me wrong this world is scary and the results of the gods leaving the earth only makes it scarier, but it’s screams out to every fiber of your soul that seeks adventure. Alex Alice has crafted a world that is vivid, full of life and begs you to find adventure alongside of Siegfried.

A huge aspect of this books success is the visuals. As I noted in the beginning the art guides this story every bit as much as the narrative. Alice’s visuals have an animated quality which guides your eye perfectly from frame to frame. It’s so fluid at times that you can picture it moving like a camera shot. The opening with Odin is a prime example of this as it begins close on the back of his hooded head and then pulls out from there revealing him standing on a domed mountain top. Then the angle switches and we pull in closer and closer on his hand until he releases the dawn. It’s incredibly powerful and again guides the story every bit as much as the narrative.

We’re not done there though, since this is a one man show we still have plenty to talk about in terms of the art work and it would be terrible of me not to talk about the coloring of the volume. The coloring could be solid and vibrant like a lot of other titles, this would definitely make it look more animated, but instead Alice opts for a muted color tone. The book is still vibrant, but not because the colors are bright and in your face. Instead they blend and mesh together making it look realistic and picturesque. The coloring is grand, just like the artwork.

Another factor of the visuals is the lettering. Alice uses a variety of lettering and word bubble styles for this volume. Practically every character has their own bubble style which helps to give each character a distinct voice. There are several times in which the lettering is larger and intense whether it’s for Mimé yelling for Siegfried to wait for him or Siegfried yelling at a giant insect for stealing his dinner. There’s personality in the lettering and that does wonders for the visual storytelling.

I’m very excited for the next and what I believe is the final volume of this series, but I am also sad. I don’t want this world to end and I sure as hell don’t want to wait for it to end. This is a beautiful world that is complemented by a creative and wonderful story. Alex Alice doesn’t hold anything back and delivers a story that is a treat for comic readers, opera goers, animation fans and anyone that enjoys a good story.

Score: 5/5

Writer/Artist/Creator: Alex Alice Publisher: Boom/Archaia Entertainment Price: $24.95 Release Date: 1/29/14

Review: Mysterious Strangers – Vol. 1

Are you ready for a groovy adventure? One that is full of intrigue, action, and the supernatural all along the backdrop of a psychedelic color scheme? How about the timeless music of The Scarabs? Well, if you answered yes to any of these, then I present to you this hip grouping of stories from the writing mind of Chris Roberson and the drawing skills of Scott Kowalchuk with a full splash of cool color from Dan Jackson. Mysterious Strangers was inspired from the raucous and provocative spy TV shows that littered the 1960s airwaves offering a brand of style and chic to a once basic black and white medium. If you have seen any of the Austin Powers movies, then you know exactly what I am talking about. "Yeah Baby, Yeah!!!"

The twist here though is that Roberson has taken that style and inspiration and he has added a Silver Age superhero element to the spy story that adds a trippy new twist to an already interesting topic. Mysterious Strangers were introduced to us by Oni Press on Free Comic Book Day as Issue #1 came out at that time with Issue #2 also available, but for purchase. Since, four more issues have come out making for a total of six with three distinct stories being introduced. This trade covers those six issues and three stories.

I didn't read the monthly issues, so I came in on this trip completely square. I didn't know anything. I render this as good though as I was able to really enjoy what Roberson and Kowalchuk were able to do here with me being ushered back into those days of my youth in watching shows like The Avengers (spy show, not the supers) and The Prisoner. I found all three tales presented here to be true to that 60s spirit as I remember. And with the exception of the third story, which was average, I found the whole trade to be an immensely enjoyable read full of wit, wisdom, and of course, action, that made this flashback a positive one.

The Mysterious Strangers are a group of powerful persons that began during the times of The Renaissance as a group of protectors of England. Their influence would increase however and they became secret protectors of the world saving mankind from all enemies whether they be foreign, domestic, alien, inter-dimensional, you name it. The current Strangers consist of Verity Mills, a time manipulator and the female of the group, Michael Kono, an energy redirector, Sandoval, a hulking brute who absorbs energy and life force like a sponge, and Absalom Quince, the leader and second generation Stranger of his own who met with an unfortunate incident rendering him without the use of his legs. Together, the Strangers work to stop psycho beauty queens. Agents of a largely unknown group called O.C.C.U.L.T, ancient sun gods, and a group of inter-dimensional alien Nazi types.

