202 - Welcome, welcome! We're back with more first episodes. This episode we're a bit faster and we cover the following: "The 100 Girlfriends Who Reall, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You", "Butareba - The Story of a Man Turned into a Pig", "KamiErabi GOD.app", "MF Ghost", Migi & Dali", "My New Boss is Goofy", "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life", "Power of Hope - Precure Full Bloom", "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special", "Stardust Telepath", "Tearmoon Empire", "Undead Unluck", "The Vexations of a Shut-in Vampire Princess" and "The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons".
Read MoreLet's Anime 197 - Great Concerns About Snake City
197 - Youkoso, Youkoso!! Let's get to the anime! Today we're covering five shows currently airing during the summer season or cour for you Otaku nerds out there. Lindsay has a quick update on "Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon", "The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses", "The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again, Today", "Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence", "Jujutsu Kaisen" season 2 and the movie and lastly "Sugar Apple Fairy".
Read MoreLet's Movie 135 - The Portable Door
135 - Welcome back to Let's Movie. This week we've found a movie flying under the radar in the form of The Portable Door! A movie based on a book that was bought up by Sky and MGM+. One of us loved it, one of us, not so much! And don't forget to vote in the poll.
Read MoreReview: Kali
By Dustin Cabeal
“Kali” is a title I read and sat on for review because it left a bittersweet taste in my mouth. Revenge stories aren’t supposed to have a happy ending, which is true of “Kali’s” ending, but they typically have a main character that you care for. Kali the character is never likable. There’s no sympathy for her plight and frankly the story moves too fast for you to feel anything other than violence. While I liked the comic, I found myself drawn to the visuals more than I was the story.
The story beings with Kali on a chain gang, that is instantly cooler because of her. The rest of the soldiers looked worn out and shitty but not Kali. She has a fucking knife sticking out of her shoulder, black leather chaps on her tight ass jeans and a rib cage skeleton shirt. She’s cool as ice as none of the kids say. For some reason, these captured prisoners of war are being interviewed to join the army that captured them. This is where Kali becomes unlikable as she rattles off a slew of exposition that stops being relevant to the story. The second she sees her former gang members. The ones that betrayed and left her for dead. Cue the beautiful violence.
Read MoreLet's Movie 134 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
134 - Welcome, welcome! Join Dustin and Justin as they run through the new TMNT movie from Seth Rogan and Nickelodeon Films. You'll want to watch the film first or if you have zero interest in ever seeing it, we might just convince you to give it a shot because much like the other TMNT movies this one is all about family... no wait, ninjas... no, it's about living with a suffocating parent that's disconnected from reality. Just kidding, it's an hour and a half origin story for Splinter!
Read MoreLet's Anime 195 - Suzume
195 - Youkoso, Youkoso!! This week we're covering a movie and it's Suzume. It's about a chair and a cat... I think a girl is involved and doors. Doors to the heart, the head, the motherfucking afterlife, or some shit. Anyway, we've been jamming out episodes during the summer, but we'll be going back to our actual schedule of bi-weekly going forward. Anyway, hope you watched the movie because we're going to spoil the hell out of it.
Read MoreLet's Movie 133 - Bullet Train
133 - Welcome, welcome to the return of Let's Movie! Join hosts Justin and Dustin as they put too much "ustin" into the movie Bullet Train! Is it new? No, did you already watch it on your Red Eye flight? Probably. But did you read the 500-page book right before watching the movie like Justin did? I doubt it. Let's set off some fireworks and howl like a wolf for the newest episode of Let's Movie!
Read MoreLet's Anime 193 - I'm A Sprinter!
193 - Youkoso, Youkoso!! We have a jammed packed episode for you. We were so caught up we didn't know how much to cover and what to save. Lindsay has a great story about Anime in the wild, while Dustin bores you with some behind the scenes podcast talk. As for shows, we cover The Gene of AI, Sugar Apple Fairy, AYAKA and Masamune-kun's Revenge R.
Read MoreReview: Cyborg #1
By Dustin Cabeal
You might be wondering why I'm reviewing a three-month-old comic... maybe four months, I can never tell. Well, recently, Xbox gave away a subscription to the poorly named DC Infinite, and I decided to see what DC was up to. First and foremost, there is nothing "infinite" about the app. If you want to read new books, you'll need the Ultra upgrade, which allows you to read the digital version a month after its release. So, why am I reading the first issue of a comic that's likely already on its fourth issue? That's why, that's why.
Cyborg #1 follows a familiar formula for first-issue superhero comics starring long-established supporting characters now focused on as main characters. Don't get me wrong; I like Cyborg, and I understand that he's someone's favorite superhero, and that's great. Every character is someone's favorite, but not every character is meant to be a main character. It's something that's often forgotten in comics. Editors, I assume, or even corporate overlords, decide to highlight a character and try to "make them a star," I can imagine some suit saying. Will it work? I kind of doubt it with this iteration of Cyborg. He's a great supporting character, but when you move a supporting character to the main role, you open the question of "who supports the supporting character?"
Read MoreSummer First Episodes Part 2 - Did You Have Your Way With This Robot?
By Dustin Cabeal and Lindsay Mallard
192 - Youkoso, Youkoso!! Again, we recorded for five hours. Your guess is as good as mine on what ended up covered on this episode, but it was a lot of first episodes! What made your cut? What do you agree or disagree with us on this season? Did you watch the seven or so episodes we didn't watch? Also follow us on Threads because that's a thing no one can stop talking about.
Read MoreLet's Anime 191 - Summer First Episodes Part 1 - Sunshine in the Mirror
By Dustin Cabeal and Lindsay Mallard
191 - Youkoso, Youkoso!! Summer is here and it's hot as fuck! But that doesn't stop us from covering damn near every first episode that was released this season. I'm talking single digits, that's how many episodes we covered. We once again, split the episode in two so that you were have a tolerable listening experience, but in total we recorded for five hours so who knows what the hell we covered on this episode or the next. Listen and find out, and please for the love of anime tell us what you liked and didn't liked.
Read MoreLet's Anime 190 - Spring 2023 Wrap - Part 2 - Her Life Flashes Before His Eyes
Dustin Cabeal and Lindsay Mallard
Youkoso, Youkoso!! Here we go with part 2 of our Spring season wrap episode. I won't lie to you... we save our favorite shows for last and we spoil everything! Please, for the love of god, tell us what you watched, what you liked, what you didn't like and if you enjoy our terrible rating scale.
Covered on this half of the show: The Dangers in My Heart, Demon Slayer, Hell's Paradise, The Legendary Hero Is Dead, Mashle: Magic and Muscle (this might have been last episode), My Love Story With Yamada at Lvl: 999, Oshi no Ko and Tengoku Daimakyo aka Heavenly Delusion.
We'll see you with our summer first episodes and in ten more episodes Dustin and Lindsay switch responsibilities as we close in on our 200th episode.
Let's Anime 189 - Spring 2023 Wrap - Part 1 - Doubled Over On A Toilet
Dustin Cabeal and Lindsay Mallard
Youkoso, Youkoso!! We ended up ranting for almost five hours while wrapping up the shows we watched this spring that we thought it would be a little more bearable to listen to in to parts. We'll post the second part in a few days so that you have time to listen and not end up fast forwarding through everything.
This probably covered on this episode: The Café Terrace and It's Goddesses, I Got A Cheat Skill in Another World and Become Unrivaled in the Real World Too, My Home Hero, My One-Hit Kill Sister, Rokudo's Bad Girls, Summoned to Another World for a Second Time, Yuri Is My Job! KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World.
Let's Anime 188 - The Last Time We Cry... For Higurashi
Dustin Cabeal and Lindsay Mallard
Youkoso, Youkoso!! It's June. 1983. We're stuck on a loop watching Higurashi. That's right, as promised, even though no one asked for it we are talking about the second season of the original Higurashi. If you're tired of us talking about this show, then good news! We're never talking about it again. It's banned from the show from this point on. I know, we can all just escape the nightmare of this village and a young girl that has lived 1,000 lives... all of them terrible because she actually hates animals and was cruel to a dog once. Yeah, Rika is trash.
Oh and enjoy this cursed AI image that is supposed to show the cast of Higurashi Kai.
Read MoreLet's Anime 186 - Your Name. (The GD Movie)
By Dustin Cabeal and Lindsay Mallard
Youkoso, Youkoso!! This week, we're diving into the phenomenal world of "Your Name," the animated film that took the globe by storm. Prepare for a spoiler-filled discussion as we dissect the entire movie. But before we begin, a word of advice: if you haven't watched it yet, go do so now! Trust us, it's an experience you don't want to miss.
In "Your Name," we follow Mitsuha and Taki, two individuals leading separate lives. Through a cosmic event, they start swapping bodies, facing the challenges of living each other's lives while trying to uncover the truth behind their connection. This mind-bending tale of love, fate, and identity will leave you breathless.
So, get ready for a captivating journey as we explore the depths of "Your Name." Hit that play button and let's unravel the magic together!
Read MoreLet's Anime 185 - He's The Total Package →
By Dustin Cabeal and Lindsay Mallard
Youkoso, Youkoso!! Well we're late this month again, please bear with us. Lindsay has school and I have... nothing but support for her education. We'll keep pumping out episodes whenever possible! This time around we talk about My Love Story With Yamada-kun at Lv999, Demon Slayer, I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, Too and The Legendary Hero is Dead.
Read MoreLet's Anime 184 - Dong Burn On Her Face
By Dustin Cabeal and Lindsay Mallard
Youkoso, Youkoso!! Our apologies as we have a pretty lengthy discussion about Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 since we had both just come from the movies having watched the new flix. But we do talk about a lot of good anime including Hell's Paradise, The Dangers in My Heart, Oshi no Ko, Yuri is My Job and Tangoku Daimakyo aka Heavenly Delusion.
Read MoreLet's Anime 183 - Dr. Michael Jackson
By Dustin Cabeal and Lindsay Mallard
Youkoso, Youkoso!! We're covering a few more new shows from the spring cour, but it's nothing as crazy as our last episode. Spoilers ahead though for shows likes Demons Slayer, Dead Mount Death Play, The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses and Oshi no Ko!
Read MoreLet's Anime 182 - I'm Gonna Punch Magic In The Face - Spring Anime 2023 Preview
Dustin Cabeal and Lindsay Mallard
Youkoso, Youkoso!! It's one of those episodes where there are too many shows to list, but we have a very diverse preview episode for you! In fact Lindsay and Dustin only overlap two times! Let us know what first episodes you enjoyed and if there's any we missed that were worth checking out! Thanks for listening!
Read MoreLet's Anime 181 - Burn Her Hands - Winter Anime 2023 Wrap
Dustin Cabeal & Lindsay Mallard
Youkoso, Youkoso!! After a busy March we're finally here with our first episode of April! Since we're a week late, we'll have another episode for you tomorrow. In the meantime this is our Winter 2023 wrap episode. Frankly, I think we're glad to be through it and on to new anime. Let us know what you agree and disagree with!
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