Review: Casanova: Aceida #3

The problem with Matt Fraction having two comics released in the same week is that one must choose what comic is their favorite. Casanova: Aceida turns out the be the loser this time around, but even a losing Fraction title stands above the rest of them, especially thanks to wonderful art from brothers Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá. Things are finally coming to light to Casanova, but given the delay since last issue’s release I’m having a bit of trouble recollecting who all these people are. Beyond the problems caused by my crap memory, Casanova: Aceida continues to be a cool comic that’s toying with high concept Morrisionesque stuff while remembering to smile and swag at the same time. Casanova_3Starting out with a flashback, readers are privy to the destruction of a city at the hands of a few redirected bombs thanks to Akim, Casanova’s boss suffering from amnesia. Things return to the present as Casanvoa takes in a photo of the young Akim shortly after the attack along with Sabine, a librarian. Meanwhile, the people Casanova has hauled into his life are attacked mid meal by a large guy called Fabula who either has the ability to regenerate from sludge or has several clones. By issue’s end, someone dies and Casanova is on the verge of unwillingly switching alliances.

This latest installment of Cassanova excels at keeping things grounded even as events veer into the supernatural. Fraction has yet to provide much in the way of an explanation in the main story for just what is that’s going on, but it hardly gets in the way of enjoying the story, especially when the characters are as engaging as they are here. My favorite moments are often the way Moon expresses the character’s frustration and bemusement at the oddities occurring around them whether that’s Casanova’s surprise at a book spontaneously combusting or a group’s grossed out expression after an attackers is seemingly melted.

Perhaps the most frustrating issue with this comic is that I keep wondering how much my lack of knowledge of the wider Casanova narrative is impeding my understanding of the events here. Additionally, I’m only now getting a sense of how the backups relate to the main narrative. That frustration is on me more than the books though, and I intend to keep reading Casanova no matter how long he takes to figure out how much of a badass he is.

Score: 3/5

Casanova: Aceida #3 Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Fábio Moon Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 7/29/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital

The Team Behind The Unofficial Judge Dredd Fan Film Set Their Sights On Strontium Dog

The team behind the unofficial Judge Dredd based fan film, Judge Minty, have set their sights on bringing another of John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra’s creations to the screen, with a Strontium Dog fan film! They’re hoping to build on the success of Judge Minty, which was screened for free at numerous international festivals and conventions. Going on to receive over 450k views on youtube and receiving positive comments from critics, fans and 2000 AD creators alike.

Co Director, Steve Green commented “It was a chance meeting with John [Wagner] at a convention that got the ball rolling. After seeing Minty, John mentioned that we should do Strontium Dog next. It was only a passing comment, but we took it as a 'direct commandment' and began work the next day.”

Prop and Costume Creator, Daniel Carey-George added “We’ve been lucky enough to receive unofficial input from comic creators, including invaluable visual guidance from Carlos Ezquerra himself."

So far the team have released a few production stills and have also commissioned a private unofficial artwork from Carlos.

Steven Sterlacchini said “When the filming schedule hit the half way mark, we wanted something to give the cast, crew and supporters a bit of a boost, and the commission from Carlos certainly hits the spot!”

This project is a NOT FOR PROFIT fan film based on the 2000 AD story, Strontium Dog. The makers of this film have no association with Rebellion or 2000 AD. STRONTIUM DOG TM REBELLION A/S, ©REBELLION A/S, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Based on the work of Carlos Ezquerra, John Wagner and Alan Grant.

Review: Room For Love

There’s a familiar formula to Room For Love. It has plot elements of several independent films such as two characters thrown together after an encounter that have no reason to continue with each other after said encounter. They learn from each other because they’re from different worlds and other plot elements that you’ll swear you’ve seen or read elsewhere. That’s not to say that this story is just beating a well-worn path, because all stories are like that. Life is like that. That’s where Room For Love sets itself aside from other stories, it’s a very realistic look at life. Sex and sexuality are a core theme of the story. So much so that we meet one of our main characters giving a hand job to a driver why they race down a highway. Through their conversation and general unfamiliarity with each other, it’s clear that they’re not a couple. The driver is an older man and he offers to get them a room for the night. The younger man, let’s call him Cougar, is pretty indifferent with everything. He’s clearly just there for the ride. Eventually we learn that Cougar is a prostitute as well when the older man goes to touch him. It’s clear that the older man actually likes Cougar, but Cougar really doesn’t care.

We flip over to meet our second main character Pamela who is a romance novelist. She’s at a book reading and tells her audience that “Romance is dead.” Later she’s talking with her agent/best friend about her career and that her publisher might drop her if she doesn’t get another romance novel going. Pamela confesses that she’s run out of inspiration and considering she lives alone and hasn’t experienced romance in a long while, it’s hard for her to convincingly write about the subject.

Room For LoveThe story begins to bounce back and forth between Cougar and Pamela until their paths cross. Pamela is looking at a bridge and thinking of jumping when she sees Cougar climb over and under the bridge. Panicking she calls the police and they kick him out from living under the bridge. She feels bad so she invites the homeless man back to her place which is pretty bold. Cougar thinks there’s something up because in his experience there’s always a catch, but Pamela just wants to help. Eventually though, they do end up having sex and developing a kind of relationship with each other.

The thing that’s interesting is that they both push their world on to the other. With Cougar, he treats Pamela like every “John” he’s dealt with. She’s a customer and so at times Pamela is confronted with this life and lifestyle that she’s never dealt with before. Even more so when she finds out Cougar’s gay.

For Pamela, she attempts to clean him up and have him be a member of her life and lifestyle. She wants him to clean up and be a man when really he’s a rebellious teenager still. There generation gap makes their relationship different and a constant struggle to relate.

The ending is interesting. Both character’s grow, but there’s this mean streak to Cougar that we see come out and you have to wonder where it comes from. Creator Ilya does a wonderful job of crafting these two characters that really come from very different worlds and walks of life.

The linework is very clean and somewhat realistic. The character’s eyes are stylized and some features are left simple, but overall it’s a realistic looking art style that accompanies this very mature story. The coloring is kept simple which worked for the tone and mood of the story. There’s a soft amber color scheme used for Cougar’s story and then a lighter blue used for Pamela’s. What’s really sharp about the art is when the two stories overlap and the colors begin to mix. Even then there are still very distinct Pamela and Cougar moments in which their color stands alone.

The ending of the book was solid. It kind of ends the only way it can and really the journey of the characters is what really matters. There’s not going to be a huge pop of romance or the classic chase to the airport scene. Rather creator Ilya instead opts for an ending that’s grounded in reality which suits the story that’s also grounded in reality. If you’re looking for a mature story about relationships, then check out Room For Love.

