Marvel Dubs This Week Superior Spider-Man Week
I think for the rest of us it's just the first week of April, but what do I know. Get hyped five remaining Spider-Man fans, get hyped.
Golden Age Marvel Characters Replace Their Modern Movie Selves
Wonder Con '13: Interiew with Valiant Publisher Fred Pierce
While at Wonder Con yesterday I had the opportunity to interview Fred Pierce Valiant Comic Publisher. Fred was with Valiant four about four years during the original companies run and then spent fourteen years with Wizard Magazine. We talked about several things involving Valiant from new titles to the company as a whole so enjoy. Dustin: How happy were you when Diamond announced that Valiant had one the best comic publisher under 4% award on your first year back?
Fred: We were shocked when we were nominated. Everyone thinks we’ve been around for a while; we’ve only started printing in May so we were shocked when we were nominated and we were thrilled when we won. It was very funny; we couldn’t stop smiling for a week. The really funny thing is for me and I loved winning, but we had a board meeting the next day and as well as we’re doing the board is always going to try and give you a hard time and that’s their job and their supposed to. So they couldn’t give me a hard time, he’s Publisher of the year you can’t give him a hard time. It was phenomenal.
Dustin: From my stand point it was also very surprising because it seems as if it’s been handed out over and over to the same publisher, so it was nice to see you guys acknowledge for how well you’re doing when everyone else kind of already knows it.
Fred: But remember it’s the retailers that voted for it. And in our category there’s a lot of competition. When you go over 4% everybody’s publishing a lot of good stuff right now and the bar is set high right now, but the real funny thing is in ours there’s a lot of competition.
Dustin: I know that there was a lot of work behind the scenes prior to the re-launch of the company, what was Valiant’s biggest take away from the first year and what where some of the things you learned and are trying to approve upon this year?
Fred: In the beginning what we were learning while we doing all of our due diligences in speaking to the fans, retails, diamond and other publishers everyone was very helpful. Our biggest take away was at that instance in time is as much as everyone loved Valiant how does a retailer know how many of our books to buy? You haven’t bought a Valiant comic in ten or fifteen years if you’re a retailer, how many do you buy? What we came up with the Pull Box variant because we heard from the retailers, especially the Comics Pro group, that they know if they have if they have an order of five in their pull box/subscription service that they need to order ten or twenty.
I’ve been in the business for twenty years, four with Valiant in the beginning and fourteen with Wizard and during my time with Wizard they always asked me about my time at Valiant; it was a very magical time, so I knew that there were thousands of fans around and they really became ambassadors. They biggest take away was that the retailers have to know how much to buy and that it’s that first buy that is very important because retailers are very happy to buy and sell out; but if they sell out at five, I would much prefer they sold out at twenty and that was really what we found. It took a while for everyone to find what they’re level was. We go into a lot stores and check them and we’re sold out in a lot of places as I’m sure you know.
Dustin: Yeah, yes I do.
Dustin: Last year you had the Summer of Valiant, what’s the big thing this year?
Fred: We’re going to have another Summer of Valiant. We had leading into it we have “Planet Death” on X-O Manowar, where X-O goes back and kicks ass. Over the course of the year you’ll find that the Harbingerand Bloodshot worlds have been colliding, because all of Valiant is one universe and has been designed as one universe just like Marvel and DC. We’re probably the next biggest single universe after those two. Those two worlds (Harbinger/Bloodshot) are colliding over something that’s launching next week Harbinger Wars, it’s our first crossover. You’ll be able to read Harbinger Wars individually, you’ll be able to read Harbingerindividual and Bloodshot individually as well, but if you want to get the full feel of what’s going on than you can. The Harbinger Wars will change the Valiant universe; things will be introduced in the Harbinger Warsthat will affect the whole of the Valiant universe.
Dustin: I’m seeing a lot of T-Shirt merchandising; I’m kind of big on that personally for any company that’s not DC or Marvel. Are you guys looking to expand on that and how important is to the company or is it more to just appease fans?
Fred: The T-Shirts that we’re doing now, we’re doing in house and generally speaking we’ll break even. Really what you’re asking is about licensing.
Dustin: Yes.
Fred: We’ve hired Russ Brown, who was a licensing expert at Marvel. Russ has been selling and he has closed some very big licensing deals for us. Also surprising about the nice deals that he’s closed, so you’ll be hearing about the merchandising and licensing deals you’d expect to hear about, but the deals are just closing now. We’ll start making announcements about them in the next month. Foreign licensing where our titles would be translated into other languages and stuff like that, but you’re hearing it here first.
Dustin: The Bloodshot movie, obviously people are interested in it and as you’ve said there are a lot of Valiant fans. Is there anything you can say about it?
Fred: All of these things take a long time to close. It’s not signed until it’s signed and we’re dealing with a lot. Dinesh Shamdasani who’s our CEO and CCO is very involved in every aspect of the company and right now he’s selling a T-Shirt as we speak; he also negotiates for us in Hollywood. He also gives me a hard time about the Publishing aspects; he gives the editorial a hard time. His really job is to never sleep and give all of us a hard time and he does everything so you really can’t complain. As you see.
Dustin: (Laughs) Yes, Dinesh is actually selling a comic book right now.
Dustin: What’s after Quantum and Woody is there anything you can talk about yet?
