Samantha's Top Five: November

Here's our next Top Five for November:

5 - Infinity

Sam Nov (4)

This series has really hit it home with me. I was worried after some awful tries with other Marvel events. Infinity really hones in on some key characters that I love so much. One of those has been Black Bolt. He has been written in so well with the comic that I actually am looking forward to some Inhumans spin off. The second has got to Captain America. I get pumped every time he comes on the page to give his all mighty speeches. Cap has been given all the right moves. The art is just amazing, and even though I don’t read the other stories that go along with Infinity, so it can get confusing, I still love every moment. The plot will have a huge impact on the Marvel universe, so get to reading.

4 - Quantum and Woody

Sam Nov (3)

Look this comic has the right balance of jokes and family ties. There is a lot of dialogue, but when it is good dialogue I can get behind it. Plus it is such quick dialogue, you really don’t know how much you have read until it is over. The story arc just proves that Quantum and Woody have what it takes to last. Valiant has done a brilliant job in bringing back an old time comic. And can just talk about the goat for a moment. I love when something has a logo or mascot, and with this comic my view of goats has forever changed. So thank you!

3 - Fatale

Sam Nov (5)

This comic can do no wrong. No seriously, I am waiting for it to stumble in order to give it some sort of bad review,  but it never does. The problems in Jo’s life keeps getting bigger, which only adds to the awesomeness of the series. This issue really exploded when Jo awakes from her amnesia. She is starting to remember, and that is going to be some epic backtracking since she has lived through decades of lives. Should be an interesting change of events in this era.

2 - TMNT- City Fall

 Sam Nov (2)

Speaking of TMNT, I had to throw this issue in there. It was epic. The whole City Falls story arc was down perfectly, but particularly this issue holds tons of ground. The action sequences will make you dig superheroes again, but the plotline is what captures the reader. The ending ties the Micro series in, and it needed to be done. The story now can lead to some rebuilding of tons of characters.  This was a huge step for the TMNT world, and I don’t think comic fans should miss it.

1 - TMNT- Villain Micro-Series Vol. 1

Sam Nov (1)

I have to admit that I thought these issue would be pretty lame. It sounds good in theory, but with so many other companies focusing on all this villain crap, I thought TMNT would take the road more travelled by. Man, I was so wrong. I loved every single issue of this volume. It was so much fun seeing the villain’s stories unfold. I thought is was brilliant adding in some key components from TMNT as well. It gave the readers an inside advantage when bouncing back between the two. The best issues have to Alopex and Hun though. It brought out real concerns for their characters, and captured the story going on in City Falls the best.

Adam's Top Five: November

Kicking off November's Top Five is Adam:

5 - The Fifth Beatle

Adam Nov-5

Basically if you like The Beatles (and if you don’t, you should question your musical taste), you need to check out this graphic novel.  It’s a journey throughout Brian Epstein’s life (He was said to be the “Fifth Beatle” by Paul McCartney).  It’s a story that depicts a perfect balance of the grandeur and success he received while enduring hardships which would ultimately claim his life.  These included extreme loneliness, which seems odd to many people since he was surrounded by people who loved him and by a band that preached love and peace in their music.  However, you’ll learn that Brian faced adversity while being gay at a time and place where it was illegal to be so.  He was also a workaholic which didn’t help his anxiety and depression.  The journey through this book is remarkable, and it’s clear a lot of passion and research went into it.  The art is just breathtaking as well.  This is one of those books to show to people who think they don’t like comics.

4 - The Walking Dead

Adam Nov-4

Man, this story arc is going to be crazy.  We finally see some bloodshed.  Rick figuratively fires the first shot by out-smarting Negan with tactics rather than brute force and wins this first battle.  That’s a huge step in the right direction since up to this point, it seemed that Negan was going to be the death of Rick’s people.  He seemed crazy enough to have them in the palm of his hand, especially when he killed Glenn and now kills Gregory.  The fact that Negan saved Holly’s life and now is in control of her is almost hard to think about.  I also want to see how Dwight reacts to Negan’s commands.  I can’t wait to see how this unfolds further.

3 - Alex+Ada

Adam Nov-3

I know not everyone agreed with me, but I loved this issue.  I can see where Dustin and Kevin were coming from when they discussed this book on the CBMFP.  Personally, I hadn’t experienced what they were talking about during the episode, so to me this idea is fresh and extremely interesting.  I love when books can convey emotion well, and this book does that incredibly well.  I feel Alex is a relatable character-everyone at some point just feels like they’re just going through the motions and might just think of life as ‘what’s the point?’  Whether or not this robot that he thinks is weird to have will help him be happier in life is the big question.

