Take A Look At Archie #1

Here it is, your look at Archie #1. Let's see if the gamble was worth it or if they're going to New 52 bomb this thing...

COMIC SUPERSTARS MARK WAID AND FIONA STAPLES REIMAGINE AN ICON! Change is coming to Riverdale in this can’t-miss kick-off to Archie’s new ongoing series! Familiar faces return in new and unexpected ways in this must-have #1 issue! As the new school year approaches, you’d think Archie Andrews would be looking forward to classes and fun—but nothing is as it seems in the little town of Riverdale. But is this a one-off or a sign of bigger changes awaiting for America’s favorite teens—and the entire town? Find out in this exciting and remarkable first issue!

Script: Mark Waid Art: Fiona Staples, Andre Szymanowicz with Jen Vaughn, Jack Morelli Regular Cover: Fiona Staples SDCC Exclusive Covers: Fiona Staples Variant Covers: J. Scott Campbell, Colleen Coover, Tania del Rio, Joe Eisma, Francesco Francavilla, Genevieve F.T., Michael Gaydos, Sanford Greene, Robert Hack & Steve Downer, Dean Haspiel, David Mack, Moritat, Mike Norton, Jerry Ordway & Jose Villarubia, Ramon K. Perez, Ron Salas, Greg Scott & Steve Downer, T. Rex & Andre Szymanowicz, Brittney Williams, Chip Zdarsky Blank Sketch Cover Also Available On Sale Date: 7/8 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.

Review: Jupiter’s Circle #4

After starting strong, the punch of this prequel to Jupiter’s Legacy, which follows the universe’s heroes in their mid-century prime, has for me significantly dwindled. The nice thing is, in a story like this, which offers a two-and-done model of near-anthology storytelling, is that next issue, it’s almost certain we’re going to be following some other new facet of this world. But the downside is that this second story feels too neatly wrapped, and unfortunately, too neutered to be effectual as a new narrative piece to the overall puzzle Millar and co. are building with this title. This time, The Flare (Millarwold’s Ray analogue) tries to use his superheroic swagger to get his brand new arm candy, the unpowered April, into his clique of superfriends. But after first perceiving himself slighted by a satanic Liberace (YUP!), he soon finds himself afoul of his own insecurities, the indirect results of which prove to be more paralyzing than he (or anyone) might expect.

Like in his first story, Millar has set up something very interesting with this mini-arc: a family caught in the turmoil of expectation, a vengeful son on a mission (for me, perhaps, the most intriguing background noise) and a light but interesting study of the softer side of superheroism. But in this story, he has failed to deliver, instead being complicit in wrapping everything up in too tidy a package. All is forgiven, and even while physical consequences abound, the emotional ramifications are sadly without breaking-point impact. In fact, it begs the question of why tell this story in the first place, if all of the plot threads are suddenly cut loose.

Once again, I have to applaud Millar’s dialogue, and he genuinely gets some solid fun and even funny moments in there this time, but it all seems generally chucked together without much oversight as to what this series needs to do, or where it needs to go. Perhaps all of that will become clearer the nearer we get to its end and eventual fold-over into the Legacy universe, but it would be nice to see how exactly this will feed into the story proper, if at all.

Jupiters-Circle-#4Davide Gianfelice and inker Mortatino step in for Wilfredo Torres on art duties this time, and do a pretty spectacular job aping his thickly-lined, yet rough throwback style that lands somewhere just sketchy of a Bruce Timm feature. Speaking of which, it would be fun as hell to see this as one of those. Get on that, Millarworld! Especially applaudable was the artists’ treatment of celebrity cameos this time, with some old favorites (one as listed above) showing up to lighten (or darken, depending on your religious beliefs) the mood.

In any case, the team does a great job of parsing the mundanities of a superhero’s double life with its excesses, and all of the ridiculousness therein. Some might say that it feels stiff in presentation, but this issue proved that the style employed by Gianfelice/Mortatino/Svorcina’s is actually pretty versatile, jumping with ease between house parties (minus Kid ‘n Play) and extra-dimensional invasions. I also really enjoy how the heroes look at-once natural and ungainly in their outfits, especially as they smoke cigarettes and quaff scotch. That’s a perfect image for the entirety of this world as a whole, in fact: ill-fitting spandex.

Despite how it might sound, I’m still invested in Millar’s Jupiter’s Circle. Sure, as I’ve mentioned before, this kind of conceit has been done elsewhere, in places like Watchmen and Superbia, but while this feels less willing to make a statement after making such a big one in its first arc, the “other side of superheroism” approach still feels fun and interesting here. I may stop covering it after this, but I’ll probably continue keeping up with Circle, if for no other reason than to see when, where, how and why this folds into the Legacy story.

Score: 3/5

Jupiter's Circle #4 Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Wilfredo Torres Colorist: Ive Svorcina Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date:7/1/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital

Review: Arcadia #3

There is just only one way to say this; this comic is brilliant. I thought the tension in issue #2 was building but that is nothing to what we see in #3. Most readers will have troubling putting this issue down. It is packed with a lot of information. Finally, everything is coming together. It seems that Pepper is learning of Arcadia’s moves, Binetti shows his true colors, Coral is on the run, and there is still this big mystery surrounding it all; how did someone die in Arcadia? The Meat, or rather just Pepper, is paranoid. He asks on a friend for help, but I don’t know how Pepper trusts anyone. I wouldn’t. Although his resources are limited so it probably isn’t a matter of trust. Plus, hands down, I would trust the biggest liar I know over Arcadia and its band of robots. I don’t know where Pepper will go from here. Is he just trying to make the best of things or does he wish Arcadia to be wiped out? Let me know what you think because there is no way this dude is just ok with a copy of himself running around. I feel like there is only so much he can do though... being human and being in Alaska isn’t exactly ideal in this world.

