After A Successful Mini-Series Trilogy, Zenescope's Robyn Hood Goes Ongoing (Interview)

I have been reviewing Robyn Hood for a while now, and with each new arc, the stories are only getting better. Zenescope has finally announce that Robyn Hood is going to be an ongoing series! I think the comic will do well and with Robyn being able to transcend worlds, there is a lot to do with her story. I interviewed Robyn Hood’s writer, Pat Shand and the artist, Larry Watts to see where her story was going and if the readers can expect some kick ass action scenes from our girl.

Screen shot 2014-06-19 at 12.26.42 PMSAMANTHA ROEHRIG: What can we expect with Robyn Hood’s new adventures?

PAT SHAND: With the trilogy wrapping up, we’re taking Robyn in a brand new direction. The ongoing will be set in New York City and, while there will be some returning characters, the supporting cast and the story arc are also new. We’re envisioning it as a fresh start – the past matters, as it always does, but Robyn is ready to move on, and Larry and I are moving with her.

LARRY WATTS: I think Pat said Prince John was going to be making a return from the realm of the dead as the new Dark Prince. Big Event.

PS: Hah! That’s Larry’s favorite character. I think Larry would actually cry happy tears if I brought him back.

SR: I think all of your readers are ready to see Robyn kick some hardcore butt on Cal. Will he continue to be our main villain or will Cal get that ass whooping he deserves?

LW: Please see Robyn Hood: Legend # 4 for the answer to this one.

PS: I think Larry is trying to be kind to those who haven’t read yet, but I will say that there are next to no plot threads that continue from the original series. Character arcs will, of course, come from there… but Robyn will be facing new and different threats.

RobinHoodSR: We have explored some of Myst, but where will the art take us next in this realm?

LW: The ongoing series will see Robyn spending more time in our world, so I'm hoping we get to see her in a lot of new and exciting environments and situations.

PS: Yeah, I mean – I don’t want to say never, as if “We’ll never go to Myst” or “We’ll never see one of the other Zenescope realms,” but I do like the idea of the Robyn Hood title operating in its own bubble. It allows readers to have a complete experience beginning with #1, so we want to avoid the continuity of, say, having to explain that this exists in the same world as Neverland, Oz, and Wonderland. It does, but we won’t really be crossing over with those storylines for now.

SR: So how will Robyn balance the two worlds of Earth and Myst?

LW: Interesting question... I honestly feel like Pat writes Robyn as more reactive than proactive. She has been just trying to get by her entire life, so she doesn't seem to make plans. She definitely has unresolved issues in Myst, with her true parents and the Dark Horde. However, in the ongoing, we pick up with her once again adjusting to life on Earth, so I suspect eventually Myst will be waiting to bite her in the ass when she least expects it.

PS: Yeah, I will say that just because we won’t be venturing into the realm doesn’t mean something won’t be venturing out of it into ours.

robynhoodcover_seanchen_seanellery_colour (1)SR I’d love to see Robyn in some new git-ups, Larry should we expect some new gear and/or outfits for our vigilante?

LW: I think so, as stated earlier, Robyn Hood (Ongoing) picks up back in New York. We'll get to see Robyn with an actual wardrobe, in a lot of different situations, as opposed to someone snatched out of her reality with just the clothes she has on her back and a bow and arrows. That seemed to keep happening to her up until this point. I'd like to give her a haircut, like something punky or wild, however I don't think I'll get clearance on that one.

PS: Hah, probably not for a while. We just did that with Marian, because my idea there is that she’s this woman from the olden, fantasy realm of Myst… and when she comes to Earth, she’s obsessed with modern pop culture, so she wants to sort of rebuild herself and create the person she’s becoming in light of all of these new things she’s learning about. So it’d feel a bit soon if we did that right away with Robyn… though I do love the idea of a punkier, wild Robyn.

SR: With Robyn falling for Will, do you think we will see Robyn’s vulnerable side more or will she stick to being a hard-ass?

