This week's Prog is new stories from start to finish, so if you're looking for an issue to jump on, I think this is a great time.
Read MoreSend In Star Wars #1 Covers, Get A Special Barb Wire #1 Variant
Dark Horse’s number-one bounty hunter, Barb Wire, is back, and even more audacious! She’s ready to take no prisoners, and to celebrate her return, Dark Horse is offering retailers a special opportunity to get their hands on a rare variant cover.
Read MoreReview: Rick and Morty #1
Gorman knows the hell out of these characters, making for a lot of laughs; but, Cannon's art falls a little flat.
Read MoreReview: Space Riders #1
It’s not often these days that I’ll give a book a five-out-of-five. With respect to my fellow comic book critics, I think we have a tendency to inflate our scores a skosh.
Read MoreReview: Weekly Shonen Jump #18
Academia was the star of this week, with Bleach digging deep and trying to be relevant again.
Read MoreReview: The Dying & The Dead #2
Normally, I like to take my time when unpacking a Jonathan Hickman book. It’s like putting together a puzzle, or better for a book called The Dying and The Dead, conducting an autopsy.
Read MoreReview: Robyn Hood #9
Definitely surprised with this week’s cover for sure. I did not expect such a dark cover. Actually this may be the first cover, or one the first, where Robyn wasn’t featured in some archer pose. With all the humor that Robyn’s narration brings, this comic is pretty dark.
Read MoreReview: Neverboy #2
I was kind of worried about how Neverboy #2 would play out after the first issue. I enjoyed the first issue, it wasn’t the strongest, but the concept and the heart held it together. This issue is missing the heart and the concept is over explained to the point of numbness.
Read MoreReview: Cluster #3
So continues the crazy adventures of Samara Simmons. This issue is really good for a number of reasons, which I can't really reveal without spoiling it. Needless to say if you read and liked the last two, this one won't disappoint.
Read MoreReview: Feathers #4
I don’t know how BOOM! does it, but they have constantly been adding to my pile of floppies for two years now.
Read MoreReview: God Hates Astronauts #7
The rumors are true. The 3D Cowboy is dead; Long live the 3D Cowboy. For issue 7, Ryan Browne has fired his boisterous narrator sidekick and replaced him with hit comic book writer, Charles Soule. It is a time of great mourning for 3D Cowboy fans all over.
Read MoreRogue Rocket Games' Gunpowder Available On The App Store
Independent developer Rogue Rocket Games – whose co-founders previously worked on classic hits like Earthworm Jim, MDK, and Escape From Monkey Island – lit the fuse today to launch their charming Wild West themed physics puzzler Gunpowder on the iPad! Gunpowder is available now on the Apple App Store as a “Pay Once and Play” title for $4.99.
Read MoreTrailer Time: Space Riders from Black Mask Studios
Last week we brought you the preview for Space Riders and while some internet connectivity prevented us from going early with our review, we will have one for you this Wednesday when the book is out.
Read MoreReview: Arrow 3.17 - Suicidal Tendencies
Diggle and Lyla get married, Ray finds out Oliver is the Arrow, and fake Arrow is really causing some problems for the team. Suicide Squad goes on a mission with serious consequences, and we get flashbacks from someone besides Ollie.
Read MoreReview: Death Sentence: London #1
The first volume of Death Sentence overall was pretty damn great. There was a few hiccups for me, but overall I liked the ending and seeing a story never pull its punches. This second volume picks up right after the first volume.
Read MoreCBMFP 178: I Will Eat Your Family Alive
For starters we were trying out some new audio settings so the show may sound different and annoying. Sorry about that, we're trying and we were two people down this week.
Read MoreNBM Announces MoCCA Arts Festival Debuts and Signing Schedule
On April 11th & 12th, NBM Publishing (Tables 401, 402) once again heads to the MoCCA Arts Festival and we are happy to have attending both cartoonist Annie Goetzinger, who will be appearing to promote the debut of her luscious new book, GIRL IN DIOR and writer Julian Voloj who will be signing copies of his book, the powerful GHETTO BROTHER: WARRIOR TO PEACEMAKER along with the colorful subject of the book, Benjy Melendez.
Read MoreTrailer Time: Death Sentence: London
I was going to save this trailer for tomorrow, but when you're mentioned in the trailer... well you post it asap! I've already mentioned that I've read the first issue of Death Sentence: London and it was really damn good.
Read MoreReview: Double Fisting
It took me a while to figure out how to review Double Fisting. Not because of the name either, no the name is great. In fact the books is great and hilarious. No the question was do I approach this seriously or do I goof as well? I still don’t know so whatever here we are, you’re reading it.
Read MoreReview: Red Sonja #15
Let the record show that writer Gail Simone and artist Walter Geovani have made this new Red Sonja absolutely hardcore… No, not that kind of hardcore.
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