2 - Umbral

Adam Nov-2

I totally took a shot in the dark by picking up this comic at the store.  The fact that it was a ‘dark fantasy’ didn’t do anything for me.  But I felt I might as well open my mind to different types of comics, so why not check it out?  I’m really glad I did.  The world that is just introduced in this first issue is enthralling in itself (with a map to boot!).  The main character Rascal is awesome, go check out Dustin’s My Top Rack on her to get some more insight on that.  She’s scared of what’s going on in her world with the Oculus (nightmare-like monsters) returning and the death of her friend the prince, but she’s also wise beyond her years and handles the events with ease.  This includes kicking an old man in the nether regions.  Quite an adventure out of the gate, I can’t wait to see where this one goes.

1 - Coffin Hill

Adam Nov-1

I know it’s early, but if Coffin Hill can keep the pace it’s at right now, it could rival Revival as my favorite ongoing series.  This issue was perfect in my eyes-it set the tone for what’s to come next while ironing out some of the creases that occurred in the debut issue.  The mystery surrounding Coffin Hill with more disappearances in the woods is going to be quite a ride to solve, and Nate needs Eve to do so.  I’m also eager to see if they find Dani, their friend who went missing in 2003 due to Eve’s dark magic, along the way.  The art is some of my favorite out there today as well.  Issue #3 is my most anticipated book of December.

Don't Look At This Amazing Spider-Man 2 Banner if You Still Have A Glimmer Of Hope For The Movie

If you clicked on this then you wanted to see the banner that's below so no complaints! In the banner which leaked online, you can see the Rhino, Green Goblin (most likely) and of course Electro. My first thought when seeing this banner was that the Power Rangers had a new movie. The thing is, this movie is so far gone from the source material and the first set of movies that I can even be made at Mecha-Rhino. Literally they're just pulling an Avengers in reverse with more bad guys than good guys. I hope that first trailer that Sony drops reignites the flame of interest for this flick because right now I'm covering the fire with sand and calling it goo. spidey-2-poster-tease-smaller


Xavier Fires Nightcrawler

I'm only posting this one because they actually do something different. I mean the jokes go on for too long which has basically been the problem for all of them since the Wolverine one, but at least the ending is finally different.

Black Cat Cosplay... Nuff Said

I honestly think that Black Cat is an over used cosplay costume. I get that it's easy, but that also means that a lot of the times short cuts are used or just a lack of effort. It's become the Wolverine of cosplay for women. This photoset on the other hand is quite the opposite. Great photos and lots of effort so check it out.

My Top Rack: Ginny from Pretty Deadly

When I read the first page of Pretty Deadly #1 last month, I was reminded of a time long, long (way too long) ago in the early 80's. I was a tween and invited to watch the first Friday the 13th movie. The movie itself was horrible, but there was one scene at the very end that not only freaked me out, but it came so out of nowhere that I still remember it to this day I’m not going to give out the spoiler (to the three or four people who haven’t seen it), but I will just say that I was in a place of peace and tranquility that was interrupted by the most unexpected, horrific, and awesome event that made that movie memorable. Cut to my first reading of Pretty Deadly #1 and that feeling hit me once again. And I must say that it is just as powerful in my older, wiser (at least, I would hope wiser?) mind as it was as an impressionable youth. Now I am at Issue #2 and nothing has changed  Pretty Deadly is part gritty wild west drama in the Sergio Leone film style, part gory over the top Japanese “pinky violence” movie, part gothic fairy tale, all mashed up to one hybrid of spectacular comic reading entertainment.  All of the story builds onto the character that is the object of My Top Rack column here....Ginny, Death's Daughter. It is the characterization of Ginny that beckons me back to those feelings of peace, interrupted by sheer terror moments.

During Pretty Deadly, we are introduced to the legend/reality of Ginny who can be called upon to reap vengeance on those who have sinned and in this particular wild west saga, there are lots of sinners out there. Ginny is more than capable of taking care of business, quite brutally I might add.

2013-11-30 00.42.12

Both issues of Pretty Deadly are a storm of perfection laid out with impressive artwork by Emma Rios, powerful coloring and lettering by Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Coweles respectively, and an added almost movie like editing style by Sigrid Ellis.  All these elements are tied in by the commanding story script of Kelly Sue DeConnick, making for an impressive and stylish character creation that I view as groundbreaking in comics. I simply have not seen her before. Ginny is one hardcore lady. In issue #2 just released, we get to see how hardcore she is as she wipes out a gang of baddies and goes toe to toe with Big Alice, a pretty bad lady in her own right. The fight sequence in #2 is unbelievable, violent, and satisfying. Ginny kicks ass and you best get out of her way or run away if she is near. It might just be your head that rolls away from your body.

