I think it’s safe to say that a lot of children gravitate to the strange and weird; my logic behind that is the fact that most parents raise their children sheltered and protected from the world. There are the occasional parents that want their kid to be well-rounded and look at something like Where’s My Shoggoth and think, “that’s weird and cool.” What’s not to love about the concept of this book? A kid’s story basically set in the world of H.P. Lovecraft... It was very enjoyable. The story follows the same basic canter for each page which is four rhythmic sentences on the left side of the page and then a reveal of the creature being described on the right hand page. It’s simple, but very effective. Huge kudos on the writing as I’m sure it was extremely difficult to create such simple sentences that anyone familiar with Lovecraft could recognize. It’s definitely something that seems like it would take a ton of research to pull off.
The art is beautiful and each page has a great layout that’s not quite the same each time. Obviously when dealing with Lovecraft the artist is forced to create their own interpretation of some of the lesser described creatures, but it’s done very well. The strongest thing about the art is that it is very kid friendly. It’s not so horrific that kids will be scared and it’s just creepy enough to keep them interested.
I like the fact that something like this exists; it’s very interesting and creative even if it’s referencing someone else’s work. My one and only gripe about the book were the extra pages. For children’s books regardless of age, they want to get in to the story right away and there just seems to be an excess of pages that serve no purpose to the story. I know that people need to be thanked and what not, but one to two pages is fine trust me; otherwise a great product that any parent should be willing to give their child to read.
Score: 4/5
Writer: Ian Thomas Artist: Adam Bolton Publisher: Archaia Entertainment Price: $11.95