Arcadia-#3-1I still think the most interesting story lies within Pepper’s kids. Coral is still at school but it is pretty obvious that someone from Binetti’s team is going to pick her up soon. Giacomo has already been tried to but luckily got away. I don’t know why their stories are so good, but in this issue it becomes more clear. Giacomo has powers. We don’t know the extent of them but we found that out in issue #2. Coral, although doesn’t have powers we know about, is the connection. She knows Pepper, so I would hope that all of them form a team. But then again, it leads me all back to some confusion of Pepper. His children aren’t humans. They are part of Arcadia. So does he want Arcadia wiped out, or will he have to make a choice? Probably the latter.

There are other stories going on, but the last one I want to focus on is Lee’s. He is the robot of Pepper. And he is trying to corporate with Binetti to take down Pepper, remember he is accused of killing the member of Arcadia. Deep down, I don’t think Lee is even believing the bullshit that Binetti is giving. Lee, as much as you want to hate him, seems like a reasonable person. He cares for his family and happens to wrapped up in all of this because of Pepper.

It amazes me how well Alex Paknadel balances all these stories together. You keep thinking that his plot stamina will not last, but this issue did a smoothing out of sorts. It allowed for the plot to interconnect into some more basic stories, so my guess would be the cycle continues into layering of stories and then smoothes out into a clear goal and then builds up once again. This could a hell of a journey.

Arcadia has come out blazing with its first three issues. You can’t go wrong with Paknadel’s plot. There is a great science fiction story unfolding here that many will enjoy. The ending or even the next issue is so unclear that you can’t help but intrigued with everyone’s story.

Score: 5/5

Arcadia #3 Writer: Alex Paknadel Artist: Eric Scott Pfeiffer Publisher: BOOM! Studios Price: $3.99 Release Date: 7/1/15 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital

Review: Airboy #2

As you may or may not recall, my last review of James Robinson and Greg Hinkle’s Image book, Airboy, was just south of unwavering. At least, it started out that way, not initially being sure if it was a beast of true self-deprecating frolic or wayward compliment-fishing. I am here to report, however, that I am back with a much more decisive opinion, and it is this: Airboy #2, and this miniseries as a whole thus far, may just be the square kick in the crotch the comic book industry needs. And not just thanks to its staggering amount of genitalia...although that does have something to do with it. This issue sees the hyper-real comic book avatars of Robinson and Hinkle out on another bender, this time to make sense of the one, which, the night previous, yielded them not just a hangover, but also a tête-à-tête with the titular Airboy, upon whose rebooted book the two are meant to be collaborating. Once again pushing aside anything so banal as “professional duty” or “common human decency,” the two instead see fit to treat the clearly existentially-displaced Airboy (aka, David Nelson) as little more than an irritating hallucination, plying him with space cakes, stories about multiverses, and facilitating his unknowing solicitations for public blumpkins from, and I quote, “pre-op trannies.”

In the process, Robinson offers up a scathing indictment -- sometimes indirectly, other times more brazenly -- not just of his own personal shortcomings as a man and writer, but also those of the industry in which he has grown jaded and bitter. And yes, he names names...to a point, at least. Framing it around the classic-modern twist (which is totally a thing) of parallel dimensions and anachronistic clashes of ideals (i.e., Airboy’s WWII-era altruism vs. the creators’ 21st Century ennui), which in other hands could easily get far too heavy, Robinson makes his introspective chat feel effortless, fresh, interesting and surprisingly unburdened by Purpose.

Airboy-#2Last week, I wrote about Oni Press’ The Auteur: Sister Bambi #2, and in many ways, Airboy #2 feels cut from the same soiled cloth. Both offer withering illustrations of the creative process and their chosen targeted industries, but they do so in a way that is at once unflinching and enlightening. Excessive drug use, wild sexual exploits, dicks - this thing’s got it all; but like The Auteur, it’s not just some big fart joke. It uses nth-degree absurdity to show how mired, how indeed monochrome our protagonists’ lives have become, at least as compared to the more morally black-and-white, but colorfully benevolent approach once celebrated (now derided) in Golden Age comics.

What perfects the storm of Airboy’s telling, of course, is Greg Hinkle’s art, which is, in the most endearing and charming ways, an exercise in the freshest grotesqueness. Once again washing his pages in one-color bleeds, which come punctured only by the appearance of the fully-colored Airboy, his art is grooved beneath the same wither with which Robinson saturates his story. His expressiveness, too, hits every intentionally discordant  note perfectly, be it in the grimy humanity/beautiful innocence of toilet fellacio, or in the literally explosive turning-of-tables on the last page, as the creators are shunted suddenly from their coke-laced comfortable malaise, and into a firsthand account of their task-at-hand. And Hinkle doesn’t miss a damn beat anywhere between.

His stuff here, in its elongated and wrinkled chisel, and shamelessly bare, thickly-lined splay is perfect for this story. It feels like the escapee of some super-indie book, but without the pretense, and a clear and dedicated commitment to the narrative’s naked artistic aggression.

Airboy #2 is exploitative, raw, inappropriate and offensive, and it’s honest all the more because of it. It doesn’t placate its readership with the kind of vapid, feel-good jargon in many other so-called “progressive” comics; you know, the kind that feel like they were lifted from some Facebook motivational sticker. It is insensitive and abrasive, but at least it feels true, and not just like it’s trying to win points or be everybody’s ism’s poster-child. And in that, I find its style of swill refreshing; not to mention really, really entertaining. Buy it and roll around in it.