Fred: In the Free Comic Book Day issue, which is out the first weekend in May, you will see something that the Valiant Universe is famous for. It will be teased in there; you won’t be surprised when you read it “oh that makes sense” type of deal. We are doing the Summer of Valiant 2013 edition, but aside fromQuantum and Woody we will be launching a new book. Basically what’s been happening is we know that there are three to five titles we want to launch next; so Warren, Jody and Josh our editor’s request pitches from the different writers and the best pitch wins. We knew we were going to launch with X-O Manower, we knew we were going to launch with Harbinger; and Robert and Josh hit it out of the park and they did great jobs writing it. Then the next pitch that won was Bloodshot, thenArcher & Armstrong and then Shadowman. And now theQuantum and Woody pitch.
My favorite title has always been The Eternal Warrior, so we’ll see what happens when that gets launched, but really there are so many great Valiant titles. People ask me about Eternal Warrior, what about Rai, what about Ninjak and so on. We have a lot, we’re not Marvel or DC, but we’re pretty deep. As people start to like some of the newer characters we’ll start seeing the newer characters.
Dustin: With that said are you looking to create brand new characters or just expand from the back library that Valiant has?
Fred: We’re very much about, what’s going to be in twenty years not what was twenty years ago. When you’re looking at the books there are new characters in the books like Mr. Twist, the Bleeding Monk, there are new ones. We could launch one of them as a new title; any one of the new characters as a new title. But anything we launch has to beat Ninjak or it has to beat Rai any of those titles. The smart thing would be the best title wins, the best story wins. If you come up with a great character and it’s better than Ninjak, then it’ll get launched before Ninjak, Eternal Warrior, Rai or Timewalker the list could go on and on.
A big thank you to Fred for taking the time to talk with me and a big thank you to Hunter from Valiant, for setting it up. If you’re at Wonder Con or attending tomorrow stop by booth #710 and say hi and grab some cool stuff like con exclusives and T-Shirts.
Trailer Time: 2 Guns aka Watch Wahlberg and Denzel Play Themselves
Don't read the comic book. If this trailer, for some reason, made you curious to see the film or read the comic... then don't. You don't need to. All of the important information is in the trailer. Literally everything in the comic is there. The comic jumped around so much and really never fleshed out the plot. It looks like they've solved the problem with the film version. Also, neither one of them were funny in the comic... or maybe they were and I just didn't find them funny. Trailer after the jump.
Pottery Inspried by Ancient Greek Superheroes
Source: Netorama
Review: The Final Plague #1 (of 5)
Zombies. Love them or hate them, they’re here to stay. All we can hope for is original takes on the genre and thankfully, that’s exactly what The Final Plague is: an original take. Instead of humans being infected, it’s animals; but more so, it’s rats that are infected and craving human flesh. What’s terrific about this issue is that it knows that you know what is and what it’s going to do, but rather than just jump head first into the thick of things… it waits. More importantly, it makes you wait and that suspense is killer. The story begins in Iowa, in at a simple farm-house of the Michaels family. Sarah Michaels is trapped on a chair while an overly aggressive rat attempts to attack her. She calls for her mom who swoops in with a broom and cracks the rat with the handle; it does little more than phase the rat though. Sarah runs outside and as her mom slowly backs out of the house. She tells Sarah to grab a shovel so that they can kill the rat for good. With the shovel in hand the mom cuts the rat in half… but it continues to crawl for her until she smashes its head in. Meanwhile in a lab in New Jersey on the same day, two scientists using rats in their studies discover that a large percentage of the rats have blood in their eyes and the same aggressive nature towards humans.
This story literally strings you along the entire time and then hits you with the last panel. I was actually startled even though I knew it was fucking coming. Maybe it’s because I read it at night, alone in a poorly lit room or maybe the buildup was just that good. Seriously, this is a well-constructed psychological horror story. As scary as Zombies are, fucking zombie animals are scarier. Usually I’m not all, “kill those vermin” but the idea of a zombie rat and by extension the possibility of a zombie pigeon has me wishing for them to be added to the extinction list tomorrow. Sorry PETA, but you read this story and tell me that you don’t want a nail gun and a compressor by your bed.
The writing is phenomenal. Everything about the story is intentional. We all know what’s happening and what’s going to happen, but the story messes with you the entire issue. Sure the opening is intense and there are few other intense moments, but nothing really pops off. Instead it’s like watching someone put their hand in an alligator’s mouth; you’re heart creeps up your chest and hangs out in your throat just waiting for the alligator to snap down. Now imagine reading an entire issue like that. Trust me, if you don’t jump at the end then you didn’t allow yourself to become emerged within the story.
The art plays a huge role in setting the atmosphere and tone of the story. It would not be nearly as creepy or intense without the beautiful picturesque art that accompanies the writing. Aside from the rats, everything is very beautiful looking. The farm is scenic and familiar while the lab is cold and small. It’s the perfect contrasts between the two most familiar settings in all zombie stories; absolutely gorgeous artwork that perfectly complements the writing.
I’ll be perfectly honest; I don’t read zombie stories anymore. They bore me and the genre as a whole tries too hard to copy everything that has come before it. Ever since the world caught up with what horror buffs and geeks already knew, the zombie genre has been played out. This story though, is so damn good. It’s easy to say that it’s not just a zombie story since no zombie story is actually about the creature. We’ll see what this story is about, but right now it’s hitting on all of the major influences of the genre and still managing to tell its own unique tale and I love that. Pre-order this book right now or go to Action Lab’s Kickstarter page and support the release that way and be sure to pick it as one of your rewards because it’s that damn good.
Score: 5/5
Writer: Johnnie Arnold Artist: Tony Guaraldi-Brown Publisher: Action Lab Danger Zone Price: $3.99 Release Date: 6/26/13
Review: Hawken: Genesis – Vol. 1
This graphic novel has had one of the more interesting journeys that I can think of in recent years. It’s a prequel to a free to play video game that was originally released in chapters digitally prior to the launch of the book and game. I’ve heard about this book for a while now so it was nice to finally have a crack at it and explore the world that created HAWKEN. As I said the graphic novel is broken up into different chapters and each chapter essentially stands alone. The entire comic is written by Jeremy Barlow (R.I.P.D. – City of the Damned) and has a different artist on each segment of the story. There is still an overall story that is being told throughout the graphic novel that follows two characters that play an integral role in shaping the world of Illal. The first is Doctor James Hawken, a scientist that continues to find his life’s work misused over and over again, but he will ultimately shape the entire world. The second is Rion Lazlo, Hawken’s best friend and the person that will unknowingly push Hawken to the edge.
The story begins with the mech suits that are shown in the game and an explanation of the world. Illal is a world that is controlled by corporations and there are three corporations controlling the entire planet. These corporations act like countries, homes and employers all in one fail swoop. Though you’re an employee and they’re corporations, you cannot simply take another job with a competitor. After our introduction to the world we’re introduced to Lazlo who is being questioned about his actions of a recent computer hacking. Lazlo tells his would be interrogator that he did it to get the company's attention. He wants to move up and he’s asked that he be allowed to recruit a friend (Hawken) from the rival company that he himself, once worked at. They give him one shot, get Hawken or get dead. Obviously he succeeds, but what neither man realizes is that they’ve begun on a journey together for the rest of their lives.
What I really enjoyed about this volume is that each chapter had a very different feel to it. Some of them were action packed, while others were thrillers and heavy on the espionage; others still were heavy on business and science. Overall it was a very interesting read as the story focused on building the world of the video game, but also on the relationship between Lazlo and Hawken. They stay on good terms for so long that it’s really interesting to see how neither man has let the business change them over the years, until one dirty secret is let out of the bag. The downward spiral from there is very quick, but it was a great chapter of the story. Barlow does a fantastic job of not only developing characters, but also the world and does a fantastic job of breaking up the chapters and keeping them interesting at the same time.
Overall the art is all pretty consistent. Even though there are nine art teams, the overall look of the book doesn’t change that much. There were a couple of artists that I enjoyed like Francisco Ruiz Velasco and Kody Chamberlain’s chapter, but really there were too many great artists on this book to not enjoy them all. I would say that all of the chapters suffered from having a lack of a Sci-Fi feel to them. I know it’s in the future on a distant planet because the story told me so, but not because the art always gave me that impression. Even still it was great to see so many artists that I recognized from previous comics, working on one anthology styled book.
What’s probably the strongest aspect of this volume is that you don’t need to be a Mech suit fan or Sci-Fi nut to appreciate the story. In reality it’s a character story filled with social commentary about our current society and that gives it a wide appeal to comic readers. I was sucked into the world big time and it definitely made me want to check out the game, but even more so it made me want to read more about the world. It leaves you feeling as if the story is actually just beginning, rather than coming to end.
Score: 4/5
Writer: Jeremy Barlow Artists: Francisco Ruiz Velasco, Alex Sanchez, Kody Chamberlain, Sid Kotian, Bill Sienkiewicz, Bagus Hutomo, Michael Gaydos, Federico Dallocchio, Nathan Fox, Christopher Moeller. Colorists: Grant Goleash, Derek Dow, Eddy Swan, Chad Fidler, Logan Faerber. Publisher: Archaia Entertainment Price: $19.95 Release Date: 3/27/13
Review: The Massive Vol. 1 - Black Pacific
Review by: Ed Allen Brian Wood has built his career and reputation on creating politically poignant and immediately compelling comics, starting from Channel Zero and continuing on through the likes of Northlanders and DMZ. His latest creator-owned ongoing series The Massive is no exception; in this instance it is radical environmentalism which falls under Wood’s spotlight. Fans of Wood’s older work will surely be interested in its premise and should know roughly what to expect but readers who only know him for his recent work-for-hire comics (X-Men, Star Wars and the excellent Conan the Barbarian) should be forewarned that this is a highly politicized comic, given that many people I’ve spoken have explicitly stated that they don’t want politics in their comics.
Personally, I love to see comics which tackle bigger subjects than "which of these two costumed weirdos can zap their way to victory" and there's not nearly enough art in popular culture which faces up to the challenges presented by our changing global climate. With that in mind, it's especially refreshing to see a comic which attacks the issue from an environmentalist and internationalist perspective the way The Massive does. If that makes Wood's comic sound dry and boring don't be fooled - The Massive is also the closest thing to a contemporary pirate story I've ever seen and as such it's rich in action and intrigue.
The story begins a year after a series of catastrophic environmental disasters, known commonly as 'the Crash' tears the world's geopolitical status quo to shreds; killing vast swathes of the global population, sinking entire cities, disrupting trade and throwing our social structures into chaos. In the midst of all this the crew of the Kapital, a small converted warship owned by the environmental direct action activist group 'Ninth Wave', struggles to survive on a volatile ocean that's become infested with pirates. The captain, veteran activist and former mercenary soldier Callum Israel, is determined to maintain Ninth Wave's ethical integrity in the face of this new world disorder but many of of his closest companions have other ideas. On top of all that, the Kapital’s sister ship the Massive - a huge freighter converted to a scientific research vessel that was studying the Crash - has disappeared without a trace and Callum is determined to find it, while his crew would prefer to simply stay alive.
This first volume of The Massive contains the first six issues of the ongoing series, divided between two story arcs. The first is drawn by Kristian Donaldson, one of Wood’s longtime could collaborators, and tells the parallel stories of the Kapital’s pursuit by Siberian pirates in the Arctic circle and how the crew lost track of the Massive when they landed in the flooded city of Hong Kong in search of supplies, while introducing us to some of the most pivotal characters. The second arc is drawn by Garry Brown and each of the three issues is dedicated to fleshing out one or two of the supporting characters as they undertake adventures of their own. My favorite of these is 'Antarctica' which follows the Kapital’s only American crew member, whose nationality is cause for suspicion and derision amongst her shipmates, and Callum Israel's partner Mary as they fight desperately to survive an exhibition gone wrong.
The Massive is a comic of fine details, from the real world political situations the various characters have emerged out of to the technical knowledge of seafaring shown by the likes of Callum and Mary, it is obvious in virtually every scene that Wood has conducted his research meticulously; you can even follow the Kapital’s progress using an online globe with the accurate longitude/latitude coordinates given in Wood’s captions. The dialogue and characterization are as expertly handled as you would come to expect from an industry veteran like Wood and each issue/chapter is well paced, telling a tense thriller story as well as exploring the history of the characters and setting. Wood offers us a nuanced take on post-apocalyptic environmental politics, with no simple solutions to the myriad global crises or the immediate difficulties facing the Kapital. At what point does killing become the best course of action? Is human well-being always more important than animal life? Can a war criminal redeem themselves in service to a higher cause? Is the world still worth saving after the climate changes beyond recognition? Can a whole world even be saved? The Massive asks these questions and more besides.
With excellent artwork and a tense, engaging and multi-layered story, volume one of The Massive is well worth your time and money. Even if you were to strip out the environmentalist and political themes this would still feel like a vital and original comic.
Score: 4/5
Writer: Brian Wood Artist: Kristian Donaldson (chapters 1-3) & Garry Brown (chapters 4-6) Colors: Dave Stewart Price: $19.99 Release Date: 3/20/13
Review: Bad Machinery Vol. 1 - The Case of the Team Spirit
I’ve been looking forward to this series since it was announced that Oni would be publishing it. There was something about the art style that instantly caught my attention and after waiting a bit I was finally about to check the book out. It wasn’t quite what I was expecting, but then some of the best things in life are not what we expect. The story revolves around six students that are beginning their first days of grammar school (high school to us here in the States). The format of the issue is essentially that of a web-comic where each page (or two) stands alone as a chapter in the story. The story stars three girls: Shauna, Charlotte and Mildred and three boys: Jack, Linton and Sonny. For the most part the boy’s story and the girl’s story are divided with a few overlaps. It’s clear that they’re all familiar with each other, but they have a rivalry between them that isn’t made clear to us in this story. After a lengthy character introduction including several teachers, we move on to heart of the story.
The plot involves a mystery around a rich Russian Football owner and the curse that has apparently followed him from Russia. Linton catches wind of the case during a match with his favorite local team Tackleford City. During the match a Satellite crashes in the middle of the field alerting him that something is definitely up. The girl’s side puts things together a bit differently when they begin interviewing an elderly woman by the name of Mrs. Biscuits for a school assignment, only to discover that she is the last house standing in the way of the new football stadium.
Overall the story is pretty charming, but it does have its pacing issues. Being that it’s currently a web-comic its format it’s structured differently and that tends to make the plot move ahead awkwardly. Also in the beginning it really felt as if the story had no direction, but then it towards the middle it starts to come together and form a really interesting world with these characters that are intertwined and barreling towards the same ending. There were some chuckles, but not nearly as many as I would have hoped for. Additionally, the most interesting aspect of the story is introduced in the closing pages. It alludes to a past that is bigger than this first story that we’re reading, but I think that ultimately this was the best start for the series.
The art style is fantastic and a huge selling point for the book. It has a slight animated look to it, but overall it reminds me a lot of the type of material that First Second Books produces. The character designs are all very distinct and what’s even better is that they go through changes with their hair and style which is usually avoided in comics. The coloring also plays a big role in the animated look with its rich and vibrant colors. The world looks and feels real; when it’s bright and sunny it feels that way and when it’s not, you feel that as well.
I wouldn’t say that this made me want to run out and get caught up on the web-comic which looks like it’s years (and I mean that literally) ahead of this story, but I would definitely continue reading the collected books. If memory serves me correct Oni Press will be releasing the second volume later this year. This is definitely a story that struggles to find itself, but once it does it’s quite entertaining. If you’re looking for something for a younger reader or just something that reminds you of Scooby Doo minus the dog, the drugs and the repetitive formula then definitely check out Bad Machinery.
Score: 3/5
Writer/Artist/Creator: John Allison Publisher: Oni Press Price: $19.95 Release Date: 3/27/13
Teaser Trailer for 12 Reasons To Die From Ghostface Killa and RZA
I'm glad to see that this book has a release date, which is May 29, 2013, because I was beginning to wonder about it. This trailer shows a lot of the art and lists a ton of creators that are working on the book and all of them are top teir talent! Check it out and dig that music after the jump. Also, I'm warning you now that a ton of great comics are dropping on the 29th so start pre-ordering and saving you're pennies.
Source: Multiversity Comics
Once Upon A Time... The Comic Book Coming From Marvel
Have you ever watched Once Upon a Time? That show is terrible! The Evil Queen shown above, she can't even find a bag to attempt to act her way out of it. She literally has one emotion: who farted? That's the look on her face all of the time. Good for Marvel for picking up yet another TV that comic book readers have zero interest in. Remember Castle? No, that's because you don't watch that show your mother does and only if something better is hiatus. It's coming this fall if you really care, oh and no one should be surprised by this since it's all in house circle jerking. It's like DC producing a Beauty & The Beast comic... they haven't done that yet? Fuck them if they don't know how to do business.
Source: USA Today
Chloe Gives You Her Trademark Snarl In This New Hit-Girl Poster for Kick-Ass 2
If my wife gives me that look, it means I'm in trouble; so I'm not sure why the fuck they went with that on a poster. In fact I'm pretty sure most women use that look fifteen to thirty times a day when dealing with men and even other women. Also I'm wondering if they're testing the waters for a Hit-Girl spinoff just like in the comics? Me thinks yes, but the answer is actually no they're all getting these posters. Also there's a trailer featuring just Hit-Girl after the jump.
Group Review: East of West #1
With East of West being one of Image Comics' biggest releases of the year, we decided that a group review would be the best way to give all of us a chance to talk about it. Everyone was asked to give it a rating of Buy, Borrow or Pass, which you'll see next to their name. Instead of us recapping it for you we've left it to Image to handle.
From Image Comics: "The things that divide us are stronger than the things that unite us. A Sci-Fi Western set in a dystopian America where all hope for the future rests in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse...who just happen to be trying to kill the President of the United States."
Now enjoy the many opinions of Comic Bastards.
Ed: Buy
I absolutely adore Nick Dragotta's artwork, his flowing yet tightly controlled inks are powerfully expressive and his style has never looked more confident than in this issue. Jonathan Hickman seems able to bring the best out of his artist and he's done so again in East of West. Frank Martin's colours are similarly excellent, being just far enough from pure realism to give the comic a foreboding atmosphere.
Hickman's plot is well paced, balancing action with back-story and buildup as well as setting out a promising group of characters. As you'd expect from Hickman the series looks conceptually strong, offering a unique take on alternate American history and supernatural apocalypse. I'm not keen on his use of the omnipresent narrator to explain the setting and establish the conflicts, a device he seems to use a lot these days, but hopefully it served its purpose as a shortcut into the story and we won't see too much of it in future issues.
Jordan: Buy
I’m not going to pretend to know exactly what happened in issue #1of East of West, but what I will tell you is that it was really fucking cool. Cyber frontier? Yep. Monochromatic Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Sure. Uber-Violence? Plenty. A lot happens in this one issue and all of it made me want to play this thing as a video game. The art is pretty, clean and the colors pop. The characters are well-realized and awesome and the universe (what little could be shown in the first issue here) was interesting and really damn original.
Who is the deserter horseman? How does one kill one of the riders of the end times anyway? Could someone please try to put even more blood into these pages next time? Is there any way a human being could write a more badass character than Death? These are all questions I was thirsty to have answered after reading this issue. This book is kick-ass, and I can`t wait until the next issue.
Samantha: Buy
The cover is pretty cool. Nothing too exciting, but I like the fact that the gun is pointed at the reader. To me it shows an interaction with the audience. The four horsemen will not rest till all is dead even if it is the people who read this comic. I also like the art of the children. They are creepy, which I would hope the four horsemen would be. I love how dispassionate they are about humans. They even relate us to cattle. For them it is simply a job of wiping away this existence into a new one. I wonder if any of them will show compassion for a human though? Of if they will face an uprising of humans to fight death. It is interesting to think that humans could fight death. I also freaking love how the other death characters are black and white too. Nothing is grey, life is black and white, death is black and white. The only negative thing I can see about the art is that a lot of the pictures are up close and when the comic does pan out the background is always one color. Not much detail going on. Maybe this is another sign telling the readers that the environment in which we live doesn’t matter; only the humans that occupy it. We shouldn’t be focusing on how the world looks because humans control it. Or maybe I am looking too much into this comic all together.
Anyway, I think the comic offers a lot of questions as to what is really going on. I like asking a lot of questions when I start something new, that means the story can last a long time answering all of them. I will definitely keep up with this series. I just hope it doesn’t ask too many questions and drag the answers out forever.
Eric: Borrow
Apocalyptic stories always catch my attention. Each of them is written differently but all contain the end of the humanity and a character of Death. We can go on and add the other three Horsemen Conquest, Famine and War. All are an interesting take on how the world is going to end or how humanity avoids it and is saved from the end.
I tried to get into this book the art had me from the beginning and the setting of a futuristic American West. Let’s stay with the good it’s greatly detail without being over powering. The colors of the rust, dusty browns and blues bring you into the American West feel. You can see the emotion on characters, the wrinkles of the older, it just very well put together. The colors of Death and his crew make them stand out which works. It does amaze me how outfits of the futuristic West look like they are still from the civil war. The problem is it didn’t pull me in and it still vague who the hero or anti-hero is. I know the time frame in the story, but I can’t see the story develop here. It’s not a complete loss it’s not like the story is so bad that you can’t finish the book. I just feel lost in the direction of the story.
Steve: BUY the shit out of this book
So wait, lemme get this straight. Jonathan Hickman’s new Nick Dragotta-drawn book East of West has pallid cowboys, shady natives and one of the creepiest, most fractured versions of the horsemen of the apocalypse in recent memory? Well, fuck me ... you bet your ass I’m in!
Visually, this book is downright exciting. Everything from the look of and destruction by, the three nonplussed horsekids of the apocalypse, to the robot rocket-horse ridden by the once dark, now pale rider is an absolute treat. The world itself looks like a sinewy technological monstrosity, and I’m confident that the way in which the forces set against it will rip and rend the flesh from its bones will be a visceral, gravelly torture.
This is a lofty, multi-faceted premise, which, in other hands, I’d be afraid would canter into an odd afterthought. Luckily, Hickman’s at the reins, and I personally love his brand of inanity. We’re still not entirely sure what’s going on yet, but the lovingly-rendered sketch we’ve been offered thus far is carved with grooves that already run deep. Death has come east of west, and in the words of the good book, I can’t wait to see what hell follows with him.
Matt: Buy
So after reading this issue, I feel as though my brain has been turned to mush. Not in the way you might think; in a good way, like that the sheer awesomeness of it burned out my brain cells. East of West combines so many things that seem as though they couldn’t fit together at all. A Sci-Fi Western including the four Horseman of the Apocalypse, who the fuck thought that would work? Not me, but it did. Hickman does some really quality writing in the issue and the plot is out of this world. Everything flows seamlessly because of Hickman’s grandiose method of storytelling and an entire world is created. He completely re-writes history in a somewhat believe-able fashion and then just says fuck it; let’s throw in some creepy ass robot horses that look like engine turbines crossed with grasshoppers and then the four Horsemen. Making Death the protagonist was a great move and he seems kind of reminiscent of Kratos (from God of War) except that he’s a goddamn cowboy. Hickman has officially given the reader several reasons to continue buying the series and it would really surprise me if this didn’t at least get a third or fourth printing.
Oh right, the art is bomb. All the characters look great, and the art style makes a damn good western. Death and his two assistants are all white, and I’m not really sure what the significance of that is or why that is, but it looks sweet. The four horsemen all look good to be honest, even though three are children, it isn’t hard to immediately figure out which is which just based on their look; especially famine, that’s just fantastic character design.
Everything about the book is fucking awesome, and there wasn’t anything in issue that wasn’t great. This is how a series needs to kick off, with a bang. The characters have been introduced, the world has been created and a great story has begun.
New Releases: Zenescope - June 2013
Written by Tyler Kirkham, Keith Thomas, art by David Miller, covers by Tyler Kirkham, David Miller.
A young woman awakens in a hospital covered in scars as if she had been taken apart and put back together again. Her mind is as fragmented as her body, leaving her delusional and seeing monsters everywhere. Is this the work of a serial killer, or something far worse? FBI Agent Erin Scott intends to help her find out, with or without the approval of her superiors in this visionary modern, mature re-imagining of the Frankenstein legend.
32 pages, $2.99.
Written by Pat Shand, art by TBD, covers by Pasquale Qualano, Jimbo Salgado.
The events of Godstorm and Grimm Universe have all been building toward this moment! Unleashed: Part 3 (of 6). After tragedy strikes, the gods are scattered and they only have one defense left -- flee! The Being has put his final, horrific plan into motion and no one is safe. Will one god's selfishness lead to their fall, or will Zeus' plan save the Nexus once and for all? Don't miss the finale to the first act of the biggest event in Zenescope history!
48 pages, $5.99.
Written by Pat Shand, art by Jason Johnson, covers by Anthony Spay, Harvey Tollboa.
Unleashed tie-in! The darkest corner of the Grimm Universe is revealed in this brand new Unleashed mini-series! When demonic spirits begin possessing innocent people with disturbing frequency, the mysterious Japanese warrior, Masumi, must find a way to banish the evil forces without harming the hosts. However, as she journeys deeper into the heart of evil, Masumi notices a dark pattern to the demonic activity that threatens to swallow her whole.
32 pages, $3.99.
Written by Raven Gregory, art by Juliano Custodio, covers by Alfredo Reyes, Giuseppe Cataro.
Unleashed tie-in! After years of searching, the Hunters have finally found themselves reunited once again in a world that is not their own -- a world that holds captive the worst monsters ever imagined. But will their combined knowledge assist in finding an escape from the dreaded Shadowlands? Or will the differences among the group tear the team apart? Elsewhere, Samira and Ravenous have located a dark Being of unimaginable power and are intent on setting the creature free -- unleashing its wrath upon the Shadowlands, as well as the earth itself.
32 pages, $2.99.
Written by Mark L. Miller, art by TBD, covers by Ken Lashley, Tyler Kirkham, Marat Mychaels.
Unleashed tie-in! As a ferocious werewolf cleaves its way through the city, the time-lost monster hunter Roman must track the wolf to his quarry... a young girl named Charlotte who has suffered a bite from the wolf. What he doesn't know is that a secret government facility has taken Charlotte into custody, intent on finding out what makes her tick.
32 pages, $2.99.
Written by Pat Shand, art by Vittorio Garofoli covers by A: Abhishek Malsuni, B: Pasquale Qualano
Unleashed tie-in! Death match! Everything is on the table as Samira, the self-proclaimed vampire queen, rebels against the Black Death, the collective of vampires who she abandoned centuries ago. Meanwhile, Van Helsing travels through the void in search for Sela, who just might have the key to saving the world. Loyalties are severed and blood is spilled in this heart-stopping finale.
32 pages, $3.99.
Written by Raven Gregory, Pat Shand, art by Jose Jaro, covers by Anthony Spay, Sean Chen, David Seldman.
Driven to desperate ends, Alice Liddle finds herself committed to a psych ward in an attempt to get her condition under control. But even behind the imagined safety of locked doors, Alice can sense the madness that will not stop until everything she holds dear has fallen prey to the evil that is Wonderland.
32 pages, $2.99.
Written by Raven Gregory, art by Sheldon Goh, covers by Mike Krome, Mike Lilly.
Calie and Violet continue their journey cross-country as they attempt to stay beyond Wonderland's reach. Elsewhere, a homely girl cashier at a local grocery store finds herself using the stories she reads to escape from her dreary existence. But she will quickly discover that although the grass does seem greener on the other side... the madness that lies in wait may be a price too great to bear.
32 pages, $2.99.
Written by Dan Wickline, art by, various, cover by Mike Krome.
Detective Legrasse is still trying to make sense out of what happened to two murder suspects who disappeared seemingly into thin air. But when her investigation into Lovecraft's journal leads her and her partner to a recent rash of killings that resemble murders committed by Johnny Liddle, she will soon discover the deep, dark secret that binds them all. Not to mention, she will also discover the truth behind the return of one of the most dreaded villains of Wonderland.
148 pages, $12.99.
Written by Pat Shand, art by TBD, covers by Mike Krome, Alfredo Reyes.
The Phoenix: Part One--While the world is still reeling from the events of Unleashed, Sela and the newly resurrected Belinda has made it their mission to help people in need. This leads them to Kiera, a beautiful Highborn with a fiery secret who has been living among humans for centuries. As Sela learns the story of the mythological Phoenix's rebirth, the truth about the plan the Dark One has been putting into motion for years comes to light.
32 pages, $2.99.
Written by Pat Shand, art by Larry Watts, covers by Richard Ortiz, Pasquale Qualano, Larry Watts.
Can Robyn rise up and be the hero that Nottingham needs, or will she be forced to face the consequences of her own actions?
32 pages, $2.99.
Written by Mark L Miller, art by Jorge Mercado, covers by Jimbo Salgado, Paolo Pantalena.
The all-out battle between the Payari elephant, Shere tiger, and Bada Dar bear tribes rage -- with Mowglii caught right in the middle. Oh my! Plus, Bomani faces off alone against Kaa the Python! Not everyone will walk away from this battle in one piece as all warring parties collide on one battlefield in the conclusion to the series!
32 pages, $3.99.
Wonder Con '13 - Matt Bomer of Superman: Unbound in Attendance
Matt Bomer, star of USA Network’s hit series White Collar, has joined the panel for the World Premiere of Warner Bros. Home Entertainment’s Superman: Unbound this Friday, March 29 at 6:00 p.m. as part of the WonderCon marquee evening event in the Anaheim Convention Center.
As the voice of Superman, Bomer will headline the post-screening panel discussion alongside Castle star Molly Quinn (the voice of Supergirl), producer/director James Tucker (Justice League), screenwriter Bob Goodman (Warehouse 13, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns) and eight-time Emmy Award-winning dialogue director Andrea Romano (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns). Moderator Gary Miereanu will guide the proceedings, offering glimpses into future DC Universe Animated Original Movies, and exclusive prizes for some lucky fans in attendance.
In Superman: Unbound, a destructive force is devastating planets across the galaxy – with Earth next in its sights – and even Superman may not be capable of halting the destruction alone. Based on the Geoff Johns/Gary Frank 2008 DC Comics release "Superman: Brainiac," the film’s stellar voicecast also includes John Noble (Fringe, The Lord of the Rings films) as Brainiac, and Stana Katic (Castle) as Lois Lane. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, Superman: Unbound will be released on Blu-ray, DVD, OnDemand and For Download on May 7, 2013.
Prior to the premiere, the Superman: Unbound panelists Quinn, Tucker, Goodman and Romano will sign WonderCon-exclusive mini-posters from 3:00-4:00 p.m. at the DC Entertainment booth.
C2E2 '13: King Bone Press - Signings and Booth Details
If you click on the King Bone Press tag at the bottom it will bring up several of their books that we've reviewed on the site including my personal favorite: Bandthology vol. 1&2. The second volume is looking to kick off at C2E2, but if you're not attending then you can buy it from King Bone Press' store. Also the third volume of Low Concept is available for ordering as well. You can find King Bone Press at table 1384 in just a few short weeks.
