By Jonathan Edwards
Last week, I took a more big picture and thematic look at these JLA one-shots with Justice League of America: The Ray Rebirth #1. I talked a lot about how the very design of each one seemed to reflect the respective character that they were reintroducing. And then, after all of that, this one had to go and be written differently. Damn it, Jody Houser and Steve Orlando. Joking aside, Justice League of America: Killer Frost Rebirth #1 really does change things up. The origin story we get for her is little more than the Cliff notes version, probably because this is the same version of the character that was introduced during the New 52 a couple years back. Additionally, I stated that the previous one-shots felt more like they were a part of a miniseries rather than multiple standalone titles. I feel similarly about this one, but I'd be inclined to think of it as part of Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad more than any other limited series.
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