Review: Where’s My Shoggoth?

I think it’s safe to say that a lot of children gravitate to the strange and weird; my logic behind that is the fact that most parents raise their children sheltered and protected from the world. There are the occasional parents that want their kid to be well-rounded and look at something like Where’s My Shoggoth and think, “that’s weird and cool.” What’s not to love about the concept of this book? A kid’s story basically set in the world of H.P. Lovecraft... It was very enjoyable. The story follows the same basic canter for each page which is four rhythmic sentences on the left side of the page and then a reveal of the creature being described on the right hand page. It’s simple, but very effective. Huge kudos on the writing as I’m sure it was extremely difficult to create such simple sentences that anyone familiar with Lovecraft could recognize. It’s definitely something that seems like it would take a ton of research to pull off.

The art is beautiful and each page has a great layout that’s not quite the same each time. Obviously when dealing with Lovecraft the artist is forced to create their own interpretation of some of the lesser described creatures, but it’s done very well. The strongest thing about the art is that it is very kid friendly. It’s not so horrific that kids will be scared and it’s just creepy enough to keep them interested.

I like the fact that something like this exists; it’s very interesting and creative even if it’s referencing someone else’s work. My one and only gripe about the book were the extra pages. For children’s books regardless of age, they want to get in to the story right away and there just seems to be an excess of pages that serve no purpose to the story. I know that people need to be thanked and what not, but one to two pages is fine trust me; otherwise a great product that any parent should be willing to give their child to read.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Ian Thomas Artist: Adam Bolton Publisher: Archaia Entertainment Price: $11.95

Episode 49: More Beef On The Stick

If it's CBMFP time again then it means that we are going to steal an hour of your life! News: We talk about Mark Millar being brought on as a consultant for 20th Century Fox and their comic book movies. DC and Grant Morrison want "Multiversity" to be a thing. Not only does all of that happen-- we end up talking about the comics that we read!! Comics: Dustin had the chance to read JMS' Superman: Earth One Vol:2.Then he shares that awesomeness with us. As for everything else--  Dragon Age: Those Who Speak #2, Posers #1, Idolized #2, Deadhorse #5. isabela

Review: Hit-Girl #1

Did you ever just sit back and wonder, what the hell went on between Kick-Ass 1 and Kick-Ass 2? Well wonder no more comic book philistine because Hit Girl is here to answer all that for you. Because the little bitch is back! Millar’s words not mine. As the rain falls in a junkyard, a group of mod thugs are beating the Silver Beetle to death in hopes of getting the location of Kick-Ass. As the Beetle explains he doesn’t know him and that he was just inspired by him the thugs kill him.

The next day Marcus (Mindy’s stepfather) watches the news and hears of the heroes slaying. The report also says that this is the second hero in the matter of weeks. Meanwhile Mindy gets ready for school and reflects on life without Big Daddy and how her life is so much different now. On the way to school she’s harassed by a click of mean girls. She tries to hide it but their remarks and taunts really bothered her.

Hit-Girl_1-674x1024Now at school she meets up with Dave and she tells him that she’s still keeping watch on the crime family thanks to Marcus’ computer. After questioning if she’s really retired Dave agrees to help in any way he can. Excited, Mindy leaves but not before the group of mean girls busts her balls one more time.

In the local penitentiary, Ralph (Red Mist’s uncle) is informed of the family’s standing in the outside world. He sends the word to keep hunting down the “heroes” till they find Kick-Ass, all for the family’s name.

Walking the streets Kick-Ass goes to meet Hit Girl in her secret lair that her and her father had hidden all this time. She asks Kick-Ass to help her be a normal kid and in return she’ll let him be her side kick.

Meanwhile, The Red Mist sits in his mother’s bedroom with some booze and a gun. When she awakes he explains to her that he’s here for a few things and that he can’t stay long because he has super crime to commit.

This book is cool. The first series was cool; the second series was cool and this one’s off on the right foot. Story wise it’s going to be hard to pull off any real surprise, so Millar’s going to have to dump tons of character development into Mindy and Dave. So far with them working together as a team there should be tons of room for that to happen.

Here’s a little secret, I’m kind of a sucker for John Romita Jr’s art. Great examples are Mindy with her little body and big ass head. The Red Mist’s scrawny ass, they look like awaked kids. It just adds that coolness to the overall presentation.