LW: I think after the events of Legend, she has some wounds to tend to. People seem to drop like flies around her. That’s a tough one. I don't know how I'd feel after all the things she's been through until this point.

PS: Robyn will constantly walk the line between being completely closed off and putting her heart one-hundred percent on her sleeve. Robyn doesn’t know how to walk the line.

SR: I love how Robyn speaks to her audience with such a sarcastic attitude. Where did the inspiration for this way of banter come from?

PS: It honestly just felt right for Robyn. I realized in #1, that Robyn has this thing where part of her thinks that she’s smarter than everyone else, while the other part is constantly worried that there’s something wrong with her. It’s very me, so a lot of the times, I ask myself how I’d react in this situation. I hope I’d be like Robyn, a lot of the times.

SR: When writing a battle scene, what comes first the chicken or the egg? Does Pat lay down the ideas or does Larry layout the plan and words are added later?

LW: Pat lays it down for the most part. I try not to deviate from the script too much. If it were up to me, a lot of those battle scenes would have been much longer and bombastic with double page spreads, etc... however there's only so many pages in a comic book and for the entire series in general, so I trust Pat to find the balance. I'm looking forward to the new series simply for the fact there isn't a cap on issues or pages, so we have a little more freedom in that regard.

PS: It’s been fun to open it up more for the ongoing. In fight scenes, though, Larry’s right. I do often lay it out, but I’ll almost always tell Larry that he has the greenlight to ignore what I threw down if he has a better idea.

I think most of us can agree that Robyn Hood will be a hit. I am excited to see her in New York and how she reacts, because I still feel like she doesn’t fit in with the modern world. Marian in New York should be an interesting story though, plus I have to say she is my favorite character! I loved seeing Shand and Watts passion come alive for this beloved character, and you should too. So check this new series and while you wait catch up with Robyn Hood: Legend. BTW I don’t know if I am ready to give up Robyn’s long locks, but she would have to do it herself. I can’t see her letting anyone touch her hair.

Check Out Some Bayonetta 2 Screenshots

I have to say these are some crazy ass costumes that they've given Bayonetta in the sequel. I'm actually kind of glad that it's on WiiU for that reason alone. Crazier part is that I want to play it even though I only watched the first one being played. Am I going to have to buy a WiiU? No... no... two games does not validate a purchase, isn't that right PS3. Now check out some pics below. Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-2 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-3 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-5 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-7 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-11 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-12 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-13 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-14 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-15 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-16 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-17 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-18 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-19 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-20 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-21 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-22 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-23 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-24 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-25 Bayonetta-2-Photo-Gallery-26


Sailor Scout Dresses Coming Soon, Like This Week Soon

I don't know about these... I think they might fall in the same realm of the TMNT Yoga Pants. Living Dead Clothing is making them and they go on sale on Friday, like there's a countdown clock and everything. They are coming from Australia so I'm sure the shipping is a factor, but if it's your thing then get your money ready. Source

PvZ: Garden Warfare Gets Aquafina Sponsored Characters

There's a new map pack coming to Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare called the Tactical Taco Party Pack. It adds a new map and gameplay mode which is basically just Call of Duty's Kill Confirmed mode. There's also two types named and themed after Aquafina water: Berry Shooter and Citrus Cactus. They actually look kind of cool even if they are sponsored characters. Here's a video below detailing all the new stuff!




Dragon Ball Z Tamashii Buddies Are Adorable

Bandai announced some DBZ Tamashii buddies which they stated is a "new way of figure display." It's kind of cool because I have a ton of small figures and they are a space eater because you can't do anything else with them but hope they don't fall down. Here you can make a stacking display which is pretty neat. They're $14.99 each and will be do out November because all action figures at this point in the year are November or December. DBZ_Tamashii_Buddies_01__scaled_600 DBZ_Tamashii_Buddies_02__scaled_600 DBZ_Tamashii_Buddies_03__scaled_600 DBZ_Tamashii_Buddies_04__scaled_600


Fingers Tale (Animated Short)

This is a strange little short, but I liked it. Time freezes for some reason and when it does inanimate objects come to life including fingers and toes. The story follows so wiseguy looking toes the square off against some Yakuza fingers... or something like that.


