This is it! The big finale to Dark Horse Comics’ House of Penance. The series concludes with issue six and I’ve been lucky enough to get my hands on a copy for review. Here we go…
When we last left these characters, the world around them was about to go to shit, so naturally that’s where we pick up from. Everything is crumbling around them, the cause being something that’s completely natural and not so much supernatural (or was it…?) When the story reaches its conclusion, we’re given scenes of Sarah Winchester’s death (not really a spoiler, y’all know she dies if you’ve looked into the story) and that is pretty all there is to say about it. Although I have to say, I did have to google what the scenes at the end of the book were about, haha. I’m not that up on my American history, mainly because we don’t get taught it over here (England) in our schools… I learnt all my American history from Brian Wood’s Rebels. Anyway…
This is another great issue from this particular creative team. Tomasi’s gone a bit lighter with the dialogue in this issue. Instead, he lets Ian Bertram’s art do all the talking. There’s page after page of amazing visuals. There’s really no need for words there, the art walks you through it and it’s beautiful. I might have to hunt down all of Bertram’s work because this series has made me a big fan of his. Also, I think there might even be a six-page splash/gatefold in this book? I’m not entirely sure because I was reading a digital copy but if there is (it looks like it as far as I can see), it’s a fucking epic, sprawling scene worthy of tearing out and putting on your wall. It’s really something to see and I hope I’m right because I wanna see it all laid out as one huge piece. As for the coloring, Dave Stewart kills it again, lovely work from him. This book is super art heavy and I hope these guys do another book together in the near future, they’re a great combination.
All in all, I think this was my favourite issue of the series. The art really sells it for me. I think the whole series was done in the right amount of issues and I feel satisfied with the overall story. You should definitely check it out. When you’re in your local comic shop, have a flip through and look at the art in this book, even if you haven’t been reading it, then maybe consider getting the trade when it comes out. I can’t not give this one top marks, haha.
[su_box title="Score: 5/5" style="glass" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]
House of Penance #6 Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Ian Bertram Colorist: Dave Stewart Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.99 Format: Mini-series; Print/Digital