By Dustin Cabeal
Happy Halloween you Loot watchers! I don't know what else to call you all, but I picture you all dressed like The Watcher starring at me secretly while I unbox these... boxes. This month's theme for Loot Anime is "Food." It's not bad, but it's not as good as last months. Also, no socks, no shirts, and still service. Oh well, I'm getting too many shitty shirts as it is. There is one item I was rather excited by, but then after opening it, I had a flashback of the Infinity Gauntlet oven mitt and so I won't really be using it. That'll make sense once you watch the video. Happy looting... god that was lame.
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By Dustin Cabeal
I was going to review each issue of Henchgirl one by one, but at this point my review time is short, and the series has concluded so I’m bunching them up in a way. Especially since issues 7 through 11 feel much different from the first six issues of the series.
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By Robert Larson
In this, the penultimate issue of Lucas Stand, one of the series’ major problems is front and center: the confusing narrative. Things seem to happen from out of nowhere, and characters I’m supposed to recognize suddenly appear and say things about the plot that totally change our understanding of it, but without any other clues to suggest those changes were in the offing. Stuff happens and we don’t understand why, and since the series is almost over it doesn’t seem like any nuance is really going to be injected into this. It’s a shame, because the premise had some initial value. Warning: I will be discussing spoilers here.
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By Dustin Cabeal
Ultraman vol. 6 is the start of a new storyline. Volume 5 was intense and wrapped up the first few threads of story that the series launched with, but with this newest volume the story slows down and is paced similarly to the first volume. The sixth volume is a great jumping on point for new readers because it goes over everything that’s happened in the story while setting the stage for the next part of the story. Fear not, this isn’t done via info dumps, but rather naturally through the dialogue and conversations.
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Press Release
Ominous Press created a splash in the comics market two decades ago, telling epic tales of powerful heroes and vile villains. Now Ominous Press has returned, preparing to launch three new titles in 2017: "Giantkillers," written and drawn by Bart Sears; "Prometheus," written by Ron Marz and drawn by Tom Raney; and "Demi-God," written by Ron Marz and drawn by Andy Smith.
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By Dustin Cabeal
When deciding if you should read Super Mario Adventures you have to ask yourself, how much do you like Mario Bros? If the answer is a lot or even a shit ton, then you will have no need for this review and can safely buy this collected trade from Viz and call it a day.
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By Shanel Kamara
Okay, so as I said in my review of Fune Wo Amu’s pilot episode, the style of animation is definitely not what drew me in at first; I stand by what said, what did it for me was the original and captivating storyline, and the lovely cast of endearing yet relatable characters. The pilot episode was done beautifully; I had developed a deep affinity for certain characters including Kouhei Araki, the veteran dictionary editor, Take, Majime’s landlady who runs Sou-Un-Sou Rooming House, and of course Majime Mitsuya.
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By Dustin Cabeal
Having watched the first episode of the anime short that was done for this series, I couldn’t wait to read the manga. Then I realized, I have never read a Gundam manga before. Before I cracked the book open, I wondered if it would even work as a manga. The joy of Gundam is seeing the mobile suits in action, zipping through space and fighting to the death. How would that translate to still images I began to wonder.
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By Dustin Cabeal
The best thing about Toys “4” Cheap is that it arrived like a proper magazine. In a bag with the cover facing out for the world to see it. Not being used to this, I didn’t notice until I was opening and my wife was giving me a strange look. The look only a wife use to dealing with her husband buying stupid ass toys can give her husband. What made it even better was that she thought it was a real having just received the Toys R Us magazine a few days before.
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By Chris Tresson
In the British small press, there’s a lot of people self-publishing work, but I can probably count on one hand the amount of them actually doing a good job of trying to get their work noticed and actively seeking out new readers… Self-promotion (or ‘The Hustle’ as I like to call it) is key to success in any creative field, but I see a lot of guys and girls putting stuff out, mentioning it once, then sitting back expecting people to just fall over it… If you asked me to name creators doing things right, the lads from Madius Comics would more than likely be the first creators I think of.
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By Dustin Cabeal
Super S is back with more anime! No news this time around worth covering, but you will get to hear our #3 choices from our individual top five list. In case you missed #4 and #5 you can find them by clicking on the links. Now for what we've covered.
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By Dustin Cabeal
We're back! You get some OG CBMFP this week as Kevin returns to the show. Steve's computer blew up when it heard about the price for the new Mac Book, which is why he's not on the show. I know I'm supposed to describe every little thing that happens on the episode in this description, but where's the mystery in that? Take your sensitive pants off and get ready for the CBMFP!
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Press Release
Henshin, Inc. announced today that it has optioned and is developing an animated feature film based on KLONOA: DOOR TO PHANTOMILE, the award-winning Bandai Namco video game.
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Press Release
Seven Seas Entertainment is delighted to announce their acquisition of Kabi Nagata's autobiographical manga, My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness.
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Press Release
Seven Seas Entertainment is pleased to announce the license acquisition of the Tales of Zestiria manga adaptation.
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Press Release
Seven Seas Entertainment is pleased to announce the license acquisition of Akashic Records of the Bastard Magical Instructor.
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By Dustin Cabeal
I honestly didn’t expect much from Echoes. I got the gist of the story quickly, and it’s somewhat predictable in its execution and outcome, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the story. Let’s tackle that cover because I’m sure some of you are curious as to what type of story this is based on that cover alone. It is a story about abuse, but it doesn’t glorify it or show it outside of one pinnacle scene. In this day and age of comics, I feel that it’s important to point this out first because I would hate for people just to pass on this book because of the interrupted subject matter coming from the cover.
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By Dustin Cabeal
Being a fan of Gamma, I was instantly interested in Motro from Ulises Fariñas. It has that distinct style that made Gamma funny and amazing. Motro differs in that its a dark comedy in a somber and dystopian world.
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By Dustin Cabeal
That title is probably confusing so let me clarify and tell you that this covers the first ten trades for all of Double Takes titles including Rise, Slab, Soul, Spring, Medic, Honor, Dedication, Home, Remote, Z-Men. I had hoped to review them all separately, but alas, I didn’t find enough to say about any one of them that I haven’t already said in my five individual reviews for each title. I’m sorry, but this reviewer can’t force himself to rewrite the same thing over and over. Instead, I will give you a list of links at the bottom for each individual review for you to enjoy.
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By Dustin Cabeal
Having given up on American superhero comics, I find that I'm really drawn to Japanese superhero comics. Things like ne-Punch Man, My Hero Academia and now on't Meddle With My Daughter have caught my attention because they take something very American and make it work in the Japanese storytelling way. Wish America would try to do the same, but we're still too focused on the tired tradition of superhero stories. At any rate, I'm interested in this, if only for the reason that it looks a little like Wonder Woman's costume. That and the hilarious translation problem on this temp cover that say "in my daughter" instead of "with my daughter." I have a feeling that won't make it over here.
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