There are so many images in the two issues that will resonate in your head after reading the story, that you may find yourself reading them a second, third, or even fourth time (I know I did). They are that rich.  From the gritty close-ups of the characters to the quick and rapid flow of the plot, all the way to the sheer poetry of the writing. It is good, and Ginny is "bad". She exhibits a steely beauty to a harsh and cruel west that is laid out before her.

2013-11-30 00.43.01

Judging from the successful sales numbers that have happened from #1, it appears there is a lot of hype surrounding Ms. Ginny. I can say that the hype is definitely merited. Ginny is definitely one character that will reside in your dreams/nightmares after you read of her exploits.

Group Review: Infinity #6

This is the second ongoing group review that’s ending this week so let’s just dig right into it! Each of the writers/reviews of Comic Bastards will give the issue a score of: Buy, Borrow or Pass along with a short reason for the score. Here’s a blurb about the issue from Marvel before we begin: All roads lead to this! The over-sized conclusion of the Marvel Summer event! The heroes of Earth versus the forces of Thanos!

(That’s the longest description they’ve given for an issue yet!)

Steve: BUY

How do I feel about the final Infinity (which is a delicious oxymoron)? Well, I think Hickman himself sums it up nicely in his other Marvel book this week, New Avengers #12, in which one of his characters says, “It had the appearance of finality ... but it lacked the effect.” I should qualify that by saying I still loved the entirety of this series, and this issue in particular had gobs of beautiful action, pronged throughout many avenues of conflict, great villainous and heroic grandstanding, some fantastic character moments and some rather exceptional battle chatter. Speaking of which, is it just me or has Thanos been lifting? I mean, I know he’s cosmic-level, but even without the Infinity Gauntlet he totally handled Thor, Hyperion, Hulk and Captain Marvel like a bunch of sissies. Even though that seemed a bit off to me, watching them go at it was a visual treat.

The art, at least in the beginning, is how I want every single superhero book to look. When the earthbound Avengers team gets off that ship, looking dragged and beaten through hell, it’s properly inspiring. Some of the backgrounds at the end of the issue look slightly rushed, but for the most part, this entire thing is g’damn gorgeous. In the end, Infinity #6 had an all-too-tidy wrap-up that too closely mirrors Thanos’ fate in Jim Starlin's Marvel Two-In-One Annual #2, which felt not just like a rehash, but also a pretty forced way of making Thane look badass. On the other hand, the end does set up at least six or seven separate stories, which will definitely lead the Avengers family of books. I’m not sure if this is the satisfying culmination we wanted from this miniseries, but I think it still deserves a buy for amazing art, a raucous story and a decent end to an event I’ve enjoyed thoroughly.


Personally, I think this issue did a decent job of tying up the story.  It was a bit anti-climactic, as I was ready for Thanos to kill his son Thane.  That said, the book did a good job of keeping my interest the whole time-even though I’m pretty prone to whiplash with these event series due to the pace and story they try to convey in such a short time.  I also loved the art and the action sequences were great (lots of explosions which is always rad).  I can’t say I’d honestly buy this issue even though I was impressed by it just because I feel like these things are an unnecessary marketing scheme.  If I followed some of the books that these tie in with, I would’ve bought it so I’ll give this issue a “borrow”.

Infinity #6 Cover

Samantha: BUY

I found this issue to be entertaining. The action is all over the place. Sometimes it was good, and other times it was literally all over the place not making much sense. Like with Dr. Strange’s first strike, we don’t see what the first strike was. It was weird and not thought out well enough. Other points were cool and visually entertaining. Thanos had some good scenes which was nice to see considering that is exactly what the audience wanted.

The issue, with most Marvel endings, felt rush, but at least we were getting to some good endings and some game changes in the Marvel world. So the rush thing didn’t bother me. I feel like Marvel is having annoying marketing skills with this whole Inhumans story arc, but I can’t help but get excited. I liked how their whole story ended, and am wondering where we will go with Black Bolt.

After Age of Ultron, Marvel had nowhere to go but up, but I think this story was done with way more class. It showed amazingly cool art, and keeps a cohesive story intact. So hopefully they can move in the more Infinity direction instead of the used toilet paper direction.

Dustin: PASS

I know that a lot of the story has been played out in Avengers and New Avengers, but I also believe that once again Marvel said that you could read just Infinity and not be lost on the story. Well that was true until this issue. There’s a significant jump in the story for the last issue to this issue and frankly I feel cheated. I’m not reading the previously mentioned series because this series only moderately interested me to begin with. The fact that I was given the “payoff” issue without anything to lead up to it feels like sloppy storytelling. Also the “let’s set up the next five storylines” ending made me want to re-watch Mario Bros. The Movie because while that film was set up for a sequel instantly, I at least know that one never happened. Sadly I’m interested in Infinity, but wish that it was more like Dark Reign and just affected the entire Marvel U. rather than being an event book with no point.