The Mysterious Strangers Vol. 1 CoverRoberson's writing is snappy, sharp, and he does a phenomenal job in really developing these characters just through simple interactions with each other. Roberson likewise stays true to the 60's spy genre with the use of detailed evil plans completely explained by the bad guys when they think things are won, confident actions and expressions of our heroes, and of course, the slipping away of bad guys during the final battle (with one exception). Robinson has skills and his script really places you back to that time period.

Kowalchuk's art complements Roberson's writing perfectly depicting each character in their own aura. These strangers are individuals with uniqueness that come together to take care of business. The action is fantastic and works well with the written word.

Now no 60s era comic style would be complete without super splashes of bold and bright coloring. Dan Jackson doesn't just nail the genre and the style, he adds the finishing touches to a perfect trio of creation making Mysterious Strangers Volume #1 a great read for those of my generation as well as for those younger folks who grew up watching the bright bold colors of the X-Men on Saturday mornings. If you give these strangers a try, you will not be disappointed.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Chris Roberson Artist: Scott Kowalchuk Publisher: Oni Press Price: $19.99 Release Date: 1/29/14

Review: Sledgehammer 44 – Lightning War #3 (of 3)

This issue was a satisfying read. There were a couple of titles that had a story conclusion or a series conclusion this week, but for me this one was the most satisfying. It could be because the Sledgehammer character is a bit of an unknown. How exactly does he fit in with the rest of the Mignolaverse and what are Mignola and company’s plans for the character? I thought we would catch a glimmer of where this character was heading in this issue, but instead we’re given a rich character moment to end the issue. That was a huge part of what made it a satisfying read, but there were other factors to it as well.

A key part of this series has been Laurence Campbell’s artwork and the masterful coloring skills of Dave Stewart. Nothing against Jason Latour (the artist on the first series), but Campbell has stepped in and taken the reins on this character and left his mark on the Mignolaverse. Campbell’s work reminds me a lot of David Aja’s style on The Immortal Iron Fist. I think I’ve said this before on this series, but he captures this era perfectly. Campbell creates a window into this world for us to see. It’s heavy at times, but there is an overwhelming feeling of hope when you view the art for this story.

Campbell’s final showdown with Sledge and the flaming black skull dude is epic. Every poignant punch for the black skull only shows how overly confident he is. What is particularly great about Sledge is that he’s slow moving. There’s a reason the black skull calls him a Turtle and it’s not just because of his armor, but his movement as well. This comes across in the art and gives a clear metaphor of the turtle and the hare.

Sledgehammer 44 - Lightning War #3 CoverWith the artwork comes the lettering as well; Clem Robins brings our characters words to life and adds that extra little bit of personality that each character needs. Obviously the skull does most of the talking and with Robins’ craft you can hear the German accent, the pompousness of the character. It’s clear that the skull thinks he has everything in the bag and while part of that is the dialogue itself, another part is the craft attached to the dialogue.

As for the story, it’s mostly just a battle between Sledge and the black skull. The writing here is fantastic with the black skull stealing the show. His words and mannerisms make him a likeable villain. He plays the Nazi well as he offer Sledge the opportunity to have his men leave alive if he’ll open his shell. Sledge is a man of few words, but skully sets him up for perfect come backs with his endless talking. They really are different sides of the same coin.

Is there more to say about this issue? Yes and no. If it was a conversation about the issue and series then by all means we could have a very long discussion about the metaphors of this story, the fantastic and heartfelt ending and so much more. That sounds great as a conversation, but for a review that would render reading the issue pointless.

If you missed out on the first series and passed on this volume then you really should go back and pick this volume up from the beginning. Not only does the first issue recap the previous two chapters, but it sets up this new character in the Mignolaverse for one hell of a ride. Again, this was the most satisfying comic I read this week and one that any comic fan should check out.