Score: 4/5

Airboy #2 Writer: James Robinson Artist: Greg Hinkle Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 7/1/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital

Review: 2000 AD - Prog 1937

My first Prog review since getting my Future Shock rejected!  I would be bitterer (that’s an actual word in this language), but this anthology is too excellent for my review to be dragged down by my feelings!  I ate a lot of ice cream today! This "Blood of Emeralds" Dredd story is a great change of pace.  It's hard to get tired of the Mega City if you really enjoy Judge Dredd, but it's still great to see a story taking advantage of the concept of justice under the Judges without that story being chained to the dystopic city blocks of the Meg.  This chapter should have been a slow chapter, encompassing the aftermath of the raid on Joyce's mom's house and a brief interrogation.  Instead, I thought Macneil and Blythe did a great job bringing this procedural chapter to life, thanks in no small part to Parkhouse's stellar work on letters which were the star of the interrogation scene.  It's just plain lovely to read a story about conspiracy that flows like a nice down-home thriller.

2000-AD-Prog-1937-1Jaegir is back, and the jury is out on this title for me until the ball gets rolling.  As usual, art is stellar (rarely is it not in this anthology), but I thought the intro was slow and uninformative.  More problematic was how repetitive the art was.  Despite being gorgeous, the reader is constantly barraged with faces and uniforms and it makes the issue feel claustrophobic for the wrong reasons.  Rennie's scripts for Absalom have the same kind of slow burn, but benefit from Harry's personality and the craziness of the subject matter: I'm guessing this title will just take some time to gain momentum.

Helium is the breakout star of the Progs right now.  It is a massive success of writing and art both individually and in combination for the reader to feel so absolutely immersed in a foreign world so quickly.  Just over a month ago, this particular world was alien to everybody but the creative team and some editorial staff, but I feel like I've been reading this title for a year.  D'Israeli's color work on this title is menacingly bright.  The bad guys’ appearance on the scene in this issue looks like something out of a horror magazine from the 1950's, but oozes with all of the danger without succumbing to its intentionally cheesy overtones.

Helium is pretty much an exercise in quick and dirty but super effective world-buildery on the part of Edginton and D'Israeli.  I'm reminded of one of my other favorite world-buildy teams, Spurrier and Stokely, whose new release The Spire actually hits a lot of similar themes as this title here.  I'm looking forward to recommending this title to everyone who's been drooling (deservedly) over The Spire, since fans of one ought to be fans of the other, lest they have some extreme hatred of Steampunk.

Score: 4/5

2000 AD – Prog 1937 Writers: Various Artists: Various Publisher: 2000 AD Price: £1.99 (Digital) £2.49 Release Date: 7/1/15 Format: Weekly; Print/Digital

Review: Eccentrix #1

Independent super hero titles are usually something I avoid. Mostly because there’s just so much superheroing in the comic world that I would rather read something else. That is unless it’s a comedy. Now with that you probably think I read Deadpool, but I largely find that title to be anti-funny or anti-fun which is to say that it kills my joy. Eccentrix is a superhero comedy… independently created and released by Broken Icon Comics… and doesn’t kill joy. The thing about any comedy is that the story can’t be bullshit. The best way to tell if the story is bullshit is if you remove all the humor from the story, does the issue still work? Well with Eccentrix it does. It actually creates a complex and competent world. There’s a history to the world and the characters. In fact, there’s a shared history that you would find at something the “big two” produce which is what benefits Eccentrix, it feels familiar, but it isn’t.

The story follows the main character Zipman which I can only assume is a bit of a tip of the hat to The Simpsons for reasons that I won’t reveal. He’s not really an anti-hero, but he kind of is. Basically he’s more interested in stopping bad guys and saying puns than he is with preserving human life. He’s not out to stop crime because it helps people, but rather he enjoys stopping crime.

Eccentrix-#1This is very apparent in our opening scene in which he stops a mugging of a man’s watch and kills the crook because he ran away before he could figure out a time/watch pun that was acceptable for him. This leads us into the other characters that populate the world, a Justice League of Avengers type group that has an obvious problem with Zipman just killing people. Which only leads to more hilarity on Zipman’s side of the story.

The comedy works here because it’s just the result of the character. Zipman is clueless and maybe heartless. He just wants to have fun while stopping crime because what else is he going to do really? He’s so overpowered that there’s really nothing else he can do and that makes his journey funny. Exploding cow funny.

The art from Dumo is a great fit for the story. Comedy in comics lives and dies on the art. You can have the best looking art in the world, but if the personality doesn’t match the writing (in this case coming from James Maddox), then the art can tank the issue. For Eccentrix the art is serious all the time because the setting of the world is serious, but then Zipman is kind of goofy looking and that to plays to the humor… especially at the end of the issue.

Eccentrix is sadly only a one-shot. Surprisingly I would read this if it wasn’t a comedy because Maddox does an incredible job of building the world and characters all in one issue, but good comedy in comics is hard to find so I’m cool either way. The forward by James Asmus isn’t bullshit in case you’re wondering. I read it after the issue and was like, “this dude nails it.” Which also made my review difficult because I didn’t want to copy any of his points. My point though, is that this is actually a really fun and well-plotted superhero comic book. The kind that reminds you why every once in a while it’s good to dabble in the genre and that more of it should be funny.

Score: 4/5

Eccentrix #1 Writer: James Maddox Artist: Dumo Publisher: Broken Icon Comics Price: $5.00 Release Date: 7/1/15 Format: One-Shot; Digital

Listen to Dustin talk about Eccentrix #1 on the CBMFP!

