Video: Lady Killers

Well I'm late acknowledging the existence of this video, but I figured I'd post it so others could see how disappointing it is. My biggest problem with it is the fact that they have a dude do Freddy's voice which to me defeats the purpose of the gender swap. Also could The Nerdist and Metldown be deeper in bed with each other? Probably not.

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Walk Around Like A Blind Asshole With This Daredevil Hoodie

Or just be the life of the party. I actually saw this a while ago, but life is busy and I just got around to posting it. I'll bet you a tear soaked dollar that the eye holes practically never line up which in a way is an added cosplay bonus! No more faking blind. The real mystery is why that fucking hoodie is made from the heaviest fabric known to man. What is that like six layers? Someone needs a ticket from the fashion police.

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Review: Grandville Noel

A missing girl, a string of thefts across Europe, a religious cult, the rights of human beings, and Christmas. All of these and more are explored in this volume of Grandville. The steampunk adventures of Detective Inspector Archibald “Archie” LeBrock, a large bipedal badger. Oh I did mention the world is full of fully sentient, bipedal animals, right?

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Review: WWE 2K15

The WWE is the biggest provider of wrestling entertainment in the world. It generates the most revenue; it employs the most talent, behind and in-front of the camera, it creates more hours of any weekly episodic television ever. It also continues to reap the glory of countless endorsements as it attempts to entertain millions of fans worldwide. With that, the WWE is arguably in the worst creative shape it’s ever been in. Enter WWE2K15, the latest installment from 2K games, a love letter to fans in hopes to start the healing and give them everything they’ve ever wanted from their favorite “federation”

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Review: Judge Dredd #25

You all are invited to a Mega City Manhunt to the highest power. After some pretty smooth acts of treachery and sinister intent, Chief Justice Cal has rendered the entire city to be utilized to finding Judge Joseph Dredd who is a fugitive from the justice of which he once served.

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Review: Herald - Lovecraft & Tesla #1

This new alternate history take from writer John Reilly, with pencils by Tom Rogers and inks/colors/letters by Dexter Weeks and Michelle Nikolajevic, is ambitious and brave. Unfortunately it is also disjointed and doesn’t tell it’s story in a way that allows new readers to learn anything that they don’t already know about the historical figures that make up the cast.

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Interview: Gavin Smith

While I was set up at both Wizard World Chicago and Ohio this year, I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of one of my new favorite talents in the comic book industry, not to mention, a hell of a nice guy. His name? Gavin Smith.

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Review: Captain Midnight #17

Captain Midnight… The Man… The Myth… The Legend… Kicking ass and working to save the world from the very technology that he developed. It has been a sensational run from top to bottom in this revamp of the classic Golden Age superhero that was at one time in the 1940s the most popular comic going.

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