When You Broke My Heart (Animated Short)

This is a video game inspired animated short that's pretty cool. I doubt you'll be able to figure out where it's going exactly, I sure didn't. It's a cool animation, but I don't think the story was very good. It's like it didn't want to do what people would expect so it just zags. It fell a little flat for me, but it's still worth checking out.


Civilization Revolution 2 Coming July 2

Well it looks like this will be the first full-priced game I buy for the iOS. The reason being that it's only available on iOS and I'm really addicted the first game. I'm a little bummed that it's not getting a console release as 2K China and Firaxis built and designed the game specifically for the iOS and as of now there's no plans to develop it for other platforms. I mean never say never because if it means more money they'll port the fuck out of it. For now I'm just stuck waiting for Wednesday so I can get this puppy. IMG_0386



Teaser: Waiting In The Summer OVA Clip!

If you missed Waiting In The Summer then I highly encourage you to check it out. It's one of my all-time favorite animes and I never saw them doing another one with the same characters. Well they're doing an OVA and it's going to be added to the complete box set, but also sold separately. The box set is as Steve would say, "priced to fuck" though you're the one getting F'd. Standalone the OVA is going to cost you roughly $47 bucks on Blu-ray and $37 bucks on DVD. The boxset that includes stuff you'll have absolutely no use for or will just sit in a box, costs $243 dollars. I hope they come up with a stripped down version because I just want the discs and there's not even that many episodes. I'm excited to see what they do with the OVA though.

Translation from ANN:

Kaito: Our last summer break, huh... Kaito: Hey, so... Someday, I want to make a movie again. Tetsurō: So I think I really will go to a college in Tokyo. Kanna: Yeah... I knew about love. Right about now, they're... Remon: Kirishima, you should know, right? Kaito: Everyone was smiling. Tetsuro, Kitahara, Tanigawa, Remon-senpai... And Ichika-senpai, too.


Big Hero 6 Character Posters Revealed

I had forgotten how fucking terrible Chris Claremont's names where, yeah blame him, not Disney. Though the characters may be changed for some reason they kept the names like Wasabi No-Ginger... was he just eating a lot of Sushi at the time? Here they are, tell me what you think. Big Hero 6 Character Posters (1)

Big Hero 6 Character Posters (2)

Big Hero 6 Character Posters (3)

Big Hero 6 Character Posters (4)

Big Hero 6 Character Posters (5)

Big Hero 6 Character Posters (6)

Episode 139: Just Shoot Me With A Pellet Gun

We have a full house today on the podcast as Carl The Info Zombie joins myself, Kevin, Steve and Erin when she pops on. We cover a little entertainment news today as we focus on Daredevil casting and the slew of Pacific Rim news that dropped this week. On the comic side we talk about DC's royalty redo, Caliber Comics return and more Death of Wolverine. We finish off news with a look at new titles announced in this months Preview Magazine.  Our kickstarter of the week is Not So Super Comics which you can check out here.

Books that were read:

  • Godzilla: Rulers of Earth
  • Vandroid
  • Outcast
  • Doomboy


Here's the previous two episodes of the CBMFP in case you missed them!

Life Support: Episode 7 - The World Cup

Today we have a special treat on Life Support as Erin takes over the episode and talk about the FIFA World Cup with Jason Beckham. Something to keep in mind is that this episode was recorded just before the knockout rounds began. Sit back and enjoy! Life Support - Episode 7 World Cup

Follow Erin and Jason on Twitter:
@GuyGuyPic @BeckhamBuzz
Here's the last two episode of Life Support in case you missed them!