James: BUY

I am not a huge Marvel guy anymore, only reading a title here or there. That being said, I have missed the bulk of the entire Infinity mega crossover event. I entered into #6 completely green not knowing anything of the events going on in the Infinity title, The Avengers or the New Avengers. So going in like that, what would a neophyte such as I say about this wrap up title?

BUY IT!!! It is epic. Just looking at the cover told me that (Loved the Iwo Jima silhouette look). Once I opened the pages, the good folks at Marvel were nice enough to provide me with lots of background information (cast of characters, etc.) as well as a nice "previously on..." panel page...For even someone like me who hasn't followed it at all, I got it and I didn't feel at all lost during the whole reading.

The Universe has been saved, so all attention in #6 returns back to Earth which looks to be doomed. Thanos is beginning his wrap up of destruction and will not be denied. He even smiles one time here. It is a creepy smile, but Thanos didn't earn his rep. as the smiling guy. He and his fellow baddies deliver in their evilness here.

The cast of characters is expansive, but as you read this title you know how the term "Earth's mightiest heroes" was earned. I loved the action. I loved the story. And, I loved all the great artwork which took a small army of pencillers, inkers, and color people. They did a spectacular job as lots of ground was covered, addressed, and wrapped up (?).

After reading this, I have decided that I am going to go back now and see how everything got to where it got up to thus issue. Now if that's not a sign that I liked it, I don't know what is. It was good. My regret now is that I did almost let this one slip away.

Score: 3 Buys, a Borrow and a Pass

Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artists: Jim Cheung and Dustin Weaver Publisher: Marvel Comics Price: $5.99 Release Date: 11/27/13

From The Gutters: Episode 9 - Mike Allred

Well here's the season finale for the very first season of From The Gutters. Jamie talks to Mike Allred and you'll definitely want to watch all three episodes as the third "features a little tag with Mike and his band the Gear playing at a Dandy Warhols event." Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Starts Now!!!

That's right, starting now until Monday night you can get your very own Comic Bastards Logo T-Shirt for only $5 bucks plus shipping. We know you have a lot of choices one where you get your comic news and even more choices on where you spend your money so if you buy one this weekend I'll also throw in a random ass comic from my collection just to say thanks! Happy Thanksgiving from Comic Bastards. BUY HERE!

Review: B.P.R.D. - Vampire (TPB)

Simon Anders just hasn’t been the same since his life was saved from the hands of two vampire sisters. Everyone sees it, him most of all.  He is cursed having the spirit forces of the sisters within him and driving him slowly to rage and madness. He must do something about it. He has to do something about it before it is too late. B.P.R.D. Vampire documents those efforts by Anders to trace back what had happened in 1948 to him and to possibly bring back redemption or more importantly, revenge to those involved. The journey will lead him to communist block Europe and he will encounter ancient vampires, witches, and possibly the vampire sisters themselves in the flesh again. As with any “From the Pages of Hellboy” trade, the artwork to B.P.R.D. Vampire is simply phenomenal. Between Mike Mignola, Gabriel Ba, and Fabio Moon, art is rendered that can only be described as “hauntingly beautiful”. The shading and shadowing effects allow the reader to go back to the days of the old horror comics of the 1940s; very creepy, yet very beautiful to look at as well. I have always loved how the visuals are used in these titles to make all the people in this world a little dark whether they are good or bad people. It gives an “essence of mankind” feeling that sticks with a reader well after the book is read.

20691The writing here is kind of hard to explain. It is sort of a “gothic noir” feeling and tone.  As we follow Anders on his quest, it has that feeling of an old school detective, roaming the dark streets in search of answers. But, the cities here have been replaced by Iron Curtain drab landscapes of darkness and despair, which only adds to the emotion felt by Anders as he reaches his destination. It is a wonderful effect that I find very prevalent in all of the Mike Mignola works that makes him such a master of his craft.  All of his works are “experiences” rather than “reads”. You get caught up into that world of darkness and like our protagonist here with Simon Anders, we must search for answers before the madness overtakes us completely and it is too late.

During the chapters covered in this trade, we are introduced and reflected back upon to several characters. Even Hellboy makes a brief (very brief) cameo and he is about the most colorful character in the book art wise. Everyone else here are drab, dark, and some are even downright evil in their renderings.  Mr. Anders does find what he is looking for in this book, but it might not be exactly what he is looking for. It’s safe to say without giving away anything that this story is far from over, which is to our good fortune.

For its $19.99 price and well over 130 + pages of fantastic story and artwork, B.P.R.D. Vampire is a sound investment to a fan of great horror comics. You will not be disappointed at all and as with any Mignola title, you will be awed, creeped out, and thoroughly entertained. It is essential reading for any fan of the B.P.R.D. universe and helps to continue expanding the panorama of the darkness that lies everywhere.

Score: 4/5

Writers: Mike Mignola, Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon Artists: Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $19.99 Release Date: 11/27/13

Review: House of Gold & Bone (TPB)

I don’t really know what I was expecting from this, but the creative team and synopsis intrigued me. Corey Taylor and Richard Clark team up for this original Dark Horse mini-series. This story was kind of all over the place. It reminded me of a novel that I once read that had an interesting story, but would have been better if there was more substance. Unfortunately, that substance isn’t really seen until the very end. I understand that writing for the comic book industry has its attraction, and that it’s the cool thing to do now, but it’s not for everyone. Luckily it was a fast read. This story follows “The Human” in a nightmarish alternate reality where he is confronted by his dark twin and is forced to escape from an antagonist named “Black John”. The ultimate goal is to reach a place called “The House of Gold and Bone”, which seems to hold his salvation. On this quest given to him by his doppelganger The Human relives different moments in his life along with narrowly escaping Black John and his psychotics at every turn. This all eventually leads to a final battle that proves to be the best part of the series. There is also a moral at the end that is rather nice. I think that I smiled when I read it.

22897I don’t write comic books, so maybe you won’t take this seriously, but the writing just seemed like it was coming from a very inexperienced writer. Of course, Corey Taylor doesn’t write for comic books professionally, but it’s obvious that it’s his first try. I just didn’t buy it. The dialogue is actually ok, but I found it really hard to care overall.

I did like Richard Clark’s art. It wasn’t anything that would attract me to a book by itself, but I think that it was a good fit with the chaotic writing and “twist at every turn” type story. Jason Shawn Alexander did kind of blow me away with the cover art, though. I wish that the interior had been filled with that stuff instead. That would have probably fit even better.

Overall it was fine, but I don’t recommend it unless you have an intense loyalty to Corey Taylor and his music. I don’t know, maybe you’re a big fan of his, but that wasn’t enough to keep me interested. I will definitely keep an eye open if he decides to take on writing again, but I’ll make sure that my curiosity isn’t the only thing involved in a purchase, though. I suggest giving this a read if you ever find a copy of it lying around your friend’s house or abandoned in some rest stop bathroom garbage can. All I can say is that I put off writing this review for a reason.

Score: 2/5

Writer: Corey Taylor Artist: Richard Clark Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $14.99 Release Date: 11/27/13

Review: Bedlam #10

Disappointing. That sums up this issue. I was enjoying this series so much, but these last two issues have been terrible. The story set in the past has been pointless thus far and while I’m sure there’s some payoff approaching there really doesn’t seem to be any at the moment which makes it just boring to read. I mean we already know what happens to Red so what does it matter what his underdeveloped connection to The First is? If it was supposed to be a Joker and Batman type deal then it failed because it’s a one-sided conversation with Madder Red and he forgot the topic. It’s a shame because I loved the Madder Red character in the beginning and really craved more of him when he was crazy. The difference here is that he’s in control and that’s just meh. It doesn’t matter at this point if The First stops him and overcomes impossible odds, because it’s clear that the rest of the world isn’t going to help him. Not the police, not other heroes… so where’s the real threat if we already know the outcome?

The cops get ready to storm the school where our villain is set up. I don’t remember how Fillmore figured out the school angle because his role in the series has been tragically diminished; as they’re about to go in their own people open fire on them because bad dude has brainwashed tons of people in the city. Ramirez and Fillmore make it into the school, but conveniently Ramirez is shot and taken out of action leaving Fillmore to take on the big bad solo once again.

bedlam10_coverThe great thing about the first story arc and even the way that this story arc began, was that it wasn’t formulaic. It had structure and pacing, but each issue didn’t feel like a copy of the last, but these last three have felt like reading the first story arc and really the same issue over and over. The simple fact that Ramirez was taken out of action steps away from the bad guy for a second time is just lazy. By now she should be picking up hints on who Fillmore really is and what better way than to have a seed be planted here and then have the big bad activate programing that puts her in zombie mode rather than what actually happened: A gun shot and then she passes out… so she’s dead? No? That’s strange considering how realistic so many of the deaths and murders have been in the series…

Brown’s art really doesn’t work in this issue. I had problems with it in the last and it’s even worse in this issue. He’s still doing his best Riley Rossmo impersonation, but now you can see the effort that it is taking and it’s making for bad proportions and just an overall dip in the visual storytelling and quality. Sure there are still some cool aspects like the villain’s face appearing pixelled out when Fillmore sees him for the first time, but the rest is very inconsistent. Also The First’s mom looks like a dude.

I hope that the next issue is the end of the arc because that’s all I have left in me to give this series. If there are two more issues than I might just check out here and save myself the effort. I don’t know what happened to this series, but this second arc is just coming across as a watered-down repeat of the first and really who the hell wants to read that? I’m afraid the charm of this series has worn off so if you didn’t like the last issue don’t bother with this one. If you’re in the same boat as me then you might also want to finish this review and check to see how many more issues are left in the arc before giving any more money to it.

Score: 2/5

Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: Ryan Browne Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 11/27/13

Review: T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #4

I have tried many times with this series, but have failed to keep my interest up with the series. The fact that the story is just so poorly put together is the first real reason I can’t hold on to the series anymore. Thunder Agents finishes their first story arc with issue four coming out. Don’t think for a second that this issue will bring everything together and deliver on every need. It is the opposite. The only thing I liked so far about the series involved Kat Kane having flashbacks of herself and her sister. It was a neat little backstory that adding some emotional elements for the comic. Iron Maiden needed more than just a name in order to be thought of as this all-powerful being, and this was the chance that the comic gave her. Well we don’t get any of that in this issue. The ending just leaves. Ya know when they may cancel a TV show and just end the show with no real hook for another season, because it will most likely cancel; this is exactly what happened in Thunder Agents this week. I was disappointed and can’t really get excited for another story arc. Dynamo and the rest of the agents are still trying to escape the hands of Iron Maiden. Suddenly, a subterranean humanoid gang comes from nowhere. They try to unveil this huge robot soldier, which was a surprise, but I felt like it deserved some recognition. I wanted to get excited for the battle, hoping the comic was picking up some. Then before the battle begins it is over. Dynamo takes the robot out with ease.

ThunderAgents-04-pr_Page_1We jump to Kane who has been in hot water for some time now. And the issue again is easily resolved. No flashbacks, no nothing about her past at all. The gang quickly and quietly head back to the home base, and that is the end.

The plot just has some holds that can be filled with 1) either good action or 2) more dialogue to explain how these characters came to be. I don’t even understand one big thing that happens at the end. I really shouldn’t be getting confused about a simple comic. The humanoids were a bit surprising too. Like where did these dudes come from, and why did we spend like three seconds explaining the huge villain of the first story arc?

IDW went on a limb bringing back yet another old comic series. I don’t know who is getting into this comic, but if you are please explain why. No seriously, I want my mind to expand in order to understand these agents better. The first Thunder Agents seemed to break ground, but why bring back an influential comic with a mediocre comeback.

Score: 2/5

Writer: Phil Hester Artist: Andrea Di Vito Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 11/27/13

Review: The Massive #17

I really hope that you read last month. This review is not about bringing you up to date. This is intense stuff. If you aren’t caught up, you need to get there. Brian Wood has outdone himself this month. He’s really brought his A-game to the table. I haven’t been this emotionally tied to an issue of a comic book since the finale of Sweet Tooth. I suggest having nothing else on your to-do list for the day before starting this arc. You might want to be well fed too, because this is going to take some energy out of you. Ninth Wave takes on Norwegian Whalers. And these guys are serious. They practice in the old ways of their ancestors and don’t believe that what they’re doing is murder. And they’re willing to fight to defend their rights. But how far are they willing to go? Even more importantly, how far is Callum Israel and Ninth Wave willing to go to stop them? Callum Israel has changed. Ninth Wave is back on track with a vengeance. I’ve never seen him like this. He’s showing a chaotic kind of focus here that you don’t get to see in the other issues of this book. Calm, collected, determined and wise seem to be his characteristics in any other situation. But this time there may be more going on in his mind than ever before. His crew isn’t completely on board with the strategy that he’s decided to take in this situation, but he doesn’t care. He has definitely been possessed by a spirit from his old life.

22509The script this month is unbelievable. I don’t know what has gotten into Brian Wood, but I’m telling you that you will want to soak in every single word. This issue is filled with great dialogue that is laced with venomous intent. There is a revenge story going on here that you can’t miss. I’m seriously fighting the urge to chew on my nails, right now, in anticipation of the next issue. I was going to throw in a joke about how bad it is for you to bite your nails, but let’s keep this serious.

The art of Garry Brown is always good, but his character designs of the crew of The Stulka are great. He’s really hit the Norwegian look right on the head. I’m serious; I know some Norwegians and they look just like this. He draws a pretty dramatic mood overall. He does a great job of making you feel like you’re on the deck with the whalers. And not trying to give too much away, but there is a specific scene here when you really don’t want to be anywhere near these guys.

Please go out and pick this up. I really can’t urge you enough. The waters are getting darker for Ninth Wave and the crew is starting to show signs of wear and tear. And I thought that a partial mutiny was bad. Tragedy is coming. Don’t miss it.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Brian Wood Artist: Garry Brown Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 11/27/13

Review: Judge Dredd #13

There's no doubt that I have thoroughly enjoyed Judge Dredd's new run. IDW's original stories and classic reissues have been great, allowing me to return to my youth in following the plight of Mega City One and its top law enforcement officer. Issue #13 breaks from the traditional continuity however, and goes off into another direction entirely...A place where the men were men, the women were "dames" and everybody smoked. Appropriately titled "French for Black" (play on "Noir"), this issue finds our Purveyor of Justice slightly out of his element. A virus has been unleashed in a small section of Mega City One throwing everything and everyone in the area back to the days when Humphrey Bogart and Edward G. Robinson ruled the territory with silky smooth coolness. Enter Dredd who gets thrown into this dark world, and it doesn't appeal to him. People seem to be mouthy to him. And as for his fierceness...It appears that his intimidation factor has dropped a few notches, much to his displeasure. Ever the perfectionist though, Dredd fights through these setbacks to try to make things right in this crazy noir neighborhood. Lesson to be learned, remember that Dredd is Dredd no matter the surroundings.

JDredd_13-pr_Page_1The story is written well enough by Duane Swierczynski and the art of John Staniski captures the "Noir" nicely. I especially love the rain. It really adds a nice effect to the art here. Still, I liked the issue but just didn't love it. Being a one shot stab, the story felt like the number of pages just weren't enough to make this story spectacular. I would have liked to have seen more here. But it still is a readable and nice enough issue to give it a go, especially if you are into the Judge Dredd universe (like me). It didn't suck.

I would say that "French for Black" is a modest effort for an iconic character that doesn't hurt the story, but doesn't put it to the next level either. It is just ok in a series that I have seen much better in past months. Still "French for Black" is priced right and will give you sufficient entertainment with great artwork.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Duane Swierczynski Artist: John Staniski Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 11/27/13

Review: Five Ghosts #7

Five Ghosts began as a five issue mini-series that just plain "blew it up". This truly was an action packed adventure story following the exploits of one Fabian Gray, relic hunter, tough guy, and legend. Due to an incident with a Dreamstone, Mr. Gray got stuck with five very distinct literary characters within his person. Think of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but the League is housed in one guy coming out when needed by Mr. Gray in his many adventures. Thanks to the success of the mini run, Five Ghosts was awarded an ongoing series. Five Ghosts #6 began the ongoing series and it didn't miss a beat in regards to the action. It was a super opening issue and allowed Fabian Gray to evolve. It was great. Feel free to read the review. It is an exciting mixture of classic cliffhanger tales with elements of the mysterious.

Issue seven picks up back at Fabian's estate and has him buried in research. He feels that more Dreamstones are still out there and he believes if all are recovered, events occurring during the mini-series can be reversed making for a happier ending. He has enlisted the help of other acquaintances (an honorable jewel thief in this instance) to help him find rare myths, legends, and strange tales that will pinpoint the locations for these stones.

FiveGhosts07-CVROf course it will not be that easy. There are others very interested in finding the Dreamstones as well and they appear to have a strong desire into making our hero fish bait in the process. These baddies have lots of money, power, influence, and they wear swastika lapels. But Fabian has a good team himself of friends/lovers and of course, his five very capable "others" that just might give him the edge he needs.

The writing of Frank J. Barbiere combined with the art of Chris Mooneyham impresses. It is nice to see Mooneyham back in the mix as he did the art on the miniseries, but not #6.  I really had enjoyed Garry Brown's artwork on the previous issue, but seeing Mooneyham's return helped me to remember why I had enjoyed this title so much. Five Ghosts #7 continues to have a nice harmony between the art and the writing that helps to convey so much of the story through sensory understanding. I liken it to a surround sound in a movie. The story truly is a harmonious symphony of the senses and makes Five Ghosts one of my favorite titles of the year.

It looks like Fabian will be hitting the high seas in search of “The Island of Dreams”, and I for one am looking forward to setting sail with him. All aboard Mateys.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Frank J. Barbiere Artist: Chris Mooneyham Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 11/27/13

Review: Criminal Macabre - The Eyes of Frankenstein #3

Let’s give it up for Steve Niles and Christopher Mitten. These guys have teamed up for my favorite Cal McDonald story so far. I actually thought that last month’s issue was the best of this arc, but it turns out that this month’s was pretty great too. Does that mean that the finale will be even better? I wouldn’t be surprised considering what goes on here. Cal and Mo’Lock have entered the Los Angeles Eye Bank in search of some new eyes for Adam (a.k.a. The Frankenstein Monster). After being transported there by Jason Hemlock, they find themselves face to face with some kind of (well I don’t really know how to describe it) freaky looking creepy-crawly with one hell of a long tongue. I wonder how Steve’s script described this thing. I’d like to see that. Well, this creature is no pushover. It shows our two ghoulish friends that it’s not looking to have its mission interrupted without a fight. But thanks to some newly discovered power, Cal manages to scare it off, if only temporarily. After Cal and Mo’Lock get back to Hemlock’s place with Adam’s new eyes in hand, Hemlock performs the transplant and voila, new eyes. But that’s not the crazy part. Or even a spoiler, as much as it sounds like one. We find out that there may be a link to Cal and the newly developed disease that is weakening and killing the Ghouls. And that’s not all we find out. Cal’s dislike for this Hemlock guy may not be as unwarranted as we originally thought. Anyway, if I keep typing I’m going to ruin everything. Let’s just put it this way, my jaw dropped on the last page of this issue.

Criminal Macabre - Frankenstein's Eyes #3 CoverNiles has honed his skills in writing for these characters so much so that I kind of forgot that I was reading at one point. Everything just flows so smoothly. Of course when you have a group of characters so diverse like this to work with, giving them all specific personalities is probably a blast. It wouldn’t even be difficult at this point, I bet. Of course Cal is his normal sarcastic self. His humorous personality really allows the reader to identify all of the other characteristics within the book. It almost feels like he is entertainment for every other character. And I don’t mean that negatively. Just imagine a situation where everyone at a party turns to look at the same distraction, but they eventually return to their own conversations. So all that paired with Christopher Mitten’s art really makes for a solid product.

Leave it to Steve Niles to make you think that a story is going in one direction, but totally throw you off last minute. That’s what I found so exciting by the time I got to the end of this issue. He always keeps you guessing. We have the finale of this arc next month and I can assure you that you’ll want to be there. I definitely will be.

But just a side note, Cal McDonald is my favorite chain-smoking, paranormal detective ever.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Steve Niles Artist: Christopher Mitten Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 11/27/13

Review: Ghostbusters #10

There is definitely something strange in the neighborhood. I don’t really consider this issue to be a continuation of last month. In fact, I know that it isn’t. Basically what we have here is a collection of stories based on the creepiest days of the year, that goes by the name “Happy Horror Days”. I honestly feel like this could be a good jumping on point if you wanted to get into this arc. As far as I can tell, there really isn’t a set path leading to any kind of collected finish. I hope that that changes, though. I’d like to see an ending to this arc that sort of ties in with everything that has happened so far and everything that will happen in the coming months. I have an idea of what next month’s creepy tale will be about, but I won’t spoil anything. If you have any knowledge of classical fiction at all, I’m sure that you’ll figure it out.

Erik Burnham and Dan Schoening bring another creepy tale our way, and this time they’ve used the history of Dia De Los Muertos as the vehicle. Apparently, during the first two days in November the spirits of the dead are guided back to their families and friends during the festivities that occur during the celebration. Most of the spirits are happy to come and see the affection that their families still have for them, but some spirits do not want to return at all. And they like to show it; sometimes in very public and violent ways. This is where our ghost-busting buddies come in. This month consists of some very pissed off ghouls that need to be put away.

GB_10-pr_Page_1I’m not going to say that the dialogue was all that gripping this month, but I will say that the scenarios were definitely fun to read and even more fun to look at. Erik Burnham and Dan Schoening team up yet again to tell a pretty cool story. I will let you know that there is a talking doll in this issue, though, I’m not a big fan of those. So kudos for kinda creeping me out this month. Luckily for me, I was reading this issue with the lights on. But that’s just me; I don’t know what you other Ghostbusters readers are creeped out by.

Overall, I liked this issue, but there wasn’t really anything in it that stood out and made me thankful that I didn’t miss it. It had its creepy parts, it had good artwork, and the script was pretty good, but because of the structure that they’re using for this arc, I think that it might be more enjoyable in a trade. So I’m not going to urge you all to run out right now and pick this up. Bottom line, if you like Ghostbusters, you’ll like it, but if this were a group review, I’d say “borrow”.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Erik Burnham Artist: Dan Schoening Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 11/27/13