So far so good with Hit Girl #1, as long as is dodges the shite pacing of Kick-Ass 2 this series should be a complete blast.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: John Romita, Jr Publisher: Icon/ Millar World Price: $2.99 Release Date: 6/27/12

Review: Posers #1

The title of a series can sometimes make or break it. If the book isn’t a success then the title can leave the book open for jokes and witty one-liners. With a title like Posers things could have turned sour quick, but instead this book is anything but a poser. Not only was I surprised by this issue, I was impressed. If you’re heading to NYCC this year then you need to get the book before as it will be premiering there. The book is split up into two stories. The first story follows Chad Spencer as he’s just been hired to be on the Intergalactic Champion Squad. He’s a freelance hero that’s never quite made the cut when auditioning for other teams, but finally has his chance to be a real hero. He pulls up to the ICS’s headquarters while talking to his mom on the phone. She has doubts about the entire situation and feels that it’s a ploy to steal his identity. From there we’re taken to the current ICS team on a mission in space fighting against some alien’s that have organized to take over our world. They’re goal is to kill the leader of the civilization and let them fall into chaos as the generals of his armies fight over the position.

Posers_001The second story follows a woman addicted to violence. I would love nothing more than to tell you a blurb about her origin, but the narration was so awesome that you’ll need to read it for yourself. The woman goes by the name “Slugger” since she usually carries around two baseball bats to beat the shit out of everyone with. She has a strong distaste for men and has decided to take on a crime boss that has made his fortune selling woman and children. Because this is a solo mission she follows her own rules; which means murder is on the table tonight.

The writing for both stories was very good and each had a different flare to it. The first story was very serious, but had some light-hearted humor. The space battle was actually very cool, but what was better are the details that I’m not telling you. The catch of the story is very interesting and I cannot wait to see where it goes from this issue. The second story was violent and action packed. The narration was very strong and it was more entertaining than anything else. There were some real layers to the character though so I can see there being a balance between no-nonsense action and character development further on.

Once again the art for both stories was very strong and this time from two different artists. They’re different styles so I wouldn’t compare them, but both certainly work for their individual tale. Both art styles are very realistic and have a gritty style to them giving the book a consistent feel. In the second tale there is a lot of variety in the action shots and some of them are interesting while others don’t work out as well. In general though, both artists have talent and it will be interesting to see them grow on the series.

This issue does a great job of creating a reason for the reader to come back to it. Both stories in a way tie together and really it’s going to be fun to see how the end up working together. The simple fact that the twist from the first story being so different and creative makes me curious to read more; I cannot recommend checking out the book enough. A lot of new companies like to come running out of the gate with their entire concept laid out in front of you, but with this series it's quite different. They give you a glimpse at what to expect, but have left it open so much that you have no way of guess the conclusion making you want to come back for more. It worked, I want more.

Score: 5/5

Writer: John Pross Aritst: Federico Zumel, Jimbo Salgado Publisher: Pross Comics Price: $3.99

Review: Deadhorse #5

The last issue of Deadhorse left me uneasy, I’m not going to lie. It was a good issue, but I had to wonder where the story was going. It’s a fear that all readers have when a new series begins with characters devoid of a known history to reference and a new creative team to the industry. The fear comes from the inevitable mountain that all stories must climb down that will ultimately determine the quality of the rest of the series. Personally I find this descent not to be the fourth issue as some would instantly think, but the fifth issue. The fourth issue can do anything because it is the still at the top of the mountain starting the hike back down. The fifth issue however -- it determines the path that will take you the rest of the way down. This issue picks up with Edgar and Elise running from Sasquatch. It’s humorous as they run through one of the occupied cabins only to fall out the other side. They get a momentary break from the chase as Sasquatch is detained, which gives Elise and Edgar the opportunity to head into some once sacred caves for hiding. Pike on the other hand is in Deadhorse the town. We’ve seen glimmers of it in the previous issues, but now it’s bright and cheery which is anything but what it really looks like. Confused he fights through a crowd to find Elise who evades him. He stops in front of a dinner where he finds his father sitting by the window eating breakfast. He goes inside to talk with him, but a straight answer is never given to him about why he's there.

Deadhorse-5I can’t detail much of the story since it’s a visual experience that I have rarely if ever seen done in comics. I am going to give a spoiler warning here just so that I can talk about the core of the story, but I won’t give exact details.

