IndieGoGo: The Epic Legend of Orgnob By Stefie Zohrer

Written by guest contributor Kevin Blanton

IndieGoGo Link!

Kit of Boorish is a pig.  But not just any pig.  He is the hero of The Epic Legend of Orgnob, a comic that is seeking your help on Indiegogo.

The Legend of Orgnob is a 13 issue series created by Stefie Zohrer using the power of the internet.  Even after Zohrer was forced to quit the story due to financial concerns, she never stopped believing in her dreams.  Now a stay-at-home mom, Zohrer hopes to self-publish 1,000 copies of the first issue of the comic by June of 2016.

Zohrer is offering a variety of perks to supporters.  There are the standard t-shirts, pins, stickers, and posters.  But you also may get a replica of the magical sword featured in the story, a custom-created portrait of the donor as a comic book character, and a “Helmet of Brawn” (featured in the comic).

The Epic Legend of Orgnob is a funny animals comic and I don’t usually like funny animals comics (except for Cerebus the Aardvark).  But what can I say?  From what I have read, the story isn’t as deep as Cerebus, but that doesn’t matter.  You will have a fun time with these funny animals.



CBMFP 214: Best of 2015

Well we missed a week, but we're back with our yearly "Best of" list. Unlike previous years, Kevin and Dustin will only be talking about their lists instead of the rest of the writers on Comic Bastards. Next week, tune in to the worst of list which will be on time. Best-of-2015-Banner-Podcast Previously on the CBMFP...

Review: Ex Machina

Written by guest contributor Dave Fox

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be counting down my top 5 films of 2015. Here's #4, Alex Garland's smart and stylish psychological sci-fi thriller.

Quick, see how many genuinely intelligent recent sci-fi films you can name. How many did you get? 10, 11, 12? Less? Four or five? Wracking my brains, I can only get enough to count on one hand. There are plenty of films categorised as sci-fi, but there are there enough that use the genre for its intended purpose: to ask questions, to make us think, to use the fantastic to look and where we are now, and where we're going. Personally, I blame Star Wars, for turning sci-fi into shorthand for "action films in space".

The good news is that films that but the "sci" in sci-fi are making a comeback. Christopher Nolan's Interstellar (2012) brought theoretical physics alongside blackhole related flights of fancy, while Ridley Scott's The Martian (another film from this year) was based on a novel that did not shy away from using - and explaining - hard science. Ex Machina, the directorial debut of 28 Days Later scribe Alex Garland (who also wrote the script) also belongs in this group. It has fantastical elements but feels grounded, and will leave your head spinning with ideas.

Ex-Machina-Instinto-ArtificialThe film is heavier on ideas than plot. Caleb (Domhall Gleeson) is a talented young computer programmer for search engine giant Blue Book. He gets the opportunity of a lifetime when he is invited to meet his company's reclusive genius CEO Nathan (Oscar Isaac) and participate in an experiment with a groundbreaking AI (Alicia Vikander).

Ex Machina is quick out of the blocks; we see Caleb get chosen via random lottery to go visit Nathan's secluded, state-of-the-art home (that resembles a bunker more than a mansion) in the first few minutes, and the entire film then takes place on those grounds. Gleeson's Caleb is nervous, eager to please, deferential and almost apologetic about his intelligence. It's a smart, subtle performance, but scenes are frequently stolen by his sparring partner Isaac, who's unrecognisable, hiding behind bulk and a hipster beard. On the surface Nathan is pally and unusually down to earth for a reclusive, genius billionaire, but Isaac's performance hints and the reservoirs of anger beneath a placid surface.

Caleb is there to do a Turning test on Nathan's revolutionary invention, a robot named Ava. Nathan believes he may have created artificial intelligence, and wants Caleb to confirm either way by engaging in daily conversations with Ava for a week. What both men find as the week goes on is that it's not so easy to define consciousness. It's worth a mention that Vikander more than holds her own opposite Gleeson and Isaac as Ava. Her robotic exo-skeleton is a gorgeous special effect but means that her performance is mostly unspoken - she does most of her talking through smiles, frowns and her eyes, which shimmer with so much life that, really, no AI test should be needed.

Every conversation that Caleb has with Ava brings new questions. Is Ava making sarcastic jokes, or just repeating lines? Ava flirts with Caleb - is she doing it because she likes him, because she's programmed to, or is she just using Caleb to serve her own ends? Ava wants to know what will happen to her once the test is over. Caleb responds that it's not up to him, and Ava shoots back: "why is it up to anyone?".

That's what Ex Machina brings to the table. It brings questions that have no easy answers. The script could have come from Isaac Asimov or Phillip K. Dick, yet it's not derivative. Just when you think you have a handle on what's going to happen, the rug is pulled from under you. It shares DNA with sci-fi greats, but stands on its own two feet as an original piece of work. It's beautifully shot, and understands that action scenes and explosions aren't needed to hold an audience's attention.

If you're at all interested in sci-fi that explores difficult questions, trusts the viewer's intelligence and does not provide easy answers, then Ex Machina is for you. It's one of the best films of the year, and would be one of the best of any year.

Score: 4/5

Ex Machina Director: Alex Garland Writer: Alex Garland Studio: DNA Films, Film4 Running Time: 108 Minutes Release Date: 1/21/15

Review: Invisible Republic #8

Early on in Invisible Republic #8, I was thrilled to find a powerful emotional moment comprised entirely by two people having a conversation.  Croger Babb and his reporter friend Woronov discuss whether they will publish the journal that kicked off the series in terms of journalistic integrity and duty. It becomes a tense moment as the power dynamics between the two switch back and forth, occasionally coming close to outright threats and manipulations.  Just as Babb and Woronov seem about to truly tear into eachother, an outside threat reminds them, and the reader, that they are both scared and confused in a situation that is beyond their understanding or control. It's the type of taught subtle character work that is sorely lacking in much of Image's spectacle and concept driven work, and serves to set the tone for another excellent issue of Invisible Republic. Invisible-Republic-#8-1Issue eight begins to tie together many of the loose ends of the series, and by doing so, fixes one of the only major flaws of the book. Invisible Republic has been since issue one, divided into two storylines, one in the future and one in the past, and, until now, the past story has been far more interesting and involving than the future one. However, as the two reporters debate how to handle the journal, the original author, fugitive semi-revolutionary Maia Reveron tells them about the circumstances of its writing in one of the single most moving and revealing moments in the series. This reveals new emotional stakes that run through both stories and also shed some light on the conflicted motivations of a wartime reporter.

In the past, Maia's rebellious nature bring her into conflict with Arthur who is revealed to be an ever more egotistical bully, bent on leading the group as much through fear as through idealism.  In another signaturely tense moment, Maia derails an abusive group therapy session by criticizing Arthur's methods, and we are treated to first indication that Arthur may see her as a threat despite their shared background (which is, coincidentally, another aspect that is fleshed out in this issue). Gabriel Hardman draws this scene as lit by lamplight, emphasizing the contours and shapes of each characters faces while obscuring just enough to make emotions hard to read.  Throughout the issue in fact Hardmas continues to shine as he brings some slightly larger sci-fi concepts to life as well as his usual grubby landscapes and buildings.

