With the final chapter now in place, all the elements that pulled me into this book come together to close the chapter of Satan’s Hollow. Sandra, the protagonist, spends the book in a great little nightie. Demons fight for position as the moon ascends and the door readies to open. And all Hell is about to break loose…
For the past few issues, this book has been a hit. The last part of this series, for me, fails in the writing department. Joe Brusha leaves the conclusion out of Sandra’s hands. Yes, the character we followed for this story does not have any effect or impact on resolving the conclusion. Additionally, the resolution comes about with a whimper instead of the bang expected from the excellent build up over the previous issues. Worst of all, the epilogue comes with a very predictable delivery.
The art, on the other hand, succeeded.
Allan Otero delivers a great set of illustrations with panels that demonstrate a creative and twisted talent. For instance, one image comes from the many-toothed mouth of a serpentine demon. Also, the blood flows in splatters and covers areas off the panel. Accompanying Otero’s work is equally cool coloring by Fran Gamboa and J.C. Ruiz. The duo has been delivering great ranges of hues that alternate from shadowy blues to hellish reds. Such a balance of great art and atmospheric colors made this a great series.
As a whole, this series provided great entertainment and fun. As far as conclusions are concerned with horror offerings, pulling off a terrifying end isn’t easy. Just look at all the terrible endings Stephen King tacked on to brilliantly told stories. Satan’s Hollow succeeds on the whole way better than what this last part would suggest.
[su_box title="Score: 3/5" style="glass" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]
Satan’s Hollow #6 Writer: Joe Brusha Artist: Allan Otero Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Price: $3.99 Format: Mini-series; Print/Digital