Nothing like jumping right into life and death battles. Cyborg faces off against quite a formidable opponent with a mysterious plan. This is an “on the edge of your seat” kind of comic, literally something intriguing occurring on each page. The story takes hold of you right from the start and does not let go; it leaves you wanting way more than the creators give but what they give is perfect. No clue what the perfect distribution of background story to current story ratio is but if I had to set a standard, it would be based on this issue. Semper Jr. delivers a jaw-dropping first issue, with a good back story to the character along with internal struggles that the character is going to face in future issues. It is so hard not to be excited about the upcoming work Semper Jr. does with the Cyborg story.
Coming from a limited Cyborg history, this is such an exciting new adventure to embark on. Semper Jr. teamed up with Pelletier is going to give top titles a serious run for their money. The talent of Pelletier packing insane amounts of details into each and every panel gives this issue eye-popping visuals to go along with the excellent, fast paced writing style that Semper Jr. delivers. It seems that in future issues not only will Cyborg be battling villains, but also battling some inner demons inside himself. One intriguing aspect of the story that doesn’t spoil much of anything is this conscious awareness Victor’s father has towards him and whether saving his life with alien technology truly saved his son or created a whole other entity. Wouldn’t be surprising if Semper Jr. took this family conflict and turned it on its head to create an internally torn Cyborg.
You would be doing yourself an injustice by not picking up this Rebirth issue of Cyborg. Hell, I had the free preview copy, and I still went out purchased this comic for my collection. Hopefully, this series does not lose traction as it progresses into future issues and future story arcs. With a top-tier creative team and an outstanding first story line, one can expect Cyborg to become even more popular even amongst those that aren’t familiar or previous fans of his pre-rebirth arcs. Do yourself a favor and check this issue out. Keep up the good work Semper Jr. and Pelletier.
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Cyborg: Rebirth #1 Writer: John Semper Jr. Artist: Paul Pelletier Publisher: DC Comics Price: $2.99 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital