By Dustin Cabeal
This review is my first time attempting to cover an individual chapter of a current manga. Fuuka, if you recall from the CBMFP, was a story that I feel in love with hard! I mean over a hundred chapters in a day. I forgot to eat at one point and wondered why my head hurt because I was so into this story.
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By Dustin Cabeal
I have been waiting for this volume for what seems like forever. I pre-ordered it and got it on the day of release and unfortunately had to wait an extra day to read it and now review it. It was worth the wait. I’ve read a lot in the past few months… okay, I read a lot in general, but in the past few months, nothing has satisfied my reading appetite. Some left me hungry for more, while others were an undesirable meal leaving me craving a story that had some meat on it. Damn, am I hungry? Are you hungry? Ready to take a big ole’ bite of… butt… or something?
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By Mike Badilla
Tank Girl: Gold is the first TG series I've ever read, which I know is blasphemy among certain comic book circles. I own some of the trades, I got the gist of it before, but I just never gave it the time of day. So glad I did now, as this is one title that I look forward to. Last issue saw the resurrection of Sub Girl as well as the discovery of billions of dollars worth of gold on the sub. Other stuff happened, including that dingo (name forgotten) getting some action that caused his..... member to get swollen. STD? I guess. The whole this is weird, but in a fun way. Don't read into it so much.
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By Dustin Cabeal
That’s right; I’m back with another review in which I punish myself, at least depending on how you look at it. Since I need a break from DC’s titles and they weren’t shipping much, I decided to turn to the only publisher that didn’t take the week after a holiday off and that’s Image.
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By Mike Badilla
It's already been a month since the last issue of Seven to Eternity? Well that's just enough time for me to have forgotten everything about this book except for the fact that I enjoyed the last issue. Recap; Adam is the head of what was a royal family that was cast out of their royal setting by the Mud King, a guy with the power to put a 'whisper' into anyone's head, which not only can manipulate the person but also allows the king to hear anything through the persons ears. Cool, right? Adam was told by his father to never make a deal with the king, but because Adam is dying and his family is constantly being harassed, he decides to make a deal. The deal Adam is offered? Being cured of what is killing him.
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By Dustin Cabeal
I really, really, really fucking tried to overlook the fact that this was someone in Hollywood using comics as a backdoor to getting a passed on project made. It’s not uncommon, hell that’s how Cowboys and Aliens got made. Adrianne Palicki’s involvement made me weary of this comic because of that, but it is a Black Mask title so I hoped it would be different.
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By Chris Tresson
We’re nearing the end of the year and that means it’s annual season in the comic book industry… Since becoming a comic book shop owner, I’ve been paying more attention to annuals (I’ve picked up a fair few this year purely because I can.) Before that all I ever got was Daredevil annuals and Batman annuals.
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By Dustin Cabeal
I’m going to try and stay as positive as possible on this opening. Savage is a great looking book. It is by far some of the best art coming out of Valiant at the moment, and Lewis Larosa and Clayton Henry only seem to get better every time I see either of their work. If you go for art over the story, then this is the book for you.
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By Patrick Larose
There’s an experiment you can play while reading Tarzan on the Planet of the Apes, every time the current tension has played out and they’d need to cut away to move forward—stop on that page.
Then, as you slowly turn the page, see if the next one has dinosaurs attacking.
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By Dustin Cabeal
I’m sure when a lot of people heard that MASK was coming to comics they were excited. I mean, it’s one of the few 80s toy franchises/cartoon series, to not having its corpse mangled and rebooted in the modern era. Even setting aside the fact that IDW was in charge of the comic reboot, the first thing everyone should have asked is, “Why’d it take this long?”
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By Dustin Cabeal
I'm sure this is going to end up being a part 1 of 2, but for now, this is all that I was sent to unbox. It's happened before, but it was a shirt... this time its underwear from a show I don't watch and they might be the wrong size which is fun. Enjoy the rant!
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By Dustin Cabeal
Well, this month's Loot Anime box isn't too bad, just nothing that I give a damn about. I don't think I'm even keeping anything out if it, but I know one asshole and a brother that are getting the good stuff! Keep watching Bastards, more unboxing to come... because it's fun to do and complain about and apparently I'm 90 in nerddom years.
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By Robert Ramos
Looks like 2017 is going to be a hell of a year for sequels. One-Punch Man, Code Geass, Attack on Titan (GROSS), and even Gintama are all getting new seasons. Added to that bunch is Kekkai Sensen, or Blood Blockade Battlefront as most of you might know it as. Along with the new name of Kekkai Sensen & BEYOND, the show will also be getting a new director as well as a new person in charge of the script.
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Comic books are mainstream enough to impact one of the most prosperous industries in the world – online gambling. Online casino presence of comics heroes.
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By Dustin Cabeal
I'm always down to check out new Action Lab titles and there's more than a few that are interesting in this lineup. Check out the details below and get to pre-ordering, especially Dollface which is going to have a ton of variants and interest.
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By Dustin Cabeal
We've got a preview for an indie title for you today. Card Shark Comics is getting ready to print their second issue of Vessels and we've got a preview. Check it out and if you like what you see head over to and pick up the first issue to get caught up before the second issues release.
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By Justin Wood
You never notice the scars reviewing indie comics have left on your love for the medium until you read something like The Mindgator. Cracking open the review copy blind, I had to check to make sure it was a genuine indie. No publisher bullet, no hyperbole laden pull quote from one of Matt Fraction's Image Gang. An actual self-published work. And it looked really good. Not 'good for you', like a majority of the self-published books that cross the Bastard bullpen. Actual high-quality artwork. Now, I'm front loading this review with this praise because my take on the book that is The Mindgator isn't all glowing, but coming across a book that looks like this that isn't a marketed property by a titanic publisher makes me want to climb to the highest point of Comic Con and shout “This! You don't have any excuse other than your talent!”. We'll get to my detractions, but there is more praise coming as well.
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By Shanel Kamara
Muscles, a token female, and a whole lot of testosterone, and tears; unfortunately, All Out is just another typical sports themed anime that boasts of no defining features or unique traits. To be frank, I partially expected it to be so. Although All Out is undeniably a sports themed anime show, I actually think of it as a shonen series.
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By Robert Ramos
It's about fucking time! The most recent series ended in March and it's been a sad, sad time without any new Gintama in my life.
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By Patrick Larose
I initially intended this review to be a follow-up, post-mortem of my review for issue #4. I wanted to summarize in a type of I-Told-You-So style about how the series failed to utilize its own new concepts and rushed its story to the end.
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