With Invisible Republic getting so much right, I am a little disappointed that the book continues to feel emotionally distant. Despite the excellent characterization and emotional stakes, I have trouble connecting with Babb, Woronov, or Maia on any deeper level than enjoying seeing where their stories end up. Part of the problem may be that the book is so entirely somber (an occasional joke or smile might bring some life to the characters). Perhaps this will change as the book goes on and reveals more about its world, but I think it more likely that Invisible Republic will remain a somewhat analytical and distant story about politics, manipulation and war.  This is not much of a problem though if Invisible Republic remains the original, quality books that this issue shows it can be.

Score: 4/5

Invisible Republic #8 Writers: Gabriel Hardman and Corinna Bechko Artists: Gabriel Hardman and Jordan Boyd Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 12/23/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital

Review: Going Clear: Scientology And The Prison Of Belief

Written by guest contributor Dave Fox

Over the next few weeks, I'll be counting down my top 5 films of 2015. Here's number 5, Alex Gibney's extraordinary documentary on the "Church" of Scientology.

You might not realise it, but there are good odds that at least some of your favourite celebrities are scientologists. Even if you're not a fan of well known Scientology godheads Tom Cruise and John Travolta, there are rafts of famous people still drinking L. Ron's Kool Aid, ranging from Beck to Jason Lee to Isaac Hayes. These days, Cruise is by far the most famous face associated with the Church, and largely thanks to his sofa jumping antics on Oprah, Scientology seems to be viewed as a kooky quasi-cult for the rich. Weird, sure, but harmless. If you're of that opinion, sit down and watch Going Clear and then see how you feel.

Writer-director Alex Gibney's compelling documentary is shot through with interviews with the journalist Lawrence Wright (on whose book the film is based) and former members, including Oscar-winning writer-director Paul Haggis, actor Jason Beghe, and most interestingly of all, Mark Rathbun (at one time the church's second-in-command) and Mike Rinder (formerly head of the church's "Office for Special Affairs"). The talking heads, though, are only half the story.

going-clear-posterLike the book on which it is based, Going Clear is divided into two distinct halves. First we're introduced to the birth of Scientology via its founding father, L. Ron Hubbard. The man Scientologists refer to as "LRH" was a pulp sci-fi writer, churning out over a thousand books to make a living (at a penny a word). He is presented as a pathological liar, a man given to fantasically embellishing his less-than-stellar military career or straight up inventing "field work" studying indigenous tribes.

Hubbard veered away from the sci-fi that was his stock in trade with his 1950 book Dianetics, an attempt at hard psychology fused with his own confusing worldview; taking in outer space and past lives. Surprisingly, Dianetics took hold in certain pockets of America and gave Hubbard a second career as a pyschologist, philospher and P.T. Barnum-esque showman. When Dianetics proved to be a passing fad, Hubbard repackaged his ideas and called it Scientology, and the utopian ideals it claimed to stand for ("a civilisation without war, without instanity, and without drugs") struck a cord in 1960's America, and the Church of Scientology was born.

Of course, it was not recognised as a church and so, with the IRS hunting him for back taxes, Hubbard took to the seas and set up the church's "Sea Org.", a fleet of three ships, whose crewmates signed "billion year" contracts. During these segments of the film, those who saw The Master will shiver in recognition at the archive footage of Hubbard, the inspiration for Phillip Seymour Hoffman's character. Hubbard's mental state is somewhat danced around and it remains unclear whether he was simply scamming people for money or truly believed all the nonsense about thetans.

It's after Hubbard's death that Scientology goes from being a mentally unstable writer's wonky utopian vision to something far more sinister and scary. There was no succession plan in place following Hubbard's death in 1986, so David Miscavage took control. Miscavage looks and sounds like an 80's movie villain; the kind of guy who would bulldoze a youth centre to build a mall, or try to sack Andrew McCarthy for falling in love with a mannequin. In reality he's much worse even than that, and stories of espionage, blackmail, physical and mental abuse and the icy control he allegedly exerts over the likes of Tom Cruise, are too extensive to be listed here. Sufficed to say the testimony from the former church members interviewed (especially Rathburn and Rinder, who were close to Miscavage) is shocking and eye-opening.

Despite focusing with laser precision on dodgy church practices, Gibney avoids sensationalism. The film's tone is inquisative, Gibney is not necessarily aiming for headline grabbing revelations (though he gets some anyway), just to peek under the curtain to try and find out what really happens inside one of the world's most secretive organisation. The worrying thing is, there's almost certainly a lot more about it we don't know. There's not really much to criticise about the film, which is perfectly pitched and doesn't feel overlong despite the running time. It's a bit of shame they could not get interviews with any current church members, but as a title card at the end explains, they all either declined or ignored requests to participate.

Going Clear: Scientology And The Prison Of Belief is compelling - if sometimes horrying - viewing, and easily one of the best films of 2015, and I can't recommend it highly enough. Unless you're David Miscavage.


Score: 4/5


Going Clear: Scientology And The Prison Of Belief

Director: Alex Gibney

Writer: Alex Gibney

Studio: HBO

Running Time: 119 Minutes

Review: King Conan #1

Dark Horse’s Conan comics are some of the most consistent books on the market, and while they never really do anything that new, if you like one, you’ll most likely enjoy the rest. Full of brutal action and daring adventure King Conan does not disappoint. While the current ongoing series Conan The Avenger is a good book in its own right, King Conan continues the much more classic feel of older Conan titles, much more in line with the 70s Marvel Conan than the modern incarnation. As always the team of Tim Truman and Tomas Giorello deliver. Truman’s reverence for Robert E. Howard’s writing style hearkens back to the halcyon days of pulp fiction. And Giorello brings us beautiful painterly-style art in the vein of some of the best illustrators of their day: Hal Foster and Alex Raymond. In fact if Conan had been adapted to comic form in its own day either one of those great cartoonists could have done a brilliant job. King-Conan-#1-1King Conan: Wolves Beyond The Border starts out as many of the King Conan miniseries do, with Conan bored and discontent, seeking adventure wherever he can find it. An old ranger encounters Conan and his royal guard when he is out looking for trouble in some dingy pubs around his capital city. The ranger recounts a tale of Pictish witchcraft, and a crown that haunts its wearer. The ranger leaves the crown in Conan’s hands and departs Aqulionia for a quieter life, and Conan thinks no more of it until later that night when the crown begins to speak to him. In an ominous, prophetic tone a voice comes from the crown that tells Conan that the gem embedded within it once belonged to Kull, Conan’s ancestor, and another one of Howard’s characters. This gem has the power to stop a war between the Picts and Conan’s people and bring about five hundred years of peace if he chooses to travel across the Western seas to uncharted lands, and here Truman leaves us with Conan jumping on a horse and riding off to meet his new challenge head on.

Honestly, I love Conan. For me it’s one of those comics that is just pure escapism. You can read into them like any other work of fiction, maybe find some type of intelligent deep-reading element hidden within the subtexts, but for me they are better enjoyed at face value. It’s just one of those comics that I can slip back into after not reading it for a long time, because the stories are mostly standalone or short miniseries that are easily accessible, and easily digestible. That isn’t to say that Truman’s writing is watered-down, the stories themselves are well written and really any fan of fantasy should enjoy the adrenaline fueled action that surrounds any Conan comic. King Conan: Wolves Beyond The Border is just classic pulp fun, the perfect distraction from everyday life, forget your worries and let Conan guide the way.

Score: 3/5

King Conan #1 Writer: Tim Truman Artist: Tomas Giorello Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 12/23/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital

STAR WARS R2-D2 & C-3P0 Light-Up Statues Debut From Beast Kingdom & Bluefin

Bluefin, the leading North American distributor of toys, collectibles, and hobby merchandise from Japan, Hong Kong and more, expands its line of Star Wars products with the release this month of the Egg Attack Star Wars series EA-015 R2-D2 statue and EA-016 C-3PO statue from Beast Kingdom. The statues are the latest to join Beast Kingdom’s line of officially licensed, collectible Egg Attack Star Wars figures that are available now from authorized Bluefin retailers nationwide and also from a variety of leading online outlets. The Egg Attack statues present extremely high quality, super-deformed renditions of several legendary characters from the Star Wars film franchise and can accent an ardent fan’s existing display or become the unique centerpieces of any collection.

Depicted as the legendary droids appeared in the original Star Wars Episodes IV, V and VI film trilogy, the stunning renditions of R2-D2 and C-3PO are officially licensed by Lucasfilm and are constructed with compound materials. Their screen accurate paintjobs fully realize R2-D2’s classic blue and white plating and C-3PO’s gold armor, silver right leg, and his weathered appearance from the time spent stranded on the desert planet of Tatooine.


EA-015 Star Wars R2-D2 Statue

Height: Approx. 5 inches; MSRP: $149.99

This collectible statue is constructed with compound material and painted to reflect R2-D2’s classical blue and white plating. The lighting function of the droid 100% matches the original movie setting. It also has built-in R2-D2 sound effects officially licensed by Lucasfilm. To complete the display, a classic-looking Carbon-Freezing Chamber light-up figure stand is also included.

152639fqyw55uej5o9buzx EA-016 Star Wars C-3PO statue

Height: Approx. 6 inches; MSRP: $164.99

This collectible statue is constructed with compound material and expertly painted to depict C-3PO’s gold armor, silver right leg, and the weathering effects from time spent stranded on the desert planet of Tatooine. It has built-in classic lines officially licensed by Lucasfilm, and also comes with a classic Carbon-Freezing Chamber light-up figure stand for collectors to customize their display.

If poseable action figures are more a fans’ preference, collectors also have the opportunity to purchase Star Wars figures from Beast Kingdom’s Egg Attack Action line. Fans will not want to miss out on other Beast Kingdom Star Wars products available from Bluefin including the EAA-002 Star Wars Darth Vader figure (depicted from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back) and the EAA-005 Star Wars Stormtrooper figure (depicted from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back).

For more information on Bluefin’s line of Egg Attack statues by Beast Kingdom, please visit:

Review: Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl #5

This month, Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl loops back around to where it all started: Dave Kohl and Kid-With-Knife dicking around suburban England, making magic and mischief.

The issue begins with Dave finally figuring out that Emily has been replaced by the half of herself she sold off as a child. He reveals that ever since the Britannia affair, he’s had some residual energy built up inside himself, and he’s essentially just waiting for the right moment to use it. While he goes from coven member to coven member to see if they’ll help him bring the real Emily back, he engages in a lot of discussions about lives wasted and where they went wrong, before he figures out the right way to use that extra energy.

Phonogram---Immaterial-Girl-#5-1Gillen and McKelvie touching base with Kohl, one of their very earliest creations, condenses a lot of nostalgia into one issue. Kohl always read to me as a distillation of the platonic Gillen McKelvie, that single entity who created Phonogram: he was hip, but too obsessive; he was self-conscious about being self-conscious, and that made him cool; and he had excellent taste in music across almost all genres. Now, to see them go back to him is to see them regard a sculpture from a decade ago, that has been collecting some dust and doesn’t seem as appropriate to display any more. To give Kohl a good deed to go out on helps him rise above some of the clunkiness of “Rue Britannia.”

My biggest concern with this issue, as with the last one, is that we seem to lose a lot of the plot momentum now that we’re in the back half. There’s a single scene with Emily in this issue, and it’s a great scene, but it doesn’t bring enough meat to the plot to be considered the focal point. The choice this issue turns on belongs not to Emily, but to Dave, and rather than being about Emily, it is about how Dave’s choice in re Emily will affect him and his real friends. It’s disheartening, but as an exchange, it is an excellent comic. Taken as a single issue, I thoroughly enjoy this kind of storytelling, but as a piece of a whole, it feels underdone.

The backup feature was excellent, as always. Kohl uses a low-level technique to basically deal himself a tarot deck with a hit radio station. The venue is a black cab, but Rosy Higgins’ expressive artwork with Ted Brandt’s stellar letters really make it a fun one—as an added bonus, this one even bears relevance to the current plot. In keeping with the central Phonogram analogy, it feels like this was one of the very last B-Sides cut from the album, where some of the tracks featuring extraneous characters feels like the really weird stuff—the SMiLE deep cuts.

I’m intrigued to see how this series will wrap up next month, and I’ve renewed a simmering love for Phonogram in the five months since it started. While it hasn’t been perfect, it’s been propulsive, it’s been addictive, and it’s been catchy, just like all your favorite songs.

Score: 4/5

Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl #5 Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Jamie McKelvie, Rosy Higgins (pencils/colors on backup), Ted Brandt (layouts/inks/letters on backup) Colorist: Matthew Wilson Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 12/16/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital

Review: From Under Mountains #3

While still visually stunning, the laissez faire approach to the plot is starting to catch up to From Under Mountains in a bad way. Leong's art is fantastic.  I've gushed about it in multiple places, but her approach to pages and colors are undoubtedly the main reason you should pick up this book.  In fact, if I had not heard of this title, even now at issue #3, free of any previous exposure, if I saw this on a shelf, I would buy it just for the art.  The third issue of From Under Mountains spends less time with the ethereal oddities that have blended so seamlessly into the environments Leong constructs, and that still doesn't stop her from creating mesmerizings scenes.

From-Under-Mountains-#3-1As Nick said in his review of number one, and as I agreed with him in my review of the second issue, this is not the most accessible story.  Not only is there no hand-holding, but there's very little context given for its events.  The context that has been given occurs in the backmatter in the form of equally artistic-leaning information.  As I also mentioned, particularly in the second issue, appreciating what was going on required a high level of involvement from me as a reader.  I had to go find the first issue, I had to compare pages.  Okay, I didn't have to: it wasn't a basic comprehension thing, but it was certainly something required to comprehend what this creative team is doing on an artistic level.  You really have to let From Under Mountains take you to where it's at, if that makes sense.