Review: Help Us! Great Warrior #5

When I read Help Us! Great Warrior #5, the only notes I took were “One more issue? Please?”, and “HOW DARE THEY.” The sign of a well-made comic indeed--leaving me wanting more, in the best possible way. With Hadiyah in bad shape after the last issue, Great Warrior reveals that there is only one way to make sure the Chaos Door is locked forever: with every demon on the other side. Given Great Warrior’s parentage, this proves a challenge for everyone.

The entire world of Help Us! Great Warrior doesn’t take up much space. There’s the Chaos Door, there’s this empty valley between some mountains where the gang has been fighting Great Warrior’s mother, and there’s wherever Great Warrior’s village is. It’s almost like Hyrule Field in Ocarina of Time: it’s intended to be this huge expanse, but you can ride a horse across it in like, under two minutes. The setting of the world has never been as important to the story as the mechanics: it’s a world of two halves, there is a door between the two halves, and the good/evil of the world are often personified into characters in the story.

Help-Us-Great-Warrior-#5Flores’ pacing belies her background in webcomics-based work. Each issue is a big chunk of a larger story, but she’s great at making sure that there are gags or big reveals every few pages to keep the readers interested the whole time. This issue is, as per my notes at the top of the story, light on gags (although, it wouldn’t be Help Us! Great Warrior without some gags), but it does a lot of good character work for a story that works in a more mythic structure. In a lot of earlier issues, the drama was light, and even for all the demons and such, you felt like things would be okay. This issue does away with that childish optimism in favor of a crisis moment that has got me super jazzed for the finale next issue.

My only gripe with this issue is a nitpicky one: towards the end of the issue [SPOILERS??], when people are getting sucked through the Chaos Door, I had a hard time tracking movement. Great Warrior’s mom is in this mass of demon villagers, and when they all get sucked in the same direction, it’s tough to tell that she’s moving in an opposite direction, pulling herself free. It didn’t super bug me, but it definitely did make me have to go back and reread to make sure I was getting everything.

As we move towards the final issue of the series, I’m pretty sure I know what’s going to happen, but I thoroughly enjoy living in this world; rather than being upset that I’m ahead of the plot, I’m loving watching the characters interact with each other. I’m mostly concerned that this series will be over after next month’s issue. I’d love nothing more than for Flores to do the ongoing adventures of Great Warrior for a decade, but I’m very excited to see what else she’s got up her sleeve.

Score: 4/5

Help Us! Great Warrior #5 Writer/Illustrator: Madeleine Flores Color Artist: Trillian Gunn Publisher: BOOM!/Boom Box! Price: $3.99 Release Date: 7/1/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital

Review: 8House: Arclight #1

The first issue of Arclight is bound to leave people confused. It’s not your typical comic book in which it wants to explain the entire world to you outright and hook you with some aspect of its design. For instance, I like a lot of Jonathan Hickman stories, but they all have the same kind of design and aesthetic to them and he makes sure to introduce whatever world shattering plot the story is going to cover, within the first issue. Arclight waits until the last page to give us a hint of what’s going on and nothing more. It’s not that creator Brandon Graham is wrong in his approach or that Hickman is repetitive in his, just that they have different approaches. Personally, I prefer Graham’s approach. It’s more organic to read, meaning that I feel eased into the world and story and because of that it becomes my world. Things like gender neutral identifiers aren’t “shocking” because I instead think, “why would that be shocking, this is our norm.” Which if you live in the real world you know it isn’t the norm, but here it’s just the way it is.

The story follows Sir Arclight and Lady. Sir Arclight is I believe a woman, but again gender neutral and really it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t do anything to the story by having Arclight’s gender be one way or the other so in a way you can just pick what makes you comfortable. Lady is a strange one because she is definitely supposed to be a woman, but instead looks like tree branches gathered in some clothing and walking around.

8House - Arclight #1They’re out in the woods and far away from the city they dwell in tracking a creature that has entered their kingdom and is using magic. They find a Border Creature which is a blood looking animal that dwells on the border of the kingdom and the blood lands and Lady helps it survive with some magic in hope of revealing a clue to what has penetrated the kingdom.

They don’t solve the mystery. In fact, this scene does little more than introduce the world some and set the stage for something bigger, but you know what? I really enjoyed reading it. I don’t know a lot about either character. I know surface level things about the way the world works, but I want to know more. I want to explore more and see this world that Graham has created. It’s a strange mix of old and new and while I wouldn’t say it’s a steampunk type world I would say that it’s kind of a Final Fantasy esque world. There’s technology and magic. Traditions are upheld because they’ve always been upheld, but then society as a whole embraces the new. At least that’s the impression I took from this first issue.

The art is an entirely different beast (pun intended). Marian Churchland (creator of Beast (2009)) has a style built for this story. She creates a fantasy world that is both beautiful, captivating and here’s the important one, a world you’ll want to explore yourself. I’ve seen a lot of fantasy world’s in comics (I know they’re all fantasy, but I’m talking magic and stories that don’t resemble our world), but the key to a successful one is if you want to explore it and go on adventures. Churchland builds such a world.

The character designs are also very strong. There’s a hint of castle and dragons to the designs, but then there’s also a flair of “real world Matrix dance rave” to them as well. It’s again this blend of old and new that works because both aspects seem to play off of the other.

If you’re the average comic reader, meaning you grab for a superhero title before anything else, then you’ll probably dislike Arclight. I’d love to say that it could instantly penetrate any reader, but there are very few titles that can actually do that. If you’re the average Image reader and you’re always looking to check out more of their titles, then you’ll definitely dig this. It’s different from anything else they’re publishing at the moment and a welcomed addition to the world of comics. Look for it on June 24th when it releases.

Score: 4/5

8House: Arclight #1 Writer: Brandon Graham Artist: Marian Churchland Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 6/24/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital

Review: Weekly Shonen Jump #31

The Dressrosa Arc of One Piece, for all intents and purposes, is over, as the Naruto mini also nears its end in this short issue of Weekly Shonen Jump. I think My Hero: Academia has a lot of potential, despite being consistently inconsistent and filled with a good deal of cliches.  Look, we're living in the age of superheroes: origin stories, training montages, fights, power-ups, etc.  Manga is no exception, and Jump will always have some series carrying the torch that DBZ lit.  Soon (maybe?) Bleach will no longer light that torch (not that its flame hasn't been... meager).  Naruto pretty much doesn't carry that torch anymore.  One Piece is setting a new, different kind of standard, while staying true to a lot of the otherwise cliche elements that make a superhero series great.

Academia is slowly developing its own quirks (pun intended), and I like that.  Midoriya figuring out part of his powers based on microwaving pastries for his eccentric teacher is a nice little quirk (pun not intented) that lends a lot of character to this series.  Midoriya is not dumb like your typical Goku, Naruto, or Luffy: he's actually a much better student than all of them, ironically lacking only the physical intelligence that the rest share.  I see Midoriya, along with a handful of other characters in this series, as fitting into a new, more modern and nuanced standard of Shonen hero along with characters like Soma and even Saitama.

WSJ 31 coverI don't think I ever processed the fact that The Seventh Hokage and The Scarlet Spring was only going to be ten issues.  I don't think I wanted to admit to myself that new Naruto was going to end: I have been thrilled with Kishimoto showing that he understands his characters and his series so deeply.  And damnit, I missed Orochimaru.  All that said, I really am disappointed, because it seems like this miniseries is essentially serving as the gateway to the world of Boruto.

There is a big rant bubbling under the surface here, so I'll try to keep it brief.  One of the things that Toriyama ruined after the Cell Saga of DBZ was making the series star Goku instead of handing the reigns over to Gohan.  Gohan got his moment in the sun at the end of the Cell Saga, but pretty much got completely neutered for all of the Buu Saga.  What I'm sort of disappointed by is the fact that I want more Naruto and more Sasuke; but, I'm asking for something I don't really want.

Kishimoto needs to move forward with this series.  He needs to let the original 700 chapters of Naruto stand as a completed monolith to the characters I love, and he needs to make new characters to love, for readers old and new.  If I'm really allowed to be disappointed about anything, I think it's the fact that we aren't getting more Sarada or Cho-Cho or robust, menacing villains.  But, he's got plenty of time for that.

Score: 4/5

Weekly Shonen Jump #31 Writer: Various Artist: Various Publisher: Viz Media Release Date: 7/1/15 Format: Weekly; Digital

Anime Consortium Japan to Bring Legendary Writer Sho Aikawa to Anime Expo 2015

Anime Consortium Japan Inc. (ACJ), the Japanese company for official anime streaming, is excited to announce they are flying Sho Aikawa directly from Tokyo to Anime Expo this year as Industry Guest. Sho Aikawa has a long and productive history of working on successful anime and live-­‐action programs from Japan, including screenplays for AD Police, Corpse Princess, Dangaioh, Kamen Rider Decade, Sorcerer Hunters, Un-­‐Go, and Vampire Princess Miyu, as well as scripts for Eureka Seven AO, Fullmetal Alchemist TV series and Conqueror of Shamballa, Letter Bee Reverse, Martian Successor Nadesico, Oh! Edo Rocket, RahXephon, and The Twelve Kingdoms, and series composition for Chaos Dragon: Sekiryū Sen'eki.

Together with Mr. Aikawa, ACJ will be announcing a new animated TV series that has not even been announced in Japan yet either at ACJ`s industry panel @LP3 on Friday July 3rd. ACJ will be giving away a free movie-­‐sized poster of this new animation to all the attendees of the panel while supplies last.

ACJ will additionally be hosting two autograph sessions with Sho Aikawa.

Anime Consortium Japan to attend Anime Expo 2015

If you're a fan of Daisuki's free streaming then this really is a no-brainer to check out! From Anime Consortium Japan

Anime Consortium Japan Inc., the Japanese company for official anime streaming, announced their attendance at Anime Expo 2015 to be held from 2-­‐5 July in Los Angeles. They will have panels    with screenings, guest attendance and announcements. Furthermore, at ACJ booth (booth no. #301) there will be autograph sessions with screenplay writer Mr. Sho Aikawa as well as a registration campaign where fans have the chance to win cool prizes. An exclusive ONE PIECE figure, KING OF ARTIST THE MONKEY D. LUFFY (RED HAWK Ver.) LIMITED EDITION will be available for purchase at the booth, too.

Panel times and details    

Topic:                         What is DAISUKI.net? Time & Date:             7/3 (Fri) 9:45 – 10:45 Place:                          LACC LP3 Speakers, Guest:      Writer Mr. Sho Aikawa, Anime Consortium Japan President Mr. Shin Unozawa

Topic:                         Special screening “The Idol M@ster”, “The Idol M@ster Cinderella Girls” Final Episode, “SUSHI NINJA” English dub version (all episodes) Time & Date:            7/4 (Sat) 17:00 – 18:30 Place:                         JW Marriott Los Angeles, Video 2 (Ballroom E-­‐J)

Topic:                          What is DAISUKI.net? Time & Date:             7/4 (Sat) 19:45 – 20:45 Place:                          LACC LP3 Speakers, Guests:    Writer Mr. Sho Aikawa, BANDAI NAMCO Studios Inc. GOD EATER General Director Mr. Hiroshi Yoshimura, Anime Consortium Japan President Mr. Shin Unozawa

Autograph  sessions    at    ACJ    booth    

Signing sessions with popular writer Mr. Sho Aikawa (known for his scripts for Eureka Seven AO, Fullmetal Alchemist TV series and more) 7/3 (Fri) 17:00-­‐18:00 7/4 (Sat) 10:00-­‐11:00 Place: ACJ booth (#301)

AX   On-­‐site    Exclusive:    Selling    of    limited    ONE    PIECE    figure    and    more

Only at ACJ booth! Get your copy of KING OF ARTIST THE MONKEY D. LUFFY (RED HAWK Ver.) LIMITED EDITION. Limited in numbers. Also, check out the other items from your favorite titles like Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, etc.

