Tainted and Survival Geeks are the stars of the newest set of stories so far.

Survival Geeks is still a hoot, and not even overwhelmingly so despite the fact that the band of misfits has doubled in size now that they're in the dimension-hopping home of their gender-swapped alternate universe counterparts. The Firefly reference is a happy reminder that the geekyness is not limited to the characters themsevles but is also a nod to the demographic who are likely to enjoy the comic. I'm also a big fan of the gender-swapped movie posters. Another great feature of the gender-swap gag so far is that the women are essentially better at everything, from inventions to their pets, which is an unexpected underscore to how much of a group of fuck-ups we're dealing with in these main characters. On top of all of this cleverness is a comic that really stands out with its own visual style and fun, colorful pages.
It usually takes me a few chapters to get into Carrol and MacNeil on Dredd, so I will likely have more to say about that soon. O'Grady is excellent as always on colors.
[button btn_url="" btn_color="pink" btn_size="large" btn_style="default" btn_outlined="no" link_target="blank" link_rel="" icon_left="" icon_right=""]Score: 3/5[/button]
2000 AD - Prog 1974 Writers: Various Artists: Various Publisher: Rebellion Price: £2.55 Print / £1.99 Digital Format: Print/Digital Website