From King Bone Press:
C2e2 is almost here! King Bone Press will be there. We have been a part of the show for 3 years and we always look forward to meeting people there. It is our biggest show of the year and we have many exciting things planned. We have special guest signings at the booth all weekend and multiple new books debuting.
Amazing Spider-Man 2 Clarifications and Spoilers
Let's start with this very simple photo of Spider-Man's armory...
Amazing right? Thanks director Marc Webb for nothing interesting to look at. Next up are some details that come from a source close to the production that clarifies some questions people have about the film and one minorish spoiler if you don't know shit about Spider-Man. Spoilers ahead people.
- Jamie Fox isn't wearing the old Electro suit. It's going to be something like Ultimate Spider-Man's suit which still fucking sucks.
- Venom isn't in the movie, so leave it alone.
- Green Goblin isn't in the movie, but Norman Osborn is and GG's appearance will be heavily teased throughout the entire movie.
- Gwen's dying. Emma Stone might not be in the movie that much at all.
Nothing huge, but it sounds like the leading ladies aren't playing a huge role in the film considering MJ is already done filming.
Source: Geek Tyrant
Official Press Release For Telltale's: The Wolf Among Us aka The Fables Video Game
Jordan posted about this yesterday, but today Telltale sent out this official announcement.
Leading developer and publisher of digital entertainment, Telltale Games, in cooperation with DC Entertainment, unleashes 'The Wolf Among Us' this summer. Based on Bill Willingham's award-winning comic book series 'FABLES' and licensed by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Telltale Games will premiere its new series on Xbox LIVE Marketplace for Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®Network, and on PC and Mac from the Telltale Online Store and other digital distribution outlets.
A consistent New York Times bestseller, 'FABLES' is one of DC Entertainment's longest-running series published under its Vertigo imprint since 2002. With over a dozen Eisner Awards, including Best Writer, Best New Series, and numerous wins for Best Serialized Story, the FABLES universe has become one of the richest mythologies in the world of comics, imagining that characters like Snow White, The Big Bad Wolf and Pinocchio from the world's most beloved storybooks are real - Real, and living among us, with all of their powers intact.
"Developing 'The Wolf Among Us' based on the 'FABLES' universe has allowed our studio to build upon all of the hallmarks of what makes our episodic series so engaging for players," said Dan Connors, CEO and Co-Founder of Telltale Games."Through an evolution of our approach to choice and consequence, we can further explore the complexity of each and every iconic character in a universe rich with untold history from the darkest sides of the storybooks."
Set prior to the events seen in the first issue of the FABLES comic book series, The Wolf Among Us puts players in the role of Bigby Wolf, a man once more infamously known as The Big Bad Wolf. Now the sheriff of a hidden community in New York City, exiled from the land of fairy tales, Bigby is tasked by the bureaucrat Snow White to keep order within a society of mythical creatures and characters trying to remain undetected in the world of the mundane. From a chain-smoking member of 'The Three Little Pigs,' to a car-stealing Mr. Toad itching for his next wild ride, The Wolf Among Us examines the lives of beings straight from the pages of myth and lore, now trying to survive on the meanest and most run-down streets of New York City.
For more information on the game, visit the official website, Facebook, and follow Telltale Games on Twitter.
IDW Limited Announces G.I. Joe: The Complete Collection Vol. 1
Today IDW Limited announced its plans to release the first in a squad of limited -edition G.I. JOE offerings under license from Hasbro and based on its iconic G.I. JOE brand. Starting with G.I. JOE: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION Vol.1 (, IDW Limited will be preparing several fan-favorites for deployment. Featuring a blend of original art from classic artists and modern fan-favorites, these books are the elite of the elite when it comes to collectibility and presentation.
The Black Label edition (limited to 50 copies) of G.I. JOE: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION Vol. 1 will be paired with original art from one of the most recognizable artists in G.I. JOE publishing history, Herb Trimpe. Trimpe is widely known for his run on the title during the ‘80s, much of which is collected in these pages ,and he’s brought his timeless style back to this book in the form of full-color original art pieces.
“G.I. JOE is a book that’s close to my heart,” said Trimpe. “It’s great to see how IDW’s handled the title. Their run’s been excellent, and when they decided to launch this limited line collecting the early work that we all worked so hard on, I was thrilled to be chosen to provide art for this special edition. G.I. JOE is a timeless tradition, and drawing these pieces took me back to a different time, when I was a fan and artist who loved these characters deeply.”
Fans of G.I. JOE will have two tiers to choose from when ordering this title. The Red Label is limited to 250 copies and signed by Larry Hama and Herb Trimpe. Presented in a special cover and custom slipcase, the book will collect more than 300 pages of Trimpe and Hama’s historic run on the series. That’s sixteen issues collected in a way designed to introduce new fans into the series and reward long-time fans with proper reading order and collection. The 50-copy Black Label will feature original art from Trimpe and a limited-edition tray case to house the book.
This is the first of a robust line of G.I. JOE offerings scheduled for the coming months. Look out for G.I. JOE: COBRA, THE LAST LAUGH, DANGER GIRL/G.I. JOE and G.I. JOE: IDW COLLECTION soon. The talent roster for these books ranges from John Royle to Russ Heath to Mike Hawthorne, with signatures from several key writers. There’s never been a better time to say “Yo!”
G.I. JOE: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION DELUXE LIMITED EDITION (RED-$125.00; BLACK- $300 300 pages; 11” x 7”; hardcover)