Score: 4/5

Room For Love Creator: Ilya Publisher: Self Made Hero Price: $22.95 (Currently available for $5.99 on the Sequential App) Format: Trade Paperback; Print/Digital

Review: Maleficium

Maleficium is a story that takes a look at the idea that the lies/imagination of children may not always be wrong. That is to say that in the case of our main character a young boy named Huxley, when he says he didn’t eat cereal in the middle of the night and make a mess, that he actually didn’t, even if it looks like he did. Instead his house is being haunted by a shadow creature made up of hands. The creature continues to get Huxley in trouble until it makes its big move and captures Huxley’s younger sister. Huxley then has to suit up in full hero mode and save his sister and figure out how to rid the house of the shadow creature that his father can’t see or understand.

MaleficiumThe story is pretty straightforward. Of course Huxley has to take a share of the blame before he can prove it wasn’t him, but in the end he must overcome everything for family. The writing is pretty surface level. There’s no deeper meaning to all of this other than parents being quick to blame rather than listen.

The art has an unfinished look to it. You can see the lines used to shape the heads and find the correct spot for the eyes and it works. It reminded me of Hero Bear and the Kid in that regard, even if the actual art styles are completely different. The coloring is a nice mix of water coloring and ink work. It looks like a world that kids would like to read about and it’s keep pretty safe and inviting for them.

Overall the story isn’t deep, but it’s enjoyable. It’s definitely meant to be more geared for a younger audience, but if you’re a parent it would be a great read with your child. It would definitely spice up the bed time stories for sure.

Score: 3/5

Maleficium Creator: Edie Owczarek-Palfreyman Publisher: Avery Hill Publishing Price: $14.99 (Currently on sale for $3.99 on the Sequential App) Format: Trade Paperback; Print/Digital

USA Network Picks Up IDW Entertainment's Brooklyn Animal Control

USA Network announced a pilot pick-up for BROOKLYN ANIMAL CONTROL.  The project is written and executive produced by JT Petty (“Splinter Cell”).  David S. Goyer (“Batman v Superman”), Circle of Confusion’s Rick Jacobs (“Spare Parts”) and David Alpert (“Walking Dead”), and IDW Entertainment’s David Ozer and Ted Adams (“30 Days of Night”), will also executive produce.  BROOKLYN ANIMAL CONTROL is based on the IDW Publishing comic book created by Petty and is a co-production with Universal Cable Productions and IDW Entertainment. DIG003647_21“Fans of the comic book know that BROOKLYN ANIMAL CONTROL is a thriller anchored inside the world of New York organized crime families,” said Jackie de Crinis, Executive Vice President Original Programming, “At its core, it is a family drama, albeit an unconventional one.”

BROOKLYN ANIMAL CONTROL follows the inner workings of a secret subdivision of the NYPD that functions as social services for some of the city’s most unique citizens -- werewolves.  Delving into the lives of both the Case Officers, and the secretive, highly insular Kveld-Ulf, a community of werewolves living deep in the borough, BROOKLYN ANIMAL CONTROL will examine city politics, immigrant communities, and families divided by ambition, secrecy, and tradition.

In addition, USA Network recently announced a pilot pick-up for POOR RICHARD’S ALMANACK, a co-production between Legendary Television and Universal Cable Productions, the project is from executive producer Jim Danger Gray (“Orange is the New Black”) and consulting producer Miguel Sapochnik (“Game of Thrones”).  Previously announced pick-ups also include the Universal Cable Production dramas FALLING WATER from executive producers Gale Anne Hurd (“The Walking Dead”) of Valhalla Entertainment, Blake Masters (“2 Guns”) and the late Emmy Award-winner Henry Bromell (“Homeland”), and PARADISE PICTURES from executive producer Aaron Korsh (SUITS) and Rick Muirragui (SUITS).

Action-RPG Kyn Available Now!

Two-person independent developer Tangrin, along with indie publisher Versus Evil, today announced the release of Tangrin’s debut action role-playing game (RPG) KYN for PC. In this fast-paced tactical strategy game players control up to a six member party while they fight through a mythical Viking world. KYN is now available on Steam, and GreenMan Gaming  among others, for $19.99. KYN has been modelled on classic RPG foundations, where gameplay is more than a single character-defeat-all-with-mighty-weapons. With fast action combat that requires strategic thought, a detailed storyline and deep crafting systems, gamers can expect to be immersed in this Viking world and challenged to the fullest.

Kyn has been a long time coming. We thought we'd be able to complete it in a year - it has taken four and half!” quoted Victor Legerstee from Tangrin Entertainment. “It was a labor of love spent painstakingly crafting a grand tactical RPG. And it was well worth it. Kyn has turned into a rich RPG we are truly proud of and it will be a great escape for gamers who love to tinker with their heroes, fight tactical battles and solve the occasional brainteasing puzzles.”

"KYN brings a beautiful, mythical environment to life through its rich story and beautiful landscapes," said Versus Evil General Manager Steve Escalante. "The depth in this game is truly amazing, from the hundreds of items that can be crafted, to the highly customizable six-player party and the 20-plus hour story – all created by a two-man dev team. This title truly embodies the indie spirit of Versus Evil and we are happy to be able support Tangrin on their debut video game release.”

KYN is a fast-paced role-playing game set in a world where Viking mythology collides with magic. Inside the world of KYN players will utilize classic strategic RPG elements to devise traps and traverse through a unique realm with plenty of puzzles to solve and enemies to defeat. Players will control a party of up-to six different characters, all customizable with different skills and traits as they unravel the mysteries of KYN and perfect their own fast-paced fighting styles.

Velocibox Brings Lightning-Fast Arcade Action to PlayStation 4 & PlayStation Vita

Independent publisher LOOT Interactive has launched Velocibox for PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®Vita. This fiendishly formidable arcade action game is now available for PlayStation platforms and has been remastered at 1080p to run at 60 frames per second. The Velocibox bundle (PS4 and PS Vita Cross-buy and PS4 Dynamic theme) is $12.49 ($9.99 for PlayStation Plus members.) The dynamic theme is also sold separately for $2.99 ($2.39 for PlayStation Plus members).

Developed by Shawn Beck Games, this merciless endless runner game poses a seemingly simple challenge – guide a moving box through an obstacle course, using wide-angle field of view and fisheye camera angles to survey the action. The game even teaches players new skills and maneuvers along the way.

