Press Release
Valiant Entertainment is proud to announce that it has joined forces with Key Collector Comics – currently available for iOS and Android – for their first official publisher partnership! The free-to-download mobile app aims to make collecting the most seminal single issues from across the renowned publisher’s 25-year history easier than ever before with a complete list of Valiant's biggest and most sought-after milestones!
Using the dedicated first-of-its-kind “Valiant Keys” button on the homepage of the mobile app, fans and collectors can access an extensive database full of information and pricing data for more than 100+ significant comic book issues published by Valiant, including first appearances, origin stories, gold issues, iconic cover art, rare variants, and more:
- HARBINGER #0 (1992) Pink Variant – a highly sought-after mailaway issue revealing the origin of the Renegades!
- ETERNAL WARRIOR #4 (1994) – featuring the first cameo appearance by Bloodshot!
- QUANTUM AND WOODY #3 (1997) – featuring the first appearance of Vincent Van Goat (aka “The Goat”)!
- X-O MANOWAR #1 (2017) Brushed Metal Variant – Valiant’s first brushed metal variant cover printed via a special process on an actual brushed aluminum metal sheet!
- ETERNITY #1 (2017) Massafera Variant – a rare 1:40 wraparound variant cover introducing the complete cast of the visionary new series by Matt Kindt and Trevor Hairsine, featuring fully painted cover art by Felipe Massafera!
- Plus dozens more!
The Key Collector Comics app is a concise and comprehensive resource that isolates issues of significance from the clutter of uneventful comics. It features information regarding over 7,000 key issue comic books, as well as a simplified price guide, robust search filters, and a cataloguing system to determine the value of your own collection.
To download the app for free today, find Key Collector Comics on the iOS App Store or Google Play, or visit
For more information, visit Valiant on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and
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