Review: The Grand Budapest Hotel

The Grand Budapest Hotel is the culmination of every technique and signature style that director Wes Anderson has ever used. There are elements of everything including Fantastic Mr. Fox which is shown towards the end of the film with a chase down a mountain between Willem Dafoe’s character and Ralph Fiennes. Just before this though we see the classic looking over the lead character’s shoulder that has appeared in several Anderson film’s like The Royal Tenenbaums. I’m pointing this out first because it’s easy to write this film off as just another Wes Anderson film when it’s the furthest thing from it. It’s not that it’s unrecognizable, but Anderson has grown leaps and bounds from where he was when he directed Moonlight Kingdom. The story’s opening is actually full of deep meaning, but I’m sure most people were probably just confused or annoyed by the four scene opening. The film starts off with a young girl heading into a cemetery and placing a key on a statue labelled “The Writer.” The significance of the key is never explained, but as the girl sits down to read a book the film cuts to “The Writer” who is an older gentleman. He’s breaking the fourth wall as he records something, but is quickly interrupted by his child shooting a toy gun at him. He pushes through as he tells us a story that was told to him. At this point the story cuts to a third opening and we find the writer younger and played by Jude Law.

The writer is now staying at the Grand Budapest Hotel circa 1968. The hotel is not grand looking. What you see on the cover is not this hotel. It is the same make and size, but it lacks the color and luxury of what we see there. Here Law’s character meets the owner of the hotel Mr. Zero Moustafa. Moustafa played by F. Murrary Abraham is an older gentleman who is quite famous. Law’s character ends up having an encounter with him in the bathhouse and Moustafa invites him to dinner to tell him his story.

In our fourth opening we go to the truly grand, Grand Budapest Hotel. Here were’ introduced to the hotel concierge M. Gustave played by Ralph Fiennes. After his eccentric opening in which it becomes clear that he’s slept with a very elderly rich woman, played by Tilda Swinton, we’re introduced to young Zero played by Tony Revolori.

To recap we meet a young girl and cut to an old man; from there we meet his younger counter part who meets the older counterpart to the younger main character. That’s not just clever by the way; it’s actually establishing the history of the story. It’s establishing that this story has been passed down from generations through the novel, but even before that it traveled many years between from the people who lived the adventure. It’s a complex opening and I’m sure some people will watch it and think that Anderson is being clever and nothing more when in actuality he’s taking the viewer on a journey through time. Whether they suspect that its happening is on them, but he’s taking you there either way.

This story is really impossible to sum up in a way that does it justice. Part of it is about the war; part of it is about legacy, class, love, friendship and a sense of belonging. It has drama, comedy, dark comedy and an overall presence of humanity to it both good and bad.

Fiennes’ Gustave finds a kinship in Revolori’s Zero because they come from the same cut. Gustave started as a lobby boy the same way Zero did and neither one of them have a family. In the end and as it is in much of the film, they have each other.

GBH_BD_OSLEEVE_SKEW_MECHWhat is significantly different about the story for this film compared to Anderson’s previous tales is the lack of a majestic ending. If you’ve seen a previous Anderson film then you know what I’m referring to, it’s that tremendous feeling that you’re left with after the film. It’s almost melancholy, but there’s enough laughter and joy that you just feel good. That’s not the case here. You don’t leave feeling sad per say, but Anderson’s goal is not to give you the majestic ending that several of his films are known for. All of the characters do not come together to do a long walking march and show that they grew and learned together after going through hell and came out stronger in the end. Instead the ending is based in reality, but one that most people should be able to relate to.

The visuals of course are beautiful and full of Anderson’s style. If there are any other visionaries making films today than they’re hiding their presences because Anderson is standing alone. His attention to detail is incredible and you can see that in just the opening as he cuts from four different eras none of them look anywhere near the other. He is a master at his craft and frankly no other filmmakers are near his level.

For the home release there are plenty of special features and ones that you’ll actually want to watch, but then this is another area in which Anderson always delivers.

If you’re a fan of Wes Anderson then you have already seen this movie, but if you’re not, if you haven’t checked his films out because they’re too different from the Hollywood machine then you’re missing out. The Grand Budapest Hotel in particular is the most accessible film that Anderson has made. It’s also his best and as some would say the most “Wes Andersony” of them all. How it manages to be all three things at once, accessible and yet unfamiliar while still being incredible… well that’s just Anderson’s style I guess.

