Review: Robyn Hood #9

Definitely surprised with this week’s cover for sure. I did not expect such a dark cover. Actually this may be the first cover, or one the first, where Robyn wasn’t featured in some archer pose. With all the humor that Robyn’s narration brings, this comic is pretty dark.

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Review: Neverboy #2

I was kind of worried about how Neverboy #2 would play out after the first issue. I enjoyed the first issue, it wasn’t the strongest, but the concept and the heart held it together. This issue is missing the heart and the concept is over explained to the point of numbness.

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NBM Announces MoCCA Arts Festival Debuts and Signing Schedule

On April 11th & 12th, NBM Publishing (Tables 401, 402) once again heads to the MoCCA Arts Festival and we are happy to have attending both cartoonist Annie Goetzinger, who will be appearing to promote the debut of her luscious new book, GIRL IN DIOR and writer Julian Voloj who will be signing copies of his book, the powerful GHETTO BROTHER: WARRIOR TO PEACEMAKER along with the colorful subject of the book, Benjy Melendez.

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