DAISUKI.net  registration    campaign    with    cool    prizes    

Bring your device (e.g. iPad or mobile phone) with a registered DAISUKI.net ID on it to ACJ booth and get your chance to win cool prizes like figures. While supplies last!

The ACJ team is looking forward to meeting all anime fans. “We are happy to get the chance to meet local fans directly“, says Shin Unozawa, President of Anime Consortium Japan, „please join our panel where we will talk about ACJ’s service. We will also have a Q&A.“ If you are planning to go to Anime Expo, be sure to check out ACJ’s events and stop by at ACJ booth (#301).

Aquaman Gives You The Most Viruses!

  Every year before Comic-Con Intel likes to put out this list of superhero searches that basically infect computers with viruses and malware and shit and last year Superman took the top spot knocking Aquaman off the throne. This year though Aquaman is back in first baby! I don't know why the fuck people search for Aquaman so damn much though, there should be a study on that. "Why the fuck does this fish-fuck get so many searches, but can't hold a book or my attention?" Go ahead and google that I have no fucking clue what will come up... probably a virus. Here's the rest of their list.

Intel Security’s Top 10 Most Toxic Superheroes*:

  1. Aquaman                                                              20.00%
  2. Iron Fist                                                                 19.69%
  3. Wolverine                                                             19.58.%
  4. Wonder Woman                                                  19.38%
  5. Doctor Strange                                                     19.17%
  6. Daredevil                                                               18.96%
  7. Tie: The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man                  18.85%
  8. Catwoman                                                             18.65%
  9. Green Lantern                                                      18.44%
  10. Batman                                                               18.33%




Exclusive: Aaron Alexovich's Variant Cover For Invader Zim #1!

If you're a fan of Invader Zim then you might just know Aaron Alexovich's name since he used to work on the Invader Zim show. He's also one of the artists working on the comic coming out on July 8th. However, this cover will be available through Rebel Base Comics & Toys. If you're trying to collect them all you may want to start pre-ordering all those covers because there are a lot! Check out Oni for more preorders (here, here and here). INVADERZIM #1 COVER AARON ALEXOVICH REBEL BASE VARIANT

Review: Love Machines #4

Josh Trujillo again brings us his musings about the relationship between man and machine in his anthology series 'Love Machines'. However, as is true for any anthology given enough time, there are inevitably installments that fall a little flat, and this feels like the case here. As usual, Trujillo writes two stories illustrated by different artists. The first, 'Hero and Leander', is a fictionalized version of real life supercomputer chatbot experiments that provoked a flurry of speculation and debate over the advancements of artificial intelligence during the 60's and 70's. In this story, we find ourselves in the middle of a public presentation by two computer labs preparing their separate supercomputer chatbots to engage in the first computer to computer conversation.

Love-Machines-#4-1The better of the two stories, 'Hero and Leander' has a satirical tone. The wild spectacle of the publicity blitz spins up a storm while the real scientists doing the work behind the scenes bemoan the pop science the public makes out of their work. The art, by Kate Glasheen, has a unique feel to it, with exaggerated cartoon gestures evened out with inkwash monochrome and thin gestural penstrokes, with stumpy paw like hands and sparse detail that might remind some of the look Frank Miller adopted in parts of his 'Dark Knight Returns'. With some nice parallels between the human characters and their AI counterparts, it's a simple but intriguing story kernel, couched in a confident art style. Not the most memorable, but certainly in line with what I've come to expect from this series.

The second story, 'Sandy Andy' on the other hand, was a bit of a headscratcher for me. A boy wanders into the decaying ruins left over from a historic International Exposition where he finds mysterious occupants. A great premise to be sure, but the resulting story left me unsure what I was supposed to pull from it. Consulting Trujillo's accompanying author's notes that usually give insight into his inspiration gave little illumination to the meaning of the story. I've reread it a few times and came up with little more than trying to fit what story there is into the neat box of similar cliches. It doesn't insult your intelligence or inflate its own, but I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to feel or think and could not for certain say that that seemed like the point either.

'Love Machines' #4 isn't bad, I simply found myself without any strong feelings towards anything in it, a first for the series. However, in no way does Trujillo undershoot his usual ambitions. He continues a tradition of never making me feel as if both stories are written by the same person. By this point in any self-written anthology series, most would have turned self-indulgent and self-congratulatory, but Trujillo continues to write small smart stories that don't try to reach beyond their grasp, but reach none-the-less. Not every issue can be a winner, but with this anthology series they are always worth giving a shot.

Score: 2/5

Love Machines #4 Writer: Josh Trujillo Artists: Various Publisher: Lost His Keys Man Comics Website: JoshTrujillo.com

Whispering Willows Brings Classic Adventure Gameplay to PlayStation Platforms

LOOT Interactive is pleased to announce the launch of its first summer 2015 title, Whispering Willows, for PlayStation 4 and Vita. Available today, the PlayStation edition of this award winning horror-themed graphical adventure/puzzle game has been digitally remastered at 60 frames per second/1080p resolution. Born from a successful Kickstarter and developed by Night Light Interactive, Whispering Willows takes players on an adventure as the young and brave Elena Elkhorn who must solve the mystery of her missing father by exploring the haunted Willows mansion. Along the way, Elena gathers clues, meets a cast of unforgettable ghostly characters and uses her magical amulet to take spirit form and commune with the souls of the departed.