Score: 5/5

Director: Wes Anderson Writers: Wes Anderson, Hugo Guinness, inspired by Stefan Zweig Studio: Fox Searchlight Pictures, Indian Paintbrush Run Time: 100 Min Release Date: 6/17/14

Review: Thundershorts – Part 2

Written by guest contributor Brian Roe

Today we’re reviewing something a little different from we normally do on the site. Thundershorts is a new site that launched this week with a dedicated YouTube channel. The premise is spelled out in the name, short episodes. This is a comedy channel so don’t expect short form mysteries or anything like that.

American Viral: Epic Balls

American Viral has a pretty clever premise followed by lots of yelling and mugging by The State alum Michael Showalter. The Busks, a basic American sitcom family, strives to exploit their brief fling with internet fame by continually producing videos in an attempt to recapture the magic of “My Balls, My Balls” a twenty second clip of the family’s oldest son being shot in the crotch with a Nerf bazooka. Actually the whole family, especially oldest son Cory, doesn’t seem to be into the whole thing as much as fame-mad father Roger (Showalter).

Roger is flat out a pitiless asshole, running through the house while filming constantly as he keeps up a running dialogue with his viewers and harasses his family. It seems today is the three year anniversary of YouTube fame-maker “My Balls, My Balls” and Roger just can’t wait to get the family to recreate the original nut-shot even if it means permanent damage to his son’s harbles. But fate deals a different hand to Ol’ Roger and soon he’s nursing his wounded pride, and other bits, with bags of frozen peas and the comfort of 10,000 You Tube views.

This initial episode throws a lot at the viewer very quickly and loudly. And I can’t stress enough that Roger is an awful person who we in no way cheer for or give a damn about.  Maybe further episodes will give us a reason to like the guy who seems to take up the most camera time. And the idea of the show itself is pretty relevant even if it feels a bit dated at this point. I’m sure Roger Busk has a lot of dopplegangers in the real world who are more than willing to Nerf their kids’ nards for a brief chance of fame. Yay.

Gabe & Max Need Help: Being Present

Of all of the Thundershorts videos Gabe & Max Need Help held my attention the most and gave a lot of laughs. Best friends Gabe and Max seek out counseling to resolve a myriad of issues in their relationship. They find themselves working with a snarky therapist who seems to take no small amount of joy in playing the friends against each other.

The rapid fire patter between seemingly type-A, OCD Gabe (Gabe Delahaye), and self-absorbed, man-child Max (Max Silvestri), and The Therapist (Kumail Nanjiani) is constant and clever. From deciding to each create their own Netflix cues to debating if playing Xbox can be thought of as a project, each new silliness is given the proper amount of time and then replaced with something even more ridiculous. It makes for a fun, short show and by far my favorite of all the initial Thundershorts premiers.

Augie Alone: Flirting

Augie Alone is a fun little vignette of the frustrations of modern communications via smart phone and emoticons. Like someone trying to decipher leetspeak, Augie tries his damnedest to follow a brief flirtation sent from “Girl From Bar”. Her use of rapid fire emoticons in seemingly arcane combinations has Augie all discombobulated and he eventually admits not having any idea what’s going on. Too bad she’ll never teach him.

This is a quick story that plays well and could certainly develop into a nicely cynical show. My only complaint is that the screen of Augie’s phone  is never shown clearly enough to allow the viewer to keep up with the interaction and the joke is often lost by the time Augie spells it out. But overall it’s funny enough.

Like Dustin I felt like the Thundershorts premiers need a good bit of tightening up before they’re continually funny. That being said these are the first episodes and will hopefully develop as the series progresses. Give them a shot yourself.

There’s more to watch on or on their Youtube channel.

Review: Thundershorts – Part 1

Today we’re reviewing something a little different from we normally do on the site. Thundershorts is a new site that launched this week with a dedicated YouTube channel. The premise is spelled out in the name, short episodes. This is a comedy channel so don’t expect short form mysteries or anything like that. There’s a variety of cast members and reoccurring characters/settings. I’m going to take a look at three of their shorts today while Brian Roe will be looking at their other three premiere episodes.

Teacher’s Lounge – Episode 1

As the name of the bit implies this story takes place in the teacher’s lounge of a school. The overall idea is that the teacher’s aren’t following any rules while they’re here in their sanctuary from the children. The bit opens with a gag about a dead secretary and one of the teachers unsure of who has passed away until a series of questions are answered. Strangely enough we’re not given their names, but when Jim Gaffigan arrives he receives a frame introducing his character. The same happens later when the Dean of Discipline arrives, but our two beginning teachers remain unknown.

The overall joke is that Gaffigan’s character has made a wine on school grounds and called it “Whites Only” and what follows are series of jokes about white’s being better and one of the teachers being confused as to what the topic is actually about: people or wine. It’s clever for a while, but then of course the script is flipped on the straight-man and he’s pegged for a racists by the black Dean of Discipline.

The acting is rough. No one other than Gaffigan seems comfortable in the scene or really with acting. The Dean in particular hugs Gaffigan or just makes it a point to touch him a lot as if he didn’t know how to stand or what to do with his hands. Depending on your cup of tea the racist jokes or really the white supremacist jokes are pretty funny and really the only shining moment of the short even if they do go on for too long.

Don’t Walk: Fear the Crosswalk – Episode 1

This episode started to reveal a pattern to me with all of the Thundershorts, that there would be one joke per episode that was a hit with me and the rest would fall flat. We meet a man talking to pigeons about his first day at a new job. Suddenly he receives a message from his new boss telling him not to be late and so he heads to work. The joke that hit came from a random character handing out flyers who mispronounces a word and then under his breath and standing a foot away corrects himself as if he were really bummed by his flub. Nothing else is done with this character, but it made me laugh.

The rest of the bit is people jay walking through a crosswalk while our main character waits and attempts to stop them. I did smirk when an old lady with a walker told the man she had places to be and rolled out into the crosswalk, but only because she look pissed off. The punchline of the episode wasn’t funny and killed the momentum of the setup. There’s not a lot to say about the acting in this one, the main character is the naïve half-wit type and for the most part he plays that role.

Timeless Season: Shea Butter

The premise of Timeless Seasons showed the most potential in my opinion. The setup is that it’s a home shopping network style of show, but it’s based in the 80s (or at least dressed that way) and on local cable access. Our three hosts are all dressed straight out of a 80s film and it works as each rocks a different style. They’re guest is local teen dance champion, though the word “retired” should be added in as a balding and sleazy looking man arrives. The bit runs too long, but the intentionally bad editing saves it. At the end there’s a very long segment of all four characters rubbing the lotion onto each other’s hands. This goes on for a long time and is actually funnier because it doesn’t end and the body language of the actors shows how uncomfortable the scene was for them.

The acting was by far the best. The special guest is spot on and helps to create the strange vibe of the bit. Each of the hosts did a wonderful job as each actor embraces a female stereotype from the 80s and runs with it. In particular I thought the host on the left did a great job of selling the jokes and the story.

Overall the acting was the roughest part of all the shorts. There seems to be a degree of improve to the shorts which is fine, but with all improve the key is knowing when to stop and let the joke move on. They’re still working on that part here.

Well there you have it. Give the shorts a view yourself as we’ve included them below each review as available. There’s more to watch on or on their Youtube channel. Don’t forget to stop back for Brian’s reviews as he takes a look at: American Viral, Gabe & Max Need Help and Augie Alone.

Captain America Statistics Song

Like most mainstream sites/shows/anything not actually comic related, ADHD has discovered that talking about comic book characters gets you a lot of attention. This video is worse than the Batman one. I'm all fine for bagging on Captain America and even America's low standings compared globally, but make me laugh... you used to make me laugh ADHD.