Score: 5/5

Writers: Mike Mignola and John Arcudi Artist: Laurence Campbell Colorist: Dave Stewart Letterer: Clem Robins Price: $3.50 Release Date: 1/29/14

Review: Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine #4

This week our 4th issue of our 5 part series hits the stores. Before the big finale with number 5, comics can go two ways; up and have a great building of anticipation, or down and be lackluster. I was excited to see where Bloodhound would take us this week thinking the action would be packed. We left with such suspense last issue when Clev’s niece is found between crossfire of a new superhuman, Perry Colvin. This man acquired his superpowers from Dr. Morgenstern because as a principal, he felt it was his duty to protect his students. Can’t say I blame the guy. I think the comic takes a very real look at how our government would react and their participation in obtaining superpowers. Although our real focus is on Clev, you can’t help but notice what this town turns into after Morgenstern picks his candidates.

Anyway, the comic opens with not the ending of Colvin’s story but instead with a news bulletin on the event. This was weird considering that you were expected some high action with Clev. We only learn of the deaths but no specific names. So bottom line, this delivery doesn’t answer all of our questions of how the battle went down. Clev, meanwhile, is getting a new look. It is drastic but still fits his style. Although I will miss those goldie locks that flowed so nicely across his face. Saffron meets up with him, and they ultimately decide to hunt down Morgenstern with or without the Bureau. Ya know sometimes it is hard to believe that this chick and bigger than life dude are going to take on Morgenstern when he probably has superhumans protecting him, but then again Clev is one big dude and Saffron is one tough babe.

Bloodhound - Crowbar Medicine #4 CoverBut first, the gang most do some background checks on Morgenstern. Clev thinks that there is something more to this dude especially since his wife and child passed away. Just like every other government corporation, Clev and Saffron find news that their deaths were covered up by one of these agencies. The whole issue is a tad slow. It is a lot of round-a-bout talking going on. I get this whole series isn’t about the action but the substance of which they are talking is slow-moving.

Towards the end we get into a battle between Clev and Saffron against some superhumans. It is cool to see it unfold, but these superhumans don’t really mean anything. Once you read it this will make sense. The whole anticipation of the issue is not developed quite as well I was hoping. I was hoping for some confrontation with Morgenstern or the agencies. So the 4th installment of this series left me high and dry. Hopefully for the last issue, we can get down and dirty with Clev and Morgenstern. It should lead to some discoveries and maybe even Clev siding with the Doctor.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Dan Jolley Artist: Leonard Kirk Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 1/29/14

Review: Ghostbusters #12

Have you ever impatiently and excitedly read through a comic book arc, waiting for that final moment on the very last page, hoping that the events leading up to it really tie everything together? We all have. Now have you ever reached the last panel on the very last page and realized that you were only on page sixteen? I noticed that there is a backup story as well, but that’s not the point. As good or bad as this issue actually was, I was far more affected by the reality of being completely ripped off content wise, than I ever was about the story “kinda” ending. I’m generally a positive reviewer, but you have got to be kidding me. The bigger publishers are famous for making you spend way more money than their books are actually worth, but this is ridiculous. Regardless, I actually did enjoy the story. Believe it or not. I could have just done without the space-filling “fluff” that took place in the remainder of this thirty-one page comic book. This isn’t going to be a negative review, I’m going to try to base my opinions on the content that did fill these pages, but I didn’t want to leave anything out.

The interview/flashback that was the engine to get this plot going was actually pretty cool. It reminded me of when I used to watch The X-Files. Remember when Skully would sit in Skinner’s office and regurgitate the events of the episode? Anyway, I always like that part of the show. So what I’m really saying is that for as short as the script actually was, I think that what was included in it was good. Burnham has always been able to keep my intention, and this month proves to deliver as well. So bravo to that. The script was especially good when Egon was going into detail about the events leading up to the issue. Kind of a history lesson based on a bunch of fake things. That was well written.

GB-NEW12-coverAI may have said that Dan Schoening’s art is always good during one of my other reviews, but it really is. He has definitely mastered the look that this book requires. Unfortunately, there isn’t really anything that stands out about it. Specifically anyway. It always looks basically the same. I’m glad that he’s consistent, but I wouldn’t mind something kind of out of the box from time to time. Just to let us know that he’s growing as an artist. But who am I? I couldn’t draw to save my life.

I honestly don’t know how I thought this arc would end. I didn’t know what to expect. I mean, it’s Ghostbusters. What did you expect? It was entertaining for the short time that it took to read it, but I wouldn’t put this in the “buy” category. It wasn’t funny, but the story was cool. I just think that I’m kinda done with it. On to the next one.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Erik Burnham Artist: Dan Schoening Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 1/29/14