Whispering Willows is a captivating adventure that embodies the kind of memorable, challenging gameplay we want LOOT to become known for,” said David Sterling, managing director of LOOT Interactive. “We love the original gameplay, hand-painted artwork and compelling story that Whispering Willows offers and we’re thrilled to kick off LOOT Interactive’s summer release schedule with such a unique title.”

Whispering Willows is available today as a two-way cross-buy for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. Included with purchase is a limited edition, Whispering Willows dynamic PlayStation 4 theme for $12.49 ($9.99 for PlayStation Plus members.) The dynamic theme is also sold separately at $3.99.

Review: The Divine

I know that I sing a lot of praise for the books that First Second publishes. It’s hard not to when they produce not only some of the best stories in the industry, but also the best looking books as well. Now granted there’s always going to be a reason “why” and the why is that monthly books have tighter deadlines and graphic novels have longer deadlines meaning that more time can be taken to make a book look beautiful. With that said, when a book looks as good as The Divine it’s a lot more than extra time that has made it that way. The biggest thing contributing to its beauty is the coloring. There’s a lot of great coloring out there and particularly the creators that publish through First Second always seem to be amazing. I haven’t seen a book this good looking since Delilah Dirk and that was a beautiful fucking book.

From the first page I was absolutely hooked on the visuals which meant I was hooked on the story. We open with a Race Bannon looking dude telling a story about the last time he was in Quanlom. He describes being on a helicopter and shooting every possible animal he could as it ran down a mountain that was on fire, but that there was something else. Something he described as not being in any zoo… a dragon. His gun jammed, but then with his pistol he shot it in the eye. It’s a strange story to open with as it makes you wonder about this man. Should we like him? Should we care about a person that would shoot animals running for their lives? That would shoot a dragon in the eye? And did he really see a dragon?

From his story we pour out into the present as he’s telling the tale to his co-worker because he’s going back to Quanlom for another job. Jason (the man from the story and narrating currently) tries to entice Mark with the pay and the exotic story to get him to go with him to blow up the mountain. He says it’s a government job and that it’s not a big deal, but Mark appears un-interested. He mentions a promotion that he’s applied for and Jason tells him good luck.

The-DivineAfter meeting Mark’s wife and getting an idea of their living situation, Mark ends up going on the trip. He receives a promotion, but it’s not the one he wanted and so to make his wife a little happier he decides the money would be nice. At this point it becomes clear that he’s not really that good of friends with Jason because Jason is an insufferable prick.

In Quanlom things seem easy. In fact Mark and Jason set up to do their job relatively easy, but the local military mess up by not having their helicopter ready in order to detonate. During this time Mark spots a wounded boy and is hell-bent on rescuing him. But this boy changes Mark’s life when he ends up leading him into the hands of the Divine; twins with supernatural powers that reveal that Mark’s mission isn’t as cut and dry as he thought.

Hopefully that’s enough information about the story to entice you to read it. I’m leaving a lot out and there’s even some parts that I don’t quite understand myself. I think that’s the point of them though, to be left wondering what is real and what isn’t in the story.

For the most part though everything is pretty straight forward. If you don’t pick up on the deeper social commentary or care then you’re still looking at a well told supernatural story. If you dig deeper there’s a ton of meaning from the first page to the last and it makes for a rewarding reading experience. Also one that I couldn’t put down. It’s not that it’s that long, but it definitely holds your attention the entire time.

Really the star is the artwork and more than that the coloring. If you like that cover, well it’s nothing compared to what’s inside the book. The opening sequence is so powerful looking, so striking that it stays with you until the final page. The fire that’s raging paints the sky red, while Jason stands on the helicopter like something out of a Vietnam War moving gunning away. What really sells the scene though is Jason’s response to the dragon. The visuals never show it, but you can see the fear and aw in his eyes.

The coloring is some of the best I’ve ever seen and that’s not an exaggeration. Tomer Hanuka Asaf Hanuka are incredible. The lighting they pull of its just stunning, but overall the world looked real. It was so real that I wanted to visit it, even though Quanlom didn’t come across as being a friendly place. It was just gorgeously colored making it very hard to turn the page without first soaking in everything on the current one.

The aesthetics of the book are also very pleasing. Due to the rich coloring a thicker paper stock is used and it gives the book a glossy look of dampness. I personally love that look and you could smell the ink when cracking open the book which is an experience unlike anything else. With all that hitting you plus the opening, it just serves to make The Divine worth every penny.

The Divine is different from a lot of other First Second titles, but then that’s the bases of their entire line to present new and interesting stories which this does. The Divine might be better for an older audience, but if you like stories with realistic characters, deeper context and some of the best looking art being published today… then check out The Divine.

Score: 5/5

The Divine Writer: Boaz Lavie Artists: Asaf Hanuka, Tomer Hanuka Publisher: First Second Books Price: $19.99 Release Date: 7/14/15 Format: Trade Paperback; Print/Digital

#PoisonIvyLeague Seeks To Give Poison Ivy Her Own Series

To be frank, I love Poison Ivy. I have ever since Batman: The Animated Series and not just for the Harley Quinn moments either. I dig the character, so I can definitely get behind the Poison Ivy League's mission to give the character her own series. And why not? Has Harley Quinn not been a success? Frankly I'm surprised that she hasn't had her own series because it's one of DC's go to characters in the Batman-verse. Here's the Poison Ivy League's mission statement of sorts:

We all want a smart, strong, fun, multi-layered anti-hero Poison Ivy led book with roots strongly planted (pun intended) in her radical environmentalist ideologies.  Recently Poison Ivy cosplayers have taken to the cause, posting under #PoisonIvyLeague and #DCYou - all in the spirit of a fun and upbeat campaign meant to display our love of the character and desire to see her blossom (again, pun intended) into her own book.

The campaign seems to be picking up steam, but will DC actually listen and are there enough fans actually willing to support a Poison Ivy series? I guess you'll have to sound off on Twitter and social media with #PoisonIvyLeague and #DCYou.




Dan Mendoza Goes Solo For Anniversary Issue of Zombie Tramp (Preview)

There's just something very right about this issue. I can't wait to read it because it's all Mendoza and that's what hooked me on this series in the first place. I mean just look at that regular cover... damn. Just damn.


Writer(s): Dan Mendoza Artist Name(s): Dan Mendoza Cover Artist(s): Dan Mendoza (regular, risqué variant), TMChu (limited variant), blank sketch (limited variant) 

Special anniversary issue - Dan Mendoza returns for the one year anniversary of the ongoing series in a special issue written and drawn by the Zombie Tramp creator himself. As Janey makes her way to Florida for vengeance, she's offered a chance at forgiveness to one of those that wronged her and set her on her twisted path.

 Features regular and risqué variant covers by series creator Dan Mendoza (risqué limited to 2500 copies) and a variant cover by series artist TMChu (limited to 2000 copies), and for the first time a blank “sketch” cover (limited to 1500 copies).

32 pgs./FC/ Mature Readers                                  $3.99 (reg.)/ $4.99 (var.)

Strike Vector EX Debuts Console Features

Indie game studio RageQuit Corporation revealed today its new console features and upgrades for Strike Vector EX, the fully-loaded aerial-combat game coming to PlayStation®4 and Xbox One in Fall 2015. The revamped console version delivers a new story-driven single-player campaign complete with characters, cut scenes, and deadly AI. Strike Vector EX also adds new console-based controls designed for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. What’s more, players will never get stuck in an empty server as the lifelike AI opponents will auto populate until real-life players enter into the action to take their place. This ensures thatStrike Vector EX pilots will have an exciting and competitive aerial-combat online experience.

Powered by the Unreal Engine 4, Strike Vector EX is a competitive first-person aerial-combat game that hosts dizzying dogfights with battle-heavy aircraft. Bursting with customizable mech-inspired ships, Strike Vector EX disrupts the air combat genre through a combination of precision mechanics, imaginative vehicle designs, and stunning, fast-paced multiplayer fights.

RageQuit Corporation’s debut Xbox One and PS4™ game has been fine-tuned to provide instant feedback and tight console controls for players to light each other up amidst futuristic, industrial structures. Players gear up their ships with a vast array of weapons and equipment to deploy specific strategies for each mission (paired with personal, bada$$ styles) and to engage in frenetic online multiplayer skirmishes.

For more on RageQuit Corporation, head to its Website (www.strikevector.net), like it on Facebook, follow it on Twitter, and check it out on YouTube and Twitch.TV.

iZombie: The Complete First Season Coming to DVD on September 29th

From executive producers Rob Thomas (Veronica Mars, 90210, Party Down) and Diane Ruggiero-Wright (Veronica Mars, The Ex List), Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and DC Entertainment brings iZOMBIE: The Complete First Season to DVD on September 29, 2015. iZOMBIE, the new hit series that nearly 3 million people are tuning in to weekly on The CW, stars Rose McIver (Once Upon a Time, Masters of Sex), Malcolm Goodwin (Breakout Kings), Rahul Kohli (Eastenders), Robert Buckley (One Tree Hill) and David Anders (Once Upon a Time, The Vampire Diaries).  The 3-disc DVD set includes all 13 episodes from the first season, plus deleted scenes and Comic-Con panel. iZOMBIE: The Complete First Season is priced to own at $39.98 SRP. iZOMBIE stars Rose McIver as Olivia “Liv” Moore, a medical resident on the fast track to a perfect life … until she’s turned into a zombie. Now stuck between half-alive and undead, Liv transfers to the city morgue to reluctantly access the only thing that allows her to maintain her humanity — human brains. But there are side effects to Liv’s new diet. With each brain she consumes, she experiences flashes of the corpse’s memories — including, at times, clues as to how they were killed. Her boss, a brilliant but eccentric conspiracy theorist, encourages her to embrace this gift and to work with an unproven homicide detective to help solve these murders … and quiet the voices in her head.

iZOMBIE is  based upon characters created by Chris Roberson and Michael Allred for DC Entertainment’s Vertigo imprint. The series was developed for television by Thomas & Ruggiero-Wright, who executive produce along with Danielle Stokdyk (Veronica Mars) and Dan Etheridge (Veronica Mars). iZOMBIE is produced by Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Spondoolie Productions and Warner Bros. Television.

1000575783DVDLEF_432b16713 ONE-HOUR EPISODES

  1. Pilot
  2. Brother, Can You Spare a Brain?
  3. The Exterminator
  4. Live and Let Clive
  5. Flight of the Living Dead
  6. Virtual Reality Bites
  7. Maternity Liv
  8. Dead Air
  9. Patriot Brains
  10. Mr. Berserk
  11. Astroburger
  12. Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Rat, White Rat
  13. Blaine's World


  • Deleted Scenes
  • iZombie: 2014 Comic-Con Panel


3 DVD-9s $39.98 SRP Street Date: September 29, 2015 Languages:  English (5.1) Subtitles: ESDH, Latin Spanish, French Aspect Ratio:  Presented In 16x9 Widescreen Format Approx running time: Feature - 548 minutes, Enhanced Content - 30 minutes