The problem is, three issues in, I'm not sure where that is.  The visual aspects of the narrative are thoughtfully unified, but the more typical character-driven stuff is flighty.  From Under Mountains is taking its time in elucidating who these characters are, why we should care what they're up to, and what the stakes are.  At least some combination of those things are really important for me to care about a story.  While there have been enough visual set pieces for me to understand the gist of this story (kingdoms at war, murder and intrigue, assassins, redemption, etc.), the combination of the slowly developing story and the hands-off approach to really driving the plot home to the reader creates a bad kind of tantilization by the end of this issue.  

In other words, I'm at a point where I'm curious because I want to know what's going on, but not in the sense of wanting that most stories will intend.  The scales are tipping from mostly intrigue and slight impatience to being the other way around.  I have seen the beautiful and beautifully horrifying way in which this world is composed: now I want to see what's actually happening down in the world.  I want to know what makes these people tick.  I want the distance to close between me and their motivations, thoughts, and identities.

That kind of reader-character distance is a powerful tool for a writer.  At some point, though, maintaining the distance will make me feel more like I'm a tourist looking at a story under glass than someone actually watching the story unfold.  I'm happy to stare at this artwork all day, but I'm hoping that this comic will soon make me feel less like I'm staring and more like I'm immersed.

Score: 3/5

From Under Mountains #3 Writer: Claire Gibson and Marian Churchland Artist: Sloane Leong Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 12/16/15 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital

Review: Coven #5

Long ago when I was still dipping my toes back into comics I heard of this book called Escape from Wonderland, the cover looked suggestive but I bought into it. I was lured by the idea of a dark, gritty spin-off to the story that was broken down into an all-ages classic by Disney. As I read on to the story, the art, although very skilled continued to make me more and more uncomfortable. Unnecessary nudity, heavy and continuous suggestions of rape, and it was clear the selling point was the cheesecake art. They sure fooled me with it. I’m no stranger to appreciate some cheesecake here and there, but this was just way too much. Ever since I’ve scoffed at everything Zenescope has done, every cover, every title draws disdain from me. It’s been at least 7 years since I read a full issue from any Zenescope title, and Coven #5 came out this week. I decided to give it an honest try, no predispositions on it, even see if they can win me again. I understand I’m jumping not just in the middle of a story, but at the end of a short series. But I’m a believer that you can jump into any comic and be able to enjoy the story, as long as that first page catches you up, and it’s understood that things could be lost here and there, but get the general scope of the story, make me go and seek the back issues even. So I dove into Coven #5 expecting nothing, and hoping for a positive outcome.

The “previously on” page is seems to be a bit of a mess, the story jumps from one point to the other, with the reader having to somehow connect the dots. It’s as if a 13-year-old child had been playing at the park all day and runs to meet you at the end of it, then begins to shout absolutely everything that happened to her/him while trying to catch their breath at the same time. I’m led to believe the New Crusaders are the ones responsible for kidnapping women, I assume Dartanian is part of the New Crusaders who have Wizards, I think? and I believe he has deflected to find Avril, who is a descendant of one of the most powerful witches, and now in the hands of an evil witch called Liza.

Coven-#5-1The story picks up with Dartanian and Baba Yaga (apparently a recurring character in the GFT universe) are gearing up to go rescue Avril, and she finds out what they’ve done to all the disappearing witches. Baba Yaga loses it, but continues to work with the New Crusader to rescue Avril. They gear themselves up and go save the young witch from Liza who’s about to consume her and her powers with the notion to protect more witches.

The story clears itself further as I read the issue, the questions I had were answered as the story moved along. The transitions are rough, sometimes I wasn’t sure who was fighting whom and whether some things were spells and summons by a witch, or just the wildlife attacking our rescue duo. Some of the characters had strong voices, whereas some didn’t, Baba Yaga was set up to be a very strong and wise witch, and a scary one (a ferocious woman in Slavic folklore), but she lets many things slide with Dartanian, including joking and bantering, which also reduces the importance of the rescue as a whole. Speaking of jokes...

“The back door?” What kind of joke is that? I can see only one connotation to this and it’s both offensive and nonsensical to the rest of the comic or the story overall. I may toss it off to something established within the relationship between the two main characters in this issue, but I see no scenario where  they are about to get the jump on one of the strongest and most twisted covens and it’s ok to make a joke with sexual connotations.

The art is packed with talent. The main cover is a lot more inviting that what I’ve seen in the majority of cover work. As a metalhead I appreciate a good goth outfit this one dabbles into cheesecake but doesn’t bask in it as most of the Zenescope titles are known for. Every fighting panel works very well, it matched the story with inks and color on a story with a lot of magic involved. Wide panels and action shots reminds me of something I would see in a Marvel book with pencils and inks by Stuart Immonen. It flows well, barring the transition problems I mentioned earlier, but I was into it mainly for the art. Diego Galindo is an artist who should be working for the big two. If I had also seen his work on the cover, there would have been less doubt to pick this title up.

The unfortunate situations is that the art falls into to the mistakes that dragged me away from Zenescope in the first time, although there may be a lot of strong female characters in this issue, I found it very hard to get past the obvious fact that Dartanian is covered from head to toe in a neo-Templar outfit, while there's’ no lack of cleavage and the one character without it still wears cut-off jean shorts. In a swamp. At night. In Manchester. And it sure didn’t stop her from ending up completely naked at one point.

Coven seems to be a title that didn’t really end the story, but rather a mini-series that transitioned the characters into a bigger story, although their immediate goals had ended there, there is a larger thing they will be part of in the future, which in a way works for the Grimm Fairy Tales world but doesn’t really give a sense of closure for this particular story. Zenescope comics has done certain changes to bring depth to their characters since the last time I read a book from them, but fall back into the niche they’ve cornered themselves into by not straying away from the cheesecake art which continues to become more and more outdated in the world of comics. A pointlessly semi naked woman with a badass attitude is still pointlessly semi naked.

Score: 2/5

Coven #5 Story: Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco, and Zach Calig Writer: Zach Calig Artist: Diego Galindo Colorist: Michael Bartolo

Review: Descender #8

Descender returns this month, and as much as I dug this issue like I’ve dug the whole series so far, this issue felt a little like ground retread, and felt a little bit on the short side. The issue follows only Andy and his bounty hunter pal, Blugger, as they visit a haunted planet and make a daring getaway. Meanwhile, the issue is structured the same way as the Tim-21 background issue, with each facing page for much of the issue being a sepia-toned watercolor.

This month’s Descender feels like a letdown from Lemire in terms of writing—it’s structure is cribbed from an issue of his from less than six months ago, and it basically only establishes information that we already knew. It’s interesting to see the “other side of the mirror” approach he’s taking, in terms of comparing and contrasting Andy’s story with Tim’s, but there’s only one emotional beat that’s a real surprise, and it’s in the flashbacks.

Descender-#8-1The question of necessity popped up a lot for me in this issue—the last issue built Andy up so strongly before the reveal that, while I don’t necessarily mind, this issue, it would have felt more appropriate to either leave it until the end of the arc, where we have more time to see what Andy has become before we see what made him that way, or to not include the issue at all. Aside from that, the issue also felt shorter than normal. Part of that may be the inclusion of two separate previews for other books in the back, but it is what it is. Having said all that, the sequences are all paced out extremely well, and Lemire’s dialogue is as natural and fluid as always, betraying the characters’ emotion with simplicity.

Nguyen’s artwork, on the other hand, is as strong as it ever has been. The haunted planet Andy and Blugger visit is inhabited with spiritual aliens, and their design is both simple and ethereal; Blugger’s design is horrifying and Hutt-like, but remains a standout in the series. It makes it even more engrossing to see Nguyen contrast Blugger with the clean lines of Tim, who looks like something out of a delightful Pixar short. Lemire and Nguyen let the book take some structural risks in terms of page composition in this issue as well, and those pay off really nicely by giving the reader a concomitant sense of disorientation with Andy and Blugger.

If you’re not already reading Descender, you’re missing the only sci-fi that could have competed with Star Wars this month. It’s a tale of boys grown up wrong, and it’ll break your heart, but it’ll be a gorgeous heartbreak. This book is like watching a star slowly die, and I mean that in the best, most Malickian/Tree of Life sense—it reminds you that innocence only means something when you lose it.

Score: 3/5

Descender #8 Writer: Jeff Lemire Artist: Dustin Nguyen Letterer & Designer: Steve Wands Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 12/16/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital

Review: Tokyo Ghost #4

It’s safe to say that I’ve been pretty high on Rick Remender and Sean Murphy’s Tokyo Ghost, having given the Image book perfect to near-perfect scores over its past three issues. And while I maintain that this is a fascinating, well-written and absolutely gorgeous series about the downfall of mankind thanks to our own obsession with information and entertainment, its fourth issue - while far from bad - takes something of a strange divergence in its narrative power and depth. I mentioned in my previous review how, in finding a paradise in what is, for all intents and purposes, feudal Japan, main characters/lovers, Teddy (aka, the rehabbing murder machine, Led Dent) and Debbie Decay have happened upon a sort of reverse Garden of Eden story. In issue four, they meet their snake: an old face (or at least half of one) from the pair’s past, who is hell-bent on both avenging the sins of Led Dent, and making sure that the outsider duo don’t spoil the well in the garden, or allow other, more insidious visitors to darken its doorstep.

That, in and of itself, is not a bad setup for the story; but for me, it felt a bit convenient that this person and his reformed samurai chums would have such a coincidental connection to the past of Teddy and Debbie. Maybe that’s a strange thing to harp on in a book where light goddesses raise the dead and unkillable machine-man enforcers rage, but for a story that has so far been written with a great level of intricacy within its sci-fi framework, this felt slight and burdened with expediency.

Tokyo-Ghost-#4-1Another thing that bothered me is that Teddy is such a goddamn dick. Now look, I get that he is still on the road to personal redemption and is most likely shaking off years of drug-addled apathy. I’m also generally a big fan of stories with moral ambiguity. But the character’s setup over the last few issues fell flat here into someone who is less a hero, and little more than an unrepentant frat boy. The same could be said of the previously more virtuous Debbie, who here seemingly allows Teddy to enact his murder spree without reproach, while the two exchange shriveled dick jokes. It all rang a bit hollow.

What does not disappoint, however, is Sean Murphy and Matt Hollingsworth’s art. While not boasting the blistering flourishes we’ve seen previously in the series, like lush double page spreads and electric character reveals, issue four’s direction is one of all-out action, playing like the big battle sequence in an old samurai flick. Awash in mottled blue backgrounds and pierced by explosive swatches of neon pinks and reds, Murphy’s chiseled and flayed style continues to scratch across Hollingsworth’s palette in a corrosive yet complementary clash of color. And even though Tokyo Ghost #4 isn’t firing on all the cylinders it has been narratively, it continues this issue to be a very special thing to behold visually.

Even with some of its problems, which may very well have only rubbed me the wrong way, I’m still high on Tokyo Ghost, both because of its art, but also because its last page tease of a “returning character” bodes interesting times for our heroes going forward; as does the big character death this issue. I do hope Remender can fold some of the weaker elements this issue back into the story with later issues explaining them, and that Murphy and Hollingsworth can continue to keep pace. If that can be managed, then I’ll continue coming back to get stirred by Tokyo Ghost’s haunt for many issues to come.

Score: 3/5

Tokyo Ghost #4 Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Sean Murphy Colorist: Matt Hollingsworth Letterer: Rus Wooton Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 12/16/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital

Review: The Spire #5

Sorry for the delay on these reviews, everyone. I was thoroughly overpowered by comics this week, but I clawed my way to the top of the pile of wreckage that is my life because I needed to shout about how great The Spire is, as per usual.


Okay, so: last week, we were left with Zoarim at the literal doorstep of the Spire, asking for a new Pax, which is the generational peace talk the Marchioness is constantly having flashbacks about. As they gather, Shå and Meera have one of those It’s Too Early So This Conversation Will Be Too Frank discussions of their relationship, and what it means for Shå, a Sculpted, to be in a relationship with a member of the royal family. Meanwhile, Shå is losing deputies left and right, and after thoroughly going over the case file with Milk (in yet another amazing Jeff Stokely/Si Spurrier Double Page Splash Jam), she may have cracked the case—the only problem is that Meera is going to do something rash. Seems like Shå’s only option is to start getting impulsive herself...

The-Spire-#5-1Now that we’re in the back half of The Spire, things are starting to take more dramatic turns for the weird. The first half of the book leaned pretty heavily on the genre tropes inherent in police procedurals, but they were set in a richly imagined world, where things are so different that it was still a delight to read. It seems like this issue was a pivot for Spurrier and Stokely into more heavily action-adventure territory, with the hero trying to save the woman she loves. In the case of a creative team like this, a pivot can only mean more bonkers-awesome stuff going on, so I 100% support it. Add into that that Spurrier’s dialogue and Stokely and May’s sense of mood can perfectly pull off a subtle realignment of a character, such as when Shå tries to rehire her favorite deputy, and this book is all about the emotional core that it revolves around. The trappings of Zoarim and Marchionesses and Nothinglands and Sculpted are all astonishing feats of imagination, but ultimately, we’re here to see people let each other down and try to make things right. It’s a noble story and it’s so worthwhile.

Stokely and André May continue to kill it with every page of The Spire, as they do every month, infuriatingly. Tamra Bonvillain steps in this issue to color the cover, which conveys such a pure sense of Shå’s isolation in this issue—and also, is that fucking Arzach on the cover? Niiiice—and she’s a welcome addition to any art team. The real star in this issue for me is the ultra-victorious splash page of Shå after she deals with some upset citizens in her own peculiar, Sculpted way, but the rest of the issue is just as staggering. Stokely and May never sink to exploitation when they deal with Shå and Meera, and the powers of their facial expressions throughout the issue can break your heart or patch it back up.

I mourn the fact that this series will be over sooner rather than later, but I rejoice that there is something this good out in the world periodically. I can only fervently hope that every time Spurrier and Stokely have a weird, touching, badass, crazy idea, they get in touch with each other and they make it happen, forever.

Score: 5/5

The Spire #11 Writer: Simon Spurrier Artist: Jeff Stokely Colorist: André May Letterer: Steve Wands Publisher: BOOM! Studios Price: $3.99 Release Date: 12/16/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital

Review: Wayward #12

Wayward 12 takes the beginning of the newest chapter of Wayward and wastes no time escalating things. A theme running through the two non-anthology comics I reviewed this week (this book and From Under Mountains) was old folks in power making the young do their bidding.  It's particularly explicit in this title, as it's been clear since the end of the second arc that the protagonists are being manipulated.  One of my favorite things about the newest arc in Wayward is the introduction of Segawa Touru, another young gun (this one with the ability to manipulate electronics), but who is being groomed by the opposition.

One of the interesting things about Wayward is that though there are clear realms of protagonists and antagonists (teens are just trying to figure shit out, and ancient manipulative demons are... well, they're ancient manipulative demons), especially as things stand right now, it's not a story about good and bad.  It will eventually boil down to that when it needs to (sometimes you just have to kill the shit out of some yokai, you know?), but right now, Wayward is not interested in exploring the *sides* of a conflict.

Wayward has always been an exploration of power, using that power responsibly, and balancing that responsibility with things like love and friendship.  Wayward pits a group of teens against a very cool and very Japanese threat, rather than simply building them into some pre-determined, familiar superhero story.  Ultimately it all comes down to a similar framework, but the art presents a realistic world that is at all times alive with magical possibilities.  More importantly, where the title shares similarities with tired old concepts like the X-Men (such as the discovery of new teens with special abilities), Wayward wraps those abilities in the comfort (and terror) of Japanese folkore.  Again, this makes for a much more interesting set of circumstances than merely slotting these characters into preordained, canonical positions.

Wayward-#12-1Segawa's powers are cool.  In fact, there was a rather similar new X-Men in Bendis's recent run, who had the power to control vehicles and the like.  But the new mutant had only other new mutants and old repetitive stories as his foil.  Segawa's counterpart, and the counterpart to all of the original heroes in this title, is a rich cultural world that is built into every page, and capped off with interesting historical context in the book's back matter.  

And seriously, Cummings and Bonvillain really bring this story to life.  I can't think of many other regular titles that are this colorful without being a mess.  So many colorists that go for broke like this are overwhelming in the wrong ways, but Bonvillain has a way of really making you believe in the setting and, importantly, in the magic.

Wayward is a rare book these days that is very clear on its strengths.  It's a superpower and coming of age story that mostly reads like the latter, in a market saturated with similar books that have mostly given up trying to be anything more than psuedo-intellectual punch-fests.  The violence in this title, even when it's as gratuitous as it becomes in this issue, almost always feels like a footnote to me: that these kids have to fight stuff is always something that is built up to instead of being taken for granted from the beginning of each arc.  While the story is also too busy to really focus on the characters as much as it once did, this arc is very much built on the backs of the prevoius two arcs, and things are about as exciting in this title as they have ever been.

Score: 4/5

Wayward #12 Writer: Jim Zub Artist: Steve Cummings Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain Publisher: Image Comics Price: Digital $2.99 Print $3.50 Release Date: 12/16/15 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital

Review: The Wicked + The Divine #17

I knew I’d dig this issue because Brandon Graham would be the final guest artist and I’ve really enjoy his aesthetic on Island, an odd blend of Saturday morning palettes and curvy lines that definitely seemed appropriate for a story about Sakhmet. The  ‘Commercial Suicide’ arc has featured the most experimental art layouts and stories since the Dionysus party issue during ‘Fandemonium,’ but Kieron Gillen tell a fairly straightforward story this issue that provides some insight into Sakhmet’s background even while not actually giving much in the way of confirmed details, which makes sense given the character’s straightforward and abrasive attitude. Besides the late Tara Tara, Sakhmet has received the least attention in the series so far, but this issue shows that despite her outward demeanor she possesses just as much depth and complexity as the rest of the Pantheon. What’s most interesting about this though is that Sakhmet herself rarely comments on her past mortal life, leaving us with only an interviewer’s speculations, a few vague flashbacks, and a chilling scene that occurs during a rare moment of sobriety for the feline goddess.

In these flashback scenes, Graham does a wonderful job of visually conveying information about the type of person Sakhmet once was (we never even get her mortal name). In the opening scene we learn that despite her present cool demeanor, she was once a gangly preadolescent desirous of a way to take control over her emotions as she observes a statue of her future namesake that she admires for its ability to not feel anything. The other flashback scene we see here provides the requisite transcendence scene that most of the other spotlighted characters have received, but Gillen does something different here with it by only showing the preceding conversation between Sakhmet and Ananke as the former sits at a bus stop nursing something in a brown paper bag.

The-Wicked-+-The-Divine-#17-1Gillen and McKlevie, through and through collaborators, ought to be commended for making each of the Pantheon’s interest (disinterest in the case of Tara) in godhood distinct, and complementary their personal crisis. The recklessly exciting Lucifer was once a bored human, Morrigan was a goth kid battling nihilism, and Perspehone wanted to loved by others. In Sakhmet’s case, godhood means the ability to do whatever she wants (fight, fuck, scream) without the fear that she’ll come to harm and more than perhaps even Baal she looks at her two-year expiration date as a fair exchange for what she’s been granted. Illustrating just how much she’s taken advantage of this, we’re treated to a morning after scene where Sakhmet wakes up in her room at Valhalla surrounded by an assortment of bodies. Graham distinguishes this from similar scenes of hedonism by injecting it with humor through oddly posed sleeping humans, and props like the head from a panda bear costume, and a guy in the foreground decked out in the remnants of a sailor outfit. However, the scene I lingered on for quite a while was the aforementioned concert where Sakhmet’s music manifests phantom cats that roam throughout a crowd that’s clearly loving every moment of it. Unlike the controlled reverence and orgasm displayed during Ananke’s concert in the first issue, the folks here are losing their shit while also remaining content to simply pet one of the phantom cats.

This arc has done a fantastic job of telling these character-centric stories and still addressing the overarching tension between Ananke, Baphomet and the rest of the Pantheon, yet this issue is likely the one that shows the least interest in advancing the greater plot. That’s likely because Sakhmet also doesn’t really care about whatever is going on with the Pantheon as Baal reminds her during his training session. She makes her disinterest apparent in an interview following a feline rager she headlines, saying she is ‘War and Sex and Death.’ And although the death thing has seemed to be all talk in previous issues, here she does something probably more heinous than any action performed by the Pantheon, which makes for a great cliffhanger for this arc in addition to Sakhmet’s conversation with the Morrigan.

Although the final page literally spells out the return of a major character, I’m super excited to see what Gillen and McKlevie decide to do with this revelation given how successful the comic has been since that character’s absence. With ‘Commercial Suicide,’ The Wicked & The Divine showed how the use of guest artists doesn’t have to equate to a dip in art quality, or that large-scale aesthetic changes hurt a book’s overall tone. By getting guest artists at the top of their work with distinct art styles that complement the spotlighted characters, readers like myself were introduced to some great work. The world of #wicdiv itself has grown and benefited from its expansion into an ensemble narrative, and so too has its narrative greatly benefited from the inclusion of creators who are able in their own way to get to the core of what makes these gods enviable, and also what still makes them human.

Score: 4/5

The Wicked + The Divine #17 Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Brandon Graham Colorist: Matthew Wilson Publisher: Image Comics Price: $ 3:50 Release Date: 12/16/15 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital

Review: Cognetic #3

I didn’t read Mimetic before this so maybe I shouldn’t be as impressed as I am by writer James Tynion IV and Eryk Donovan’s ability to pull off an apocalypse in just three issues. By keeping the emotional focus on Blue and Red’s (Annie) physical and ideological struggle as well as Red’s relationship with Mel, her partner, the comic manages to give the book a satisfying emotional conclusion. And all this occurs amid a battle between two kaiju monsters made up of the bodies of possessed humans. It’s sci-fi horror the way that blockbuster movies wish they could pull off, and it does by keeping the end of the world tightly focused on three primary colors, and one human woman. One of the cooler things about Cognetic is that it devotes just the right amount of space to exploring the origins of Red, Blue and their siblings never belaboring details that aren’t relevant to the present-day apocalypse. Last time we got to see the moment where they acquired an ambiguous power set from eating an alien’s brain, and here we’re treated to a scene where Red and her siblings bury Blue alive after he attempts to spread his consciousness throughout the world. What I like about this scene is that it serves multiple purposes: it shows us where Blue has been all these years; shows Red’s influence over her siblings; and also gives us insight into the ethical sacrifices Red has made in order to allow humans to maintain dominion over the Earth.

Cognetic-#3-1Donovan especially deserves some mad props for his ability to transition between large-scale fight scenes and conversations while making both equally captivating. In the brawl over Manhattan, Tynion admirably lets Donovan do the work of getting across the stakes of the fight through wordless panels that show us the casualties resulting from Blue and Red’s fight. With Steve Wand’s color-coded lettering, things are never confusing even as Blue and Red talk and fight through new bodies, allowing for compelling scene transitions such as going from the kaiju battle to a one-on-one fight between Red and Blue in two individual bodies where the dialogue from the larger fight continues on in the second.

However, of all the things this comic has going for it, what I found most impressive was the creators’ ability to make Red an empathetic character even as she’s essentially killing mass groups of people in an effort to take down her brother. Like her wife Mel, I found it very eerie that Red/Annie thought they could resume their relationship if Red succeeded at killing Blue via some pretty desperate measures. Red’s desire for relative normalcy with her wife and daughter make her blind to the obvious harshness and inhumanity of her actions, and I think this more than her suddenly having become at the end of last issue is what freaks Mel out so much. And the manner in which their relationship comes to an end this issue really brings it to a satisfying conclusion.

My only issue with this comic is that the ambiguity of the characters’ origins and their powersets sometimes presented inconsistencies that I didn’t understand. For instance, during the fight between Red and Blue, we’re shown Red talking to Blue through several bodies in several places, which makes sense because Blue is there. Right after though, we’re shown another of Red’s bodies observing the fight on television and yet that body is also talking as if Blue is in the room. My impression prior to this is that Red could independently control these bodies, so this proved a bit confusing. I figure it was likely for dramatic effect, but it was a decision that brought up a question that the comic didn’t have time or interest in answering.

Tynion and Donovan have got one more miniseries to go in their apocalypse trilogy, and I’m interested to see what they’ve learned from Mimetic and Cognetic in order to tell even wilder and heartfelt stories about the end of the world.

Score: 3/5

Cognetic #3 Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Eryk Donovan Colorist: Juan Manuel Tumburús Letterist: Steve Wands Publisher: BOOM! Studios Release Date: 12/16/15 Format: Mini-Series, Print/Digital

Review: Christmas of the Dead #1-3

Christmas of the Dead is basically what you think it is. It’s a Christmas story with zombies and Santa Claus. With that said, some of you are going to give this a pass because you’re burnt out on Christmas and even more burnt out on zombies. I don’t know if I’ll really be able to sway you if that’s the case, but Christmas of the Dead was interesting. Interesting enough to give it at least another issue of the nine issue series. Christmas-of-the-Dead---Issue-#1-1What makes the story interesting is that it’s not that heavy on the zombies. At least not until the third issue, but even then it avoids a lot of the pitfalls of the genre. It is heavy on the Christmas aspect of the story, but it brings its own lore and twist to Christmas. Santa is real and he does get the letters, but he doesn’t read them. Instead he just throws them into a pot and the good kids produce magic and the bad kids produce coal which they use to run their entire operation.

The story follows one family in particular. A single mom and her two sons. The older son is to the age in which he’s discovering girls and has a girlfriend. He’s also lashing out at his mom and younger brother. To be quite honest, if the old son is our hero of the story… he’s a real piece of shit. So much so that I can’t see myself rooting for him in any capacity. He’s thrust into the role of saving his brother after zombie elves kidnap him in the third issue.

How did we get zombie elves? Well the story actually begins in the ice age when a nasty bout of zombisim was spreading through the land and a zombie baby was frozen. A diligent elf goes to find the baby that shows up on their radar and gets bitten of course. This is the part I liked. The infected didn’t turn right away. They seemed to have their wits for a minute, but had a hard time expressing themselves and so our patient zero elf ends up infecting others and soon they take their magic sleds and start kidnapping children.

Christmas-of-the-Dead---Issue-#2-1During all this we see how Santa and the elves work. All mall Santa's are actually elves and they can tell when you’ve been naughty or nice. One elf is burnt out on the job and wants some old fashion justice for all the mean shits. She gets paired up with the actual Santa to get her spirit back, but that’s when the zombie plague starts to spread.

The story has interesting aspects to it. I like the idea. I like the twist on Christmas and Santa. I didn’t like the characters or a lot of the dialogue. There’s a bunch of pointless dialogue. There are characters that may have a larger role later, but for now feel like wasted page space. There’s a mall cop. He does nothing for the story other than reveal that adults basically know that Santa is real. I don’t know why he’s important to the story yet and we’re three issues in.

There’s scenes between the younger unlikable boy and his girlfriend in which they’re going to kiss and he chickens out because people are watching. I don’t know what that does for his character or the story, but it felt pointless. It comes across a running gag, but the gag isn’t hitting. Additionally, her brother is a useless character and why he’s given any page time is again, yet to be revealed.

Christmas-of-the-Dead---Issue-#3-1The art is mostly good. If you’ve even seen children in comics, then you know they usually look like shrunken adults on the page. It doesn’t happen that often here, but there’s definitely a few key times in which it does. Otherwise the art is pretty detailed. There are some weird shifts in the style in later issues and it really starts to look inconsistent by the third issue. I thought there was an art change because of this, but it could be that the coloring switches after the first issue. Because of this, the first issue is definitely the best issue. It’s not terrible, but it’s not the best fit for the artist or the story and the inconsistency of the art didn’t do it any favors.

I’m glad that this story hasn’t been overkill on the zombies. For now, they seem to be the obstacle preventing Christmas and nothing more. This could have been snow, the lack of Christmas spirit, really anything works with the formula when you think about it. It’s entertaining. It’s not perfect, but if you like Christmas stories and can tolerate another zombie story then you might just find some joy from reading it.

Score: 3/5

Christmas of the Dead #1-3 Writer: Ryan Galletta Artist: Jethro Morales Letterer: Ed Brisson Publisher: King Cookie Press Price: $2.99 Website

Review: Smoke

Smoke is a strange book. It’s completely wordless which puts the burden of conveying the story all on the art. That’s the part that got me lost while reading the book as there seemed to be three storylines going on at the same time. There’s the reality of the world and then the imagination of the two boys that star in the story. We start with a bus bringing a bunch of workers to their farm job. Two of these workers are two young boys which is sad in and of itself. Along the drive we see a picture of a young girl and flowers in front of the picture. Clearly she’s died, but how and why are completely unknown to us. We do know that the younger boy is saddened by this as he looks at the picture.

Smoke-1Now we see the boys work a little and then surrounded in fire. Then we see them back at work and each having their own delusion of falling to another side. There we find the skeleton dog that’s on the cover waiting for them. This dog rescues them and takes them on a journey through several different landscapes.

Now the ending is pretty good. It’s just that there’s some confusion at the beginning making it unclear what exactly happened. Now granted, when a book has no dialogue it’s asking the reader to become a participant in deciding what happened. You can decide if there’s a happy, sad or disappointing ending because it’s not 100% spelled out. With that in mind, it was again pretty good. It was a bit predictable, but the art made it worthwhile.

Speaking of the art. It has a kids book quality to it. The coloring looks like colored pencils and it adds a lot of personality to the story. Some of the pages are a bit vague and really just come off as stand in landscape shots, but I can appreciate the artwork at least. Really my one and only problem with the art and story is the confusion at the beginning. If intentional it was a poor choice of direction.

Smoke is sadly a book that I could only see myself reading once. If you relate to the story than I’m sure there’s more of a desire to read/experience it again, but even then I have to wonder how many times you would honestly go through a silent story like this. It’s an experience, but ultimately it’s not captivating enough.

Score: 3/5

Smoke Creator: Gregory Benton Publisher: Hang Dai Editions/Alternative Comics Price: $14.99 Release Date: 9/15/15 Format: Hardcover; Print

Review: Power Up #6

On paper, Power Up is exactly the sort of book that often doesn't work for me. It's a slapstick romp about a quirky twenty-something, has cartoony art that is incredibly straight forward, emphasizing humor over all else, and deals primarily in the parody of the tropes and clichés present in superhero and anime stories. Power Up excels however in its surprising specificity and warmth; instead of making a constant stream of references to prominent parts of pop culture, the book chose to tell a simple, funny story about four well-intentioned people (well, three people and a fish) granted cosmic powers. Wisely recognizing the limitations presented by making such a story comedic, author Kate Leth wisely kept the series tightly focused on action and playful character beats, never getting bogged down in world-building or impactful messages (which is often the aspect that works least well in this type of book). Power Up #6 picks up where the last issue left off with the revelation that intellectual leader of the cosmically powered four friends, is Amie's pet goldfish Silas. Unfortunately, the team quickly realizes that this is of little use since he can't talk despite the efforts of a psychic from the alien team (Amie immediately wants to know whether Silas enjoys his fish flakes).  Then, Sandy's family is kidnapped by the big bad (or a big bad at least, the series if fittingly unconcerned with building up its villains as anything more than fodder for fight scenes) and the team sets off to rescue them. Also included in this issue, a lesson in teamwork, a giant lizard monster, and an even more feminine outfit for Kevin the burly construction worker (who, in my favorite running joke, is oddly ok with this).

Power-Up-#6-1Frankly, the biggest compliment I can give the issue is to say if you enjoyed the previous five, you will enjoy this one.  Matt Cummings art continues to be charmingly effective with simple geometric characters, exaggerated facial expressions, and bright colors. The fight scenes are easy to follow, and more importantly always feel like part of the story instead of a detour from it.  While it may not be spectacular, Cumming's art compliments Leth's writing by never lingering too long over a given dramatic point, opting instead to always keep propelling the story forward. The result is a book that never wears out its comedic elements.

If there's one weakness to the series' ending, it would be the previously mentioned lesson in teamwork. This lesson comes in a form that is very familiar (more or less the ending from last year's Guardians of the Galaxy film), but feels unearned and a little phony. The characters never seemed to struggle with teamwork before, and trying to add a clear moral to the story feels out of place in such a simple character-driven piece. This however a minor quibble in what is otherwise a wonderful final issue.

The books final pages contain an epilogue of sorts that pleasantly wrap up each characters status quo in a neat, if occasionally unexpected bow. Thankfully Leth and Cummings seemingly leave the door open for more stories set in the world of Power Up. Here's hoping we do in fact get a chance to hang out with Amie, Kevin, Sandy and Silas because frankly, there are far too few laser-powered goldfish in my life at the moment.

Score:  4/5

Power Up #6 Writer: Kate Leth Artist: Matt Cummings Publisher: Boom Box! Price: $3.99 Release Date: 12/16/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital

Review: Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #2

I really had no doubt that this second issue of Wrath of the Eternal Warrior would be good. Robert Venditti has proven to be a consistent writer so it’s always pretty safe to say that if you enjoyed the previous issue you’ll enjoy the next issue. What I didn’t expect was to be so emotionally moved by this issue. To give away my opinion of the issue right away, I think the second issue is actually better than the first. The story begins in the past. As we’ve learned with the first issue, when Gilad is dead he’s sent to what I can only describe as his heaven. All of his children over the years are there and his dead wife. With that comes a lot of backstory and with this issue we learn about his wife and his child with her. It is a touching scene as he sits with her in her final moments.

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #2Afterwards we go back to Gilad’s paradise and see him interact with his family some more. It’s again incredibly emotional and its made even more so by Gilad’s decision that he reveals in this issue.

This is a completely different beast to Venditti’s X-O Manowar. X-O is a political space opera ripe with social commentary, whereas Wrath is about a man that has lived thousands of years and the toll that takes on him. The line between duty and family and what it means to be the earth’s warrior. It has added so much depth to his character. After reading the first two issues it completely changes all of his interactions throughout the Valiant Universe which is an incredible feat. Seriously, go back and read the rest of Gilad’s appearances with this series in mind and you can understand why he gets so frustrated with Ninjak, Aric and Armstrong. He doesn’t change the character, he adds context that we were desperately missing and never even knew it.

With this story being so emotional the art needs to be every bit as emotional and it is. The art team on this issue start strong and end strong. There’s never a dip in the quality. There is a style maintained throughout the issue which suits the story. And the characters. Oh the characters. There is so much personality to them. Gilad has layers added to his personality from the artwork. The second half in particular is beautiful and flows nicely.

I really was surprised by just how much I enjoyed this issue. When I got to the end I was stunned to find it was over already. Just like the first issue it’s over just as you’re settling in for it to hit that next spectacle, but that will be what brings me back for the next issue. If you enjoyed the first issue, then know that Venditti and company stay the course and that course is really fucking good.

Score: 5/5

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #2 Writer: Robert Venditti Artists: Raúl Allén, Patricia Martin, David Astruga Publisher: Valiant Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 12/16/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital