I remember mentioning in past reviews how one of the things I’ve enjoyed most about Rebirth is how it’s allowed me to discover stories and characters that I had little familiarity with prior. Don’t misunderstand: I love Batman and Superman just as much as the next person, but there comes a time when you just have to expand on your superhero horizon a bit, know what I mean? So while I went about bettering my inner nerd a few months back, a surprising thing happened: I found a new favourite book and a new favourite superhero. Allow me to introduce Jessica Cruz: she’s the badass, agoraphobic, pretty-awkward, newly made Green Lantern of sector 2814. With her partner and fellow Lantern, Simon Baz, Jessica must figure out a way to stop Atrocitis, and his rage-infused band of Red Lanterns from planting the Rage Seed on Earth, thus fulfilling the prophecy of Red Dawn.
This was a fantastic arc and a brilliant issue; such a fun, exciting, charming and most importantly different approach to the entire concept of what it means to be a superhero. We’re so used to seeing heroes portrayed as perfect beings for all intent and purpose: completely in control of their powers, emotions and most importantly their mind. In Green Lanterns, however, the reader is treated to the inverse and as a result, we are able to progress and evolve not only with the story but the characters as well. It makes empathizing with Jessica all the easier; we see her ineptitudes and insecurities mirrored in ourselves. She wields the most powerful weapon known to man, yet she couldn’t be further from all-powerful (in truth, she can’t even make a construct). She is the perfect embodiment of “average” or “every day,” plagued by more demons coming from within than from without; just like the rest of us. It’s this distinctly human trait that makes her appeal skyrocket, leading me to believe that one day she will become the most powerful Green Lantern in the entire universe; more powerful even than Hal Jordan.
On the creative side of things, the artwork is absolutely insane. Throughout the first arc, a number of different artists have each had their respective turns, but my clear favourites have to be Will Conrad and Jack Herbert. Their lines are so descriptive, detailed, and above all else imaginative; their pages boast some of the most well-thought layouts that I have ever seen. If you want a good example of what I'm talking about, take a look at the spread on page six: the design of that flashback scene and the emotional energy and range they're able to purvey through only Jessica's eyes is beyond impressive; it's spectacular. I've said before that Green Lantern(s) is one of the most difficult and demanding comics to draw but Herbert and Conrad are true pros and make it look easy; they're flexing a huge creative muscle and it makes reading the story all the more compelling and eye-popping.
I'm so excited about the direction that Green Lanterns is taking; it's been a non-stop, fuel-injected wild ride thus far and it has no signs of slowing or gearing down. It's made me laugh, provided moments of genuine introspection and overall has consistently been a kick-ass, solid book since its inception. I couldn't find a stone to level at any aspect of Green Lanterns, even if I wanted to. So to Sam Humphries and the rest of the creative team, just keep doing what you're doing because right now – Green Lanterns is one seriously good book.
[su_box title="Score: 5/5" style="glass" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]
Writer: Sam Humphries Artists: Will Conrad & Jack Herbert Colours: Blond Publisher: DC Comics Price: $2.99 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital