Review: Ringside #6

Danny Knossos the former wrestling legend is now Danny the drug lord’s muscle man. All to keep the man he loves safe. Ringside is back with a new arc and stories that once again won’t bode well for our characters. Danny uses his skills to the best of his abilities by beating the shit out of people who owe good ol’ Ed money. Issue #6 dives back into what has happened since issue #6 and the end of the last trade, also keeping in mind the time that has passed since the break this title has taken. The issue picks up some time after Danny and Ed made their arrangement and now are in full business together. This issue also shows some of the backstage politics that happen behind small promotions and even in Ringside #6the biggest company around (contractually not WWE), the interesting side of things is that issue #1 started with a jobber being cut from appearing on TV and this one has a wrestler with the potential of getting a big push. Keatinge has a true grip on his characters what their goal in this story is, to protect their beloved, stay relevant, become a main eventer or to stay alive. Everyone has defined what they want, and Joe Keatinge is having fun and showing the reader how they go about getting it or putting obstacles in their way.

Nick Barber says a lot with very little, his inking isn’t very detailed but his expressions are subtle and work very well. He does a fantastic job at showing Ed for the proficient sociopath he is, and fragile tenderness between Danny and Teddy, this is a comic gripped in reality with great passion for professional wrestling.

While talking to some friends after they had read volume one, they complained to me about the lack of actual wrestling in this title. Issue #6 makes something absolutely clear, Ringside is about wrestling in the way Moneyball was about baseball. Ringside is a wrestling comic that won’t apologize for the choices it makes, but doubles them down.

Keatinge has created an atmosphere; an atmosphere of a harsh reality for this comic, things may be starting to look up, but based on previous issues, that is not lasting for long.

[su_box title="Score: 5/5" style="glass" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

Ringside #6 Writer: Joe Keatinge Artist: Nick Barber Colorist: Simon Gough Letterer: Ariana Maher Publisher: Image Comics Price: And it's only $3.99 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital