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However, in Velocibox, players will quickly learn that their task is anything but easy, since the obstacle courses gets increasingly tough over time, putting every learned skill, every last bit of muscle memory and every nanosecond of players’ reflexes to the test in more than 70 patterns, each more diabolical than the last. And for those who can’t get enough of a good thing, the game offers an even steeper challenge with Super Velocibox mode and a Ranked mode to compete with friends and other players

This special PlayStation edition of Velocibox features:


·        Cross-save and trophy unlocks for PS4 and Vita ·        Level selection screen with saved progress ·        Unique light bar functionality ·        Activity feed and PlayStation-specific leaderboards ·        Exclusive PlayStation controller audio effects

VIZ Media Announces BORUTO Anime Film Premiere In 80 U.S. Cities

VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), the largest publisher, distributor and licensor of manga and anime in North America, announces that it has partnered with Los Angeles-based film distribution company ELEVEN ARTS to present BORUTO: NARUTO THE MOVIE in a series of exclusive theatrical engagements around the United States starting on October 10th. Theatregoers will have a very special opportunity to catch the big-screen debut in over 80 cities, including New York, Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, and more! Featuring the son of the world’s most popular ninja, BORUTO: NARUTO THE MOVIE is executive produced by Masashi Kishimoto, the famed creator of the epic bestselling manga series (also published by VIZ Media) on which the film’s characters are based. BORUTO: NARUTO THE MOVIE also features screenplay and character design by Kishimoto, and was directed by Hiroyuki Yamashita, with screenplay cooperation by Ukyou Kodachi; Chief Character Designers and Chief Animation Directors are Tetsuya Nishio and Hirofumi Suzuki.

NarutoTheMovie-Boruto-MoviePoster-smBORUTO: NARUTO THE MOVIE will be presented with original Japanese dialogue with English subtitles. For additional information and to purchase advance tickets, please visit:

In BORUTO: NARUTO THE MOVIE, famed ninja, Naruto Uzumaki protects the Hidden Leaf Village as the Seventh Hokage, while Boruto, his troublesome son, resents his father's responsibilities that take his time away from him. Seeing this, Sasuke takes Boruto under his wing, while Sasuke's only daughter, Sarada, dreams of being Hokage one day.

With Naruto as the Seventh Hokage, the Hidden Leaf Village plans to host the Chunin Exams to train new shinobi from the village and from their allied villages. Among the entrants are Sasuke's daughter, Sarada, Mitsuki, an exceptionally talented yet mysterious shinobi… and Boruto, Naruto's talented but impetuous son. Meanwhile, Sasuke who’s been on a mission in another dimension appears before Naruto to warn of a strange impending danger. Shrouded with an evil aura, Momoshiki and Kinshiki appear and attempt to assassinate Naruto. Petrified, Boruto is shielded by Naruto, only to disappear in front of Boruto's own eyes!

To view a trailer for BORUTO: NARUTO THE MOVIE, please visit:

Cities confirmed to host BORUTO: NARUTO THE MOVIE screenings include:

State City Theater
AZ Tempe Harkins Theatres - Valley Art
CA Bakersfield Valley Plaza 16
CA Los Angeles Downtown Independent
CA Murrieta Cal Oaks17
CA Rohnert Park Rohnert Park 16
CA Sacramento Tower Theater
CA San Diego Camel Mountain 12
CA San Diego Gaslamp 15
CA San Francisco New People
CO Denver Sie FilmCenter
CO Littleton Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Littleton
DC Washington Angelika Pop-Up
DC Washington Mosaic Theater Company
HI Honolulu Ward Stadium 16
IA Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids Galaxy 16 Cine
IL Bloomington Bloomington Galaxy 14 Cinema
IL Chicago Music Box
IL O’Fallon O’Fallon 15 Cine
MI Bloomfield The Maple Theater
MI Kalamazoo Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Kalamazoo
MN Rochester Rochester Galaxy 14
MO Cape Girardeau Cape West 14 Cine
MO Chesterfield Chesterfield Galaxy 14 Cine
MO Kansas City Alamo Drafthouse Main Street
MO Springfield Campbell 16 Cine
MO St Peters Mid Rivers 14 Cine
MO St. Louis Ronnies 20 Cine
MO St. Charles St. Charles Stadium 18 Cine
NJ Manville Manville 12 Plex
NM Albuquerque The Guild Cinema
NY Douglaston Movie World Cinemas
NY New York Village East Cinema
NY Yonkers Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Yonkers
OH Cleveland Cleveland Cinemas – Cedar Lee
OH Columbus Gateway Film Center
OK Broken Arrow Warren Theatre
OR Portland Hollywood Theater
PA Pittsburgh Hollywood Theater
TN Memphis Malco Theaters
TX Austin Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Ritz
TX Dallas Angelika Film Center & Café - Dallas
TX Dallas Angelica Plano
TX Houston Alamo Drafthouse Mason Park
TX Katy Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Mason Park
TX Lubbock Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Lubbock
TX San Antonio Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Westlakes
UT Sandy Megaplex Theatres - Jordan Commons
VA Fairfax Angelika Film Center & Café - Mosaic
VA Ashburn Alamo Drafthouse Cinema One Loudoun
VA Winchester Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Winchester
WA Seattle Grand Illusion

For more information on NARUTO anime, manga and feature film titles, please visit:


ELEVEN ARTS is the Los Angeles based film distribution company that has brought many acclaimed Japanese films, live-action and animated features, to North American audiences. ELEVEN ARTS’s major live-action titles include Japan Academy Awards winner Memories of Tomorrow (starring Ken Watanabe) and Oscar nominated director (with The Twilight Samurai in 2004) Yoji Yamada’s samurai film Love and Honor. ELEVEN ARTS is also a respected distributor of popular animation titles such as the Evangelion franchise, Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos, K Missing Kings, and Short Peace. For additional information, go to

About VIZ Media, LLC

Headquartered in San Francisco, California, VIZ Media distributes, markets and licenses the best anime and manga titles direct from Japan.  Owned by three of Japan's largest manga and animation companies, Shueisha Inc., Shogakukan Inc., and Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions, Co., Ltd., VIZ Media has the most extensive library of anime and manga for English speaking audiences in North America, the United Kingdom, Ireland and South Africa. With its popular digital manga anthology WEEKLY SHONEN JUMP and blockbuster properties like NARUTO, BLEACH and ONE PIECE, VIZ Media offers cutting-edge action, romance and family friendly properties for anime, manga, science fiction and fantasy fans of all ages.  VIZ Media properties are available as graphic novels, DVDs, animated television series, feature films, downloadable and streaming video and a variety of consumer products.  Learn more about VIZ Media, anime and manga at

Review: Red Sonja #17

It has been a couple of months since our She Devil last graced the perfect pages of writer Gail Simone and artist Walter Geovani’s most magnificent run.  Hey, she needed a break after fighting Death and all and living to tell the tale.  During that absence, Miss Sonja has apparently engaged in all kinds of debauchery.  But once again, I think she deserved it as she wrapped up her big battle with Death and lived to tell the tale. But like all warrior hero types, fun and games can only last for so long before someone comes knocking needing a champion for their cause, muscle for their endeavor, or approval for their fight.  Red Sonja is no exception. And as Issue #17 begins, that is exactly where we find the She Devil.  She is laid out and reveling in the glories of her recent victory as a group of callers come for her right in the aftermath of a very wild evening.

But with these callers for a champion, Sonja is a little bit out of her realm of expertise. Who are her caller(s)?

I will tell you…


And what, pray tell are they asking Red Sonja to defend?

I will tell you…


Red Sonja #17Now for most people who would read this description, it would appear that this story arc following such a smack down slam bang previous arc might be a bit tame in comparison.  But to the expert and skillful hands of Simone and Geovani, a simple story of Red Sonja defending some nuns at a tower, protecting thousands upon thousands of books is nothing more than another opportunity to create something original and unique to a title that has been filled with original and unique stories. Nothing is lost with this new arc and the possibilities are limitless, again.

What makes the story unique, which concerns a certain evil empress by the name of Dowager who intends to “dumb down” society and especially the women it would seem, are in the workings of Red Sonja’s own emotions.  Needless to say, she is not too fond of nuns or especially books, as apparently reading and writing is one of those trade skills that the She Devil not only didn’t master.  She kind of stunk at it.

But even against her own differences however, Sonja does take up the cause of the nuns and their in Sonja’s own words, “moldy pages of memory”.   This whole issue is ripe with Sonja doubting herself and in her chastising herself in becoming “too soft” in taking up this cause.  All the while as she is decapitating and disemboweling soldiers working to burn down the library. It is a particularly nice writing touch that places the reader in a whole new area of story, especially after the intensity and amazing wrap from the previous arc.

Gail Simone has dealt up some personal cards with this new arc, addressing issues that are close to her heart and have been part of the drive that has made this entire series run excellent.  Sonja is helping people, even against her own dislikes.  She sees oppression and is taking it head on, without any concern of how it may play out.  And from the look at our evil empress, the potential to play out pretty badly is definitely there.  I can’t wait to see what bombs will be dropped as this story moves forward.

One of the spicy elements of all of the Red Sonja issues of this series has been Simone’s placement of those things that have a negative impact on the She Devil.  Whether it be disease, stink, losing empathy, or now, reading and writing.  Simone allows Sonja to engage, battle, and slowly work to overcome the obstacle placed before her.  The formula has been solid and continues to be.

And with Walter Geovani’s art??? I have been reading this series from its beginning.  I have read Red Sonja for as long as I can remember.  I have wolfed up story upon story upon story.  And I have seen a whole lot of artists tackle the She Devil.  After seeing and viewing all of this history, I truly believe that Walter Geovani’s Red Sonja is the Red Sonja that I now visualize when I think of the comic.  Geovani’s detail and facial emphasis conveys emotion previously unrecognized.  Case and point with this issue.  As Sonja is describing the three nuns who came to fetch her. Geovani draws these three ladies each with their own facial look that matches Simone’s words in describing them and their own personalities. It is an incredible touch.  But something that has been there since the very beginning.

The only difference that I can find in this issue, is that the coloring duties have been taken over by Vinicius Andrade.  This change does not hinder anything.  The color is as powerful and strong as it has been all the way back at Issue #1.

If you thought there was nowhere else to go after the last arc, forget it.  There are other places to go.  And those places have nuns and books, and evil empresses, and soldiers getting slaughtered.  Yes the She Devil answers the bell one more time and looks to entertain the reader once again.

Score: 4/5

Red Sonja #17 Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Walter Geovani Colorist: Vinicius Andrade Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 7/29/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital

Review: Hit: 1957 #4

Written by guest contributor Lance Lambert

I was deeply invested in Hit:1957 and it became one of my favorite picks. If I didn’t learn after watching Episode I that life is full of disappointments, I had to face it after reading Hit: 1957. This last issue of the series ended with a “well, that’s all folks” feel, leaving me asking the same, “That’s all?”

Slater is at the end of his road. Bonnie is capped in the head at the end of issue three, being the only part of the story that really went out with a bang. All he has left is finding Domino, the man responsible for these hardships. If you think he’s going to get what he deserves you’re mistaken. Slater ends up leaving without his revenge. The desire for retribution was not fulfilled unless some unnecessary back story was expected to suffice. I’m referring to the filler that follows the opening scene. It shows Slater’s constant struggle with his father and his fight to overcome his low self-esteem. It’s great to know background, and honestly I had no problem with it in the earlier issues. However, this is the finale, he’s given up and moved on, it’s an easy way to pull feeling when it could have been done through character development.

Before I move on, I must comment on the handling of Bonnie. It was a shocking twist and man did it have me waiting for this issue. Yet, even her death fell flat with no remorse from Slater or any concrete results. She was a solid character with most of the story being centered on her affairs. Although she was caught in a really tight spot, her character spit on the role of “damsel in distress”. She was in some serious shit, but she could hold her own, plotting to escape without Slater’s help. But after issue #3, it was as if she was never important.

Hit-1957-#4Let’s get to Sticky, Sticky is waiting outside of a trailer he expects to find the serial corpse fuckers. I thought this sub plot was interesting, its brutal and keeps the dark noir feel alive. Like the other characters I was invested in Sticky’s conflict. And like Slater and Bonnie, I was disappointed with the outcome. He ends up taking both of the psycho’s out. Sadly, he couldn’t reach them before they were had their way with Leroy, the respected bartender. It’s a very heavy scene, where Sticky is encountered with another choice of whether to shoot or to not shoot. If you remember he made the wrong choice in the beginning, killing an innocent man. This was a big moment for Slater and he found that he sometimes needed to make the tough choices. In that moment there was some closure to find he became self aware. However, afterwards we see no more dialogue involving his moment.

For the art, there’s not much too say. The art inside is mediocre. It does a fantastic job emulating the dark and gritty nature of noir, but doesn’t have much else going for it. In the previous issues the writing was strong so the art did not have to do much work moving the scene.  The quality of writing in this issue was pretty damn sad and the art isn’t at the level to save it. There was something that was consistent and managed to wow me every time, it was even the reason I first picked up the book. That being the covers.

When it all comes to an end, Hit: 1957 couldn’t produce. It is sad for me to say because I was really impressed with this series at the beginning. It started with intricate characters and a hard hitting story, it ended with a lame attempt to tie loose ends. It must kept in mind that this series was very short, being only four issues, but that is no excuse for a story that had so much potential. I’ve seen many limited series do the exact same thing, and it’s a huge disappointment. If you enjoyed the first three issues like I did, I still wouldn’t justify picking this up.

Score: 2/5

Hit: 1957 #4 Writer: Bryce Carlson Artist: Vanesa R. Del Rey Publisher: BOOM! Studios Price: $3.99 Release Date: 7/29/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital

Review: Copperhead #9

Written by guest contributor Lance Lambert

This month seemed extra-long and boring, even with some vacation time I wasn’t fulfilled. I realized it must be the long wait for Copperhead #9. Really, it’s been no longer than normal but I just couldn’t wait to read it. I have loved this book from the beginning and as much as I try to not lead this review with praise, I just had to. It’s a wonderful book and this week keeps the story moving with force.

Clay escaped at the end of issue #8 and even though Clara has no clue, there’s others on his tracks. Lieutenant Ford decides he needs to reach Clay’s destination before he does and that just happens to be Jasper, the planet where Clara resides. There’s so much more to come with this part of the story. I found myself having no clue that so much was going on. I mean that in the most positive way. Faerber has developed many conflicts and is able to put some aside while still managing to progress each plot line.

Copperhead-#9Boo is still captive and Clara has to make some moves to get her deputy back. Of course, you all know what that means, she has to assemble a posse. If you’re anything like me any time there’s a round-up and a search for some outlaws, I’m stoked. I mean this book is action packed and if you like westerns there’s nothing better. It’s a shout out to the greats like Magnificent Seven. To add to the beauty we start to see some characters develop. Clara has gotten a group consisting of Ishmael, two other androids, and Cletus. Up to this point Clara has had a difficult time dealing with the new position. She’s managed to handle it well, yet she still is an outsider trying to maintain some authority. In this issue her ability to lead is once again put to the test. She finds that maybe Cletus following along is more of problem. However, Cletus is willing to prove himself. Through Godlewski’s art throughout the scene, one can see her emotions to his response without leaning too much on dialogue. Further on, Clara has to deal with the hired androids who have their own way of doing things. Once again, we see Clara make a decision. Honest characters are good characters. That’s exactly what I see in these scenes with Clara. She is not outside of time, as a leader she makes her best reasoned decision in the moment. There’s more to showing how she handles them and their consequences.

In the middle of all of this, there’s a moral question on the more science fiction front, it is with the androids and Ishmael (also an android and also a bad ass). They confront Ishmael, questioning his motives for helping the sheriff without pay. The conversation of empathy in regards to inorganic life has not revealed itself. So yeah it’s been done before, but Faeber confronts it with integrity. Ishmael seems to hide his true thoughts on the question by answering it in ways the android would normally respond. The androids counter with the thoughts that they are all made the same with the same background “not like the humans”. Until Ishmael shows some resistance saying “Guess I lost a lot in the war…Maybe even my basic nature”. These are huge questions. Are we much different from the androids? They seem to not think so. The question of basic nature is a very common human discussion as well as in Ishmael’s thought process. I won’t take this much further and leave it you to read the issue and see where the questions go. I know that I am anticipating Faerber's attempt to answer.

The Copperhead team continues to create a story that after the smoke clears and the tumble weeds roll, stands unharmed with a glance to readers that has Clint Eastwood shaking in his boots. There are tough questions, difficult decisions and lots of gunfire. Clara is an exceptional protagonist, but there other characters equally as interesting. Copperhead #9 is a must buy and if you haven’t picked up the first 8 you might as well save yourself the extra trip. Next month Copperhead #10 seals the end of another arc and I can’t wait.

Score: 4/5

Copperheard #9 Writer: Jay Faerber Artist: Scott Godlewski Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 7/29/2015 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital

Review: Help Us! Great Warrior #6

Drama tends to get more interesting when the heroes get what they want at the end of the story, but not in a way they expected. If every romantic comedy started with a man chasing after a woman, and through a series of very small hurdles, he wins her affection: that’s boring (notwithstanding that now the original formula has become so apparent that romcoms have to be upended to be interesting). Help Us! Great Warrior was always a book about simple needs and dire obstacles, and is truly a story of Great Warrior getting the thing she wants in a way she never expected. I won’t recap the plot here because, for a limited series, revealing the plot of the final issue seems to do it a disservice. Rather, let’s talk about thematic unity, especially in a series that’s nominally all-ages. People tend to associate simplicity of story with all-ages books, and look down on these kinds of stories as a result. This is a mistake. Many much more “complex” stories are complex because they lose their message in the middle and go wildly off the rails. In six issues, Help Us! Great Warrior hasn’t had the opportunity to go off the rails, and it kept the jokes coming while breaking our hearts, little by little.

Help-Us-Great-Warrior-#6The book starts out as a book about a Great Warrior who just wants to take a nap and not have to protect the world from demons, and it ends the same way; along the way, incredibly high stakes play out against our hero. She finds herself adrift, trying to fight alone, keeping her charges out of harm’s way. She finds victory by letting them believe in her and letting them help her; she finds herself and her true destiny not by solo action, but by becoming a member of a community. When she learns to let people help her, instead of forcing Leo and Hadiyah to sit out while she fights alone, she finds her victory. All she wanted was to take a nap and keep her villagers safe; in the end, she finds a way to do both, in a way she had not expected.

Help Us! Great Warrior is especially impressive in terms of gender representation: it’s full of badasses and never feels the need to be apologetic about having no male characters. As far as I can tell, I don’t mean no named male characters--I mean nothing male about it. This is about the foibles and victories of women, and what they can accomplish when they work together. It’s a strong statement about strong women, and it does it without falling into tropes like the Perfect Female Hero (Great Warrior’s entire first issue is about her resistance to fighting until her cake is threatened). This is a book that celebrates imperfections as a natural part of existence; Great Warrior can’t escape the evil influence of her mother, she has to embrace those imperfections in order to become better than her mother ever was.

I could go on at length about Help Us! Great Warrior and what a breath of fresh air it’s been, but instead, like a teenager handing out his first mixtape, I will tell you this: Read this book. It’ll change your life.

Score: 5/5

Help Us! Great Warrior #6 Written and illustrated by: Madeleine Flores Colors: Trillian Gunn Publisher: BOOM!/Boom Box Price: $3.99 Release Date: 7/29/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital

Review: Gregory Suicide

If you listened to this last week’s CBMFP then you’ve already heard me talk about Gregory Suicide, if listening is more of your thing then I would recommend checking that out either before or after this review. Gregory Suicide is a one-shot from creator Eric Grissom, who’s other series Deadhorse is one of my favorite indie gems. Grissom continues to impress me as a writer because each new story manages to be very different from the rest of his work, but still maintain a high quality of writing.

This issue is pretty easy to sum up, but hopefully I’ll capture the charm of the book. Gregory is basically an AI program that’s been given a flesh body. He’s used for espionage and that’s where we find him, on a mission. He breaks into a house, but a new security protocol messes up the plan and he’s unable to get all the information he needed. To escape… he kills himself.

He wakes up in a new body, identical to his old one, with the only difference being that he’s in a tank of water and other crap keeping the body alive. We see scientist around him, one is pissed because the mission wasn’t successful and Gregory’s bodies are very expensive. Gregory then walks us through how many times he’s died and the fact that he’s being replaced by a newer AI.

Gregory Suicide 1Grissom is clearly using this one-shot to set up a larger story. In a way this gets all the world building details out of the way and yet manages to keep the story very interesting. After Gregory kills himself the first time you get the idea of the general story, but Grissom manages to keep the reader interested all the way to the end and then hook you once more at the end.

He also manages to keep a strong narration the entire way through. Gregory narrates to us, but his narration is interesting since he knows what he is and what’s happening to him. It makes for an interesting balance with Will Perkins illustrations.

Perkins uses all black and white with grey scale (which is more blue than grey) for his illustrations. The only color used is pink and it really pops off the page. All of Gregory’s captions are pink and few other select choices are pink as well. Perkins linework is very clean and he manages to create a world that feels like the future, but not so distant that it doesn’t resemble our own. I especially enjoyed the montage of scenes showing Gregory’s previous deaths.

I really enjoyed this one-shot. Sure it’s leading into a bigger story, but I’m really curious about that bigger story. Hopefully there’s enough interest for the creative team to continue Gregory’s story because this concept is worth exploring more. Look for it next week on Comixology’s Submit platform.

Score: 4/5

Gregory Suicide Writer: Eric Grissom Artist: Will Perkins Publisher: Frankenstein’s Daughter Price: $0.99 Release Date: 8/5/15 Format: One-Shot; Digital

Gregory Suicide Promo

Review: Weekly Shonen Jump #35

One Piece was off in this week's Weekly Shonen Jump but Black CloverAcademia, and even Bleach were all excellent. After drooling over the first few chapters of Black Clover, I got pretty quiet about the series for the duration of its first couple of arcs.  It's pretty easy to go from enthralled with a series to lukewarm; just look at School Judgment, which is no longer serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump since it got booted over to Shonen Jump +, where it had its final chapter.  I was crazy about that series when it started (mostly because the other Jump Starts were not viable at all), and continued to be a fan right up until the last little story where it started to get a little repetitive.  Similar to Black CloverSchool Judgment had incredible visuals (some of the most ambitious layouts I've ever seen in a manga), but ultimately fell flat.

Black Clover is doing much better, despite a much more familiar premise.  One of the reasons for its success is no doubt the theme of class division that was at the forefront of this chapter.  Asta is a typical shonen hero who is completely clueless and stubborn regarding the norms of his society.  Seeing him butt heads with what is essentially a caste system has been uniquely entertaining.  I will admit, though, that I flip-flop often on how entertaining I find his less political hijinx.  The starry-eyed gag that gets pulled in every other page where he's not fighting only lands with me some of the time.

WSJ 35Meanwhile, Horikoshi continues to step up his game on Academia, and just in time for the first volume's English-language release next week.  I continue to be very impressed with all of the heart that goes into this series.  What particularly grabs me are the fight scenes.  If I'm going to be a heathen for a second, I think that one of Kishimoto's weak points was choreographing a fight scene for a page of manga.  It seems as if Horikoshi has taken some cues from some of the better sequential artists in the western world, because he often takes his time to make big moments of a fight not just big, but clear.

The tenth story page of this week's Academia is not only clear but visceral.  I can feel Midoriya winding up to deliver a blow.  By providing a clear, visceral page for this moment of the fight to take place, Horikoshi is further accentuating the prototypical-manga-style jagged vertical close-ups of the characters in the fight that follow on the next page.  It's not just a bunch of visual posturing: it adds to my experience of the fight as a reader.

And then, there's Bleach.  Oh, boy.  I haven't slogged through all of this series quite yet, but in the parts I have experienced, Kenpachi is by far my favorite character.  Watching last chapter as he inexplicably lost his arm was painful, and this chapter was even more painful.  To be fair, the series is still ridiculous, but getting to experience Kenpachi's awesomeness and Kurotsuchi's ridiculous, care-free, mad-scientist attitude is a good taste of how Kubo can make this series work, sometimes.  Beating the Quincies is going to mean we get to see all of the characters we love (or at least, used to love) in this series at their best.  Every time I think I'm done with this series, Kubo makes me excited for what will happen next week.  Sigh.

Score: 4/5

Weekly Shonen Jump #35 Writer: Various Artist: Various Publisher: Viz Media Release Date: 7/27/15 Format: Weekly; Digital

Review: Hellboy in Hell #7

I know people are going to complain about the delay on this series, but you know what? They shouldn’t. Mike Mignola has been doing Hellboy for 20 years… find me another creator that’s as iconic and still working on their series other than Erik Larsen (and then compare the art)? Frankly I’ll wait for this series for as long as it takes just to see Mignola’s artwork and follow his story beats. In case you’ve forgotten, Hellboy is dead… and he’s in hell. Last time we saw him he was dropped off in a town of sorts and now we find him weak and grey looking. He arises to find two doctors looking over him, but they admit that they can’t help him. He asks what’s wrong and they inform him that there’s an affliction affecting his soul, but they have a colleague that can help. That is after Mignola explains what’s going on with the Mignoalverse which was fucking amazing. I won’t spoil it, but my goodness is it going to make things interesting when he decides to pull the trigger.

Hellboy-in-Hell-#7That’s all you get of the story. Mignola continues to be very impressive with his storytelling and he keeps it creepy and strange. It’s very Shakespearean at times which I absolutely love. There are figures that appear to be holding up walls that will just randomly say “Hellboy”, but no one acknowledges it. It’s so creepy, but oh does it add to the atmosphere. Mignola also manages to add a bit of humor to the story which I thought was a nice touch. It came across as dark humor which kept it in line with the story so don’t worry there.

The art of course is brilliant. It’s Mike Mignola, how could it not be. In particular I love how he illustrates the people in this area of hell. At first Hellboy sees the doctor’s as just men, but then the next time he sees them as skeletons. It’s simple and yet visually amazing for the story. It’s like this soft reminder of what is and what was. I could really go on and on about the visuals, the way Mignola chooses not to have any details on a character’s face for one panel and then the perfect amount on the face a page or two later. His balance is masterful. Soak up every panel and every page because you’re witnessing a modern masterpiece.

I wish I had more to say about this issue, but it’s pretty straight forward like the entire series has managed to be. So much of what makes this story wonderful is the experience of reading it. There’s only so much a review can capture without kind of losing the magic in the process. Basically this is a series worth waiting for. If you’ve started the journey then continue it and if you haven’t, then this is as good of a place as any join in.

Score: 5/5

Hellboy in Hell #7 Writer/Artist/Creator: Mike Mignola Colorist: Dave Stewart Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 8/26/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital

Review: Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #3

Seeing some of the newest in New Who lore folded in with Nine was a lot of fun.  Paired with great art, this was the best issue of this series yet. My last review of this series spiraled into a rant about character identity across mediums.  Ironically, Nine was far more toned down in this issue.  He has an exchange with an Unon that is quintessential Nine without pouring it on too thick.  That's a big deal.  I really truly believe that Nine was a subtle character--in some ways, even more interesting than Ten--and that means he really benefits, especially on the page, from more nuanced exchanges.

Doctor-Who---The-Ninth-Doctor-#3The other problem with this series was the artwork, which improved a lot from issue one to issue two. That improvement continued into issue three.  The sequential art really benefited from one particular time travel moment.  Overall, the stripped-down realistic style in which the book is drawn will never be my cup of tea; however, it really seems as if Shedd and the entire artistic team (Rachael Stott put in some work on this issue as well) have hit their stride with the type of story they want to tell.

The page layouts worked, the colors were great, and there were no signs of the stylistic identity crises that made the first issue so visually hectic.  The third issue of this series has captured the cinematic appeal of the show while still working on the printed page.  Despite my problems with the first two issues, there's now a decent chance that I'll be able to recommend this series, when all is said and done.

Score: 4/5

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #3 Writer: Cavan Scott Artist: Blair Shedd Publisher: Titan Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 7/29/15 Format:  Mini-Series, Print/Digital

Review: Resident Alien: The Sam Hain Mystery #3

If there’s one series from Dark Horse that I’ve really continued to enjoy its Resident Alien. The newest story, The Sam Hain Mystery, has been one of the simpler tales told, but it’s also been one of the most rewarding as well. I also get the feeling that it’s the calm before the storm which only makes sense if you’re keeping up with the series as a whole. This issue wraps up the murder mystery that has been introduced to the reader through a series of coincidences. It’s led our lead character Harry to the house of one of his favorite novelists and a possible murderer. It’s a great reveal and it really has Harry thinking about what he should do with the knowledge of this murder, but I won’t spoil the outcome. The issue ends with a great set up for the next volume and man oh man… I can’t wait for it to arrive.

Resident-Alien---The-Sam-Hain-Mystery-#3I don’t have much left to say about this volume. Peter Hogan has delivered an engaging story that grabs ahold of the reader until the very end and just when you think it’s going to let up… it grabs you again. What he really excels at with this series is never letting you forget Harry’s origin. It’s easy to do so since no one acknowledges how he looks.

Steve Parkhouse has become one of my favorite illustrators because of this series. He’s a fantastic visual storyteller and the way he crafts a page is dynamic. He knows when to pack a panel full of detail and when to reign it back so that the character’s expressions can do all the work. Frankly I’m running out of wonderful things to say about Parkhouse’s work, but I’ll continue to praise his high level of artwork.

This review ended up being short and sweet because what’s left to say about this mini-series? It’s been a fantastic read and I really enjoyed how the creative team switched up their usual murder mystery and really just how different each mystery is. What’s very impressive is how human all of these stories are and when you consider the lead is an alien, well it’s even more impressive that they manage to keep that feel why still making him a stranger in a strange land. Yet another impressive story from the creative team.

Score: 5/5

Resident Alien: The Sam Hain Mystery #3 Writer: Peter Hogan Artist: Steve Parkhouse Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: 3.99 Release Date: 7/29/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital

Review: Rasputin #7

After being genuinely impressed by the previous installment of Rasputin, I approached this issue with a certain level of optimism. After reading this issue, I walked away with said optimism damaged significantly as this is yet another issue of Rasputin which simply isn’t as engaging as it should be. While the novelty of seeing Rasputin in the present day made the last issue feel fresh and exciting, here the plodding pace of this series returns to the forefront. We are seven issues into Rasputin now, and yet I can’t help but feel like the story has barely moved on from where it began in issue one. The supporting cast of characters are still severely underdeveloped, to the point where after reading about them for nearly a year I still have no idea who they are. It could be argued that this has been done to shroud the characters in mystery, but it is my belief that this lack of development is due solely to lazy story-telling. I still feel that the story being told in this book has no real direction or forward momentum; instead with each issue we get shown a few scenes that all feel disconnected from one another before an abrupt (and often confusing) ending.

Rasputin-#7Indeed, a feeling of confusion hangs over this book like a dark cloud particularly in the flashback scenes where I now have no idea as to what is going on. In this issue, Rasputin is invited to dinner by some guy – I have no clue who he is in relation to Rasputin because remember, this book doesn’t do character development – and he knows he’s probably going to be poisoned. This perilous scenario however, simply has no impact as we have no connection to Rasputin as the character continues to be bland beyond belief, while as I’ve already mentioned there’s no reason to feel for the supporting cast as they haven’t had a shred of development since this book began. Additionally, there’s no indication as to why these people want to kill Rasputin; presumably it’s because they don’t like the fact that he has healing powers but the book doesn’t explain why. This general lack of thought robs this series of any interesting antagonists.

The artwork continues to be outstanding, but frankly it’s not enough to elevate this series to ‘worth reading’ status. Instead, the beauty of each issue is just another reminder that this art team would be put to far better use on a book that’s actually entertaining.

The more I think about this series, the more frustrated I get by just how lazy it is. There’s real potential here for a good story, but unfortunately issue after issue it is squandered. Despite the fact I’ve been reading this book for nearly a year now, each instalment can be boiled down to: a bunch of characters we know nothing about take part in a sequence of disconnected scenes that make little to no sense. This is the most disappointing issue of Rasputin yet.

Score: 1/5

Rasputin #7 Writer: Alex Grecian Artist: Riley Rossmo Colorist: Ivan Plascencia Letterer: Thomas Mauer Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 7/29/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital

Review: Fallen: Self Made Man

Fallen: Self Made Man is quite possibly one of the best comics I’ve read all year and definitely one of the best superhero stories I’ve read in a long ass time. I’ve actually checked out some other indie superhero titles recently and even though I liked them and praised them, nothing compares to Fallen. This book is great from beginning to end. The story follows a man who we only know as Fallen. I’ll tell you right now that you’ll need to re-read his narration at the beginning to really understand what it means. After an introduction to Fallen we go to his past and see him as a boy with his father. This event changes his life as he becomes an orphan after a man shoots his father without question. Now, you’re probably thinking that this is a Batman-esque story, but you’re wrong. Well maybe a little right, but trust me it goes much further than being homage to Batman.

Eventually we learn what Fallen’s abilities are. He’s a master of the “perfect art,” which is essentially a martial art that allows you to always win. There is a cost though, but if you do it right you’ll inflict more pain than you’ll receive. It’s this “perfect art” that really sets Fallen apart from other superhero stories. The narration reminds us of all of Fallen’s current afflictions as he throws his body into the fray.

Fallen-#1Creator/writer Ryan Garcia tells a complex and layered story. Again you really have to pay attention to the story because it’s not just about Fallen punching people and hurting himself in the process. There’s a very large question of whether he’s doing more good than bad and the answer may not be as black and white as you think or that the story would like you to think. Garcia’s narration is fantastic and he really doesn’t rely on dialogue to drive the story, but rather add to it when needed.

The pacing is also very tight. The way it wraps around on itself is actually pretty incredible. The overlapping elements of the plot would be annoying in any other story, but here it works incredibly well. I would love to tell you more about what makes it so good, but that would spoil the entire experience so please check it out for yourself.

A lot of the mood comes from Jose Holder’s artwork. His heavy inks and dark colors make this world dark and brooding. It really sets the series apart from other superhero titles. His pages are dynamic and he manages to pack a lot into each page, but in a good way. It helps keep the pace. Because there’s mostly narration, Holder crafts a lot of the visual narration on his own. The narration isn’t just a verbal walkthrough of what’s on the page which is what you want to see in comics. The story and art really vibe together and you can tell the creators were in sync during its creation.

I was really impressed with this comic. I instantly wanted to read it again and wanted more. I don’t know where they’ll go with the story, but I’ll be there to find out. If you’re a superhero comic reader then do yourself a favor and read Fallen: Self Made Man, because it shows what can be done with the genre when you’re actually allowed to rattle the status quo. And if you’re not into superhero titles, then I would consider this for your first.

Score: 5/5

Fallen: Self Made Man Writer: Ryan Garcia Artist: Jose Holder Publisher: Brisket Comics Price: $2.99 Format: Digital

Review: The Manhattan Projects - The Sun Beyond the Stars #2

When I began reading The Manhattan Projects: The Sun Beyond the Stars #2, I felt a similar pang of misgiving that I did with its first issue; that is, that this segue doesn’t feel emboldened with the same narrative chutzpah as did its progenitor series. But about halfway through, I had an epiphany, one that has actually helped me appreciate this admittedly delay-plagued, but generally entertaining build. If The Manhattan Projects is Hickman and Pitarra’s answer to the Nuclear Science Avengers, then the crew in TSBTS is most definitely their Guardians of the Galaxy. Think about it: there’s an anthropomorphic badass furry thing with anger issues, a semi-clueless star-crossed human adventurer (Czar Lord?), a weird-looking Pokemon creature that only says one thing (which somehow everyone understands) and a smattering of generally untrustworthy aliens. Huh, I guess that also sums up Star Wars. But you get my point. Of course, it doesn’t feel like a direct swipe, such that this sequel is completely devoid of originality, but it may make some readers feel a bit too comfortable with its setup.

Speaking of which, the ongoing plot of TSBTS this time evolves into a perilous, quasi-failed heist, with our regular crew agreeing to help a former slave get vengeance upon the race he once called masters; at least, that’s what he wants them to believe. Along the way, we get an audience with a seemingly nefarious alien overseer, a motley crew with all The Right Stuff as they plot and posture, a fun (and genre-standard) mid-corridor firefight, a full-sized human-dog muppet wielding a hammer and sickle to deadly ends, and of course, a blatant abuse of space justice.

And as a story... it’s fine. Not great, definitely not terrible. But fine. It’s still kind of sad to see The Manhattan Projects - one of my favorite launches in years, and still my go-to recommendation for new readers - spiraling into something of a nondescript space adventure comic (the like of which there are countless others these days), but for what it is, it’s a fun little ride. Still, this doesn’t feel like Hickman in the slightest; even “zany” Hickman. The writing is serviceable, but you definitely get the feeling that it remains an afterthought amidst the writer’s other ongoing ventures. The art, on the other hand, remains the series’ sole standout feature.

Manhattan-Projects---TSBTS-#2Nick Pitarra needs to be on more books, and I’m not entirely sure why he’s not. One look at his Twitter feed (which you should check out for many reasons), and you’ll see that his commission work and sketches prove the versatility within his style. Why he hasn’t been tapped to be on, like, a TMNT book or some or another madcap superhero romp at one of the Big Two (put him on a Bizarro book) is genuinely beyond me. Somebody please hire this guy for more work, and I mean for more than variant covers (which are always great, but still...).

His art, particularly in the absence of Hickman’s more imaginative masterstrokes, is the reason I’m staying aboard the Manhattan Projects ship. The immediately recognizable style employed in his character designs make them at once feel invitingly fresh, yet familiar; indeed, alien, but invitingly so. And I love both the detail and menace he is able to convey through what is, at least ostensibly, a “cartoony” style.

Adding to the presentation and eye-popping visual narrative this time are the ever-electric colors of the literally brilliant Michael Garland, whose work first captivated me personally during his run on Boom’s Deathmatch. In fact, with respect to the series’ regular colorist, it’s never looked better! So kudos to the entire visual creative team for maintaining, even in a relative dearth of storytelling, a strong illustrative presence.

I’d be remiss in not mentioning the elephant in the room when reviewing this book; that is, that the last issue of The Manhattan Projects: The Sun Beyond the Stars came out four months ago. I’m not sure who or what is to blame for that, whether it’s Hickman’s being so deeply entrenched with Secret Wars (the staggering delays on his other Image titles suggest this), Pitarra needing extra time to get back into the swing of things, or because Garland was a sudden or unexpected substitution.

Ours is but to wonder, unfortunately, but the delay isn’t doing this book any favors. And while it remains in its middle-of-the-road malaise as a total package, its art is simply too good, and too one-of-a-kind, for me to pass up. At least for now.

Score: 3/5

The Manhattan Projects - The Sun Beyond the Stars #2 Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Nick Pitarra Colors: Michael Garland Publisher: Image Comics Cover Price: $3.50 Release Date: 7/29/15 Format: Ongoing; Digital/Print