The Unstoppable Tuff-Girl you may recall is a book that I picked up earlier in the year at Wonder Con. It had an all-ages comic throwback feel to it with solid art and writing. Well I stumbled upon the second issue at one of my local shops (House of Secrets) this week and instead of picking up some reboot book I opted to continue the adventure with Tuff-Girl and her dog Wichita the Tuff Mutt. The main thing I like about Tuff-Girl is that the issues are broken up into smaller stories. You’re given more exposure to Tuff-Girl and her world, rather than be stuck on one plot the entire time. It works very well since it’s a new character and the world is still being defined. This issue starts off with the story on the cover about Amazon Cheerleaders! Tuff-Girl has been invited to judge a cheerleader championship at the Silver Biscuit Casino along with a dude named Doctor Dockter that is supposed to be a cheerleading expert. They watch an amazing act then go back stage to decide the winner, but DD is no help and Tuff-Girl picks Stanton High as the winner on her own. As they’re giving out the trophy Doctor Dockter uses his witchcraft/voodoo/bad-guy-magic to turn the cheerleaders into super powered Amazons to beat up Tuff-Girl. The story is kind of cheesy, but Tuff-Girl has some good lines and the action is decent.
The second major story stars Tuff-Girl and Wichita as they’re asked to find an Army General’s missing son. They track him to a junk yard where they find a hideous oil monster. Nearly everyone, including Wichita falls victim to the monster and is covered in oil leaving Tuff-Girl to figure the best way to defeat the beast and save the kid. It was a decent story as well and mostly developed Tuff-Girl as a character which I liked. There were a couple of moments when she was in some dudes face and it was pretty cool.
The book has some other short stories starring Little Tuffy that are fun and short and there is also another “How to Draw” section in the book as well. I kind of liked the first issue better, but I’m still enjoying the series as a whole due to golden age feel that it has. The writing tends to be a bit cheesy, but it’s more intentional than anything else. Tuff-Girl is actually a solid femail rolemodel and never plays the damsel in distress. The refreshing thing is that neither do the male characters! I know right? Everything just works together to solve the case and no needs to be the weakest link in order for the story to continue forward. The Rogue’s gallery is growing which is good, but I would like to see the first adventure be longer than the others since it’s more of the serious storyline in the series.
The art is still great and I wouldn’t expect any less. There are essentially three different art styles in the book for the different story aspects and each one is great on its own merits. The first story has the true golden age look and is very detailed; everything from backgrounds to character designs. The second story I would say falls in line with more of an all-ages book; not quite an Archie look, but in the same vein. Little Tuffy has a cartoon strip style to it, but it’s very adorable and well-drawn as well. Mon's range of abilities is worth buying the book alone.
For a self-published indie book by two men with full time entertainment jobs, I think this series is very good. It comes out when it comes out and that’s okay because it’s worth the wait. The charm of Tuff-Girl is that it’s a simple superhero tale without all the real world hold ups that have invaded modern comics. There’s a bad guy and Tuff-Girl hits that bad guy until they give up and that’s all you need in order to enjoy the story. I like the character and the world and it’s worth checking out. Contact the creators or your local comic book shop to see how you can get a copy.
Score: 3/5
Writers: Merrill Hagan and Bryan Mon Artist: Bryan Mon Publisher: Monster Enterprises Price: $2.95 Websites: and