Elizabeth, Sara, and Helena investigate a barren field when one of the local farmers suggests that the women may find answers in a local monastery.
Read MoreReview: Grimm Fairy Tales 2014 Halloween Special
Moo hoo ha ha...it's that time of year again. These trees better start shedding some orange leaves before I start spray painting them and knocking them down with a weedwhacker.
Read MoreReview: Edgar Allan Poe’s Spirits of the Dead
In the intro to this beautifully illustrated adaptation of Poe’s poem, M. Thomas Inge comments that “Everything in a [Richard] Corben page is functional, and that there are no empty artistic gestures to fill space.
Read MoreReview: Rat Queens #8
Rat Queens is such a fun series. Every time I get an issue of the Rat Queens I just devour that book and then in a few minutes after I am done I am left wanting more issues.
Read MoreReview: X-Files – Year One #3
X-Files: Year One issue 3 has been a radical shift for me from a series I was somewhat “meh” on to a series that I am 100% on board with.
Read MoreReview: Bloodshot #24
Sometimes enjoying a single issue can be the best thing in comics and a single issue among an ongoing series can help just bring in some new readers. Another reason is you get the best of a character you love in one nice package.
Read MoreReview: TMNT #38
Excited doesn’t come close to what I felt when seeing Old Hob on this week’s cover. I don’t know what it is about this furball, but his story and character is definitely one of my favorites. If you remember a couple of issues ago, Hob was experimenting with Splinter’s blood and the extra ooze.
Read MoreThe Info Zombie – Episode 84: Pre 'Ween
Brandon Early does some celebrating with me for the 2014 Pre 'Ween season! We discuss Halloween books, movies, songs, and stories. Plus, Brandon shares how dedicated he is to the 31st of October! Happy Pre 'Ween, Zombies!
Read MoreD&D Monster Manual: Available Today!
That's right RPGers; Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual is out today. This is the second of three core rule books for the Tyranny of Dragons storyline and we have a look at it for you today! To start with the book retails for $49.95 and damn it's worth the money. I have a copy and there is so much time and effort put into this fifth edition, that and it's thick as hell. Below you'll find a bunch of pics and if I get a chance I'll post a video of the book so you can see what it looks like.
Read MoreMiss Magnetiq: Episode 1 - The Steelcity As Electromagnetic Field
So here's the deal, you're either about to love or hate this. I'm probably the only person that will find themselves riding the fence in the middle unable to choose. Part of me really likes the weirdness of it and the fact that it ends with a dance part Strangers with Candy style.
Read MoreThis Is The DragonBall Game I've Been Waiting For -- Dragon Ball Xenoverse
First things first, the voice over for this video is terrible. The guy is trying his best, but it's so cheesy that you're better off muting him until the second half. The reason you have to turn him back on is because that's when he goes through the game features which is what actually sold me on this game.
Read MoreThe Power of Tank Girl - An Interview With Alan Martin
I’ve gotten to talk to a lot of interesting creators since we set up the shop know as Comic Bastards, but there’s a few that I will be in awe of being able to chat with and Alan Martin is one of those people. Martin is the co-creator of Tank Girl, a comic I’m not afraid to admit that I discovered via the movie and Wizard magazine. I had the chance to pick Alan’s brain about his new collection The Power of Tank Girl, releasing on October 1st, from Titan Comics.
Read MoreMarried With Sea Monsters Records "Face It Tiger" And It Rules
As much as I don't care about the Spider-verse story line, I do really love the "Elseworld" style stories that they've created. By far the best and most popular has been Gwen Stacy in the role of Spider-Woman in Edge of Spider-verse #2 and issue so popular that it actually sold out.
Read MoreAlien: Isolation Looks Really Fucking Good!
I'm honestly not a big survival horror kind of guy, but this is fucking Alien... I'm totally in. After that TV ad there's what appears to be two kill screen animations and they're spectacular. I mean really spectacular. They sold me on the game more than the trailer did.
Kill Screen Teasers
Holy F*uck... An Interview With Nick Marino About Holy F*uck
If you listened to this week's podcast I had pretty high praise for Nick Marino and Daniel Arruda Massa's Holy F*uck coming from Action Lab's Danger Zone imprint in December. Nick was cool enough to reach out to us and send not only a preview, but the first issue to check out. Even better he made himself available for an interview!
Read MoreEpisode 152: A Rub-n-Smell Adventure
This week on the CBMFP we cover a bit of current of events. We chat about the Kirby/Marvel ruling; two television shows by the name of Gotham and SHEILD. On the comic front we talk about Marvel’s Orange Juice Man and DC's smelly book idea. Oh and for fun we open a random TMNT toy on the air that we got a 7-11.
Read MoreMonster & Wine: Episode 10 - Chink In The Armor
The dynamic duo wax poetic on fast food, recommending some of their favorites...and least favorites. They also discuss a horrific news story out of China and do their very best to find some humor in it. Watch out for those fruit knives people! Monster mentions a video he saw online portraying Man vs Tiger (imagine that outcome) and finally, Disney is discussed. If you love Disney, you'll probably hate Monster.
Read MoreBig Hero 6's Second Trailer Is Filled Will All The Same Jokes
Okay I lied they added one about puberty. Also it's pretty clear that Baymax is 100% the star of the film if the caption bumps are any indication. I'll still see it, but I'm a little worried that it's going to be more Disney than Marvel.
Read MoreGodzilla PS3 Game Trailer Is Still Better Than American Godzilla Movie
Yeah I'm saying it, this fucking PS3 game looks better than that stinker of a Godzilla film that Legendary released this year.
Read MoreBandai Reveals Psycho-Pass Dominator Replica
If you haven't watched Psycho-Pass do yourself a favor and check out the series or the new cuts of the first season because it was one of the best animes of last year. I'm looking forward to the second season and the otaku in me really is considering purchasing this replica gun that lights up and talks like the cartoon.
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