It’s essentially a dream sequence that William is experiencing, but it reveals so much about his character at the same time. I honestly can say that it was some of the smartest writing and art combined in a comic that I have ever read. I have read plenty of dream sequences in comics and they’re always bad. I can’t even say that they’re usually bad, they’re just always bad. This sequence, which is mostly caused due to a blow to the head, is spot on. It’s not confusing and yet its full of metaphors and symbolism. What I also found important about this issue is that there is some connection between William and Elise, but what that is going to be has yet to develop.

This is going to be grammatically horrible, but the art “does work” in this issue. Sloan is put to the test and he produces some great pages. The sequential art does a lot of the work of the story, but at the same time is visually beautiful. It’s still art even without the dialog and story to accompany it. It’s so strong that you could show the entire dream sequence without dialog and it would tell a story. What was just perfect about the art was the coloring. There is a very clear difference between the dream and reality and that makes both sections stand out.

This is the strongest this series has ever been and has erased all doubt in my mind about where this series could possibly be going. There is just enough of the overall mystery revealed to keep the reader interested, while at the same time establishing new mysteries to be discovered later in the series. The writing and art find a perfect balance and hopefully they stay in sync for future issues; if so then this book is going to be stand out series in the comic industry.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Eric Grissom Artist: Phil Sloan Colorist: David Halvorson Publisher: 215 Ink Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/19/12

Review: Popeye #5

Review by: Ed Allen Having read some of IDW’s reprints of classic Popeye comics from the 1940’s, I’ve got to say the resemblance between Bud Sagendorf’s relatively ancient comics and this new ongoing series is uncanny.

Bruce Ozella and Vince Musaccia have absolutely nailed Popeye’s traditional style, even using variations on a four-tiered eight-panel page layout which manages to feel a lot like Sagendorf’s densely packed nine-panel layouts even if it doesn't precisely fit that (arguably outdated) formula. They use the traditional rounded, almost bulbous cartoon figures that are instantly recognisable as the cast of Popeye. If anything I thought that Ozella and Musaccia have managed to make the characters even more expressive than in the classic comics, something that really contributes to the comedic moments of this issue.

Popeye_05-CvrAI was impressed by Roger Langridge’s script and I think it’s evident from the two stories which make up this issue that he’s put a lot of effort in to adapt his writing to the material. There are plenty of moments of dialogue driven character comedy and Langridge cleverly mixes Popeye’s positive messages with the irony that comes from his lack of self awareness and well intentioned ignorance.

While Popeye’s ability to deliver a knockout punch is clearly undiminished he’s far less likely to solve all of his troubles with the cartoon violence that’s typical of the Sagendorf comics, making this new series a little closer to the kind of morality I think some parents would prefer to see in the comics they give to their children today. Obviously there’s still some violence present - it simply wouldn’t be Popeye if we didn’t get to see the brutes and bullies get the beating they deserve - it just happens less often than I’ve come to expect.

If you’re looking for a humorous all-ages comic then IDW’s Popeye #5 is a good place to start, and because each issue is completely self contained there’s no need to worry about picking up the first four (unless you really enjoyed it and want more). Similarly, curious long-term fans of the Popeye franchise won’t be disappointed and will find that this series is true to its roots, making good use of the same kinds comedy as its predecessors without feeling dated. I can’t see Popeye appealing to the majority of comic book fans but there’s definitely a niche for this series to fill.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Roger Langridge Artist: Bruce Ozella & Vince Musaccia Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/26/12

Review: Higher Earth #5

I’m a bit put off by this issue; it’s not that it wasn’t good, but it feels like a fill-in issue. There’s a guest artist and the focus of the plot is entirely with another character; add in the fact that the odd humor that Humphries has established in the series is completely devoid and this book feels very different from the first four entirely. We open with Beatrice who looks a lot like someone else we know. She narrates about living on an island and how they fight against the outside world. It's basically a religious cult that has brainwashed its followers over the generations to believe that there is no other way of life except for on the island. As Beatrice grows older she becomes curious about the men that are always disappearing down in the mines and never to return. She follows one night and finds a glowing “eye” shaped apparition that she walks through. It takes her to another world which she does not fully understand and runs away from. When she crosses back through the leader of the “family” is standing there. Instead of being punished she’s given the special mission of continuing to go through the “eye” and get things that the “family” needs.

It was an interesting story for sure, but I’m not really sure how it fits into everything. Beatrice is the creator of the Higher Earth system, but there is now so much left to explain because of this story. Really the book is becoming more of a walk through on how the concept could actually work. I don’t know if this reveal was the right time for the series and really opens it up for further explanation when the last issue had placed the series in a good spot. We knew what the characters were up against and what they were going to do next; and we didn’t need to know any more of the behind the scenes sub-plot to keep the interest (at least for the moment).

HigherEarth_05_preview_Page_2The narration was actually very good and even though Beatrice comes off as sheltered there is always something a bit evil about her character. There are a good handful of metaphors to this issue, but really the entire series is missing out on a great opportunity to make social commentary. The only real problem with the issue is that it doesn’t leave off in a well thought out place. Obviously the art is going to change in the next issue, but what character are we going to be following? What time line even? I guess we’ll have to see.

As I mentioned there is a guest artist on this issue by the name of Joe Eisma. If you’re familiar with his work on Morning Glories then you’ll definitely like his work on this book. He’s actually a great match for the series and his line work is very clean. It’s too bad it’s just for one issue and that the story didn’t really play to his strengths. There are a lot of bland shots of the island and the mine. Eisma makes some pretty pictures, but really shines one the last few pages.

There’s no doubt that this is a good issue, but it doesn’t compare to the last issue and doesn’t feel like the right time for the amount of information that’s revealed. If this story had hit on issue seven it could easily have kicked off another story arc, but instead feels like a one shot story that was added so that the art team could get ahead on the book. Hopefully they do just that and get ahead so that way the next time Eisma jumps on the book it’s a bit more thrilling.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Joe Eisma Publisher: Boom Studios Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/26/12

Dark Horse and Geek & Sundry Announce The Strain As Their Next Motion Comic

Well motion comics are a tricky thing and by tricky I mean usually pretty terrible. The Hellboy series that Geek & Sundry hosted was alright and this seems to be the same team handling it. The thing is, with the TV show on the way this could potentially hurt interest if people don't like the awkward moving faces or even the art style. Personally I don't think it looks as good as the comic. Since Dark Horse has a good relationship with Felicia Day it's no surprise that they have something to support her YouTube channel, but hopefully it'll be cooler things than motion comics in the future. Maybe some live action web series... just throwing that out there. First episode is after the jump.

Do Want: Injustice: Gods Among Us Collector's Edition

Here's the statue that comes with the U.S Collectors Edition of the soon to be released fighting game, Injustice: Gods Among Us. Oh and before you and your friends say it, yes Wonder Woman does have a man/tranny face or whatever, just get over it. No, I don't understand how Kal-El's rocket got there and why it's being used as a weapon. Yes, we all know the Pal/ European CE release (below) is way better looking. Look I'm sorry okay guys--I just don't know what to tell you. injustice_collectors

What I can tell you is what else your $99 bucks is going to get you.

  • Exclusive DC Collectibles statue featuring iconic characters Batman and Wonder Woman, the Fortress of Solitude, and the Last Son of Krypton's escape ship (duh)
  • Highly detailed statue that stands over 13" tall
  • Beautifully rendered with a combination of injected and hand painted decoration
  • Includes The Lasso of Truth, clear casted ice details and translucent smoke trail
  • Special Collector's Edition of a brand new DC Comics series
  • Digital download of DC Universe animated film Justice League: Doom
  • Three exclusive skins based on Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman from DC COMICS – THE NEW 52

No word for the price for the PAL version.

Review: Idolized #2

Well it looks like the number one comic crush of my life, Leslie, is back and is still trying to prove to America and the world that she has what it takes to become a Super Hero Idol. But will she have what it takes to make it through the rigorous test and scrutiny? Who knows but I bet she’ll look cute as a button the whole time! As Leslie and the rest of the hopefuls continue to get their every move judged by a panel of judges the contestants learn that the show is more of a way for the producers of Superhero Idol to package and sell them to the public. As Leslie comes to terms with that fact she begins to notice how superficial the other contestants truly are. They don’t have any real reason to be here other than desire for fame. This is the very same reason that Leslie keeps to herself and just focuses on getting better.

In the training room Leslie is interrupted by a fellow contestant that tells her that the whole production is the equivalent to a game. She hears him out but his delivery is so pompous laced that she just takes it with a grain of salt and moves on.

IDOLIZED-02a-HumbertoRAMOSAs more contestants get eliminated the competition becomes fiercer. Soon, the trials move from destroying armies of robots to a pack of hologram super villains. In that batch of villains, Stasis the man who ruined Leslie’s life. Second guessing how anyone could have known that he was the reason that she was here, Leslie goes ballistic and gives the viewers something to cheer about. After the trail is over the judges do their part on analyzing the performance. After the results Leslie is given some unexpected news.

I like where David Schwartz is going with this. That could be due to the fact that it looks like the book is slowly trying to shake off the reality show angle and move onto something more solid. If you really think about it, that Idolized branding can work on so many levels within a superhero comic. Story wise it’s good to see Leslie doing things on her own and not needing to run into a man’s arms to get over her feeling and emotions. I was scared that was going to happen in the training room with the Mr. Letterman jacket guy that likes to heal stuff. But it didn't, you go girl-- you don’t need a man, you pay your own bills. Ya heard?!

As for Micah Gunnell’s art, I could sit here and give you page numbers and panels of every time I thought Leslie looked more than adorable. But I won’t do that, instead I will say that it is very good and some of the best in the comic shops right now. There, now I sound less like a creeper (not really). You can also enjoy some recent one on one time that Mr. Gunnell shared with the Comic Bastards' family.

Idolized feels like it is digging in deep and getting ready to take off. When it does I’m pretty sure that it’s going to be something big. So jump on now, you won’t be disappointed.

Score: 3/5

Writer: David Schwartz Artist: Micah Gunnell Publisher: Aspen Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 09/26/12

Review: Dragon Age: Those Who Speak #2 (of 3)

Now that Dragon Age III: Inquisition is a thing; excitement for the brand is alive again. All the while the good people at Dark Horse have been keeping everyone’s DA fix under control with Dragon Age: Those Who Speak; which continues the adventures of Alistair the king of Ferelden, Varric the thief and Isabela the pirate as they search for Alistair’s father. Some time ago Isabela crossed the The Qunari by stealing their most prized possession, the Qun. Because of that act she was hunted by the Qunari until they reacquired their scriptures. The pursuit caused Isabela her ship and gained her an enemy for life in the Qunari.  So while the three adventurers were pursing the Blood Mage Titus the Qunari attacked and captured Isabela.

In captivity, the female pirate is interrogated by a Qunari priestess, Tamassran. With the aid of Qamek a magical flame that will render Isabela a vegetable if she resists. The priestess begins by asking Isabela her name, her true name. The response she is given is a little more in-depth than just a name-- it reveals a dark and detailed past about the sassy pirate.

DragonAgeThoseWhoSpeakHCThree weeks have passed since the three friends have encountered the Qunari. Now Alistair and Varric have been summoned by the new Arishok. Once face to face Alistair is surprised to see that it is Sten. The same Qunari that helped him fight against the Blight so many years ago. (See Dragon Age Origins the game- Kevin). Alistair inquires about Titus and Sten replies with an intriguing answer that pertains to the Old Gods.

Back in her cell Isablea reveals more of her motivation for stealing the Qun and the reasoning for her strong distain for the Qunari. Alas that story and overall pirate attitude is something that doesn’t go over to well with Tamassran.

First off this is the best that any Dragon Age comic has every looked. In previous issues there were panels that felt a little dialed in and just looked uninspired. But not here, there are some really great looking pages, especially when dealing with Isabela’s back story.

That’s another thing; there is a LOT for fans of DA to enjoy in just this issue alone. There’s the return of Sten, a Qunari priestess, the mention of the Old Gods and the best part, the fulfilling back story for Isabela.

The industry needs to take note, if you want to do a comic book video game tie-in; you follow the blueprint that this title has set. If not , then enjoy mediocrity.

Score: 4/5

Writer: David Gaider, Alexander Freed Artist: Chad Hardin Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 9/25/12

Review: Mars Attacks #4

I enjoyed the last issue for telling a unique story and being a fun read.  Issue #4 earns the same praise and now has fostered a loyalty to this book.   John Layman takes the topic of alien invasion and makes it a page turning adventure. The book opens with a flashback of the previous Martian scout missions to Earth and the terrible consequences—for both the aliens and the Earthlings.  Like the Predator, the Martians have visited the Earth at different points in history: the Aztec empire, the American Revolution, and the 1800’s plains.

Fast forward to modern-day when the Martians return to destroy, not to explore.  In orbit, Xiuhcoatl and a Civil War soldier have been awaken from suspended animation.  Emissary Zar kept the two for war trophies and remembrances of his own failings as a leader.

MarsAttacks_04-CvrAThe two humans, despite being unable to speak each other’s language, work together to fight before being probed to pieces. One human falls, one escapes.  The conclusion incites such a “Shit, that’s pretty cool moment,” that one wishes the book was weekly, not monthly.

John Layman does an excellent job of including stills from the collecting card series in key parts of the story.  His portrayal of the Martians is new and daunting, making the creatures frightening more than comedic like in Burton’s film.

The true strength of the book comes from Layman’s story.  With such well formulated but wildly unpredictable scenarios, the book conveys a take-no-prisoners tone.

And best of all, Layman makes the Martians the focus of the book.  Unlike IDW’s Godzilla in which the title character barely shows up amidst a boring plot, Mars Attacks balances the Martian invaders’ story expertly with the human fight for survival. I can’t believe how won over I am from a book that I thought I would cast off.

Score: 4/5

Writer: John Layman Art: John McCrea Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release date: 9/26/12

Review: A Fine and Private Place #1

Peter S. Beagle (The Last Unicorn) gets a comic adaption of his beloved novel.  While the elements of the story may seem cliché in light of such examples like the movies Ghost and The Frighteners, keep in mind that the novel was first published in 1960. Jonathan Rebeck lives in a cemetery.  His caretaker, a raven, brings him cold cuts and takes his laundry away for cleaning.  Not only can Rebeck speak to the raven, he can also talk with the dead. Michael Morgan, a recently deceased, befriends Rebeck.  After a brief flashback to understand Morgan’s situation, the story shifts to Rebeck tutoring the ghost on being dead.

A woman walking by to visit her husband’s grave interrupts the bonding time between the two.  Rebeck can’t have his choice of living space discovered, so he deflects her interest.  Nevertheless, Rebeck pursues her much to Morgan’s chagrin. Rebeck leaves the widow at the gate to return to his cemetery home.

AFineandPrivatePlace_01Beagle’s work shined through in all the intricacies of the story.  The only real reason to make a comic adaptation would be to add something visually to the story.  Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen.

Francisco’s art is wonderful and pleasing in relation to the tone of the story.  Yet the artist doesn’t take any risks or make and bold interpretations of the characters that impress.

One could purchase the novel for around $10 on  That is the equivalent of buying the abridged comic book adaptation’s first two and a half issues.  You will enjoy the book more.  If you know the book well, then this will be a pleasant addition to your Beagle collection. But do yourself a favor and buy the novel.

Score: 3/5

Original Story: Peter S. Beagle Adapted by: Peter Gillis Art: Eduardo Francisco Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/26/12

Review: Goon #42

Tommy Chandler got a wiry frame for a boxer.  Sullivan approached Chandler when during a workout and promises the runt a victory.  In the Goon-iverse that could only mean dark forces will play a part in that win. Various supernatural entities plague the Goon and warn him, “They are coming.”  Goon responds with his mitts. Prior to the fight Chandler drinks a potion that makes him a beast and wins him the match.  Having lost money on the fight, Goon takes down Chandler and Sullivan.  Sullivan reveals that Mr. Corpus was behind the whole deal.

When Goon confronts the magician, Corpus reveals that he sent the warnings because something more sinister and powerful is gunning for old Goon. The black and white back up story continues with the bog monster attacking Goon and Frankie and a robot monster that intercedes.

The Goon #42If you see the cover of this book and aren’t compelled to purchase it, then you should not be a comic book fan.  The image of Goon aiming on you looks so badass that it actually equates with how awesome the rest of the comic book is.

Although not as involved as some of the previous issues such as Goon’s mom’s story or the satire of the contemporary comic book industry, this issue still delivers on monsters, comedy, and fun.

The twists from this plot remind me of the build up to a great battle.  Powell has not dropped once in his excellent deliver with this book, so I know that will be one hell of a fight. Every month this book is a must read.

Score: 5/5

Story: Eric Powell and Tom Sniegoski Back up story by Powell and Mark Buckingham Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 9/26/12

Review: TMNT #14

Review by: Ed Allen As a kid I used to be hooked on the saturday morning cartoon version of TMNT (to the point where I even owned a merchandise skateboard and an extensive collection of their action figures) so I’ve been curious to check out IDW’s all new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles after hearing it has been generally well received by fans. One of TMNT’s original creators, writer Kevin Eastman, is on board with the project - which has surely helped the series remained true to its roots.

For those who aren’t aware, TMNT started out as a far cry from the child-friendly animated series that lifted the franchise to superstardom. Originally a parody and homage of the popular early 1980s comics by Frank Miller and David Sim, the action packed series fused no-holds-barred violence with humor and its own distinct code of honor - rapidly becoming a sensation in its own right amongst comic fans. Since IDW acquired the license to publish TMNT stories in 2011 they’ve been reprinting Eastman and Peter Laird’s classic series with the addition of colors and produced their own new series.

TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles_14-CvrAI was glad to see a brief recap paragraph on the credits page at the start of this issue, making it relatively easy for me to jump in on the opening scene - where Splinter is poised to cut a man’s throat - without exclaiming “WTF?”. The issue moves at a fast pace and manages to pack a lot into its 22 story pages but for the most part it’s dedicated to character development and sowing the seeds for future issues. The story takes a little bit of time to explore the origins of Splinter and the turtles’ deadly inter-dimensional nemesis Krang before moving swiftly on to a brief battle, relationship building scenes for the TMNT ‘family’ and the establishment of Shredder’s next villainous plot and the Turtle’s plan to confront him. I thought Tom Waltz’s dialogue was effective and handled the exposition of past plot points with subtlety, while the script as a whole should be commended for avoiding unnecessary decompression.

At first I didn't really enjoy the style of Andy Kuhn’s art but I found that as the issue progressed it definitely grew on me. A raw, angular dynamism is its main virtue and it seems far more suited to creating intense action sequences or displaying obvious emotions than nuanced moments of drama. Without resorting to imitation, the combination of Kuhn’s inks, Eastman’s guidance on the page layouts and Ronda Pattison’s bold coloring captures the essence of the original 80’s artwork. However Kuhn’s scratchy inks don't make for the most detailed of pages, often leaving the backgrounds as empty blocks for Pattinson to fill in, and I can imagine that this near-minimalist style might irritate fans of the high-detail artwork we often see in cape comics.

Personally I’d like to see a little more action in the issues to come but there’s enough quality in this installment to make me want to persist with the series. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #14 has got more heart, a stronger sense of morality and is generally more likeable than almost all of the superhero comics I’ve read recently - so I’d happily recommend it to anyone who might be looking for something outside of the usual ‘capes ‘n’ tights’ genre or is feeling nostalgic for this cult comics franchise.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Tom Waltz and Kevin Eastman Artist: Andy Kuhn Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/26/12

Review: Youngblood #74

The team (with reporter Gail in tow) arrives in Las Vegas to investigate the disappearance of the city’s inhabitants.  They spend time talking and chumming about until they come across the cause of the disappearance—an interstellar card player called B’Gart. The alien won the people in a high stakes bet with the mayor of Las Vegas.  He now keeps the people as a prize and refuses to part with them. Youngblood dispatches B’Gart’s hired muscle and then stops the baddie and frees all the trapped people with a simple kick. A teaser in the end shows Voodoo’s body.  The catch is that this is a future version of Voodoo sent as a message.  And then there’s the one panel teaser that has some interesting promise for the 75th anniversary issue.

youngblood74_coverThe story in this issue is as deep as a kiddie pool.  The villain is thwarted too simply and too stupidly.  One doesn’t get a feel for the true power of this team when the adversaries are so easy to overcome.

I don’t mind the artwork much, and found it rather workable for the nature of the comic.  But the team seems too numerous and the characters are so hard to get a feel for because they are generic and unremarkable. The book would serve from a smaller roster and a few arks where readers get to see Youngblood tested.

Score: 2/5

Writer: John McLaughin Artist: Jon Malin Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/26/12

Episode 48: We Call It -- The Teddy

Hello everyone, this week on the CBMFP we break out the old tool box and fix the notorious Batman villain, The Scarecrow. Then we cover the Rucka drama and other topical comic book topics. Dustin shares his adventure with Prototype 2 and how comic and video game tie-ins are becoming more of a thing. Books that we cover are Borderlands #1, Justice League #12, #0, Deadman’s Run, Revival #3!! We are GO! sc2

Episode 47: Get Organized

Hello everyone!! New week, new podcast. This time out we get derailed with a little bum/homeless conversation due to the fact we lived a massive bum encounter. But when it gets to comics, we talk about Marvel Now and the batch of new covers that were released. There was also a little bit of DC news too. Reading wise: Whore, The October Girl, Babel, The Rocketeer and Big Hitters. CBMFP is on and GO! nachos